def test_mkdir_and_rmdir_with_parents(self): abc = Path(self.d, "a", "b", "c") abc.mkdir(parents=True) assert abc.isdir() abc.rmdir(parents=True) assert not Path(self.d, "a").exists()
def tearDown(self): created_dir = Path( './portfolio/static/portfolio/media/2016_08_19_Test_headline') created_dir.rmdir()
class Base(object): """ set and make directory Parameters ---------- home : str set a directory as home """ def __init__(self, home='.'): """ set home directory Parameters ---------- home : str set a directory as home Returns ------- """ self._home = Path(home).absolute() def __str__(self): return self.home def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.home) # def __abs(self, string): # return os.path.abspath(string) @property def home(self): return self._home.__str__() @home.setter def home(self, path): self._home = Path(path).absolute() def make_home(self, force=False): """ make home directory Parameters ---------- force : bool if True, if home exists and is a dir that containing contents, then delete contents in it, if exists and not a dir, remove it and make dir Returns ------- """ self.__mkdir(force) def __mkdir(self, force=False): if self._home.exists(): if not self._home.isdir(): if not force: raise Exception('%s exists but is not a dir' % self.home) self._home.remove() self._home.mkdir() if force: self._home.rmtree() self._home.mkdir() else: self._home.mkdir(parents=True) def __rmdir(self, force=False): if self._home.exists(): if not self._home.isdir(): if not force: raise Exception('%s exists but is not a dir' % self.home) self._home.remove() if force: self._home.rmtree() else: self._home.rmdir() def rm_home(self, force=False): """ remove home directory Parameters ---------- force : bool if True, if home exists and is a dir that containing contents, then delete it and it's contents, if exists and not a dir, remove then Returns ------- """ self.__rmdir(force)