예제 #1
def set_parents_for_nodes(urltree):
    """ parent-find-algorithm on basis of url """
    for node in URLNode.objects.filter(urltree=urltree, checked=True, parent=None):
        candidate = node.url
        logger.debug('orphan-node: %s')
        while (True):
            candidate = candidate[0:candidate.rstrip('/').rfind('/')+1] # possible caveat
            logger.debug('ParentCandidate: ' + candidate)
            if candidate.lower() == 'http://':
                parent = URLNode.objects.get(url=candidate, urltree=urltree)
            except URLNode.DoesNotExist:
            logger.info("found parent: %s for %s" % (parent, node.url))
예제 #2
def process_nodes(request, domain):
    """ prints to screen with simple ajax-polling """
    # timeouts
    timeouts = 0
    logger.debug('timeouts: %s' % timeouts)
    # urltree
        urltree = URLTree.objects.get(domain=domain)    # one tree per domain
    except URLTree.DoesNotExist:
        logger.error('Missing URLTree. try build before.')
        return {'value': 'Missing URLTree. try /urltree/build before or go to admin.',}
    # root
    root_url = 'http://%s' % domain
    root_url = root_url.rstrip('/')+'/'
    rootNode = URLNode.objects.get_or_create(urltree=urltree, url=root_url)[0]
    logger.debug("rootNode: %s" % rootNode)
    # links
    unchecked_links = list(URLNode.objects.filter(urltree=urltree, checked=False).values_list('url', flat=True))
    checked_links = URLNode.objects.filter(urltree=urltree, checked=True).values_list('url', flat=True)

    for link in unchecked_links:
        crawled_links = []
        logger.info('processing: %s' % link)
            url = urllib2.urlopen(link, timeout=MAX_TIMEOUT_TIME)
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            timeouts += 1
            logger.warning("%s: %s" % (str(timeouts), escape(str(e))))
            if timeouts > MAX_TIMEOUTS:
                logger.error("BREAK because of too many errors: try later to check the other links")

        # check for media (no download - only for existence)
        urlinfo = url.info()
        if urlinfo.type != 'text/html':
            logger.info("media: %s" % link)
        # parse for links
        src = url.read()
        bs = BeautifulSoup(src)
        for a_elem in bs.findAll('a', {'href':True}):
            absUrl = urlparse.urljoin(link, a_elem['href'])
            parsedUrl = urlparse.urlparse(absUrl)
            logger.debug('href: %s | absURL: %s | parsedUrl: %s' % (a_elem['href'], absUrl, parsedUrl))
            hostUrl = get_host(absUrl)
            absUrl = urlparse.urlunparse((parsedUrl.scheme, hostUrl, parsedUrl.path,
                        parsedUrl.params, parsedUrl.query, parsedUrl.fragment))
            logger.debug('absURL: %s | parsedUrl: %s' % (absUrl, parsedUrl))
            if (parsedUrl.scheme == 'http') and ( # http for crawling
                parsedUrl.netloc == domain) or ( # URL must be internal
                parsedUrl.netloc.endswith('.' + domain)): # or subdomain
                if absUrl not in crawled_links and (
                absUrl not in unchecked_links) and (
                absUrl not in checked_links):
                    unchecked_links.append(absUrl) # if link is new append for crawling
예제 #3
            absUrl = urlparse.urlunparse((parsedUrl.scheme, hostUrl, parsedUrl.path,
                        parsedUrl.params, parsedUrl.query, parsedUrl.fragment))
            logger.debug('absURL: %s | parsedUrl: %s' % (absUrl, parsedUrl))
            if (parsedUrl.scheme == 'http') and ( # http for crawling
                parsedUrl.netloc == domain) or ( # URL must be internal
                parsedUrl.netloc.endswith('.' + domain)): # or subdomain
                if absUrl not in crawled_links and (
                absUrl not in unchecked_links) and (
                absUrl not in checked_links):
                    unchecked_links.append(absUrl) # if link is new append for crawling
    save_links_to_nodes(unchecked_links, urltree)

    logger.info('%s links checked %s' % (len(unchecked_links), strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", gmtime())))
    return {}

def show_tree(request):
    urltrees = URLTree.objects.all()
    if urltrees.count() == 0:
        return redirect('urltree-build')
    context = {
        'urltrees': urltrees,
        'settings_var': settings,
        'query': request.GET.copy(),
        'current_site': Site.objects.get_current(),
    return render(request, 'urltree/urltree.html', context)