def playerIsUndocked(self): # dockedobject and dockeddistance must be global, i.e prefixed with self # otherwise the script will advance to next stage just after undocking # get the planet object self.dockedobject = universe.getDockedBase() name = self.dockedobject.getName() # verify if player is still docked and set the reference distance if (not name==""): self.dockeddistance = self.dockedobject.getDistance(self.player) self.startobjectname = name # when starting from Atlantis, target the departing planet to see the distance if (name=="Atlantis"): self.player.SetTarget(self.dockedobject) # if the player was never docked or is not docked and at least 1km away then set next stage number if (name=="" or ((not self.startobjectname=="") and (not self.startobjectname=="Atlantis") and self.dockedobject.getDistance(self.player)>(self.dockeddistance+1000))): self.stage = STAGE_AWAY self.timer = VS.GetGameTime()+5 return 0
def get_base_text(current_base = None, str_system_file = None): if current_base is None: current_base = universe.getDockedBase() if not current_base: return ((0,"neutral"),("Unknown","Main Menu")) if str_system_file is None: # get sector, quadrant, system, and base name str_system_file = current_base.getUnitSystemFile() # get faction int_faction = current_base.getFactionIndex() str_faction = current_base.getFactionName() # bases and planets aren't consistent in their usage of Name and Fullname values if not current_base: import debug debug.error('getDockedBase() returns null Unit!') if current_base.isPlanet(): str_base = current_base.getName() str_base_type = current_base.getFullname() + " planet" else: str_base = current_base.getFullname() str_base_type = current_base.getName() if str_base == '': str_base = 'Unknown' if str_faction == "pirates": try: str_base = pirate_bases[str_system_file] except KeyError: str_base = 'Unknown' # adjust the base type for certain planets if str_base_type == 'new_constantinople': str_base_type = "government base" elif str_base_type == 'perry': str_base_type = "military base" elif str_base_type == 'church_of_man planet': str_base_type = "agricultural planet" return ((int_faction,str_faction),(str_base,str_base_type))
def get_system_text(str_system_file=None, current_base=None): if str_system_file is None: if current_base is None: current_base = universe.getDockedBase() # get sector, quadrant, system, and base name str_system_file = current_base.getUnitSystemFile() n = str_system_file.find('/') if (n >= 0): str_sector = str_system_file[:n] str_system = str_system_file[n+1:] else: str_sector = 'Unknown' str_system = 'Unknown' try: str_quadrant = quadrants[str_system_file] except KeyError: str_quadrant = 'Unknown' return (str_quadrant,str_sector,str_system)
def get_base_text(current_base=None, str_system_file=None): if current_base is None: current_base = universe.getDockedBase() if str_system_file is None: # get sector, quadrant, system, and base name str_system_file = current_base.getUnitSystemFile() # get faction int_faction = current_base.getFactionIndex() str_faction = current_base.getFactionName() # bases and planets aren't consistent in their usage of Name and Fullname values if current_base.isPlanet(): str_base = current_base.getName() str_base_type = current_base.getFullname() + " planet" else: str_base = current_base.getFullname() str_base_type = current_base.getName() if str_base == "": str_base = "Unknown" if str_faction == "pirates": try: str_base = pirate_bases[str_system_file] except KeyError: str_base = "Unknown" # adjust the base type for certain planets if str_base_type == "new_constantinople": str_base_type = "government base" elif str_base_type == "perry": str_base_type = "military base" elif str_base_type == "church_of_man planet": str_base_type = "agricultural planet" return ((int_faction, str_faction), (str_base, str_base_type))
def __init__(self, room_start, room_exit_to, enable_missions, enable_finances, enable_manifest, enable_load, enable_save): # Quine computer is made up of several "rooms" aka screens # the room_start show the user's location # this is made a lot more complex because of the need to update the cargo manifest guiroom = GUI.GUIRoom(room_start) self.guiroom = guiroom # when a button is clicked, this will allow us to get the QuineComputer instance from the x_click functions guiroom.owner = self # add background sprite; no need to keep a variable around for this, as it doesn't change GUI.GUIStaticImage(guiroom, 'background', ( 'interfaces/quine/main.spr' , GUI.GUIRect(0, 0, 1, 1, "normalized") )).draw() # add buttons self.buttons = {} self.mode = '' self.saveGameNameEntryBox = None if enable_finances: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(547, 279, 105, 60, "pixel", (800,600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/fin_pressed.spr",spr_loc) spr_disabled = ("interfaces/quine/fin_disabled.spr",spr_loc) sprites = { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':spr_disabled, 'down':spr } self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXFinances','btn_finances', sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click ) if enable_manifest: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(646, 279, 96, 64, "pixel", (800,600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/man_pressed.spr",spr_loc) spr_disabled = ("interfaces/quine/man_disabled.spr",spr_loc) sprites = { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':spr_disabled, 'down':spr } self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXManifest','btn_manifest', sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click ) if enable_load: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(635, 166, 97, 55, "pixel", (800,600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/load_pressed.spr",spr_loc) spr_disabled = ("interfaces/quine/load_disabled.spr",spr_loc) sprites = { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':spr_disabled, 'down':spr } self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXLoad' ,'btn_load' , sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click ) if enable_save: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(541, 166, 97, 55, "pixel", (800,600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/save_pressed.spr",spr_loc) spr_disabled = ("interfaces/quine/save_disabled.spr",spr_loc) sprites = { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':spr_disabled, 'down':spr } self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXSave' ,'btn_save' , sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click ) if enable_missions: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(543, 220, 100, 60,"pixel", (800,600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/missions_pressed.spr",spr_loc) spr_disabled = ("interfaces/quine/missions_disabled.spr",spr_loc) sprites = { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':spr_disabled, 'down':spr } self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXMissions','btn_missions', sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click ) if enable_load or enable_save: hot_loc = [ GUI.GUIRect(631, 346, 51, 69, "pixel", (800,600)), #up-arrow GUI.GUIRect(629, 410, 55, 69, "pixel", (800,600)), #down- GUI.GUIRect(560, 383, 72, 57, "pixel", (800,600)), #left- GUI.GUIRect(684, 383, 72, 57, "pixel", (800,600)) ] #right- spr_loc = hot_loc spr = [ ("interfaces/quine/up_pressed.spr" ,spr_loc[0]), ("interfaces/quine/down_pressed.spr" ,spr_loc[1]), ("interfaces/quine/left_pressed.spr" ,spr_loc[2]), ("interfaces/quine/right_pressed.spr",spr_loc[3]) ] spr_disabled = [ ("interfaces/quine/up_disabled.spr" ,spr_loc[0]), ("interfaces/quine/down_disabled.spr" ,spr_loc[1]), ("interfaces/quine/left_disabled.spr" ,spr_loc[2]), ("interfaces/quine/right_disabled.spr",spr_loc[3]) ] sprites = [ { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':spr_disabled[0], 'down':spr[0] }, { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':spr_disabled[1], 'down':spr[1] }, { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':spr_disabled[2], 'down':spr[2] }, { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':spr_disabled[3], 'down':spr[3] } ] self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXUp' ,'btn_up' , sprites[0], hot_loc[0]), scroll_click ) self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXDown' ,'btn_down' , sprites[1], hot_loc[1]), scroll_click ) self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXLeft' ,'btn_left' , sprites[2], hot_loc[2]), scroll_click ) self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXRight','btn_right', sprites[3], hot_loc[3]), scroll_click ) current_base = universe.getDockedBase() player = VS.getPlayer() # this doesn't change while docked, so only call it once self.str_start = get_location_text(current_base) screen_loc = GUI.GUIRect(80,90,350,380,"pixel",(800,600)) screen_color = GUI.GUIColor(20/255.0, 22/255.0 ,10/255.0) self.screen_color = screen_color; self.screen_loc = screen_loc; # first I tried rgb(56 60 24) and rgb(40 44 20); both were too light screen_bgcolor = GUI.GUIColor.clear() screen_bgcolor_nc = GUI.GUIColor(0.44,0.47,0.17) self.screen_bgcolor = screen_bgcolor; # text screen self.txt_screen = GUI.GUIStaticText(guiroom, 'txt_screen', self.str_start, screen_loc, color=screen_color, bgcolor=screen_bgcolor) self.txt_screen.hide() # picker screen self.picker_screen = GUI.GUISimpleListPicker(guiroom,'XXXSelect item','picker_screen', screen_loc, textcolor =screen_color , textbgcolor =screen_bgcolor, selectedcolor=screen_bgcolor_nc, selectedbgcolor=screen_color ) self.picker_screen.hide() # # much of this is temporary, until something better can be worked out: # # Save/Load screen #if enable_save: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(217, 56, 40, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'save_comp', x, y, w, h, 'XXXSave/Load/Quit', 'LoadSave') #if enable_load: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(257, 56, 39, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'load_comp', x, y, w, h, 'XXXSave/Load/Quit', 'LoadSave') # Missions #if enable_missions: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(217, 75, 79, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'missions', x, y, w, h, 'XXXMissions', 'Missions Info Cargo ') # Finances #if enable_finances: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(219, 94, 40, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'missions', x, y, w, h, 'Finances', 'Info ') # Manifest #if enable_manifest: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(260, 94, 40, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'missions', x, y, w, h, 'Manifest', 'Cargo ') # Exit button, returns us to concourse self.room_id = room_start self.exit_room_id = room_exit_to self.setExitLinkState(True)
def select(self,select_all=False): if self.state == "buy": # if player has sufficient cargo space and credits: # remove x items from exports # add x items to imports/player manifest # remove credits from players account if self.current_item < len(self.exports): # we have to call this, in case player has bought or sold ship or cargo expansion self.update_player_manifest() try: player = VS.getPlayer() current_base = universe.getDockedBase() category = self.exports[self.current_item][0] quantity = self.exports[self.current_item][1] price = self.prices[category] if (self.import_count >= self.player_hold_volume): self.draw("NO ROOM ON SHIP") elif (price > VS.getPlayer().getCredits()): self.draw("INSUFFICIENT CREDITS") else: if (quantity > 0): # commodity exchange has items to sell # if select_all is True, then do loop here, incrementing count while hold has space and user has sufficient credits if price > 0: count = max( 1, min( quantity, (self.player_hold_volume - self.import_count), int(player.getCredits() / price) )) else: count = max( 1, min( quantity, (self.player_hold_volume - self.import_count) )) # # transfer cargo from exchange to players ship # if not select_all: count=1 elif count > PURCHASE_MAX: count = PURCHASE_MAX transfer_count = transfer_cargo(current_base, player, category, price, count, self.player_hold_volume, self.import_count) # update the commodity exchange exports list self.exports[self.current_item][1] = quantity - transfer_count # update the players imports list and # increment the import_count value self.import_count = self.import_count + transfer_count import_index = -1 for i in range(len(self.imports)): if self.imports[i][0] == category: import_index = i if import_index == -1: self.imports.append([category,transfer_count]) else: self.imports[import_index][1] = self.imports[import_index][1] + transfer_count # remove credits from players account player.addCredits(-1 * transfer_count * price) # remove sprite from exports list if necessary quantity = self.exports[self.current_item][1] if quantity <= 0: self.exports.pop(self.current_item) if self.current_item >= len(self.exports): self.current_item = 0 self.draw() except: pass elif self.state == "sell": # remove x items from imports # add x items to exports # add credits to players account if self.current_item < len(self.imports): try: player = VS.getPlayer() current_base = universe.getDockedBase() category = self.imports[self.current_item][0] quantity = self.imports[self.current_item][1] price = self.prices[category] if (select_all): count = quantity if count > PURCHASE_MAX: count = PURCHASE_MAX else: count = 1 if ((quantity > 0) and (count <= quantity)): # # transfer cargo from players ship to exchange # transfer_count = transfer_cargo(player, current_base, category, price, count) # update the players imports list self.imports[self.current_item][1] = quantity - transfer_count # update the commodity exchanges exports list export_index = -1 for i in range(len(self.exports)): if self.exports[i][0] == category: export_index = i if export_index == -1: self.exports.append([category,transfer_count]) else: self.exports[export_index][1] = self.exports[export_index][1] + transfer_count # add credits to players account player.addCredits(transfer_count * price) # clean up if necessary quantity = self.imports[self.current_item][1] if quantity <= 0: self.imports.pop(self.current_item) if self.current_item >= len(self.imports): self.current_item = 0 except: pass self.draw()
def __init__(self,room_id): self.room_id = room_id # initial state is "buy" self.state = "buy" self.current_item = 0 # add GUI to commodity computer guiroom = GUI.GUIRoom(room_id) self.guiroom = guiroom # when a button is clicked, this will allow us to get the CommodityComputer instance from the x_click functions guiroom.owner = self # draw the background images background = GUI.GUIStaticImage(guiroom, 'background', ( 'interfaces/commodity/Commodity.spr', GUI.GUINPOTRect(0, 0, 320, 200, 320, 200, "pixel") )) # computer = GUI.GUIStaticImage(guiroom, 'computer', ( 'interfaces/commodity/Commodity_Computer.spr', GUI.GUINPOTRect(0, 0, 320, 200, 320, 200, "pixel") )) computer = GUI.GUIStaticImage(guiroom, 'computer', ( 'interfaces/commodity/Commodity_Computer_hi.spr', GUI.GUIRect(0, 0, 132, 100, "pixel") )) self.buttons = {} # buy_sprite = ('interfaces/commodity/buy.spr', GUI.GUINPOTRect(0, 0, 320, 200, 320, 200)) # sell_sprite = ('interfaces/commodity/sell.spr', GUI.GUINPOTRect(0, 0, 320, 200, 320, 200)) # pixel coordinates fractional because art is 1024x1024 and screen is at 320x200 buy_sprite = ('interfaces/commodity/buy_hi.spr' , GUI.GUIRect(71.5625, 79.4921875, 25.3125, 8.984375)) sell_sprite = ('interfaces/commodity/sell_hi.spr', GUI.GUIRect(26.8750, 79.4921875, 25.3125, 9.1796875)) buy_sprset = { 'checked': buy_sprite, 'unchecked': None, 'hot': buy_sprite } sell_sprset = { 'checked': sell_sprite, 'unchecked': None, 'hot': sell_sprite } prev_sprset = {'enabled':None, 'disabled':None } next_sprset = {'disabled':None } self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton (guiroom, 'Next Item', 'btn_next', next_sprset, GUI.GUIRect(122, 26, 7, 14) ), next_click ) self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton (guiroom, 'Previous Item', 'btn_prev', prev_sprset, GUI.GUIRect(122, 44, 7, 14) ), prev_click ) self.add_button( GUI.GUIRadioButton(guiroom, 'Activate Buy Mode', 'btn_buy', buy_sprset, GUI.GUIRect( 72, 80, 25, 9), 'commodity_mode'), mode_click ) self.add_button( GUI.GUIRadioButton(guiroom, 'Activate Sell Mode', 'btn_sell', sell_sprset, GUI.GUIRect( 27, 80, 25, 9), 'commodity_mode'), mode_click ) self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton (guiroom, 'Select Items', 'btn_select', {}, GUI.GUIRect(13, 13, 97, 60) ), select_click ) # set the check button state if (self.state == "buy"): GUI.GUIRootSingleton.broadcastRoomMessage(guiroom.index,'check',{'index':'btn_buy'}) elif (self.state == "sell"): GUI.GUIRootSingleton.broadcastRoomMessage(guiroom.index,'check',{'index':'btn_sell'}) # add the text labels txt_color = GUI.GUIColor(0.7,0.7,0.7) txt_warning_color = GUI.GUIColor(0.7,0,0) self.txt_name = GUI.GUIStaticText(guiroom,'txt_name', '', GUI.GUIRect(15, 12, 98, 10), txt_color) self.txt_quantity = GUI.GUIStaticText(guiroom,'txt_quantity','', GUI.GUIRect(15, 17, 98, 10), txt_color) self.txt_cost = GUI.GUIStaticText(guiroom,'txt_cost', '', GUI.GUIRect(15, 62, 98, 10), txt_color) self.txt_credits = GUI.GUIStaticText(guiroom,'txt_credits', '', GUI.GUIRect(15, 67, 98, 10), txt_color) # add the item sprite (a blank sprite for now) self.img_item_rect = GUI.GUIRect(15, 9, 90, 67) self.img_item = GUI.GUIStaticImage(guiroom, 'img_item', None) # error messages should appear above item images # something wrong with z-ordering here, so img_item will appear above txt_message # instead, set the y coord lower, so the text is readable # self.txt_message = GUI.GUIStaticText(guiroom,'txt_message', '', GUI.GUIRect(15, 43, 98, 10), txt_color) self.txt_message = GUI.GUIStaticText(guiroom,'txt_message', '', GUI.GUIRect(15, 57, 98, 10), txt_warning_color) # get the currently docked planet/space station current_base = universe.getDockedBase() # generate the global price list # if item doesn't appear on this list, it can't be bought or sold self.prices, self.exports = get_commodity_lists(current_base) self.imports, self.import_not_for_sale = get_player_manifest(self.prices) # sprites for cargo items self.sprites = get_sprite_info() # draw now GUI.GUIRootSingleton.broadcastRoomMessage(guiroom.index, 'draw', None) self.reset()
def select(self,select_all=False): if self.state == "buy": # if player has sufficient cargo space and credits: # remove x items from exports # add x items to imports/player manifest # remove credits from players account if self.current_item < len(self.exports): # we have to call this, in case player has bought or sold ship or cargo expansion self.update_player_manifest() try: player = VS.getPlayer() current_base = universe.getDockedBase() category = self.exports[self.current_item][0] quantity = self.exports[self.current_item][1] price = self.prices[category] if (self.import_count >= self.player_hold_volume): # if hold is full, display "NO ROOM" self.draw("NO ROOM ON SHIP") elif (price > VS.getPlayer().getCredits()): # if player doesn't have enough credits, display "YOU'RE BROKE" self.draw("INSUFFICIENT CREDITS") else: # otherwise, player has room and credits for at least 1 item if (quantity > 0): # commodity exchange has items to sell - item shouldn't be displayed if quantity is 0 anyway # calculate maximum player is able to buy; that is limited by: # quantity for sale # player's available storage # player's available credits if price > 0: count = min( quantity, (self.player_hold_volume - self.import_count), int(player.getCredits() / price) ) else: # price should never be <= 0; just in case, avoid divide-by-zero or a negative count trace(_trace_level, "::: commodity buy - price <= 0 : %s, %s" %(category, price)) count = min( quantity, (self.player_hold_volume - self.import_count) ) # # transfer cargo from exchange to players ship # if not select_all: # select_all == false means buying 1 at a time if (count > 1): count=1 elif count > PURCHASE_MAX: count = PURCHASE_MAX transfer_count = transfer_cargo(current_base, player, category, price, count, self.player_hold_volume, self.import_count) # update the commodity exchange exports list self.exports[self.current_item][1] = quantity - transfer_count # update the players imports list and # increment the import_count value self.import_count = self.import_count + transfer_count import_index = -1 for i in range(len(self.imports)): if self.imports[i][0] == category: import_index = i if import_index == -1: self.imports.append([category,transfer_count]) else: self.imports[import_index][1] = self.imports[import_index][1] + transfer_count # remove credits from players account player.addCredits(-1 * transfer_count * price) # remove sprite from exports list if necessary quantity = self.exports[self.current_item][1] if quantity <= 0: self.exports.pop(self.current_item) if self.current_item >= len(self.exports): self.current_item = 0 else: # quantity should never be <= 0 trace(_trace_level, "::: commodity buy - quantity <= 0 : %s, %s" %(category, quantity)) self.draw() except: pass elif self.state == "sell": # remove x items from imports # add x items to exports # add credits to players account if self.current_item < len(self.imports): try: player = VS.getPlayer() current_base = universe.getDockedBase() category = self.imports[self.current_item][0] quantity = self.imports[self.current_item][1] price = self.prices[category] if (select_all): count = quantity if count > PURCHASE_MAX: count = PURCHASE_MAX else: count = 1 if ((quantity > 0) and (count <= quantity)): # # transfer cargo from players ship to exchange # transfer_count = transfer_cargo(player, current_base, category, price, count) # update the players imports list self.imports[self.current_item][1] = quantity - transfer_count # update the commodity exchanges exports list export_index = -1 for i in range(len(self.exports)): if self.exports[i][0] == category: export_index = i if export_index == -1: self.exports.append([category,transfer_count]) else: self.exports[export_index][1] = self.exports[export_index][1] + transfer_count # add credits to players account player.addCredits(transfer_count * price) # clean up if necessary quantity = self.imports[self.current_item][1] if quantity <= 0: self.imports.pop(self.current_item) if self.current_item >= len(self.imports): self.current_item = 0 except: pass self.draw()
def __init__( self, room_start, room_exit_to, enable_missions, enable_finances, enable_manifest, enable_load, enable_save ): # Quine computer is made up of several "rooms" aka screens # the room_start show the user's location # this is made a lot more complex because of the need to update the cargo manifest guiroom = GUI.GUIRoom(room_start) self.guiroom = guiroom # when a button is clicked, this will allow us to get the QuineComputer instance from the x_click functions guiroom.owner = self # add background sprite; no need to keep a variable around for this, as it doesn't change GUI.GUIStaticImage( guiroom, "background", ("interfaces/quine/main.spr", GUI.GUIRect(0, 0, 1, 1, "normalized")) ).draw() # add buttons self.buttons = {} self.mode = "" self.saveGameNameEntryBox = None # in the following, # coordinates are given in a GUI.GUIRect(left,right,width,height, "pixel", (screen_W, screen_H) # where left/right/width/height are in pixels, assuming the screen is at resolution screen_W, screen_H # (if not, proper conversions will be applied) # # hot_loc is the clickable area # spr_loc is where the sprite image goes # spr specifies (<sprite file>, spr_loc) - the second item is where the image in <sprite_file> goes # spr_disabled is as spr, but when the button is disabled # sprites is a mapping from state to a 'spr'-like tuple (image and location), that is # the state-appearance mapping. # # Most buttons in the following screen have been already painted as part of the background, so # button classes that will be created next only specify an image for a "down" and "disabled" # state, and specifying None (no sprite) for "enabled" (not pressed) state so that only # the background is visible. # # Buttons are ultimately created with the GUI.GUIButton class, which takes a room where # the button belongs, a label (the 'XXX' prefix makes the label invisible), a unique id # so that reactive code can identify it (ie: btn_finances), the 'sprites' state-appearance # mapping, and the clickable area. # # Later the self.add_button function will provide the button with a custom click callback # that will be called when the button is clicked if enable_finances: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(545, 287, 105, 60, "pixel", (800, 600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/fin_pressed.spr", spr_loc) spr_disabled = ("interfaces/quine/fin_disabled.spr", spr_loc) sprites = {"enabled": None, "disabled": spr_disabled, "down": spr} self.add_button(GUI.GUIButton(guiroom, "XXXFinances", "btn_finances", sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click) if enable_manifest: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(644, 285, 96, 64, "pixel", (800, 600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/man_pressed.spr", spr_loc) spr_disabled = ("interfaces/quine/man_disabled.spr", spr_loc) sprites = {"enabled": None, "disabled": spr_disabled, "down": spr} self.add_button(GUI.GUIButton(guiroom, "XXXManifest", "btn_manifest", sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click) if enable_load: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(635, 173, 97, 55, "pixel", (800, 600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/load_pressed.spr", spr_loc) spr_disabled = ("interfaces/quine/load_disabled.spr", spr_loc) sprites = {"enabled": None, "disabled": spr_disabled, "down": spr} self.add_button(GUI.GUIButton(guiroom, "XXXLoad", "btn_load", sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click) if enable_save: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(541, 173, 97, 55, "pixel", (800, 600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/save_pressed.spr", spr_loc) spr_disabled = ("interfaces/quine/save_disabled.spr", spr_loc) spr_warning = None if (not VS.getPlayer()) or (VS.getPlayer().hasCargo("jump_drive") == 0 and not weapons_lib.CanRepair()): spr_warning = ("interfaces/quine/save_warning.spr", spr_loc) sprites = {"enabled": spr_warning, "disabled": spr_disabled, "down": spr} self.add_button(GUI.GUIButton(guiroom, "XXXSave", "btn_save", sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click) if enable_missions: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(540, 227, 200, 60, "pixel", (800, 600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/missions_pressed.spr", spr_loc) spr_disabled = ("interfaces/quine/missions_disabled.spr", spr_loc) sprites = {"enabled": None, "disabled": spr_disabled, "down": spr} self.add_button(GUI.GUIButton(guiroom, "XXXMissions", "btn_missions", sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click) if enable_load or enable_save: hot_loc = [ GUI.GUIRect(621, 349, 55, 69, "pixel", (800, 600)), GUI.GUIRect(621, 413, 55, 69, "pixel", (800, 600)), GUI.GUIRect(553, 389, 73, 56, "pixel", (800, 600)), GUI.GUIRect(675, 389, 73, 56, "pixel", (800, 600)), ] spr_loc = hot_loc spr = [ ("interfaces/quine/up_pressed.spr", spr_loc[0]), ("interfaces/quine/down_pressed.spr", spr_loc[1]), ("interfaces/quine/left_pressed.spr", spr_loc[2]), ("interfaces/quine/right_pressed.spr", spr_loc[3]), ] spr_disabled = [ ("interfaces/quine/up_disabled.spr", spr_loc[0]), ("interfaces/quine/down_disabled.spr", spr_loc[1]), ("interfaces/quine/left_disabled.spr", spr_loc[2]), ("interfaces/quine/right_disabled.spr", spr_loc[3]), ] sprites = [ {"enabled": None, "disabled": spr_disabled[0], "down": spr[0]}, {"enabled": None, "disabled": spr_disabled[1], "down": spr[1]}, {"enabled": None, "disabled": spr_disabled[2], "down": spr[2]}, {"enabled": None, "disabled": spr_disabled[3], "down": spr[3]}, ] self.add_button(GUI.GUIButton(guiroom, "XXXUp", "btn_up", sprites[0], hot_loc[0]), scroll_click) self.add_button(GUI.GUIButton(guiroom, "XXXDown", "btn_down", sprites[1], hot_loc[1]), scroll_click) self.add_button(GUI.GUIButton(guiroom, "XXXLeft", "btn_left", sprites[2], hot_loc[2]), scroll_click) self.add_button(GUI.GUIButton(guiroom, "XXXRight", "btn_right", sprites[3], hot_loc[3]), scroll_click) # this doesn't change while docked, so only call it once current_base = universe.getDockedBase() self.str_start = get_location_text(current_base) screen_loc = GUI.GUIRect(80, 90, 350, 380, "pixel", (800, 600)) screen_color = GUI.GUIColor(20 / 255.0, 22 / 255.0, 10 / 255.0) self.screen_color = screen_color self.screen_loc = screen_loc # first I tried rgb(56 60 24) and rgb(40 44 20); both were too light # screen_bgcolor = GUI.GUIColor.clear() screen_bgcolor_nc = GUI.GUIColor(0.44, 0.47, 0.17) # roughly equal to rgb(111, 119, 43) screen_bgcolor = screen_bgcolor_nc self.screen_bgcolor = screen_bgcolor # text screen self.txt_screen = GUI.GUIStaticText( guiroom, "txt_screen", self.str_start, screen_loc, color=screen_color, bgcolor=GUI.GUIColor.clear() ) # display start text # picker screen self.picker_screen = GUI.GUISimpleListPicker( guiroom, "XXXSelect item", "picker_screen", screen_loc, textcolor=screen_color, textbgcolor=GUI.GUIColor.clear(), selectedcolor=screen_bgcolor_nc, selectedbgcolor=screen_color, hotcolor=screen_bgcolor_nc, hotbgcolor=GUI.GUIColor(40 / 255.0, 44 / 255.0, 20 / 255.0), ) self.picker_screen.hide() # # much of this is temporary, until something better can be worked out: # # Save/Load screen # if enable_save: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(217, 56, 40, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'save_comp', x, y, w, h, 'XXXSave/Load/Quit', 'LoadSave') # if enable_load: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(257, 56, 39, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'load_comp', x, y, w, h, 'XXXSave/Load/Quit', 'LoadSave') # Missions # if enable_missions: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(217, 75, 79, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'missions', x, y, w, h, 'XXXMissions', 'Missions Info Cargo ') # Finances # if enable_finances: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(219, 94, 40, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'missions', x, y, w, h, 'Finances', 'Info ') # Manifest # if enable_manifest: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(260, 94, 40, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'missions', x, y, w, h, 'Manifest', 'Cargo ') # Exit button, returns us to concourse self.room_id = room_start self.exit_room_id = room_exit_to self.setExitLinkState(True)
def __init__(self, room_start, room_exit_to, enable_missions, enable_finances, enable_manifest, enable_load, enable_save): # Quine computer is made up of several "rooms" aka screens # the room_start show the user's location # this is made a lot more complex because of the need to update the cargo manifest guiroom = GUI.GUIRoom(room_start) self.guiroom = guiroom # when a button is clicked, this will allow us to get the QuineComputer instance from the x_click functions guiroom.owner = self # add background sprite; no need to keep a variable around for this, as it doesn't change GUI.GUIStaticImage(guiroom, 'background', ( 'interfaces/quine/main.spr' , GUI.GUIRect(0, 0, 1, 1, "normalized") )).draw() # add buttons self.buttons = {} self.mode = '' if enable_finances: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(545, 287, 105, 60, "pixel", (800,600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/fin_pressed.spr",spr_loc) sprites = { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':None, 'down':spr } self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXFinances','btn_finances', sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click ) if enable_manifest: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(644, 285, 96, 64, "pixel", (800,600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/man_pressed.spr",spr_loc) sprites = { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':None, 'down':spr } self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXManifest','btn_manifest', sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click ) if enable_load: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(610, 185, 97, 55, "pixel", (800,600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/load_pressed.spr",spr_loc) sprites = { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':None, 'down':spr } self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXLoad' ,'btn_load' , sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click ) if enable_save: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(541, 173, 97, 55, "pixel", (800,600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/save_pressed.spr",spr_loc) sprites = { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':None, 'down':spr } self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXSave' ,'btn_save' , sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click ) if enable_missions: hot_loc = GUI.GUIRect(540, 227, 200, 60,"pixel", (800,600)) spr_loc = hot_loc spr = ("interfaces/quine/missions_pressed.spr",spr_loc) sprites = { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':None, 'down':spr } self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXMissions','btn_missions', sprites, hot_loc), change_text_click ) if enable_load or enable_save: hot_loc = [ GUI.GUIRect(624, 346, 55, 69, "pixel", (800,600)), GUI.GUIRect(624, 412, 55, 69, "pixel", (800,600)), GUI.GUIRect(553, 389, 73, 56, "pixel", (800,600)), GUI.GUIRect(675, 389, 73, 56, "pixel", (800,600)) ] spr_loc = hot_loc spr = [ ("interfaces/quine/up_pressed.spr" ,spr_loc[0]), ("interfaces/quine/down_pressed.spr" ,spr_loc[1]), ("interfaces/quine/left_pressed.spr" ,spr_loc[2]), ("interfaces/quine/right_pressed.spr",spr_loc[3]) ] sprites = [ { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':None, 'down':spr[0] }, { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':None, 'down':spr[1] }, { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':None, 'down':spr[2] }, { 'enabled':None, 'disabled':None, 'down':spr[3] } ] self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXUp' ,'btn_up' , sprites[0], hot_loc[0]), scroll_click ) self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXDown' ,'btn_down' , sprites[1], hot_loc[1]), scroll_click ) # self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXLeft' ,'btn_left' , sprites[2], hot_loc[2]), scroll_click ) # self.add_button( GUI.GUIButton(guiroom,'XXXRight','btn_right', sprites[3], hot_loc[3]), scroll_click ) current_base = universe.getDockedBase() player = VS.getPlayer() # this doesn't change while docked, so only call it once self.str_start = get_location_text(current_base) screen_loc = GUI.GUIRect(80,90,350,380,"pixel",(800,600)) screen_color = GUI.GUIColor(20/255.0, 22/255.0 ,10/255.0) # first I tried rgb(56 60 24) and rgb(40 44 20); both were too light screen_bgcolor = GUI.GUIColor.clear() screen_bgcolor_nc = GUI.GUIColor(0.44,0.47,0.17) # text screen self.txt_screen = GUI.GUIStaticText(guiroom, 'txt_screen', self.str_start, screen_loc, color=screen_color, bgcolor=screen_bgcolor) self.txt_screen.hide() # picker screen self.picker_screen = GUI.GUISimpleListPicker(guiroom,'XXXSelect item','picker_screen', screen_loc, textcolor =screen_color , textbgcolor =screen_bgcolor, selectedcolor=screen_bgcolor_nc, selectedbgcolor=screen_color ) self.picker_screen.hide() # # much of this is temporary, until something better can be worked out: # # Save/Load screen #if enable_save: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(217, 56, 40, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'save_comp', x, y, w, h, 'XXXSave/Load/Quit', 'LoadSave') #if enable_load: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(257, 56, 39, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'load_comp', x, y, w, h, 'XXXSave/Load/Quit', 'LoadSave') # Missions #if enable_missions: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(217, 75, 79, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'missions', x, y, w, h, 'XXXMissions', 'Missions Info Cargo ') # Finances #if enable_finances: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(219, 94, 40, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'missions', x, y, w, h, 'Finances', 'Info ') # Manifest #if enable_manifest: # x, y, w, h = GUI.GUIRect(260, 94, 40, 18).getHotRect() # Base.Comp (room_start, 'missions', x, y, w, h, 'Manifest', 'Cargo ') # Exit button, returns us to concourse rect = GUI.GUIRect(227, 165, 35, 14, "pixel", (320,200)) x, y, w, h = rect.getHotRect() # Base.Link (room_start, 'exit', x, y, w, h, 'Exit', room_exit_to) Base.LinkPython (room_start, 'exit', "#\nimport GUI\nGUI.GUIRootSingleton.getRoomById(%r).owner.reset()\n" %(guiroom.getIndex()), x, y, w, h, 'XXXExit', room_exit_to)