def test_post_normal(self, model_tournament, view_tournament):
        # Setup
        mock_model = Mock()
        mock_model.create_new_tournament = Mock()
        model_tournament.return_value = mock_model

        mock_view = Mock()
        mock_view.render = Mock()
        view_tournament.return_value = mock_view

        data = {

        # Preconditions

        # Run the test
        post(None, data)

        # Postconditions
        mock_model.create_new_tournament.assert_called_with(8, None)
    def test_post_with_large_num_images(self, model_tournament, view_tournament):
        # Setup
        mock_model = Mock()
        mock_model.create_new_tournament = Mock()
        model_tournament.return_value = mock_model

        mock_view = Mock()
        mock_view.render = Mock()
        view_tournament.return_value = mock_view

        data = {
            'num_images': 999

        # Preconditions

        # Run the test
        post(None, data)

        # Postconditions
        mock_model.create_new_tournament.assert_called_with(32, None)
    def test_post_with_a_starting_image_id(self, model_tournament, view_tournament):
        # Setup
        mock_model = Mock()
        mock_model.create_new_tournament = Mock()
        model_tournament.return_value = mock_model

        mock_view = Mock()
        mock_view.render = Mock()
        view_tournament.return_value = mock_view

        data = {
            'starting_image_id': 888

        # Preconditions

        # Run the test
        post(None, data)

        # Postconditions
        mock_model.create_new_tournament.assert_called_with(8, 888)