예제 #1
파일: lab2cm.py 프로젝트: yano404/A5tools
def dOmega(theta_lab, n):
    function to find dΩlab/dΩcm

    theta_lab : scattering angle in the lab system [rad]
    n         : A_t / A_i; A_t, A_i means mass number of target particle or incident particle

      dΩlab/dΩcm : factor to convert differential cross-section in the lab system to differential cross-section in the center-of-mass system

    This function do not consider relativity
    if isinstance(theta_lab, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
        return umath.pow(
            2.0 * umath.cos(theta_lab) / n +
            (1.0 + umath.cos(2.0 * theta_lab) / (n**2.0)) /
            umath.sqrt(1.0 - umath.pow(umath.sin(theta_lab) / n, 2.0)), -1.0)
    elif isinstance(theta_lab, np.ndarray) and isinstance(
            theta_lab[0], uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
        return unp.pow(
            2.0 * unp.cos(theta_lab) / n +
            (1.0 + unp.cos(2.0 * theta_lab) /
             (n**2.0)) / unp.sqrt(1.0 - unp.pow(unp.sin(theta_lab) / n, 2.0)),
        return np.power(
            2.0 * np.cos(theta_lab) / n +
            (1.0 + np.cos(2.0 * theta_lab) /
             (n**2.0)) / np.sqrt(1.0 - np.power(np.sin(theta_lab) / n, 2.0)),
예제 #2
def trail(rF, lam, fo):
    '''Calculate the trail and mechanical trail.

    rF : float
        The front wheel radius
    lam : float
        The steer axis tilt (pi/2 - headtube angle). The angle between the
        headtube and a vertical line.
    fo : float
        The fork offset

    c: float
    cm: float
        Mechanical Trail


    # trail
    c = (rF * umath.sin(lam) - fo) / umath.cos(lam)
    # mechanical trail
    cm = c * umath.cos(lam)
    return c, cm
예제 #3
def SphToCartU(trd, plg, k):
	SphToCartU converts from spherical to cartesian coordinates

	SphToCartU(trd,plg,k) returns the north (cn),
	east (ce), and down (cd) direction cosines of a line.
	Notice that these direction cosines have uncertainties

	k is an integer to tell whether the trend and plunge
	of a line (k = 0) or strike and dip of a plane in right
	hand rule (k = 1) are being sent in the trdu and plgu slots.
	In this last case, the direction cosines of the pole to
	the plane are returned
	NOTE: trdu and plgu are in radians and they have
	uncertainties in radians
	SphToCartU uses the uncertainties package from
	Eric O. Lebigot
	Based on Python function SphToCart
    # If line
    if k == 0:
        cn = umath.cos(trd) * umath.cos(plg)
        ce = umath.sin(trd) * umath.cos(plg)
        cd = umath.sin(plg)
    # Else pole to plane
    elif k == 1:
        cn = umath.sin(trd) * umath.sin(plg)
        ce = -umath.cos(trd) * umath.sin(plg)
        cd = umath.cos(plg)

    return cn, ce, cd
예제 #4
def com_line(alpha, a, par, part, l1, l2):
    '''Returns the slope and intercept for the line that passes through the
    part's center of mass with reference to the benchmark bicycle coordinate

    alpha : float
        The angle the head tube makes with the horizontal. When looking at the
        bicycle from the right side this is the angle between a vector point
        out upwards along the steer axis and the earth horizontal with the
        positve direction pointing from the left to the right. If the bike is
        in its normal configuration this would be 90 degrees plus the steer
        axis tilt (lambda).
    a : float
        The distance from the pendulum axis to a reference point on the part,
        typically the wheel centers. This is positive if the point falls to the
        left of the axis and negative otherwise.
    par : dictionary
        Benchmark parameters. Must include lam, rR, rF, w
    part : string
        The subscript denoting which part this refers to.
    l1, l2 : floats
        The location of the handlebar reference point relative to the front
        wheel center when the fork is split. This is measured perpendicular to
        and along the steer axis, respectively.

    m : float
        The slope of the line in the benchmark coordinate system.
    b : float
        The z intercept in the benchmark coordinate system.


    # beta is the angle between the x bike frame and the x pendulum frame, rotation
    # about positive y
    beta = par['lam'] - alpha * pi / 180

    # calculate the slope of the center of mass line
    m = -umath.tan(beta)

    # calculate the z intercept
    # this the bicycle frame
    if part == 'B':
        b = -a / umath.cos(beta) - par['rR']
    # this is the fork (without handlebar) or the fork and handlebar combined
    elif part == 'S' or part == 'H':
        b = -a / umath.cos(beta) - par['rF'] + par['w'] * umath.tan(beta)
    # this is the handlebar (without fork)
    elif part == 'G':
        u1, u2 = fwheel_to_handlebar_ref(par['lam'], l1, l2)
        b = -a / umath.cos(beta) - (par['rF'] +
                                    u2) + (par['w'] - u1) * umath.tan(beta)
        print part, "doesn't exist"
        raise KeyError

    return m, b, beta
예제 #5
def trail(rF, lam, fo):
    '''Calculate the trail and mechanical trail.

    rF : float
        The front wheel radius
    lam : float
        The steer axis tilt (pi/2 - headtube angle). The angle between the
        headtube and a vertical line.
    fo : float
        The fork offset

    c: float
    cm: float
        Mechanical Trail


    # trail
    c = (rF * umath.sin(lam) - fo) / umath.cos(lam)
    # mechanical trail
    cm = c * umath.cos(lam)
    return c, cm
예제 #6
def get_motion_vector(ra, dec, pmra, pmdec, parallax):
    # Return the space motion vector of a star
    # Requirements:
    #   - astropy coordinate object
    #   - proper motion in ra and dec (mas per year)
    #   - parallax (mas)
    #   - radial velocity (km/s)
    # Returns astropy cartesian representation of space motion vector
    # see eqns.
    #   - 11.2
    #   - 12.36
    # in 'Spherical Astronomy' by R.M. Green

    ra = ra * deg2rad
    dec = dec * deg2rad

    vt_ra = pmra / parallax
    vt_dec = pmdec / parallax

    Vtan = numpy.array([
        -vt_ra * np.sin(ra) - vt_dec * np.cos(ra) * np.sin(dec),
        vt_ra * np.cos(ra) - vt_dec * np.sin(ra) * np.sin(dec),
        vt_dec * np.cos(dec)

    return Vtan
예제 #7
파일: cm2lab.py 프로젝트: yano404/A5tools
def dOmega(theta_cm, n):
    function to find dΩcm/dΩlab

    theta_cm : scattering angle in the center-of-mass system [rad]
    n        : A_t / A_i; A_t, A_i means mass number of target particle or incident particle

      dΩcm/dΩlab : factor to convert differential cross-section in the center-of-mass system to one in the lab system

    This function does not consider relativity
    if isinstance(theta_cm, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
        return umath.pow(1.0 + 2.0 * umath.cos(theta_cm) / n + 1.0 / n**2.0, 3 / 2) \
            / (1.0 + umath.cos(theta_cm) / n)
    elif isinstance(theta_cm, np.ndarray) and isinstance(
            theta_cm[0], uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
        return unp.pow(1.0 + 2.0 * unp.cos(theta_cm) / n + 1.0 / n**2.0, 3 / 2) \
            / (1.0 + unp.cos(theta_cm) / n)
        return np.power(1.0 + 2.0 * np.cos(theta_cm) / n + 1.0 / n**2.0, 3 / 2) \
            / (1.0 + np.cos(theta_cm) / n)
예제 #8
def com_line(alpha, a, par, part, l1, l2):
    '''Returns the slope and intercept for the line that passes through the
    part's center of mass with reference to the benchmark bicycle coordinate

    alpha : float
        The angle the head tube makes with the horizontal. When looking at the
        bicycle from the right side this is the angle between a vector point
        out upwards along the steer axis and the earth horizontal with the
        positve direction pointing from the left to the right. If the bike is
        in its normal configuration this would be 90 degrees plus the steer
        axis tilt (lambda).
    a : float
        The distance from the pendulum axis to a reference point on the part,
        typically the wheel centers. This is positive if the point falls to the
        left of the axis and negative otherwise.
    par : dictionary
        Benchmark parameters. Must include lam, rR, rF, w
    part : string
        The subscript denoting which part this refers to.
    l1, l2 : floats
        The location of the handlebar reference point relative to the front
        wheel center when the fork is split. This is measured perpendicular to
        and along the steer axis, respectively.

    m : float
        The slope of the line in the benchmark coordinate system.
    b : float
        The z intercept in the benchmark coordinate system.


    # beta is the angle between the x bike frame and the x pendulum frame, rotation
    # about positive y
    beta = par['lam'] - alpha * pi / 180

    # calculate the slope of the center of mass line
    m = -umath.tan(beta)

    # calculate the z intercept
    # this the bicycle frame
    if part == 'B':
        b = -a / umath.cos(beta) - par['rR']
    # this is the fork (without handlebar) or the fork and handlebar combined
    elif part == 'S' or part == 'H':
        b = -a / umath.cos(beta) - par['rF'] + par['w'] * umath.tan(beta)
    # this is the handlebar (without fork)
    elif part == 'G':
        u1, u2 = fwheel_to_handlebar_ref(par['lam'], l1, l2)
        b = -a / umath.cos(beta) - (par['rF'] + u2) + (par['w'] - u1) * umath.tan(beta)
        print part, "doesn't exist"
        raise KeyError

    return m, b, beta
예제 #9
def angular_to_cartesian(ra,dec):
	"""Calculates unit cartesian vector of angular coordinates Right 
	acession and declination [degrees]


	ra = ra * deg2rad
	dec = dec * deg2rad

	return numpy.array([np.cos(ra) * np.cos(dec), np.sin(ra) * np.cos(dec),
예제 #10
def measurement_to_xyz(measurement):
    theta_step, phi_step, dist = measurement
    dist = uncertainties.ufloat(dist, LIDAR_UNCERT)
    theta_step = uncertainties.ufloat(theta_step, 0.05)
    phi_step = uncertainties.ufloat(phi_step, 0.05)
    return np.array([
        dist * umath.cos(theta_step * 360 / STEPS_PER_ROTATION * np.pi / 180) *
        umath.cos(phi_step * 360 / STEPS_PER_ROTATION * np.pi / 180),
        dist * umath.sin(theta_step * 360 / STEPS_PER_ROTATION * np.pi / 180) *
        umath.cos(phi_step * 360 / STEPS_PER_ROTATION * np.pi / 180),
        dist * umath.sin(phi_step * 360 / STEPS_PER_ROTATION * np.pi / 180),
예제 #11
def rutherford(theta, T, Zi, Zt, which="inc"):
    Rutherford Scattering in the center-of-mass system

    theta : scattering angle in the center-of-mass system
    T     : kinetic energy of incident particle in the center-of-mass system
    Zi    : atomic number of incident particle; charge in units of e
    Zt    : atomic number of target particle; charge in units of e
    which : if which="inc", calc dσ/dΩ(θ) of incident particle.
            if which="tar", calc dσ/dΩ(θ) of target particle.
            if which="sum", calc dσ/dΩ(θ) of incident particle + dσ/dΩ(θ) of target particle.

    dσ/dΩ(θ) in the center-of-mass system [mb/str]
    # dσ/dΩ[mb/str]
    # 10.0 : fm^2 --> mb
    if which == "inc":
        # incident particle
        if isinstance(theta, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
            return 10.0 * (Zi * Zt * E2 / (4.0 * T))**2.0 * umath.pow(umath.sin(theta / 2.0), -4.0)
        elif isinstance(theta, np.ndarray) and isinstance(theta[0], uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
            return 10.0 * (Zi * Zt * E2 / (4.0 * T))**2.0 * unp.pow(unp.sin(theta / 2.0), -4.0)
            return 10.0 * (Zi * Zt * E2 / (4.0 * T))**2.0 * np.power(np.sin(theta / 2.0), -4.0)
    elif which == "tar":
        # target particle
        if isinstance(theta, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
            return 10.0 * (Zi * Zt * E2 / (4.0 * T))**2.0 * umath.pow(umath.cos(theta / 2.0), -4.0)
        elif isinstance(theta, np.ndarray) and isinstance(theta[0], uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
            return 10.0 * (Zi * Zt * E2 / (4.0 * T))**2.0 * unp.pow(unp.cos(theta / 2.0), -4.0)
            return 10.0 * (Zi * Zt * E2 / (4.0 * T))**2.0 * np.power(np.cos(theta / 2.0), -4.0)
    elif which == "sum":
        # incident particle + target particle
        if isinstance(theta, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
            return 10.0 * (Zi * Zt * E2 / (4.0 * T))**2.0 \
                * (umath.pow(umath.sin(theta / 2.0), -4.0) + umath.pow(umath.cos(theta / 2.0), -4.0))
        elif isinstance(theta, np.ndarray) and isinstance(theta[0], uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
            return 10.0 * (Zi * Zt * E2 / (4.0 * T))**2.0 \
                * (unp.pow(unp.sin(theta / 2.0), -4.0) + unp.power(unp.cos(theta / 2.0), -4.0))
            return 10.0 * (Zi * Zt * E2 / (4.0 * T))**2.0 \
                * (np.power(np.sin(theta / 2.0), -4.0) + np.power(np.cos(theta / 2.0), -4.0))
        raise ValueError(
            f"Unrecognized which option:{which}. which must be inc/tar/sum.")
예제 #12
def updateMeasurement(z, R):
    tm = np.array([[sin(z[4]) * z[0], cos(z[4]) * z[0], z[2], z[3], z[4]]]).T
    theta_uncertain = ufloat(z[4], 0.5)
    v_uncertain = ufloat(z[0], 0.5)
    R[2, 0] = (umath.sin(theta_uncertain) * v_uncertain).std_dev
    R[3, 0] = (umath.cos(theta_uncertain) * v_uncertain).std_dev
    return [tm, R]
예제 #13
파일: correct.py 프로젝트: yano404/A5tools
    def theta(self, a):
        a : angle of rotation [rad]

        θ : scattering angle in the lab system [rad]
        D0 = self.D(0.0)
        D = self.D(a)
        Rd = self.R + self.d
        if isinstance(a, (int, float, np.number, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc)):
            return np.sign(a) * umath.acos(
                (D0**2.0 + D**2.0 - 2.0 * Rd**2.0 *
                 (1.0 - umath.cos(a))) / (2.0 * D0 * D)
        elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
            return np.sign(a) * unp.arccos(
                (D0**2.0 + D**2.0 - 2.0 * Rd**2.0 *
                 (1.0 - unp.cos(a))) / (2.0 * D0 * D)
            raise ValueError(
                f"This function not supported for the input types. argument 'a' must be number or array")
예제 #14
파일: correct.py 프로젝트: yano404/A5tools
    def dS(self, a):
        a : angle of rotation [rad]

        ΔS : detection area [mm^2]
        Rd = self.R + self.d
        r = self.r
        AT = self.AT
        D0 = self.D(0.0)
        A0 = umath.acos((Rd**2.0 + D0**2.0 - r**2.0) / (2.0 * Rd * D0))
        d = self.d
        w = self.w
        h = self.h
        if isinstance(a, (int, float, np.number, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc)):
            phi = umath.fabs(a - A0 - self.theta(a))
            # ΔS
            return w * h * umath.cos(phi) - d * h * umath.sin(phi)
        elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
            phi = unp.fabs(a - A0 - self.theta(a))
            return w * h * unp.cos(phi) - d * h * unp.sin(phi)
            raise ValueError(
                f"This function not supported for the input types. argument 'a' must be number or array")
예제 #15
파일: cm2lab.py 프로젝트: yano404/A5tools
def theta(theta_cm, n):
    function to convert θ in the center-of-mass system to θ in the lab system

    theta_cm : scattering angle in the center-of-mass system [rad]
    n        : A_t / A_i; A_t, A_i means mass number of target particle or incident particle

    theta_lab : scattering angle in the lab system [rad]

    This function does not consider relativity
    if isinstance(theta_cm, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
        return umath.arctan(
            umath.sin(theta_cm) / (1.0 / n + umath.cos(theta_cm)))
    elif isinstance(theta_cm, np.ndarray) and isinstance(
            theta_cm[0], uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
        return unp.arctan(unp.sin(theta_cm) / (1.0 / n + unp.cos(theta_cm)))
        return np.arctan(np.sin(theta_cm) / (1.0 / n + np.cos(theta_cm)))
예제 #16
def measurement_to_xyz(measurement):
        theta_step, phi_step, dist = measurement
    except Exception as e:
        print("unpacking point failed")
        return np.array([0, 0, 0])
    dist = uncertainties.ufloat(dist, LIDAR_UNCERT)
    theta_step = uncertainties.ufloat(theta_step, 0.05)
    phi_step = uncertainties.ufloat(-phi_step, 0.05)
    return np.array([
        dist * umath.cos(theta_step * 360 / STEPS_PER_ROTATION * np.pi / 180) *
        umath.cos(phi_step * 360 / STEPS_PER_ROTATION * np.pi / 180),
        dist * umath.sin(theta_step * 360 / STEPS_PER_ROTATION * np.pi / 180) *
        umath.cos(phi_step * 360 / STEPS_PER_ROTATION * np.pi / 180),
        dist * umath.sin(phi_step * 360 / STEPS_PER_ROTATION * np.pi / 180),
예제 #17
def distance_to_steer_axis(w, c, lam, point):
    """Returns the minimal distance from the steer axis to the given point when
    the bicycle is in the nominal configuration.

    w : float or ufloat
    c : float or ufloat
    lam : float or ufloat
        Steer axis tilt in radians.
    point : narray, shape(3,)
        A point that lies in the symmetry plane of the bicycle.

    d : float or ufloat
        The minimal distance from the given point to the steer axis.

    pointOnAxis1 = np.array([w + c, 0., 0.])
    pointOnAxis2 = pointOnAxis1 +\
    pointsOnLine = np.array([pointOnAxis1, pointOnAxis2]).T

    # this is the distance from the assembly com to the steer axis
    return point_to_line_distance(point, pointsOnLine)
예제 #18
	def getRaDec(self,epoch):

		epoch_0 = Time(self._epoch_0,format='jyear',scale='tcb')
		epoch = Time(epoch,format='jyear',scale='tcb')
		dt = epoch.jyear - epoch_0.jyear

		if self._parallax == None:
			dec_0_rad = self._dec_0 * self.DEG_TO_RAD
			dec = self._dec_0 + dt * self._pmdec * self.MAS_TO_DEG
			ra = self._ra_0 + dt * (self._pmra / np.cos(dec_0_rad)) * self.MAS_TO_DEG
			return numpy.array([ra,dec])

			parallaxAU = p.parallax_to_au(self._parallax)

			R_0 = p.angular_to_cartesian(self._ra_0,self._dec_0) * parallaxAU

			_m = p.get_motion_vector(self._ra_0,self._dec_0,
			R_earth = p.get_earth_observer_vector(epoch)

			R = R_0 + (_m* dt) - R_earth

			#This was used to test against astropy
			#Rcoord = SkyCoord((R[0]).n,(R[1]).n,(R[2]).n, frame='icrs', unit='AU', representation='cartesian')
			#Rcoord.representation = 'spherical'
			#return numpy.array([Rcoord.ra.degree,Rcoord.dec.degree])
			return p.cartesian_to_angular(R[0],R[1],R[2])
예제 #19
def distance_to_steer_axis(w, c, lam, point):
    """Returns the minimal distance from the steer axis to the given point when
    the bicycle is in the nominal configuration.

    w : float or ufloat
    c : float or ufloat
    lam : float or ufloat
        Steer axis tilt in radians.
    point : narray, shape(3,)
        A point that lies in the symmetry plane of the bicycle.

    d : float or ufloat
        The minimal distance from the given point to the steer axis.

    pointOnAxis1 = np.array([w + c,
    pointOnAxis2 = pointOnAxis1 +\
    pointsOnLine = np.array([pointOnAxis1, pointOnAxis2]).T

    # this is the distance from the assembly com to the steer axis
    return point_to_line_distance(point, pointsOnLine)
예제 #20
    def get_source_apparent_pos(self, epoch, enlargeFactor=1.0):

        lensPos = self._lens.getRaDec(epoch)
        sourcePos = self._source.getRaDec(epoch)

        shift_mag = self.get_unresolved_centroid_shift_at_epoch(epoch)
        shift_angle = np.atan2(
            (sourcePos[0] - lensPos[0]) * np.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lensPos[1])),
            sourcePos[1] - lensPos[1])

        appSourceRa = sourcePos[0] + (
            (enlargeFactor * shift_mag * np.cos(shift_angle)) / (3600 * 1000))
        appSourceDec = sourcePos[1] + (
            (enlargeFactor * shift_mag * np.sin(shift_angle)) / (36000 * 1000))

        return numpy.array([appSourceRa, appSourceDec])
예제 #21
def test_compound_expression():
    Test equality between different formulas.

    x = ufloat(3, 0.1)

    # Prone to numerical errors (but not much more than floats):
    assert umath.tan(x) == umath.sin(x) / umath.cos(x)
def test_compound_expression():
    Test equality between different formulas.
    x = uncertainties.ufloat((3, 0.1))
    # Prone to numerical errors (but not much more than floats):
    assert umath.tan(x) == umath.sin(x)/umath.cos(x)
예제 #23
def rotate_inertia_tensor(I, angle):
    '''Returns inertia tensor rotated through angle. Only for 2D'''
    ca = umath.cos(angle)
    sa = umath.sin(angle)
    C    =  np.array([[ca, 0., -sa],
                      [0., 1., 0.],
                      [sa, 0., ca]])
    Irot =  np.dot(C, np.dot(I, C.T))
    return Irot
예제 #24
def get_angular_sep1(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2):
    """Calculates the angular separation of two points on the
        sphere using great circles distance formula.

        returns angular separation in [mas]

    ra1 = ra1 * deg2rad
    ra2 = ra2 * deg2rad

    dec1 = dec1 * deg2rad
    dec2 = dec2 * deg2rad

    dist = np.acos(
        np.sin(dec1) * np.sin(dec2) +
        (np.cos(dec1) * np.cos(dec2) * np.cos(ra1 - ra2)))

    return (dist / deg2rad) * 3600.0 * 1000.0
예제 #25
def TrueThicknessU(strike,dip,top,base):
	TrueThicknessU calculates the thickness (t) of a unit
	given the strike (strike) and dip (dip) of the unit,
	and points at its top (top) and base (base).
	strike and dip, as well as the points have

	top and base are 1 x 3 arrays defining the location
	of top and base points in an ENU coordinate system.
	For each one of these arrays, the first, second
	and third entries are the E, N and U coordinates.
	These coordinates have uncertainties

	NOTE: strike and dip should be input in radians and
		they have uncertainties in radians. The
		returned thickness have also uncertainties
	# make the transformation matrix from ENU coordinates
	# to SDP coordinates. Eq. 5.10
	sinStr = umath.sin(strike)
	cosStr = umath.cos(strike)
	sinDip = umath.sin(dip)
	cosDip = umath.cos(dip)
	a = np.array([[sinStr, cosStr, unc.ufloat(0,0)],
	[cosStr*cosDip, -sinStr*cosDip, -sinDip],
	[-cosStr*sinDip, sinStr*sinDip, -cosDip]])
	# transform the top and base points
	# from ENU to SDP coordinates. Eq. 5.4
	topn = np.array([unc.ufloat(0,0), unc.ufloat(0,0), unc.ufloat(0,0)])
	basen = np.array([unc.ufloat(0,0), unc.ufloat(0,0), unc.ufloat(0,0)])
	for i in range(0,3):
		for j in range(0,3):
			topn[i] = a[i,j]*top[j] + topn[i]
			basen[i] = a[i,j]*base[j] + basen[i]
	# compute the thickness of the unit. Eq. 5.12
	t = np.abs(basen[2] - topn[2])
	return t
예제 #26
def get_earth_observer_vector_fast(time):
	"""Calculate the position vector of an observer on the earth in
	barcentric cartesian coordinates, approximately and hopefully
	abit faster.

	n = time-Time('2000-01-01T12:00:00', format='isot', scale='utc')
	# mean longitude of the sun
	L = (280.460 + 0.9856474*n.jd) % 360.0
	# mean anomaly of the sun
	g = (357.528 + 0.9856003*n.jd) % 360.0
	# ecliptic longitude of the sun
	l = L + 1.915*np.sin(np.radians(g)) + 0.020*np.sin(np.radians(2*g))

	# axial tilt of the earth
	# Obliquity of the ecliptic
	epsilon = 23.439 - 0.0000004*n.jd

	return np.array([
		np.sin(np.radians(epsilon))*np.sin(np.radians(l))]) * -1.0
예제 #27
def calculate_benchmark_geometry(mp, par):
    '''Returns the wheelbase, steer axis tilt and the trail.

    mp : dictionary
        Dictionary with the measured parameters.
    par : dictionary
        Dictionary with the benchmark parameters.

    par : dictionary
        par with the benchmark geometry added.

    # calculate the wheel radii
    par['rF'] = mp['dF'] / 2. / pi / mp['nF']
    par['rR'] = mp['dR'] / 2. / pi / mp['nR']

    # calculate the frame/fork fundamental geometry
    if 'w' in mp.keys():  # if there is a wheelbase
        # steer axis tilt in radians
        par['lam'] = pi / 180. * (90. - mp['gamma'])
        # wheelbase
        par['w'] = mp['w']
        # fork offset
        forkOffset = mp['f']
        h = (mp['h1'], mp['h2'], mp['h3'], mp['h4'], mp['h5'])
        d = (mp['d1'], mp['d2'], mp['d3'], mp['d4'], mp['d'])
        a, b, c = calculate_abc_geometry(h, d)
        par['lam'] = lambda_from_abc(par['rF'], par['rR'], a, b, c)
        par['w'] = (a + b) * umath.cos(par['lam']) + c * umath.sin(par['lam'])
        forkOffset = b

    # trail
    par['c'] = trail(par['rF'], par['lam'], forkOffset)[0]

    # this will simply transfer the lateral force point through to the
    # benchmark parameters, as they are in the benchmark coordinate system
        par['xcl'] = mp['xcl']
        par['zcl'] = mp['zcl']
    except KeyError:

    return par
예제 #28
def calculate_benchmark_geometry(mp, par):
    '''Returns the wheelbase, steer axis tilt and the trail.

    mp : dictionary
        Dictionary with the measured parameters.
    par : dictionary
        Dictionary with the benchmark parameters.

    par : dictionary
        par with the benchmark geometry added.

    # calculate the wheel radii
    par['rF'] = mp['dF'] / 2./ pi / mp['nF']
    par['rR'] = mp['dR'] / 2./ pi / mp['nR']

    # calculate the frame/fork fundamental geometry
    if 'w' in mp.keys(): # if there is a wheelbase
        # steer axis tilt in radians
        par['lam'] = pi / 180. * (90. - mp['gamma'])
        # wheelbase
        par['w'] = mp['w']
        # fork offset
        forkOffset = mp['f']
        h = (mp['h1'], mp['h2'], mp['h3'], mp['h4'], mp['h5'])
        d = (mp['d1'], mp['d2'], mp['d3'], mp['d4'], mp['d'])
        a, b, c = calculate_abc_geometry(h, d)
        par['lam'] = lambda_from_abc(par['rF'], par['rR'], a, b, c)
        par['w'] = (a + b) * umath.cos(par['lam']) + c * umath.sin(par['lam'])
        forkOffset = b

    # trail
    par['c'] = trail(par['rF'], par['lam'], forkOffset)[0]

    # this will simply transfer the lateral force point through to the
    # benchmark parameters, as they are in the benchmark coordinate system
        par['xcl'] = mp['xcl']
        par['zcl'] = mp['zcl']
    except KeyError:

    return par
예제 #29
def basic_dipole_monopole(amplitude=DIP_AMPLITUDE, \
                          theta=THETA, \
                          monopole=DIP_MONOPOLE, \
                          *args, \
    """Returns the predicted value of da/a as given by eq. 15 in King et al. 2012.
    :param amplitude: Amplitude of dipole.
    :type amplitude: number
    :param theta: angle in radians between the dipole and a positions on the sky.
    :type theta: number
    :param monopole: monopole term.
    :type monopole: number
    :returns: value of predicted dipole at a theta radians away from dipole.
    :rtype: number
    return amplitude * umath.cos(theta) + monopole
예제 #30
def test_against_uncertainties_package():
        from uncertainties import ufloat
        from uncertainties import umath
        from math import sqrt as math_sqrt
    except ImportError:
    X, varX = 0.5, 0.04
    Y, varY = 3, 0.09
    N = 3
    ux = ufloat(X, math_sqrt(varX))
    uy = ufloat(Y, math_sqrt(varY))

    def _compare(result, u):
        Z, varZ = result
        assert abs(Z-u.n)/u.n < 1e-13 and (varZ-u.s**2)/u.s**2 < 1e-13, \
            "expected (%g,%g) got (%g,%g)"%(u.n, u.s**2, Z, varZ)

    def _check_pow(u):
        _compare(pow(X, varX, N), u)

    def _check_unary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX), u)

    def _check_binary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX, Y, varY), u)

    _check_binary(add, ux + uy)
    _check_binary(sub, ux - uy)
    _check_binary(mul, ux * uy)
    _check_binary(div, ux / uy)
    _check_binary(pow2, ux**uy)

    _check_unary(exp, umath.exp(ux))
    _check_unary(log, umath.log(ux))
    _check_unary(sin, umath.sin(ux))
    _check_unary(cos, umath.cos(ux))
    _check_unary(tan, umath.tan(ux))
    _check_unary(arcsin, umath.asin(ux))
    _check_unary(arccos, umath.acos(ux))
    _check_unary(arctan, umath.atan(ux))
    _check_binary(arctan2, umath.atan2(ux, uy))
예제 #31
def test_against_uncertainties_package():
        from uncertainties import ufloat
        from uncertainties import umath
        from math import sqrt as math_sqrt
    except ImportError:
    X, varX = 0.5, 0.04
    Y, varY = 3, 0.09
    N = 3
    ux = ufloat(X, math_sqrt(varX))
    uy = ufloat(Y, math_sqrt(varY))

    def _compare(result, u):
        Z, varZ = result
        assert abs(Z-u.n)/u.n < 1e-13 and (varZ-u.s**2)/u.s**2 < 1e-13, \
            "expected (%g,%g) got (%g,%g)"%(u.n,u.s**2,Z,varZ)

    def _check_pow(u):
        _compare(pow(X, varX, N), u)

    def _check_unary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX), u)

    def _check_binary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX, Y, varY), u)

    _check_binary(add, ux+uy)
    _check_binary(sub, ux-uy)
    _check_binary(mul, ux*uy)
    _check_binary(div, ux/uy)
    _check_binary(pow2, ux**uy)

    _check_unary(exp, umath.exp(ux))
    _check_unary(log, umath.log(ux))
    _check_unary(sin, umath.sin(ux))
    _check_unary(cos, umath.cos(ux))
    _check_unary(tan, umath.tan(ux))
    _check_unary(arcsin, umath.asin(ux))
    _check_unary(arccos, umath.acos(ux))
    _check_unary(arctan, umath.atan(ux))
    _check_binary(arctan2, umath.atan2(ux, uy))
예제 #32
def basic_r_dipole_monopole(amplitude=R_DIPOLE_AMPLITUDE,\
    :param amplitude: Amplitude term of dipole (optional with uncertainty via uncertainties.ufloat((value, error)) ).
    :type amplitude: number
    :param radial_distance: Radial distance in GLyr
    :type radial_distance: number
    :type theta: number
    :param monopole: monopole term.
    :type monopole: number
    return amplitude * radial_distance * umath.cos(theta) + monopole
예제 #33
def get_angular_sep(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2):

    ra1 = ra1 * deg2rad
    ra2 = ra2 * deg2rad

    dec1 = dec1 * deg2rad
    dec2 = dec2 * deg2rad

    top = np.sqrt((np.cos(dec2) * np.sin(ra2 - ra1))**(2) +
                  (np.cos(dec1) * np.sin(dec2) -
                   np.sin(dec1) * np.cos(dec2) * np.cos(ra2 - ra1))**(2))

    bottom = (np.sin(dec1) * np.sin(dec2)) + (np.cos(dec1) * np.cos(dec2) *
                                              np.cos(ra2 - ra1))

    dist = np.atan2(top, bottom)

    return (dist / deg2rad) * 3600.0 * 1000.0
예제 #34
def transit_duration(P, Rp, a, b=0, e=0, w=90, inc=None, total=True):
    Function to calculate the total (T14) or full (T23) transit duration
    P: Period of planet orbit in days

    Rp: Radius of the planet in units of stellar radius

    b: Impact parameter of the planet transit [0, 1+Rp]

    a: scaled semi-major axis of the planet in units of solar radius
    inc: inclination of the orbit. Optional. If given b is not used. if None, b is used to calculate inc
    total: if True calculate the the total transit duration T14, else calculate duration of full transit T23

    Tdur: duration of transit in same unit as P   
    #eqn 30 and 31 of Kipping 2010 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.16894.x
    factor = (1-e**2)/(1+e*sin(radians(w)))
    if inc == None:
        inc = inclination(b,a,e,w)
    if total is False:
        Rp = -Rp
    sini = sin(radians(inc))
    cosi = cos(radians(inc))
    denom = a*factor*sini
    tdur= (P/np.pi) * (factor**2/sqrt(1-e**2)) * (asin ( sqrt((1+Rp)**2 - (a*factor*cosi)**2)/ denom ) )
    return  tdur
예제 #35
파일: correct.py 프로젝트: yano404/A5tools
    def D(self, a):
        a : angle of rotation [rad]

        D : distance between target and detector [mm]
        Rd = self.R + self.d
        r = self.r
        AT = self.AT
        if isinstance(a, (int, float, np.number, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc)):
            return umath.sqrt(Rd**2.0 + r**2.0 - 2.0 * Rd * r * umath.cos(a + AT))
        elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
            return unp.sqrt(Rd**2.0 + r**2.0 - 2.0 * Rd * r * unp.cos(a + AT))
            raise ValueError(
                f"This function not supported for the input types. argument 'a' must be number or array")
예제 #36
def fwheel_to_handlebar_ref(lam, l1, l2):
    '''Returns the distance along the benchmark coordinates from the front
    wheel center to the handlebar reference center.

    lam : float
        Steer axis tilt.
    l1, l2 : float
        The distance from the front wheel center to the handlebar refernce
        center perpendicular to and along the steer axis.

    u1, u2 : float


    u1 = l2 * umath.sin(lam) - l1 * umath.cos(lam)
    u2 = u1 / umath.tan(lam) + l1 / umath.sin(lam)
    return u1, u2
예제 #37
def fwheel_to_handlebar_ref(lam, l1, l2):
    '''Returns the distance along the benchmark coordinates from the front
    wheel center to the handlebar reference center.

    lam : float
        Steer axis tilt.
    l1, l2 : float
        The distance from the front wheel center to the handlebar refernce
        center perpendicular to and along the steer axis.

    u1, u2 : float


    u1 = l2 * umath.sin(lam) - l1 * umath.cos(lam)
    u2 = u1 / umath.tan(lam) + l1 / umath.sin(lam)
    return u1, u2
예제 #38
def effective_ringed_planet_radius(rp, rin, rout, ir):
    Calculate effective radius of a ringed planet accounting for possible overlap between ring and planet. - eqn (2) from zuluaga+2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2041-8205/803/1/L14
    rp : float, ufloat;
        Radius of the planet hosting the ring
    rin, rout : float, ufloat;
        Inner and outer radii of the ring in units of rp.
    ir : float, ufloat;
        Inclination of the ring from the skyplane. 0 is face-on ring, 90 is edge on
    eff_R : float, ufloat;
        effective radius of the ringed planet in same unit as rp

    cosir = cos(radians(ir))
    sinir = sin(radians(ir))
    y = lambda r: sqrt(r**2 - 1) / (r * sinir)

    def eff(r):
        if r * cosir > 1:
            eff_r = r**2 * cosir - 1
            eff_r = (r**2 * cosir * 2 / np.pi *
                     asin(y(r))) - (2 / np.pi * asin(y(r) * r * cosir))

        return eff_r

    rout_eff2 = eff(rout)
    rin_eff2 = eff(rin)

    Arp = rp**2 + rp**2 * (rout_eff2 - rin_eff2)
    return sqrt(Arp)
예제 #39
def get_dcsd_correction():
    from uncertainties import ufloat, umath

    corr = []
    dz_modes = [(i, j) for i in [0, 1, 3] for j in [0, 1, 3]]
    for i, j in dz_modes:
        r_i_val = modes[i]['amplitude ratio']
        r_j_val = modes[j]['amplitude ratio']

        r_i_err = modes[i]['amplitude ratio err']
        r_j_err = modes[j]['amplitude ratio err']

        r_i = ufloat((r_i_val, r_i_err))
        r_j = ufloat((r_j_val, r_j_err))

        delta_i_val = modes[i]['phase']
        delta_j_val = modes[j]['phase']

        delta_i_err = modes[i]['phase err']
        delta_j_err = modes[j]['phase err']

        delta_i = ufloat((delta_i_val, delta_i_err))
        delta_j = ufloat((delta_j_val, delta_j_err))

        R_i_val = modes[i]['coherence factor']
        R_j_val = modes[j]['coherence factor']

        R_i_err = modes[i]['coherence factor err']
        R_j_err = modes[j]['coherence factor err']

        R_i = ufloat((R_i_val, R_i_err))
        R_j = ufloat((R_i_val, R_i_err))

        correction = 1 - 2 * r_i * r_j * umath.cos(delta_i +
                                                   delta_j) + r_i**2 * r_j**2
        yield_factor = 1 / correction

    return corr
예제 #40
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: xshi/dhad
def get_dcsd_correction():
    from uncertainties import ufloat, umath

    corr = []
    dz_modes = [(i,j) for i in [0,1,3] for j in [0,1,3]]
    for i,j in dz_modes:
        r_i_val = modes[i]['amplitude ratio']
        r_j_val = modes[j]['amplitude ratio']

        r_i_err = modes[i]['amplitude ratio err']
        r_j_err = modes[j]['amplitude ratio err']

        r_i = ufloat((r_i_val, r_i_err))
        r_j = ufloat((r_j_val, r_j_err))

        delta_i_val = modes[i]['phase']
        delta_j_val = modes[j]['phase']

        delta_i_err = modes[i]['phase err']
        delta_j_err = modes[j]['phase err']

        delta_i = ufloat((delta_i_val, delta_i_err))
        delta_j = ufloat((delta_j_val, delta_j_err))

        R_i_val = modes[i]['coherence factor']
        R_j_val = modes[j]['coherence factor']

        R_i_err = modes[i]['coherence factor err']
        R_j_err = modes[j]['coherence factor err']

        R_i = ufloat((R_i_val, R_i_err))
        R_j = ufloat((R_i_val, R_i_err))

        correction = 1 - 2*r_i*r_j*umath.cos(
            delta_i + delta_j ) + r_i**2 * r_j**2
        yield_factor = 1/correction

    return corr
예제 #41
def calculate_l1_l2(h6, h7, d5, d6, l):
    '''Returns the distance along (l2) and perpendicular (l1) to the steer axis from the
    front wheel center to the handlebar reference point.

    h6 : float
        Distance from the table to the top of the front axle.
    h7 : float
        Distance from the table to the top of the handlebar reference circle.
    d5 : float
        Diameter of the front axle.
    d6 : float
        Diameter of the handlebar reference circle.
    l : float
        Outer distance from the front axle to the handlebar reference circle.

    l1 : float
        The distance from the front wheel center to the handlebar reference
        center perpendicular to the steer axis. The positive sense is if the
        handlebar reference point is more forward than the front wheel center
        relative to the steer axis normal.
    l2 : float
       The distance from the front wheel center to the handlebar reference
       center parallel to the steer axis. The positive sense is if the
       handlebar reference point is above the front wheel center with reference
       to the steer axis.

    r5 = d5 / 2.
    r6 = d6 / 2.
    l1 = h7 - h6 + r5 - r6
    l0 = l - r5 - r6
    gamma = umath.asin(l1 / l0)
    l2 = l0 * umath.cos(gamma)
    return l1, l2
예제 #42
def basic_z_dipole_monopole(prefactor=Z_DIP_PREFACTOR, \
                            z_redshift=REDSHIFT, \
                            beta=Z_DIP_BETA, \
                            theta=THETA, \
    :param prefactor: Amplitude of dipole.
    :type prefactor: number
    :param z_redshift: Redshift of absorber in sky.
    :type z_redshift: number
    :param beta: power law exponent.
    :type beta: number
    :param theta: angle in radians between the dipole and a positions on the sky.
    :type theta: number
    :param monopole: monopole term.
    :type monopole: number
    :returns: value of predicted dipole at a theta radians away from dipole.
    :rtype: number
    return prefactor * z_redshift ** beta * umath.cos(theta) + monopole
예제 #43
 def cos(self):
     if self.unit.is_angle:
         return unp.cos(self.value *
         raise UnitError('Argument of cos must be an angle')
예제 #44
파일: tri.py 프로젝트: akipta/hobbyutil
def SolveProblem(d):
    # Get our needed variables
    for k in d["vars"]:
        if k in set(("S1", "S2", "S3", "A1", "A2", "A3")):
            exec("%s = d['vars']['%s']" % (k, k))
    angle_conv = d["angle_measure"]  # Converts angle measure to radians
    prob = d["problem_type"]
        if prob == "sss":
            # Law of cosines to find two angles, angle law to find third.
            A1 = acos((S2**2 + S3**2 - S1**2)/(2*S2*S3))
            A2 = acos((S1**2 + S3**2 - S2**2)/(2*S1*S3))
            A3 = pi - A1 - A2
        elif prob == "ssa":
            # Law of sines to find the other two angles and remaining
            # side.  Note it can have two solutions (the second solution's
            # data will be in the variables s1_2, s2_2, etc.).
            A1 *= angle_conv  # Make sure angle is in radians
            A2 = asin((S2/S1*sin(A1)))
            A3 = pi - A1 - A2
            S3 = S2*sin(A3)/sin(A2)
            # Check for other solution
            A1_2 = A1
            A2_2 = pi - A2
            A3_2 = pi - A1_2 - A2_2
            if A1_2 + A2_2 + A3_2 > pi:
                # Second solution not possible
                del A1_2
                del A2_2
                del A3_2
                # Second solution is possible
                S1_2 = S1
                S2_2 = S2
                S3_2 = S2_2*sin(A3_2)/sin(A2_2)
        elif prob == "sas":
            # Law of cosines to find third side; law of sines to find
            # another angle; angle law for other angle.  Note we rename
            # the incoming angle to be consistent with a solution diagram.
            A3 = A1*angle_conv  # Make sure angle is in radians
            S3 = sqrt(S1**2 + S2**2 - 2*S1*S2*cos(A3))
            A2 = asin(S2*sin(A3)/S3)
            A1 = pi - A2 - A3
        elif prob == "asa":
            # Third angle from angle law; law of sines for other two
            # sides.  Note we rename the sides for consistency with a
            # diagram.
            A1 *= angle_conv  # Make sure angle is in radians
            A2 *= angle_conv  # Make sure angle is in radians
            A3 = pi - A1 - A2
            S3 = S1
            S2 = S3*sin(A2)/sin(A3)
            S1 = S3*sin(A1)/sin(A3)
        elif prob == "saa":
            # Third angle from angle law; law of sines for other two
            # sides. 
            A1 *= angle_conv  # Make sure angle is in radians
            A2 *= angle_conv  # Make sure angle is in radians
            A3 = pi - A1 - A2
            S2 = S1*sin(A2)/sin(A1)
            S3 = S1*sin(A3)/sin(A1)
            raise ValueError("Bug:  unrecognized problem")
    except UnboundLocalError as e:
        s = str(e)
        loc = s.find("'")
        s = s[loc + 1:]
        loc = s.find("'")
        s = s[:loc]
        Error("Variable '%s' not defined" % s)
    except ValueError as e:
        msg = "Can't solve the problem:\n"
        msg += "  Error:  %s" % str(e)
    # Collect solution information
    solution = {}
    vars = set((
        "S1", "S2", "S3", "A1", "A2", "A3",
        "S1_2", "S2_2", "S3_2", "A1_2", "A2_2", "A3_2",
    for k in vars:
        if k in locals():
            exec("solution['%s'] = %s" % (k, k))
    d["solution"] = solution
예제 #45
def benchmark_par_to_canonical(p):
    '''Returns the canonical matrices of the Whipple bicycle model linearized
    about the upright constant velocity configuration. It uses the parameter
    definitions from Meijaard et al. 2007.

    p : dictionary
        A dictionary of the benchmark bicycle parameters. Make sure your units
        are correct, best to ue the benchmark paper's units!

    M : ndarray, shape(2,2)
        The mass matrix.
    C1 : ndarray, shape(2,2)
        The damping like matrix that is proportional to the speed, v.
    K0 : ndarray, shape(2,2)
        The stiffness matrix proportional to gravity, g.
    K2 : ndarray, shape(2,2)
        The stiffness matrix proportional to the speed squared, v**2.

    This function handles parameters with uncertanties.

    mT = p['mR'] + p['mB'] + p['mH'] + p['mF']
    xT = (p['xB'] * p['mB'] + p['xH'] * p['mH'] + p['w'] * p['mF']) / mT
    zT = (-p['rR'] * p['mR'] + p['zB'] * p['mB'] +
          p['zH'] * p['mH'] - p['rF'] * p['mF']) / mT

    ITxx = (p['IRxx'] + p['IBxx'] + p['IHxx'] + p['IFxx'] + p['mR'] *
            p['rR']**2 + p['mB'] * p['zB']**2 + p['mH'] * p['zH']**2 + p['mF']
            * p['rF']**2)
    ITxz = (p['IBxz'] + p['IHxz'] - p['mB'] * p['xB'] * p['zB'] -
            p['mH'] * p['xH'] * p['zH'] + p['mF'] * p['w'] * p['rF'])
    p['IRzz'] = p['IRxx']
    p['IFzz'] = p['IFxx']
    ITzz = (p['IRzz'] + p['IBzz'] + p['IHzz'] + p['IFzz'] +
            p['mB'] * p['xB']**2 + p['mH'] * p['xH']**2 + p['mF'] * p['w']**2)

    mA = p['mH'] + p['mF']
    xA = (p['xH'] * p['mH'] + p['w'] * p['mF']) / mA
    zA = (p['zH'] * p['mH'] - p['rF']* p['mF']) / mA

    IAxx = (p['IHxx'] + p['IFxx'] + p['mH'] * (p['zH'] - zA)**2 +
            p['mF'] * (p['rF'] + zA)**2)
    IAxz = (p['IHxz'] - p['mH'] * (p['xH'] - xA) * (p['zH'] - zA) + p['mF'] *
            (p['w'] - xA) * (p['rF'] + zA))
    IAzz = (p['IHzz'] + p['IFzz'] + p['mH'] * (p['xH'] - xA)**2 + p['mF'] *
            (p['w'] - xA)**2)
    uA = (xA - p['w'] - p['c']) * umath.cos(p['lam']) - zA * umath.sin(p['lam'])
    IAll = (mA * uA**2 + IAxx * umath.sin(p['lam'])**2 +
            2 * IAxz * umath.sin(p['lam']) * umath.cos(p['lam']) +
            IAzz * umath.cos(p['lam'])**2)
    IAlx = (-mA * uA * zA + IAxx * umath.sin(p['lam']) + IAxz *
    IAlz = (mA * uA * xA + IAxz * umath.sin(p['lam']) + IAzz *

    mu = p['c'] / p['w'] * umath.cos(p['lam'])

    SR = p['IRyy'] / p['rR']
    SF = p['IFyy'] / p['rF']
    ST = SR + SF
    SA = mA * uA + mu * mT * xT

    Mpp = ITxx
    Mpd = IAlx + mu * ITxz
    Mdp = Mpd
    Mdd = IAll + 2 * mu * IAlz + mu**2 * ITzz
    M = np.array([[Mpp, Mpd], [Mdp, Mdd]])

    K0pp = mT * zT # this value only reports to 13 digit precision it seems?
    K0pd = -SA
    K0dp = K0pd
    K0dd = -SA * umath.sin(p['lam'])
    K0 = np.array([[K0pp, K0pd], [K0dp, K0dd]])

    K2pp = 0.
    K2pd = (ST - mT * zT) / p['w'] * umath.cos(p['lam'])
    K2dp = 0.
    K2dd = (SA + SF * umath.sin(p['lam'])) / p['w'] * umath.cos(p['lam'])
    K2 = np.array([[K2pp, K2pd], [K2dp, K2dd]])

    C1pp = 0.
    C1pd = (mu*ST + SF*umath.cos(p['lam']) + ITxz / p['w'] *
            umath.cos(p['lam']) - mu*mT*zT)
    C1dp = -(mu * ST + SF * umath.cos(p['lam']))
    C1dd = (IAlz / p['w'] * umath.cos(p['lam']) + mu * (SA +
            ITzz / p['w'] * umath.cos(p['lam'])))
    C1 = np.array([[C1pp, C1pd], [C1dp, C1dd]])

    return M, C1, K0, K2
예제 #46
 def lam_equality(lam, rF, rR, a, b, c):
     return umath.sin(lam) - (rF - rR + c * umath.cos(lam)) / (a + b)