예제 #1
def load_dump(fname, hdr, geom, derived_vars=True, extras=True):
  dfile = h5py.File(fname, 'r')
  dump = {}
  # Carry pointers to header. Saves some pain getting shapes/parameters for plots
  # Geometry, however, _must be carried separately_ due to size in memory
  dump['hdr'] = hdr

  # TODO this necessarily grabs the /whole/ primitives array
  for key in [key for key in list(dfile['/'].keys()) if key not in ['header', 'extras', 'prims'] ]:
    dump[key] = dfile[key][()]

  # TODO should probably error at this one
  if 't' not in dump:
    dump['t'] = 0.

  for name, num in zip(hdr['prim_names'], list(range(hdr['n_prim']))):
    dump[name] = dfile['prims'][:,:,:,num]

  if extras and 'extras' in dfile.keys():
    # Load the extras.
    for key in list(dfile['extras'].keys()):
      dump[key] = dfile['extras/' + key][()]

  # Recalculate all the derived variables, if we need to
  if derived_vars:
    dump['ucon'], dump['ucov'], dump['bcon'], dump['bcov'] = get_state(hdr, geom, dump)
    dump['bsq'] = (dump['bcon']*dump['bcov']).sum(axis=-1)
    dump['beta'] = 2.*(hdr['gam']-1.)*dump['UU']/(dump['bsq'])

    if hdr['has_electrons']:
      ref = units.get_cgs()
      dump['Thetae'] = ref['MP']/ref['ME']*dump['KEL']*dump['RHO']**(hdr['gam_e']-1.)
      dump['ue'] = dump['KEL']*dump['RHO']**(hdr['gam_e']) / (hdr['gam_e']-1.)
      dump['up'] = dump['UU'] - dump['ue']
      dump['TpTe'] = (hdr['gam_p']-1.)*dump['up']/((hdr['gam_e']-1.)*dump['ue'])

  return dump
예제 #2
파일: eht_plot.py 프로젝트: rndsrc/iharm3d
def plot_temp():
  fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(FIGX, FIGY))
  if avgs[0]['r'][-1] > 50:
    txlim = [1e0, 1e3]
    txlim = [1e0, 1e2]
  fit_labs = []
  for i,avg in enumerate(avgs):
    cgs = units.get_cgs()

    # We can't very well plot a temp we don't know
    if 'Pg_r' not in avg:

    avg['Tp_r'] = cgs['MP'] * avg['Pg_r'] / (cgs['KBOL'] * avg['rho_r']) * cgs['CL']**2

    # Add the fits. Aaaaaalll the fits
    x = avg['r'][i_of(avg['r'], 3):i_of(avg['r'], 30)]
    y = avg['Tp_r'][i_of(avg['r'], 3):i_of(avg['r'], 30)]

    coeffs = np.polyfit(np.log(x), np.log(y), deg=1)
    poly = np.poly1d(coeffs)
    yfit = lambda xf: np.exp(poly(np.log(xf)))

    avg['r_fit'] = x
    avg['Tp_r_fit'] = yfit(x)
    fit_lab = r"{:.2g} * r^{:.2g}".format(np.exp(coeffs[1]), coeffs[0])
    print(labels[i], " Ti fit: ", fit_lab)

  # Plot the profiles themselves
  plot_multi(ax, 'r', 'Tp_r', r"$<T_{i}>$", logx=True, xlim=txlim, logy=True)
  plot_multi(ax, 'r_fit', 'Tp_r_fit', r"$<T_{i}>$", logx=True, xlim=txlim, logy=True, label_list=fit_labs, linestyle='--')

  if len(labels) > 1:
    ax.legend(loc='lower right')
  plt.savefig(fname_out + "_Ti.png")
예제 #3
#                                                                              #

from __future__ import print_function, division
import os
import sys
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
sys.path.insert(0, '../script/')
sys.path.insert(0, '../script/analysis')
from subprocess import call
import glob
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
import hdf5_to_dict as io
import units
cgs = units.get_cgs()
import util
from bhlight import bcall

PROBLEM = 'binning'
AUTO = '-auto' in sys.argv
MPI = '-mpi' in sys.argv
if '-idim' in sys.argv:
    IDIM = int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-idim') + 1])
    IDIM = 0

os.chdir('../prob/' + PROBLEM)
예제 #4
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Little script to convert tracer data to a form suitable for PRISM
# Author: Jonah Miller ([email protected])
# Based on the work of Matt Mumpower

from __future__ import print_function, division
import sys; sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
import units; cgs = units.get_cgs()
import numpy as np
import os, shutil, stat
from itertools import chain
from scipy import integrate,interpolate
from subprocess import Popen
import hdf5_to_dict as io
SMALL = 1e-20

class HomologousExpansion:
    "Assumes everything in CGS!"
    power = -3.0
    gamma = 5./3.
    def __init__(self,tlast,rholast,kbTlast,Rlast):
        self.rho0 = self._get_rho0_homologous(rholast,tlast)
        self.C_adiabat = self._get_adiabatic_const(kbTlast,rholast)
        self.R0 = Rlast/tlast

    def rho(self,t):
        rho0 = self.rho0
        p = self.power
        return rho0*((t+SMALL)**(p))
예제 #5
#!/usr/bin/env python

#                                                                              # 
#  Makes a text file from nuLnu from dumps                                     # 
#                                                                              # 

from __future__ import print_function,division
import h5py, argparse
import numpy as np
from units import get_cgs
from scipy import integrate
from hdf5_to_dict import get_dumps_full
units = get_cgs()

def get_data_dump(dumpname):
    with h5py.File(dumpname,'r') as f:
        nuLnu = f['nuLnu'].value
        nth = f['nth'][0]
        nphi = f['nphi'][0]
        nubins = f['nubins'][0]
        numin = f['numin'][0]
        numax = f['numax'][0]
        t_unit = f['T_unit'][0]
        t = f['t'][0]*t_unit
        R = f['Rout_rad'][0]*f['L_unit'][0]

    nu = np.zeros(nubins)
    lnumin = np.log(numin)
    lnumax = np.log(numax)