예제 #1
    def _hcc_hg(self, x, y, z):
        """Converts hcc coordinates to Stonyhurst heliographic. 

        x - x coordinate in meters
        y - y coordinate in meters 
        z - z coordinate in meters
        Calculations taken and shortened
        from sunpy.wcs.
        cosb = M.cos(M.deg2rad(self.B0))
        sinb = M.sin(M.deg2rad(self.B0))

        hecr = M.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
        hgln = M.arctan2(x, z*cosb - y*sinb) \
                + M.deg2rad(self.L0)
        hglt = M.arcsin((y * cosb + z * sinb)/hecr)

        return hgln*180/np.pi, hglt*180/np.pi