예제 #1
파일: butno.py 프로젝트: cabalamat/butno
    def __call__(self, filename):
        #>>>>> find file
        pan = None # marker for file not found
        for d in self.dirs:
            pan = butil.join(d, filename)
            if butil.fileExists(pan): break
            pan = None
        if pan==None:
            msg = "File %s not found in any of %r" % (filename, self.dirs)
            raise IOError(msg)

        #>>>>> read file
        fh = open(pan, 'r')
        s = fh.read()

        #>>>>> need to convert to unicode?
        toUnicode = False
        for ch in s:
            if ord(ch)>127:
                #prvars("s ch")
                toUnicode = True
        if not toUnicode: return s

        return unicode(s, "utf_8")
예제 #2
def articleExists(d, an):
    @param d::str = a full path to a directory
    @param an::str = a filename within that directory, but without the 
        ".md" extension 
    @return::bool = whether the article (an) exists    
    pan = butil.join(d, an + ".md")
    return butil.fileExists(pan)
예제 #3
def siteInfo(siteName):
    """ Display information about a site.
    import wiki
    tem = jinjaEnv.get_template("generic_10_2.html")

    dirPan = wiki.getDirPan(siteName, "")
    realPan = os.path.realpath(dirPan)
    realPanInfo = ""
    if realPan != dirPan:
        realPanInfo = form(
            "<p>Canonical path is <code>{realPan}"
            "</code> .</p>\n",
    #prvars("dirPan realPan realPanInfo")
    fns, dirs = butil.getFilesDirs(dirPan)
    if butil.fileExists(butil.join(dirPan, "home.md")):
        homePageInfo = form(
            "View <a href='/{siteName}/w/home'>"
            "<i class='fa fa-home'></i> home page</a>.",
        homePageInfo = form("""There is no home page.
             <a href='/{siteName}/wikiedit/home'>
                <i class='fa fa-plus'></i>
                Create one</a>.""",

    contents = """\
<h1>Information about site <i class='fa fa-bank'></i> {siteName}</h1>

<p><b>{siteName}</b> is stored in directory <code>{siteRoot}</code> .</p>

<p>There are {numPages} pages in the root folder, and {numSubDirs} sub-folders.
<a href='/{siteName}/w/'><i class='fa fa-folder'></i>
View root folder</a>.

    h = tem.render(
        title="Information about " + siteName,
        nav2=wiki.locationSitePath(siteName, ""),
    return h
예제 #4
파일: wiki.py 프로젝트: cabalamat/catwiki
def getDirPan(siteName, pathName):
    """ return the pathname for a directory
    @param siteName::str = the site name
    @param pathName::str = the pathname within the site
    @return::str = the full pathname to the directory (which may or may
        not exist). If the site doesn't exist, returns "".
    if not siteName: return ""
    for stub in config.SITE_STUBS:
        _, dirs = butil.getFilesDirs(stub)
        if siteName in dirs:
            return butil.join(stub, siteName, pathName)
    return ""
예제 #5
def getDirPan(siteName, pathName):
    """ return the pathname for a directory
    @param siteName::str = the site name
    @param pathName::str = the pathname within the site
    @return::str = the full pathname to the directory (which may or may
        not exist). If the site doesn't exist, returns "".
    if not siteName: return ""
    for stub in config.SITE_STUBS:
        _, dirs = butil.getFilesDirs(stub)
        if siteName in dirs:
            return butil.join(stub, siteName, pathName)
    return ""
예제 #6
def getArticlePan2(stub, siteName, pathName):
    """ return the pathname for an article, given the stub of the directory
    hierarchy to get it from.
    @param stub::str = the leftmost part of the pathname, to just before
        the siteName, e.g.:
    @param siteName::str = the site name
    @param pathName::str = the pathname within the site
    @return::str = the full pathname to the article (which may or may
        not exist). If the site doesn't exist, returns "".
    pathNameParts = pathName.split("/")
    pnLastPart = pathNameParts[-1]
    normLP = normArticleName(pnLastPart)
    pathName2 = "/".join(pathNameParts[:-1] + [normLP])
    #prvars("normLP pathName2")

    useDir = butil.join(stub, siteName, "/".join(pathNameParts[:-1]))
    if articleExists(useDir, normLP):
        return butil.join(useDir, normLP + ".md")

    # article doesn't exist under the normalised name, look elsewhere:
    articleNames = getArticleFilesWithoutExt(useDir)
    for an in articleNames:
        nan = normArticleName(an)
        #prvars("an nan")
        if nan == normLP:
            return butil.join(useDir, an + ".md")

    # couldn't find it elsewhere, use the normalised name
    return butil.join(useDir, normLP + ".md")

    pn = butil.join(stub, siteName, pathName2 + ".md")
    return pn
예제 #7
파일: sites.py 프로젝트: cabalamat/catwiki
def siteInfo(siteName):
    """ Display information about a site.
    import wiki
    tem = jinjaEnv.get_template("generic_10_2.html")
    dirPan = wiki.getDirPan(siteName, "")
    fns, dirs = butil.getFilesDirs(dirPan)
    if butil.fileExists(butil.join(dirPan, "home.md")):
         homePageInfo = form("View <a href='/{siteName}/w/home'>"
             "<i class='fa fa-home'></i> home page</a>.",
             siteName = siteName)           
         homePageInfo = form("""There is no home page.
             <a href='/{siteName}/wikiedit/home'>
                <i class='fa fa-plus'></i>
                Create one</a>.""",
             siteName = siteName)  
    contents = """\
<h1>Information about site <i class='fa fa-bank'></i> {siteName}</h1>

<p><b>{siteName}</b> is stored in directory <code>{siteRoot}</code> .</p>

<p>There are {numPages} pages in the root folder, and {numSubDirs} sub-folders.
<a href='/{siteName}/w/'><i class='fa fa-folder'></i>
View root folder</a>.

        siteName = siteName,
        siteRoot = dirPan,
        numPages = len(fns),
        numSubDirs = len(dirs),
        homePageInfo = homePageInfo,
    h = tem.render(
        siteName = siteName,
        title = "Information about " + siteName,
        nav2 = wiki.locationSitePath(siteName, ""),
        wikiText = contents,
    return h 
예제 #8
파일: config.py 프로젝트: cabalamat/catwiki
# config.py = configuration data

import os.path
from ulib import butil

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# port we are running on
PORT = 7331

# A list of directories which might be followed by sites.
# New sites are always created using the last one on this list.
SITE_STUBS = [butil.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../data"), butil.join("~/siteboxdata/sites")]

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# end
예제 #9
파일: wiki.py 프로젝트: cabalamat/catwiki
def getIndex(siteName, pathName):
    """ get an index of a directory.
    @param siteName::str
    @param pathName::str
    @return::(str,str) =title,html
    def isArticle(fn):
        """ is a filename an article? """
        return (fn[-3:]==".md" and not fn[:1]=="~")

    if pathName[-1:] == "/":
        uPath = pathName[:-1]
        uPath = pathName
    dirPan = getDirPan(siteName, uPath)
    if not os.path.isdir(dirPan):
        h = "<p>Directory {} does not exist.</p>\n".format(pathName)
        return h

    fns, dirs = butil.getFilesDirs(dirPan)
    dirs = [d for d in dirs if d[:1] != "."]
    arts = sorted([fn[:-3]
                  for fn in fns
                  if isArticle(fn)])
    nonArticles = sorted([fn
                  for fn in fns
                  if not isArticle(fn)])
    dirs = sorted(dirs)
    h = ("<h1><i class='fa fa-list'></i> Index of articles in "
         " /{}</h1>\n").format(pathName)
    items = []
    nonArticleItems = []
    if arts:
        for fn in arts:
            text = getTitle(butil.join(dirPan, fn+".md"))
            if text==fn: 
                text = ""
                text = " - " + text
            if fn=="home": 
                item = form("<a href='{fn}'>"
                    "<span class='home-icon'><i class='fa fa-home'></i></span>"
                    " {fn}</a>{text}",
                    fn = fn,
                    text = text)
                item = form("<a href='{fn}'>"
                    "<i class='fa fa-file-text-o'></i> {fn}</a>{text}",
                    fn = fn,
                    text = text)
        h += bsColumns(items, 3)
    if nonArticles:
        for fn in nonArticles:
            nonArticleItems.append(form("<a href='{fn}'>"
                "<i class='fa fa-file-o'></i> "
                fn = fn))
        h += "<h3>Other files</h3>\n" + bsColumns(nonArticleItems, 3)
    if dirs:
        dirItems = []
        for d in dirs:
            dirItems.append(("<a href='{d}/'><i class='fa fa-folder'></i> "
                d = d,
                text = d,
        h += "<h3>Folders</h3>\n" + bsColumns(dirItems, 3)

    title = "Index of {}".format(pathName)
    return title, h
예제 #10
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = "don't tell anyone" # not using
app.config["SESSION_COOKIE_NAME"] = "session_%d" % (config.PORT,)

from ulib import debugdec, butil, termcolours
from ulib.debugdec import printargs, prvars

# jinja2 environment

import jinja2
from jinja2 import Template

jinjaEnv = jinja2.Environment()
thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
templateDir = butil.join(thisDir, "templates")
jinjaEnv.loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(templateDir)

# login manager

def helpPage():
    p = request.path[1:]
    r = p.split('/')[0]
    if r=="": r = "main"
    return r
jinjaEnv.globals['helpPage'] = helpPage

def highlightPageIfCurrent(testUrl):
    """ If the current page starts with (testUrl), highlight it
예제 #11
# config.py = configuration data

import os.path
from ulib import butil


# port we are running on

# A list of directories which might be followed by sites.
# New sites are always created using the last one on this list.
     butil.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../data"),


예제 #12
파일: butno.py 프로젝트: cabalamat/butno
 def __init__(self, *directories):
     self.dirs = [butil.join(d) for d in directories]
예제 #13
#app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = "don't tell anyone" # not using
app.config["SESSION_COOKIE_NAME"] = "session_%d" % (config.PORT, )
app.config["WERKZEUG_DEBUG_PIN"] = "off"

from ulib import debugdec, butil, termcolours
from ulib.debugdec import printargs, prvars

# jinja2 environment

import jinja2
from jinja2 import Template

jinjaEnv = jinja2.Environment()
thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
templateDir = butil.join(thisDir, "templates")
jinjaEnv.loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(templateDir)

# login manager

def helpPage():
    p = request.path[1:]
    r = p.split('/')[0]
    if r == "": r = "main"
    return r

jinjaEnv.globals['helpPage'] = helpPage
예제 #14
def getIndex(siteName, pathName):
    """ get an index of a directory.
    @param siteName::str
    @param pathName::str
    @return::(str,str) =title,html
    def isArticle(fn):
        """ is a filename an article? """
        return (fn[-3:] == ".md" and not fn[:1] == "~")

    if pathName[-1:] == "/":
        uPath = pathName[:-1]
        uPath = pathName
    dirPan = getDirPan(siteName, uPath)
    if not os.path.isdir(dirPan):
        h = "<p>Directory {} does not exist.</p>\n".format(pathName)
        return h

    fns, dirs = butil.getFilesDirs(dirPan)
    dirs = [d for d in dirs if d[:1] != "."]
    arts = sorted([fn[:-3] for fn in fns if isArticle(fn)])
    nonArticles = sorted([fn for fn in fns if not isArticle(fn)])
    dirs = sorted(dirs)
    h = ("<h1><i class='fa fa-list'></i> Index of articles in "
         " /{}</h1>\n").format(pathName)
    items = []
    nonArticleItems = []
    if arts:
        for fn in arts:
            text = getTitle(butil.join(dirPan, fn + ".md"))
            if text == fn:
                text = ""
                text = " - " + text

            if fn == "home":
                item = form(
                    "<a href='{fn}'>"
                    "<span class='home-icon'><i class='fa fa-home'></i></span>"
                    " {fn}</a>{text}",
                item = form(
                    "<a href='{fn}'>"
                    "<i class='fa fa-file-text-o'></i> {fn}</a>{text}",

        h += bsColumns(items, 3)
    if nonArticles:
        for fn in nonArticles:
            hf = form(
                "<a href='{fn}'>"
                "<i class='fa fa-file-o'></i> "
            if hasImageExtension(fn):
                hf += form(
                    "<br>\n<a href='{fn}'>"
                    "<img class='index_image' src='{fn}'>"
        h += "<h3>Other files</h3>\n" + bsColumns(nonArticleItems, 3)
    if dirs:
        dirItems = []
        for d in dirs:
            dirItems.append(("<a href='{d}/'><i class='fa fa-folder'></i> "
        h += "<h3>Folders</h3>\n" + bsColumns(dirItems, 3)

    title = "Index of {}".format(pathName)
    return title, h