def test_gloss(self):
        wrapper_list = [{'end': 38, 'start': 20, 'term': u'correo electr\xf3nico', 'type': 'gloss'}]

        text_annot = u'If you remember the <div class="notranslate gloss">correo electr\xf3nico</div> address, request a password reset email: <div mlid="0" tid="0" >1urlzzz</div>'

        final_list = inline_to_annotation(
            text_annot, umtf_wrapper_funcs, final_wrapper=get_wrappers)
        self.assertEqual(len(wrapper_list), len(final_list[-1]))
 def test_real_example(self):
     inline = u'''If you need spreadsheet support, check out Google Docs and Trello integration with Zapier: <div class="notranslate url"></div>'''  # noqa
     patt = re.compile(ur'\w*<div class=.*?>(?P<name>.*?)<.*?>',
                       re.UNICODE | re.DOTALL)
     text, markup, wrappers = inline_to_annotation(inline, [
         lambda x: default_wrapper_func(x, patt)])
     self.assertEqual(markup, {})
     self.assertEqual(len(wrappers), 1)
    def test_to_annotation_text(self):
        t_text = u"My car is blue."
        t_markup = {}
        t_wrappers = []

        inline_text = u"My car is blue."
        text, markup, wrappers = inline_to_annotation(inline_text)
        self.assertEqual(text, t_text)
        self.assertEqual(markup, t_markup)
        self.assertEqual(wrappers, t_wrappers)
    def test_many_gloss(self):
        wrapper_list = [
            {'end': 10, 'start': 7, 'term': u'Pin', 'type': 'gloss'},
            {'start': 24, 'term': u'Pin', 'end': 27, 'type': 'gloss'},
            {'end': 68, 'start': 59, 'term': u'Pinterest', 'type': 'gloss'},
            {'end': 99, 'start': 94, 'term': u'bot\xf3n', 'type': 'gloss'},
            {'start': 107, 'term': u'Pin', 'end': 110, 'type': 'gloss'}]

        text_annot = u'If the <div class="notranslate gloss">Pin</div> is a buyable <div class="notranslate gloss">Pin</div>\u2014something you can buy right on <div class="notranslate gloss">Pinterest</div>\u2014you\'ll see a blue <div mlid="0" tid="0" >Buy it </div><div class="notranslate gloss">bot\xf3n</div> on the <div class="notranslate gloss">Pin</div>.'
        final_list = inline_to_annotation(text_annot,umtf_wrapper_funcs, final_wrapper=get_wrappers)

        self.assertEqual(len(wrapper_list), len(final_list[-1]))
 def test_to_annotation_markup(self):
     t_text = u'my car is blue.'
     t_markup = {10: [{'added_space': False,
                       'close_tid': 1,
                       'tag_type': 'open',
                       'text': u'<b>',
                       'tid': 0}],
                 14: [{'added_space': False,
                       'open_tid': 0,
                       'tag_type': 'close',
                       'text': u'</b>',
                       'tid': 1}]}
     t_wrappers = []
     inline_text = u'my car is <b>blue</b>.'
     text, markup, wrappers = inline_to_annotation(inline_text)
     self.assertEqual(text, t_text)
     self.assertEqual(markup, t_markup)
     self.assertEqual(wrappers, t_wrappers)
    def test_example_file(self):
        from unbabel_text_utils.umtf_utils.wrappers_func import umtf_funcs_dict, \

        raw_file =

        for i, line in enumerate(raw_file.split("\n")):
            with self.subTest(i=i):
                text, markup, wrappers = \
                # print "I am doing in here...."

                new_inline = annotation_to_inline(
                self.assertEqual(line, new_inline, "%i\nOrig: %s\nNext: %s\n" %
                                                   (i, line, new_inline))
 def test_to_annotation_markup_wrappers(self):
     t_text = u'my car is blue.'
     t_markup = {10: [{'added_space': False,
                       'close_tid': 1,
                       'tag_type': 'open',
                       'text': u'<b>',
                       'tid': 0}],
                 14: [{'added_space': False,
                       'open_tid': 0,
                       'tag_type': 'close',
                       'text': u'</b>',
                       'tid': 1}]}
     t_wrappers = [{"start": 0, "end": 2, "type": "generic", "text": "my"},
                   {"start": 3, "end": 6, "type": "generic", "text": "car"}]
     inline_text = u"<span class='gloss'>my</span> " \
                   u"<span class='url'>car</span> is <b>blue</b>."
     text, markup, wrappers = inline_to_annotation(
     self.assertEqual(text, t_text)
     self.assertEqual(markup, t_markup,
                      "\nGot:%s\nWant:%s\n" % (markup, t_markup))
     self.assertEqual(wrappers, t_wrappers,
                      "\nGot:%s\nWant:%s\n" % (wrappers, t_wrappers))