예제 #1
class UrlUtilityTest(unittest.TestCase):
	"""Test to check whether correct response is received and the\
 file is downloaded for URLs"""

	def setUp(self):
		module_logger.debug('method setUp was called')
		## Create the object on the tests will be performed
		self.url = UrlUtil()
		## Create a file to test upon
		file = open('urlTestFile','w+')
		file.write('This is the file for testing URL Response\n')
		module_logger.debug('method setUp completed successfully')

	def tearDown(self):
		module_logger.debug('method tearDown was called')
		module_logger.debug('method tearDown completed successfully')

	def testDownload(self):
		"""Testing the downloading of file from url"""
		module_logger.debug('method testDownload was called')
		urlAddress ='file://'+getcwd()+'/urlTestFile' ##'http://www.google.co.in/images/srpr/logo4w.png'
		self.assertTrue( path.isfile('dlFile.jpg') )
		module_logger.debug('method testDownload completed successfully')

	def testUrlResponse(self):
		"""Testing to get the correct url response"""
		module_logger.debug('method testUrlResponse was called')
		urlAddress = 'file://'+getcwd()+'/urlTestFile' ##'http://www.google.co.in/images/srpr/logo4w.png'
		self.assertTrue( self.url.getUrlResponse(urlAddress) )
		module_logger.debug('method testUrlResponse completed successfully')

	def runTest(self):
		filePointer = open('Test-Results.txt', 'a')
		suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(UrlUtilityTest)
		result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity = 2, stream =filePointer).run(suite)
		return result
예제 #2
class ScrapyExtractorTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """Testing for extraction of different kind of objects"""

    def setUp(self):
        module_logger.debug('method setUp was called')
        #                level=logging.DEBUG,
        #                format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
        self.urlUtil = UrlUtil()
        self.urlAddress = 'file://' + os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/index.html'
        module_logger.debug('method setUp completed successfully')

    ##(i) Image extraction test
    def testImageExtract(self):
        """Testing for image extraction from given page"""
        module_logger.debug('method testImageExtract was called')
        #Initialize the extractor
        configFile = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/imageExtractionTest.yml'
        extractor = ScrapyExtractor(configFile, self.urlUtil)  
        #Create an image item
        item = ImageArrayItem() 
        #Create an HtmlResponse object for performing XPath operations on it
        bodyForResponse = self.urlUtil.getUrlResponse(self.urlAddress)
        response = HtmlResponse(self.urlAddress, body=bodyForResponse)
        #Extract images from the HtmlResponse object
        extractedData = extractor.extract(response, item)
        #Load the correct data and verify it with extracted 
        trueData = json.load(open(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/correctImageData','r'))
        self.assertTrue(extractedData == trueData)
        #print extractedData
        module_logger.debug('method testImageExtract completed successfully')
    ##(ii) Text extraction test
    def testTextExtract(self):
        """Testing for text extraction from given page"""
        module_logger.debug('method testTextExtract was called')
        #Initialize the extractor
        configFile = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/textExtractionTest.yml'
        extractor = ScrapyExtractor(configFile, self.urlUtil)  
        #Create a text item
        item = TextArrayItem() 
        #Create an HtmlResponse object for performing XPath operations on it
        bodyForResponse = self.urlUtil.getUrlResponse(self.urlAddress)
        response = HtmlResponse(self.urlAddress, body=bodyForResponse)
        #Extract text from the HtmlResponse object
        extractedData = extractor.extract(response, item)
        #Load the correct data and verify it with extracted
        #print extractedData
        trueData = json.load(open(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/correctTextData','r'))
        self.assertTrue(extractedData == trueData)
        module_logger.debug('method testTextExtract completed successfully')

    #(iii) Link Extraction Test
    def testLinkExtract(self):
        """Testing for recursive link extraction from given page and following it"""
        module_logger.debug('method testLinkExtract was called')
        #Initialize the extractor
        configFile = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/linkExtractionTest.yml'
        extractor = ScrapyExtractor(configFile, self.urlUtil)  
        #Create a link item
        item = LinkArrayItem()
        #Create an HtmlResponse object for performing XPath operations on it
        bodyForResponse = self.urlUtil.getUrlResponse(self.urlAddress)
        response = HtmlResponse(self.urlAddress, body=bodyForResponse)
        #Extract links from the HtmlResponse object
        extractedData = extractor.extract(response, item)
        #Load the correct data and verify it with extracted
        #print extractedData
        trueData = json.load(open(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/correctLinkData','r'))
        self.assertTrue(extractedData == trueData)
        module_logger.debug('method testLinkExtract completed successfully')

    def runTest(self):
        filePointer = open(os.pardir + '/Logger/Test-Results.txt', 'a')
        suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(ScrapyExtractorTest)
        result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2, stream=filePointer).run(suite)     
        return result
예제 #3
class Test():
#class Test(unittest.TestCase):
    """Testing for extraction of different kind of objects"""

    def setUp(self):
                        format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
        self.urlUtil = UrlUtil()
        self.urlAddress = 'file://' + getcwd() + '/index.html'
    ##(i) Image extraction test
    def testImageExtract(self):
        """Testing for image extraction from given page"""
        #Initialize the extractor
        configFile = 'imageExtractionTest.yml'
        extractor = ScrapyExtractor(configFile, self.urlUtil)  
        #Create an image item
        item = ImageArrayItem() 
        #Create an HtmlResponse object for performing XPath operations on it
        bodyForResponse = self.urlUtil.getUrlResponse(self.urlAddress)
        response = HtmlResponse(self.urlAddress, body=bodyForResponse)
        #Extract images from the HtmlResponse object
        extractedData = extractor.extract(response, item)
        #Load the correct data and verify it with extracted 
        trueData = json.load(open('correctImageData','r'))
        self.assertTrue(extractedData == trueData)
        #print extractedData
    ##(ii) Text extraction test
    def testTextExtract(self):
        """Testing for text extraction from given page"""
        #Initialize the extractor
        configFile = 'textExtractionTest.yml'
        extractor = ScrapyExtractor(configFile, self.urlUtil)  
        #Create a text item
        item = TextArrayItem() 
        #Create an HtmlResponse object for performing XPath operations on it
        bodyForResponse = self.urlUtil.getUrlResponse(self.urlAddress)
        response = HtmlResponse(self.urlAddress, body=bodyForResponse)
        #Extract text from the HtmlResponse object
        extractedData = extractor.extract(response, item)
        #Load the correct data and verify it with extracted
        #print extractedData
        trueData = json.load(open('correctTextData','r'))
        self.assertTrue(extractedData == trueData)
    #(iii) Link Extraction Test
    def testLinkExtract(self):
        """Testing for recursive link extraction from given page and following it"""
        #Initialize the extractor
        configFile = 'linkExtractionTest.yml'
        extractor = ScrapyExtractor(configFile, self.urlUtil)  
        #Create a link item
        item = LinkArrayItem()
        #Create an HtmlResponse object for performing XPath operations on it
        bodyForResponse = self.urlUtil.getUrlResponse(self.urlAddress)
        response = HtmlResponse(self.urlAddress, body=bodyForResponse)
        #Extract links from the HtmlResponse object
        extractedData = extractor.extract(response, item)
        #Load the correct data and verify it with extracted
        print extractedData