예제 #1
def count_primes(x):
    count = 0
    for e in x:
        if len(factors(e)) == 2:
            count += 1
    return count
예제 #2
from ulam import ulam_spiral, factors
colors = ximport('colors')

# Create the Ulam spiral.
grid_size = 31
grid = ulam_spiral(grid_size)

# Fill the grid with the number of factors the integer in the (i,j) position has.
for i in range(grid_size):
    for j in range(grid_size):
        grid[i][j] = len(factors(grid[i][j]))

# Determine the maximum number of factors that one integer in the grid has.
max_d = max(map(max, grid))

# Set up the canvas size.
size(grid_size*max_d, grid_size*max_d)

# Draw a small grid coloring the location of prime numbers.
for i in range(grid_size):
    for j in range(grid_size):
        x = j*max_d
        y = i*max_d
        d = grid[i][j]
        oval(x+(max_d/2. - d/2.), y+(max_d/2. - d/2.), d, d, fill=color(0.0)) 
예제 #3
# Create the Ulam spiral.
grid_size = 7
grid = ulam_spiral(grid_size)

# Set up the canvas size.
square_size = 50
size(grid_size*square_size, grid_size*square_size)

# Black lines.

# Set the font properties.
font("Helvetica", 20)

# Draw a small grid coloring the location of prime numbers.
for i in range(grid_size):
    for j in range(grid_size):
        x = j*square_size
        y = i*square_size
        if len(factors(grid[i][j])) == 2:
            c = color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)
            c = color(1.0)

        rect(x, y, square_size, square_size, fill=c)
        text(str(grid[i][j]), x, y+square_size/2+8, width=square_size)
