def get_user(user_id, auth_token): """ return sample as: {'email': '*****@*****.**', 'tenantName':'openstackDemo', 'name': 'zsy', 'enabled': True, 'id': '771ac76cb3464a6580cdfe3d59351f37', 'tenantId': 'f5d0a72747f34b2591aa9be636f15668'} """ cache = local.dict_store() user = cache.get_item("user", user_id) if user is not None: return user c = client.KeystoneAdminClient() try: result, headers = c.response("GET", "/users/%s" % user_id, params={}, headers={"x-auth-token": auth_token}) except exc.HTTPNotFound: result = {"user": {"email": "", "tenantName": "", "name": "", "enabled": False, "id": "", "tenantId": ""}} try: result = result["user"] except KeyError: raise exc.HTTPFailedDependency(_("Keystone method deprecated.")) tenant_id = result["tenantId"] try: tenant = get_tenant(tenant_id, auth_token) result.update(tenantName=tenant["name"]) except exc.HTTPNotFound: LOG.warn("user %s has no tenant associated." % user_id) pass cache.save_item("user", user_id, result, timeout=CONF.user_cache_timeout) return result
def save_setting(self, req, body, uuid=None): if not uuid: setting = self.db_api.setting_create(body) else: setting = self.db_api.setting_update(uuid, body) #save setting in local dict store local_dict = local.dict_store() local_dict.save_setting(setting.level, setting.type, setting) return make_setting_dict(setting)
def get_all_tenants(auth_token=None): cache = local.dict_store() auth_token = auth_token or request_admin_token() auth_token = normal_token(auth_token) c = client.KeystoneAdminClient() result, headers = c.response("GET", "/tenants", params={}, headers={"x-auth-token": auth_token}) for tenant in result["tenants"]: tenant_id = tenant["id"] standardize_tenant_name(tenant) cache.save_item("tenant", tenant_id, tenant, timeout=CONF.user_cache_timeout) return result
def get_detault_quotas(tenant_id, target_id, auth_token): cache = local.dict_store() # Note(hzzhoushaoyu): Save for who request quota default(tenant_id), # not whose quota default(target_id). quota_default = cache.get_item("quota_default", tenant_id) if quota_default is not None: return quota_default c = client.NovaClient() result, headers = c.response( "GET", "/%s/os-quota-sets/%s/defaults" % (tenant_id, target_id), params={}, headers={"x-auth-token": auth_token} ) cache.save_item("quota_default", tenant_id, result, timeout=CONF.quota_default_cache_timeout) return result
def get_all_users(auth_token=None): cache = local.dict_store() auth_token = auth_token or request_admin_token() auth_token = normal_token(auth_token) c = client.KeystoneAdminClient() result, headers = c.response("GET", "/users", params={}, headers={"x-auth-token": auth_token}) for user in result["users"]: user_id = user["id"] tenant_id = user["tenantId"] try: tenant = get_tenant(tenant_id, auth_token) user.update(tenantName=tenant["name"]) except exc.HTTPNotFound: LOG.warn("user %s has no tenant associated." % user_id) pass cache.save_item("user", user_id, user, timeout=CONF.user_cache_timeout) return result
def get_flavor(tenant_id, auth_token, flavor_id): cache = local.dict_store() flavor = cache.get_item("flavor", flavor_id) if flavor is not None: return flavor c = client.NovaClient() try: result, headers = c.response( "GET", "/%s/flavors/%s" % (tenant_id, flavor_id), params={}, headers={"x-auth-token": auth_token} ) except exc.HTTPNotFound: return None result = get_extra_specs(c, result, tenant_id, auth_token, flavor_id) if result is not None: cache.save_item("flavor", flavor_id, result, timeout=CONF.flavor_cache_timeout) return result
def check_type_usage(self, level, setting_type, type_usage): ''' check specify setting type usage in specify level ''' store = local.dict_store() expire = CONF.no_replicate_alarm_seconds alarm_replicate = CONF.alarm_replicate_usage_changed # check whether need alarm replicated in expire seconds latest_alarm_usage = store.get_alarming(level, setting_type, type_usage, expire) if latest_alarm_usage is not None: if not (latest_alarm_usage != type_usage and alarm_replicate): # if usage not change, not alarm; # if changed but not need alarm, not alarm. LOG.debug(_("Has alarmed in %(expire)s seconds for " "level %(level)s and setting type %(setting_type)s" " and usage %(type_usage)s..."), locals()) return # need alarm and search for settings setting = store.get_setting(level, setting_type) if not setting: self.db_api.configure_db() try: setting = self.db_api.setting_get_by_lever_type(level, setting_type) store.save_setting(level, setting_type, setting) except exception.NotFound: setting = None if not setting or setting.capacity <= 0 or setting.threshold <= 0.0: # Note(hzzhoushaoyu): no valid setting has been found in cache # and DB return for no alarming"NO setting found for level %(level)s " "and type %(setting_type)s"), locals()) return if type_usage > setting.capacity * setting.threshold / 100: LOG.debug(_("saving alarming for level %(level)s " "and type %(setting_type)s....."), locals()) alarming_dict = { "settings_uuid": setting.uuid, "usage": type_usage, } self.db_api.alarming_create(alarming_dict) store.save_alarming(level, setting_type, type_usage)
def get_image(auth_token, image_id): cache = local.dict_store() image = cache.get_item("image", image_id) if image is not None: return image c = client.GlanceClient() try: result, headers = c.response("HEAD", "/images/%s" % image_id, params={}, headers={"x-auth-token": auth_token}) except exc.HTTPNotFound: return None image = {} for k, v in headers: if k.lower().startswith("x-image-meta"): k = k.lower().replace("x-image-meta", "image") image.update({k: v}) image_owner = image.get("image-owner") if image_owner is not None: tenant = get_tenant(image_owner, auth_token) tenant_name = tenant["name"] image.update({"image-owner-name": tenant_name}) cache.save_item("image", image_id, image, timeout=CONF.image_cache_timeout) return image
def request_admin_token(search_cache=True): """Retrieve new token as admin user from keystone. :return token id upon success :raises ServerError when unable to communicate with keystone """ admin_user = CONF.get("admin_user") admin_password = CONF.get("admin_password") admin_tenant_name = CONF.get("admin_tenant_name") keystone_client = client.KeystonePublicClient() local_store = local.dict_store() if search_cache and hasattr(local_store, "admin_token"): token = local_store.admin_token expires = timeutils.parse_isotime(token["expires"]) if not timeutils.is_older_than(timeutils.normalize_time(expires), 0): LOG.debug(_("Get token from local store.")) return token params = { "auth": { "passwordCredentials": {"username": admin_user, "password": admin_password}, "tenantName": admin_tenant_name, } } data, headers = keystone_client.response( "POST", "/tokens", headers={"content-type": "application/json"}, body=params ) try: token = data["access"]["token"] assert token local_store.admin_token = token LOG.debug(_("Request for admin token and save to local store.")) return token except (AssertionError, KeyError): LOG.warn("Unexpected response from keystone service: %s", data) raise
def get_tenant(tenant_id, auth_token): """ return sample as: {'id': '4142dc247de848c58364d958a208d516', 'enabled': True, 'description': None, 'name': 'demo'} """ cache = local.dict_store() tenant = cache.get_item("tenant", tenant_id) if tenant is not None: return tenant c = client.KeystoneAdminClient() try: result, headers = c.response("GET", "/tenants/%s" % tenant_id, params={}, headers={"x-auth-token": auth_token}) except exc.HTTPNotFound: result = {"tenant": {"id": "", "enabled": False, "description": None, "name": ""}} try: result = result["tenant"] standardize_tenant_name(result) except KeyError: raise exc.HTTPFailedDependency(_("Keystone method deprecated.")) cache.save_item("tenant", tenant_id, result, timeout=CONF.user_cache_timeout) return result
def tearDown(self): base.IsolatedUnitTest.tearDown(self) self.db_api.alarming_clear() local.dict_store().store_dict = {}