def update_channel(self, pm_1p0=-999, pm_2p5=-999, pm_10p0=-999, temp=-999, hum=-999, out_temp=-999, out_hum=-999, out_pressure=-999): _url = format_url(url=Thingspeak.FIELDS_URL, pm_1p0=pm_1p0, pm_2p5=pm_2p5, pm_10p0=pm_10p0, temp=temp, hum=hum, out_temp=out_temp, out_hum=out_hum, out_pressure=out_pressure) full_url = Thingspeak.BASE_URL + _url # TODO try with context manager try: urlopen(full_url) except Exception as e: print(e)
def cycle() -> None: """Measurement cycle.""" # Init I2C. i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(config.SCL_PIN), sda=machine.Pin(config.SDA_PIN)) # Init BME280 sensor connected to I2C. bme = bme280.BME280(address=config.BME280_I2C_ADDR, i2c=i2c) # Read measurements. t, p, h = bme.read_compensated_data() t, p, h = t / 100, p / 256, h / 1024 print(t, p, h) error = False # Sync RTC. try: ntptime.settime() except Exception as err: error = True log_error('syncing clock', err) url = config.URL_TEMPLATE.format(t=t, p=p, h=h) try: urlopen(url) except Exception as err: error = True log_error('sending metrics', err) # Init display. display = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, i2c, addr=config.DISPLAY_I2C_ADDR) display.fill(0) # Calculate current time. hours = utime.localtime()[3] + config.UTC_OFFSET if hours >= 24: hours -= 24 minutes = utime.localtime()[4] display.text('{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(hours, minutes), DISPLAY_WIDTH - 40, 2) if error: display.text('Error', 0, 0) # Show measurements. display.text('T: {:.2f}C'.format(t), 0, 16) display.text('P: {:.2f}hPa'.format(p / 100), 0, 26) display.text('H: {:.2f}%'.format(h), 0, 36) utime.sleep(5) display.poweroff()
def get(): global lasttime newtime = time.ticks_ms() if len(lastjson) < 20 or newtime-lasttime>60000: # nothing read yet or at least one minute pass r=urequest.urlopen(url) j=ujson.loads( r.close() lasttime=newtime else: j=lastjson return j
def updatewunderground(): """ generates the update url """ url = ''.join([ '', 'ID={}' '&PASSWORD={}', '&dateutc=now', '&winddir={}', '&windspeedmph={}', '&humidity={}', '&dewptf={}', '&tempf={}', '&baromin={}', '&soiltempf={}', '&soilmoisture={}', '&action=updateraw' ]).format(stationid, stationkey, winddir(), windspeedmph(), humidity(), dewptf(), tempf(), baromin(), soiltempf(), soilmoisture()) try: r = request.urlopen(url) except Exception as e: print('could not send data to wunderground') print(e)
def __call__(self, *args): buf = uio.StringIO() buf.write("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<methodCall>\n<methodName>") buf.write( buf.write("</methodName>\n<params>\n") for a in args: buf.write("<param><value>") if isinstance(a, int): buf.write("<int>%s</int>" % a) else: raise NotImplementedError buf.write("</value></param>\n") buf.write("</params>\n</methodCall>\n") if self.server.verbose: print(buf.getvalue()) body = buf.getvalue().encode() f = urlopen(self.server.uri, body, "POST") try: #print( f = f.makefile() tokenizer = xmltok2.tokenize(f) xmltok2.gfind( tokenizer, lambda ev: ev[0] == xmltok2.START_TAG and ev[2] == "value") ev = next(tokenizer) assert ev[0] == xmltok2.START_TAG typ = ev[2] ev = next(tokenizer) assert ev[0] == xmltok2.TEXT val = ev[1] if typ == "boolean": assert val in ("0", "1") return val == "1" else: assert NotImplementedError finally: #print("*", f.close()
import time
def send(form): response = request.urlopen(url, data=form) print(
sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if not sta_if.isconnected(): print('connecting to network...') sta_if.connect('TP-LINK_445B', 'jungle00') while not sta_if.isconnected(): pass print('network config:', sta_if.ifconfig()) p0(0) do_connect() while True: try: f = urequest.urlopen(url + 'id/' + str(device_id_1)) #print ("http get") data = data = json.loads(data) # port_id_1 = data['id'] is_change_1 = data['change'] port_state_1 = data["state"] port_type_1 = data['type'] if device_id_2: g = urequest.urlopen(url + 'id/' + str(device_id_2)) data_2 = data_2 = json.loads(data_2) is_change_2 = data_2['change'] port_state_2 = data_2["state"] port_type_2 = data_2['type']
def _get_data(self): request = urlopen(self._url) return ujson.load(request)
def call_back_2(): print('call back2') state_2 = p5() x = urequest.urlopen(url + "cn/" + str(device_id_1) + '/' + str(state_2)) print("id1 change %s" % state_2)
__author__ = 'ebrecht'
import network sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if not sta_if.isconnected(): print('connecting to network...') sta_if.connect('TP-LINK_445B', 'jungle00') while not sta_if.isconnected(): pass print('network config:', sta_if.ifconfig()) p0(0) do_connect() while True: f = urequest.urlopen('') print("http get") data = data = json.loads(data) port_id = data['id'] is_change = data['change'] port_state = data["state"] port_type = data['type'] print(port_state) if i == 0: if port_type == 0: print("init out") p2 = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) p2(port_state) i = 1 else: