예제 #1
    def __init__(self, sim, config):
        self.sim = sim
        self.config = config  # Note: this is passed in, and is located at sim.pod.forces.aero in the config file

        # @see http://www.softschools.com/formulas/physics/air_resistance_formula/85/
        self.air_resistance_k = Units.SI(
            self.config.air_density) * self.config.drag_coefficient * Units.SI(
                self.config.drag_area) / 2
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, sim, config):
        PollingSensor.__init__(self, sim, config)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("Accelerometer")

        self.logger.info("Initializing Accelerometer {}".format(self.config.id))
        self.data = namedtuple('AccelerometerData', ['t_usec', 'raw_x', 'raw_y', 'raw_z', 'real_x', 'real_y', 'real_z'])

        # Quantities for converting to raw values
        raw_min = self.config.raw_min
        raw_max = self.config.raw_max
        real_min = Units.SI(self.config.real_min)
        real_max = Units.SI(self.config.real_max)

        self.sensor_input_range = (real_min, real_max)
        self.sensor_output_range = (raw_min, raw_max)
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, sim, config):
        self.sim = sim
        self.config = config

        self.name = "F_lateral_stability"
        self.step_listeners = []
        self.data = namedtuple(self.name, ['x', 'y', 'z'])

        self.damping_coefficient = Units.SI(self.config.damping_coefficient)
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, sim, config):
        PollingSensor.__init__(self, sim, config)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("LaserOptoSensor")

        self.logger.info("Initializing Laser Opto Sensor {}".format(

        # Get model info (min/max, raw values, etc.)
        self.model = self.sim.config.sensors.models[self.config.model]
        # Set ranges for mapping real to raw and vice versa
        self.real_range = [
        self.raw_range = [self.model.raw_min, self.model.raw_max]

        # Get the height offset for this sensor?
        self.he_height_offset = Units.SI(self.config.he_height_offset)
        self.measurement_offset = self.he_height_offset - Units.SI(

        # Data types
        self.data = namedtuple('LaserOptoSensorData', ('t_usec', 'height'))
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, sim, config):
        Sensor.__init__(self, sim, config)

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("PollingSensor")

        # Configuration

        # Grab the fixed timestep from the sim. If we wanted to use a variable timestep we would need to do the next calculations in the lerp function
        self.sampling_rate = Units.SI(self.config.sampling_rate)  # Hz

        # @see self._add_noise() and numpy.random.normal
        self.noise_center = self.config.noise.center or 0.0
        self.noise_scale = self.config.noise.scale or 0.0

        # Volatile
        #self.buffer = RingBuffer(config.buffer_size, config.dtype)   # @todo: How to specify dtype in configuration? There should be a string rep of dtype I think 
        self.buffer = None     # Note: we depend on our listeners to handle any buffering/saving/sending of sensor values. Buffer is cleard after each step.
        self.sample_times = None
        self.next_start = 0.0
        self.step_lerp_pcts = None  # Set during step
예제 #6
    def create_step_samples(self, dt_usec):
        # Pod acceleration (x)
        pod_start_accel = self.sim.pod.last_acceleration
        pod_end_accel = self.sim.pod.acceleration
        # Create the samples (lerp between the times)
        sample_data = self._lerp(pod_start_accel, pod_end_accel)
        sample_times = sample_times = self._get_sample_times(dt_usec)

        # @todo: apply a rotation matrix to simulate the actual 

        # NOTE: Accel is mounted such that it is rotated 90 degrees in the horizontal plane such that:
        #       +y accel = +x pod reference frame, +x accel = -y pod reference frame
        #       ^ This is the format for the data.
        # @todo: move this to config somehow (tbd)

        # Map real values to sample values

        samples = []
        for i, t in enumerate(sample_times):
            real_x = 0
            real_y = sample_data[i]
            real_z = 9.81  # Accel due to gravity

            # @todo: Apply a rotation matrix? 

            # Map 
            xyz = np.array((real_x, real_y, real_z))
            # Add some noise (in G's)
            xyz += np.random.normal(self.noise_center, Units.SI(self.noise_scale), 3)
            xyz = np.interp(xyz, self.sensor_input_range, self.sensor_output_range)  
            xyz = xyz.astype(int)
            samples.append(self.data(t, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], real_x, real_y, real_z))

            #samples += self._get_gaussian_noise(samples, self.noise_center, self.noise_scale)            

        return samples
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, sim, config):

        self.sim = sim
        self.config = config

        # Physical
        # NOTE: @see diagram in http://confluence.rloop.org/display/SD/2.+Determine+Pod+Kinematics
        #       For the track/tube reference frame, x=0 at the start of the track, and x = length at the end.
        #       For the pod, x=0 is ahead and below the pod, with x+ being toward the read of the pod.
        self.length = Units.SI(
        )  # meters -- Length from pod start position to end of track

        # Reference for the reflective stripes
        self.reflective_strip_width = Units.SI(
            config.reflective_strip_width)  # meters (4 inches)
        self.reflective_pattern_interval = Units.SI(
            config.reflective_pattern_interval)  # meters (100 feet)
        self.reflective_pattern_spacing = Units.SI(
        )  # meters -- distance between stripes in a pattern

        self.track_gap_width = Units.SI(
        )  # Width of the gap in the subtrack in meters (probably worst scenario, more realistic 1-2 mm)
        self.track_gap_interval = Units.SI(
        )  # Interval between the gaps in the subtrack in meters (Length of the aluminium plate)

        # Initialize
        self.reflective_strips = None  # Will be a numpy array after initialization
        self.reflective_strip_ends = self.reflective_strips + self.reflective_strip_width  # Pre-calc the ends for use in LaserContrastSensor

        self.track_gaps = []
예제 #8
    def __init__(self, sim, config):
        self.sim = sim
        self.config = config

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("Brake")

        # Limit Switches
        # Switch activation: We only want to call the callback when the switch is tripped, not repeatedly
        self.retract_sw_activated = False
        self.extend_sw_activated = False

        # Volatile
        #self.gap = Units.SI(self.config.initial_gap)  # @todo: make this work

        # Rail Gap
        # Screw pos is the main value from which we calculate the gap and MLP values. [0, 75000]um fully retracted to fully extended (maps to brake gap)
        # Note: screw position is updated by the callback from the FCU
        self.gap = Units.SI(self.config.gap.initial_gap)
        #print "Gap after conversion is {}".format(self.gap)
        self.retracted_gap = Units.SI(self.config.gap.retracted_gap)
        self.extended_gap = Units.SI(self.config.gap.extended_gap)
        self.gap_range = [self.retracted_gap, self.extended_gap]

        # Screw
        self.screw_limit_sw_retract = Units.SI(
        self.screw_limit_sw_extend = Units.SI(
        self.screw_range = [
            self.screw_limit_sw_retract, self.screw_limit_sw_extend
        # Calculate initial screw position from the initial gap (note: during processing it's the other way around)
        self.screw_pos = np.interp(self.gap, self.gap_range, self.screw_range)

        # Linear Position Sensor
        # @todo: check this to make sure the min/max are in the correct order -- should be retracted->extended
        self.mlp_range = [self.config.mlp.raw_min, self.config.mlp.raw_max]
        # Calculate raw MLP value from the screw position

        print("{}, {}, {}".format(self.screw_pos, self.screw_range,

        self.mlp_raw = np.interp(self.screw_pos, self.screw_range,

        # Negator
        self.negator_torque = Units.SI(self.config.negator.torque)

        # TESTING ONLY
        self._gap_target = self.gap  # Initialize to current value so we don't move yet
        self._gap_close_time = Units.SI(self.config.gap_close_min_time)
        self._gap_close_dist = self.retracted_gap - self.extended_gap
        self._gap_close_speed = self._gap_close_dist / self._gap_close_time  # meters/second -- this is just a guess -- .007 m/s = closing 21mm in 3s
        #self.logger.debug("Brake gap close speed: {} m/s".format(self._gap_close_speed))
        # /TESTING

        self.normal_force = 0.0  # N -- normal against the rail; +normal is away from the rail
        self.drag_force = 0.0  # N -- drag on the pod; -drag is toward the back of the pod

        self.last_normal_force = 0.0
        self.last_drag_force = 0.0

        # Lead Screw
        # revs per cm=2.5  There are 4 mm per single lead so 2.5 turns move the carriage 1 cm
        # Formulas: http://www.nookindustries.com/LinearLibraryItem/Ballscrew_Torque_Calculations
        self.screw_pitch = Units.SI(self.config.lead_screw.pitch)
        self.drive_efficiency = self.config.lead_screw.drive_efficiency
        self.backdrive_efficiency = self.config.lead_screw.backdrive_efficiency

        # Lead Screw Precalculated Values
        self._drive_torque_multiplier = self.screw_pitch / (
            self.drive_efficiency * 2 * 3.14)
        self._backdrive_torque_multiplier = (
            self.screw_pitch * self.backdrive_efficiency) / (2 * 3.14)
예제 #9
    def __init__(self, sim, config):

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("Pod")
        self.logger.info("Initializing pod")

        self.sim = sim
        self.config = config

        self.name = 'pod_actual'

        self.step_listeners = []
        self.step_forces = OrderedDict(
        )  # This will be filled in during each step

        # Pod physical properties
        # *** NOTE: all distances are in the track/tube reference frame, origin is pod location reference (centerpoint of fwd crossbar).  +x is forward, +y is left, +z is up.
        # @see http://confluence.rloop.org/display/SD/2.+Determine+Pod+Kinematics

        self.mass = Units.SI(self.config.mass)
        self.pusher_plate_offset = Units.SI(
        self.pusher_pin_travel = Units.SI(

        # Forces that can act on the pod (note: these are cleared at the end of each step)
        self.net_force = np.array(
            (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        )  # Newtons; (x, y, z). +x pushes the pod forward, +z force lifts the pod, y is not currently used.

        # Initialize actual physical values (volatile variables). All refer to action in the x dimension only.
        self.acceleration = Units.SI(
            self.config.acceleration) or 0.0  # meters per second ^2
        self.velocity = Units.SI(
            self.config.velocity) or 0.0  # meters per second
        self.position = Units.SI(
        ) or 0.0  # meters. Position relative to the track; start position is 0m

        # @todo: this is just a sketch, for use with the hover engine calculations. Maybe switch accel, velocity, and position to coordinates? hmmmm...
        self.z_acceleration = 0.0
        self.z_velocity = 0.0
        self.he_height = Units.SI(
        )  # This should be gotten from the starting height of the lift mechanism
        self._initial_he_height = self.he_height  # @todo: Remove this -- it's only used as a temporary block from going through the floor until the landing gear is implemented

        self.elapsed_time_usec = 0

        # Values from the previous step (for lerping and whatnot)
        self.last_acceleration = 0.0
        self.last_velocity = 0.0
        self.last_position = 0.0
        self.last_he_height = 0.0

        # Handle forces that act on the pod
        self.forces = []
        self.forces.append( AeroForce(self.sim, self.config.forces.aero) )
        self.forces.append( BrakeForce(self.sim, self.config.forces.brakes) )
        self.forces.append( GimbalForce(self.sim, self.config.forces.gimbals) )
        self.forces.append( HoverEngineForce(self.sim, self.config.forces.hover_engines) )
        self.forces.append( LateralStabilityForce(self.sim, self.config.forces.lateral_stability) )
        self.forces.append( LandingGearForce(self.sim, self.config.forces.landing_gear) )
        self.force_exerters = OrderedDict()
        self.force_exerters['aero'] = AeroForce(self.sim,
        self.force_exerters['brakes'] = BrakeForce(self.sim,
        self.force_exerters['gimbals'] = GimbalForce(
            self.sim, self.config.forces.gimbals)
        self.force_exerters['hover_engines'] = HoverEngineForce(
            self.sim, self.config.forces.hover_engines)
        self.force_exerters['lateral_stability'] = LateralStabilityForce(
            self.sim, self.config.forces.lateral_stability)
        self.force_exerters['landing_gear'] = LandingGearForce(
            self.sim, self.config.forces.landing_gear)

        # Forces applied during the step (for recording purposes)
        # @todo: Maybe initialize these to ForceExerter.data(0,0,0)?
        self.step_forces = OrderedDict()
        self.step_forces['aero'] = ForceExerter.data(0, 0, 0)
        self.step_forces['brakes'] = ForceExerter.data(0, 0, 0)
        self.step_forces['gimbals'] = ForceExerter.data(0, 0, 0)
        self.step_forces['hover_engines'] = ForceExerter.data(0, 0, 0)
        self.step_forces['lateral_stability'] = ForceExerter.data(0, 0, 0)
        self.step_forces['landing_gear'] = ForceExerter.data(0, 0, 0)

        # Pre-calculated values

        # HE Drag
        Drag for a single hover engine (keep in mind that we have 8):
        w: Comes from solving 3d maxwell's equations (@whiplash) and using other fancy math -- provided by @whiplash -- not dependent on velocity, just depends on magnetic characteristics
        mu_0: Absolute permeability of the vacuum (constant) -- permeability constant, magnetic constant, etc. -- permeability of free space
        m: Magnetic dipole strength (constant, but depends on how magnets are arranged)
        h: thickness of conducting material (rail in this case)
        rho: density of conducting material (aluminum in this case)

        z_0: Distance between magnet and conducting surface
        v: Velocity
        w = 2 * rho / (mu_0 * h)
        F_lift / F_drag = v / w
        F_lift = ((3 * mu_0 * m**2) / (32 * 3.14159 * z_0**4)) * (1 - w * (v**2 + w**2)**(-1/2))

        Values (from @whiplash): 
        mu_0: 4 pi x10e-7
        rho: 2.7 g/cubic centimeter
        h: 0.5 in
        m: (@whiplash will need to calculate this -- it's a vector quantity, need to draw a magnetic circuit) 

        # Brakes

        #self.brakes = []
        #for brake_config in self.config.brakes:
        #    self.brakes.append(Brake(self.sim, brake_config))
        self.brakes = Brakes(self.sim, self.config.brakes)
        """ Sketch:
예제 #10
    def __init__(self, sim, config):
        ForceExerter.__init__(self, sim, config)
        self.name = 'F_lateral_stability'

        self.damping_coefficient = Units.SI(self.config.damping_coefficient)
예제 #11
    def __init__(self, sim, config):
        ForceExerter.__init__(self, sim, config)
        self.name = 'F_aero'

        # @see http://www.softschools.com/formulas/physics/air_resistance_formula/85/
        self.air_resistance_k = Units.SI(self.config.air_density) * self.config.drag_coefficient * Units.SI(self.config.drag_area) / 2