def remove_detections_bysegmmaps(field, pointing, ccd): """ It uses the segmentation-maps to remove fake detections when masking out saturated stars. ---- import alhambra_fakedets as AF AF.remove_detections_bysegmmaps(2,1,1) """ root = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4f/f0%i/' % (field) root2images = '/Volumes/amb22/imagenes/f0%i/' % (field) catalog = root + '' % ( field, pointing, ccd) ids, x, y, area = U.get_data(catalog, (0, 3, 4, 5)) dim = len(ids) valor = U.zeros(dim) ima1 = root2images + 'f0%ip0%i_F814W_%i.swp.seg.fits' % (field, pointing, ccd) ima2 = root2images + 'f0%ip0%i_F814W_%i.swp.segnomask.fits' % ( field, pointing, ccd) segm1 =[0].data segm2 =[0].data for ii in range(dim): xo = x[ii] yo = y[ii] dimx = U.shape(datos[yo - size:yo + size, xo - size:xo + size])[1] dimy = U.shape(datos[yo - size:yo + size, xo - size:xo + size])[0] perc[ii] = (datos[yo - size:yo + size, xo - size:xo + size].sum() / (dimx * dimy * 1.)) # Defining the sample to be keep. good = U.greater(valor, 0) idr = U.compress(good, ids) dim2 = len(idr) print 'Dimensions: Original: %i, Final: %i, Excluded: %i detections. ' % ( dim, dim2, dim - dim2) finalcat = root + '' % ( field, pointing, ccd) data1 = coeio.loaddata(catalog) # Loading the whole catalog content. head = coeio.loadheader(catalog) data2 = data1[good, :] coeio.savedata(data2, finalcat, dir="", header=head) # Saving & creating a new catalog.
def remove_fakeabsorptions_F814W(field, pointing, ccd): """ Using the rmsweight images, it gets rid of detections with imrs_F814W < 0.5. ------------------------------------------- import alhambra_fakedets as AF AF.remove_fakeabsorptions_F814W(2,1,1) """ root = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4f/f0%i/' % (field) catalog = root + '' % (field, pointing, ccd) ids, x, y, area = U.get_data(catalog, (0, 3, 4, 5)) dim = len(ids) perc = U.zeros(dim) # Opening F814W Weight image ima = alh.alhambra_invrmsimagelist(field, pointing, ccd)[-1] datos =[0].data for ii in range(dim): if area[ii] > 1: size = int(round(U.sqrt(area[ii]) / 2.)) xo = x[ii] yo = y[ii] dimx = U.shape(datos[yo - size:yo + size, xo - size:xo + size])[1] dimy = U.shape(datos[yo - size:yo + size, xo - size:xo + size])[0] perc[ii] = (datos[yo - size:yo + size, xo - size:xo + size].sum() / (dimx * dimy * 1.)) # Defining the sample to be keep. good = U.greater(perc, 0.5) idr = U.compress(good, ids) dim2 = len(idr) print 'Dimensions: Original: %i, Final: %i, Excluded: %i detections. ' % ( dim, dim2, dim - dim2) finalcat = root + '' % ( field, pointing, ccd) data1 = coeio.loaddata(catalog) # Loading the whole catalog content. head = coeio.loadheader(catalog) data2 = data1[good, :] coeio.savedata(data2, finalcat, dir="", header=head) # Saving & creating a new catalog.
def match_spz_sample(cluster): # TO CHECK finalcat1 = catalog2[:-3]+'' finalcat2 = catalog2[:-3]+'' # if not os.path.exists(finalcat1): if not os.path.exists(finalcat2): # print 'Final catalog does not exist yet.' if os.path.exists(catalog1) and os.path.exists(catalog2): # It matches up detections to its Spectroscopic Sample. # Reading specz catalog print 'Reading info1 before matching...' speczsample = catalog1 idsp,xsp,ysp = U.get_data(speczsample,(0,3,4)) goodsp = U.greater_equal(xsp,1500) * U.less_equal(xsp,3500) goodsp *= U.greater_equal(ysp,1500) * U.less_equal(ysp,3500) idsp,xsp,ysp = U.multicompress(goodsp,(idsp,xsp,ysp)) print 'New dimension for specz catalogue: ',len(xsp) # rasp,decsp,xsp,ysp,zsp = get_data(speczsample,(0,1,2,3,4)) # xsp,ysp,zsp = get_data(speczsample,(1,2,7)) ####### idsp = U.arange(len(xsp))+1 # idsp = arange(len(rasp))+1 # Reading ColorPro catalog print 'Reading info2 before matching...' idcol,xcol,ycol = U.get_data(catalog2,(0,3,4)) print 'Dimension for input catalogue before compressing: ',len(idcol) gsp = U.greater_equal(xcol,1500) * U.less_equal(xcol,3500) gsp *= U.greater_equal(ycol,1500) * U.less_equal(ycol,3500) idcol,xcol,ycol = U.multicompress(gsp,(idcol,xcol,ycol)) print 'Dimension for input catalogue after compressing: ',len(idcol) # Using "matching_vects" to match up samples... print 'Matching samples....' pepe = CT.matching_vects(idcol,xcol,ycol,idsp,xsp,ysp,1.1) # We use now X,Y instead RA,Dec # Compressing matches for ColorPro... print 'Compressing matches...' matchidcol = pepe[:,0].astype(int) gdet_col = U.greater(matchidcol,0) # Excluding 0's (non matched detections) matchidcol = U.compress(gdet_col,(matchidcol)) # Compressing matches for Spectroscopic... matchidsp = pepe[:,1].astype(int) gdet_spz = U.greater(matchidsp,0) # Excluding 0's (non matched detections) matchidsp = U.compress(gdet_spz,(matchidsp)) print 'len(idcol)',len(idcol) print 'len(idsp)',len(idsp) if len(matchidcol) == len(matchidsp): print 'Creating idredu & zsredu ' print 'Dimension of matchidsp ',len(matchidsp) idredu = U.zeros(len(matchidsp)) idspredu = U.zeros(len(matchidsp)) for ii in range(len(matchidsp)): colindex = A.id2pos(idcol,matchidcol[ii]) # Position for Index idcol spzindex = A.id2pos(idsp,matchidsp[ii]) # Position for Index idsp idredu[ii] = idcol[colindex] # ID for ColorPro idspredu[ii] = idsp[spzindex] # Specz for Specz # A new smaller catalog will be created containing specz info as an extra column. print 'Selecting by rows... ' finalcat1 = catalog2[:-3]+'' finalcat2 = catalog2[:-3]+'' U.put_data(catalog2[:-3]+'idsfrommatch.txt',(idredu,idspredu)) A.select_rows_bylist_sorted(catalog1,idspredu,finalcat1) A.select_rows_bylist_sorted(catalog2,idredu,finalcat2)
def correct_SExt_uncertainties(cluster): # (catalog,columns,zpts,gains,area2rms,weightimas,arinarout,finalcat): """ It reads the input catalogue and corrects* its photometric errors empirically using direct area_v_sigma estimations*. It returns the name of the new and corrected catalog. -- *** THE POSITION OF AREA,MAGS & ERRMAGS NEED TO BE CHECK OUT BEFORE RUNNING IT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS: - An input catalogue (catalog) - Its corresponding COLUMNS file (columns) - A list with all ZPS (2nd column) (zpts) - A list with all GAINS (2nd column) (gains) - A list with all area2sigma files (1 per band) (area2rms) - A list with all WEIGHT-MAPS (weightimas) """ # If weight = 1, it uses the Weight-maps to calculate photo.uncertainties. weight = 0 # If verbose = 1, additional information is displayed during the analysis. verbose = 0 # This factor serves to plot several check figures. check1 = 1 check2 = 1 catalog = finalroot +'/%s/images/'%(cluster,cluster) columns = finalroot +'/%s/images/'%(cluster,cluster) scimas = finalroot+'/%s/images/sci.list'%(cluster) weightimas = finalroot+'/%s/images/wht.list'%(cluster) zpts = U.get_data(finalroot+'/%s/images/'%(cluster,cluster),0) gains = get_JPLUS_gains(scimas) # Name for the final corrected catalogue newphotcat = finalroot +'/%s/images/'%(cluster,cluster) # To account for differences in exposure time, we need a list with ALL WEIGHT-maps. if weight: wimas = U.get_str(weightimas,0) if verbose: print 'Catalog: ',catalog if os.path.exists(catalog): mm = get_magnitudes(catalog,columns) em = get_errmagnitudes(catalog,columns) xx,yy,aper = U.get_data(catalog,(3,4,5)) data = C.loaddata(catalog) # Loading the whole catalog content. head = C.loadheader(catalog) # Loading the original header. zps = U.get_data(zpts,1) # Loading Zeropoint values # gain = U.get_data(gains,1) # Loading Gain Values. filters = get_filters(columns) # It gets the filter names for plots. # Defining new variables ng = len(mm[:,0]) # ng is the number of galaxies. nf = len(mm[0,:]) # nf is the number of filters. if verbose: print 'ng,nl',ng,nl errmag = N.zeros((ng,nf),float) # Where the new photo errors will be saved. # Starting the game.. for jj in range(nf): if verbose: print 'Analyzing filter %i'%(jj+1) # For every single band we need to read the apert_v_sigma file (area2rms) # to interpolate the real values of area from the catalog. # print 'area2rms[%i]'%(jj),area2rms area2rms_bands = U.get_str(area2rms,0) sqrtarea, sbackg, smean = U.get_data(area2rms_bands[jj],(0,1,2)) rmsfit = N.poly1d(N.polyfit(sqrtarea, sbackg, 3)) # CHECK meanfit = N.poly1d(N.polyfit(sqrtarea, smean, 2)) # CHECK # It reads the WEIGHT-map if requested if weight: if verbose: print 'Reading Weight image: ', wimas[jj] wdata =[jj])[0].data wdatanorm = wdata / wdata.max() if check1: # Sanity plot to assure the interpolated area2sigma function was right plt.figure(0, figsize = (7,6),dpi=70, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.clf() plt.plot(sqrtarea,sbackg,'ko',sqrtarea,rmsfit(sqrtarea),'r-',linewidth=2) plt.xlabel('$\sqrt{N}$',size=18) plt.ylabel('$\sigma$',size=20) plt.legend(['Data','Interpolation'],numpoints=1,loc='upper left') plt.grid() plt.savefig(catalog[:-3]+'.%s.Ar2Si.check.png'%(filters[jj]),dpi=80) # Sanity plot to assure the interpolated area2sigma function was right # plt.figure(2, figsize = (7,6),dpi=70, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.clf() plt.plot(sqrtarea, smean,'ko',sqrtarea, meanfit(sqrtarea),'r-',linewidth=2) plt.xlabel('$\sqrt{N}$',size=18) plt.ylabel('$mean$',size=20) plt.legend(['Data','Interpolation'],numpoints=1,loc='upper left') plt.grid() plt.savefig(catalog[:-3]+'.%s.Ar2Mean.check.png'%(filters[jj]),dpi=80) fluxgal = B.mag2flux(mm[:,jj]-zps[jj]) # -meansignal+U.sqrt(fluxcorr4aperture) # good_sample = U.less_equal(abs(mm[:,jj]),30) # good sample # bad_sample = U.greater(abs(mm[:,jj]),30) # bad sample # Values to estimates the mags error. sqar = N.sqrt(aper) sigback = rmsfit(sqar) meansignal = meanfit(sqar) # There will be non-detected galaxies # with m=99 magnitudes. # Those numbers should not change here. detected = U.less_equal(abs(mm[:,jj]),30) # good sample nondetected = U.greater(abs(mm[:,jj]),30) # bad sample # Photom. error (as defined by SExtractor) but using the new sigma value! if weight: pixw = N.zeros(ng) for hhh in range(ng): pixw[hhh]=wdatanorm[int(yy[hhh])-1,int(xx[hhh])-1] fluxcor = fluxgal*pixw newerror=N.sqrt((aper*sigback*sigback/fluxcor**2)+(fluxcor*gain)) newerror *= 1.0857 else: newerror=N.sqrt((aper*sigback*sigback/fluxgal**2)+(fluxgal*gain)) newerror *= 1.0857 # Assesing new uncertainties. errmag[detected,jj] = newerror[detected] errmag[nondetected,jj] = em[nondetected,jj] # A new figure is create to compare SExtractor vs Empirical uncert. if check2: line = N.arange(16.,30.,0.25) SExline = U.bin_stats(mm[:,jj],em[:,jj],line,stat='mean_robust') aperline = U.bin_stats(mm[:,jj],errmag[:,jj],line,stat='mean_robust') # plt.figure(1,figsize = (8,7),dpi=70, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.clf() plt.plot(mm[:,jj],em[:,jj],'r+',mm[:,jj],errmag[:,jj],'k+') plt.plot(line,SExline,'-ro',line,aperline,'-ko',linewidth=6,alpha=0.2) plt.legend(['$SExtractor$','$Apertures$'],numpoints=1,loc='upper left') plt.xlabel('$Mags$',size=17) plt.ylabel('$ErrMags$',size=17) plt.xlim(17.,30.) plt.ylim(0.,1.0) plt.grid() plt.savefig(catalog[:-3]+'.%s.uncert.comparison.png'%(filters[jj]),dpi=80) # The new values of mags error are now overwrited in the original data. vars,evars,posref,zpe,zpo = get_usefulcolumns(columns) data[:,evars] = errmag[:,N.arange(nf)] C.savedata(data,finalcat, dir="",header=head) # Saving and creating the new catalog.
def appending_ids2catalogues(field, pointing, ccd): """ import alhambra_3arcs as A3 A3.appending_ids2catalogues(2,1,1) """ catalhambra = root + 'f0%i/' % ( field, field, pointing, ccd) idalh = U.get_str(catalhambra, 0) idalh2 = U.arange(len(idalh)) + 1 xalh, yalh = U.get_data(catalhambra, (6, 7)) cat3arcs = finalroot + 'f0%i/' % ( field, field, pointing, ccd) id3arcs, x3arcs, y3arcs = U.get_data(cat3arcs, (0, 3, 4)) print len(id3arcs) matchfile = cat3arcs[:-3] + 'idsfrommatch.txt' if not os.path.exists(matchfile): idcol = idalh2 xcol = xalh ycol = yalh idsp = id3arcs xsp = x3arcs ysp = y3arcs pepe = CT.matching_vects(idcol, xcol, ycol, idsp, xsp, ysp, 5) # Compressing matches for ColorPro... print 'Compressing matches...' matchidcol = pepe[:, 0].astype(int) gdet_col = U.greater(matchidcol, 0) # Excluding 0's (non matched detections) matchidcol = U.compress(gdet_col, (matchidcol)) # Compressing matches for Spectroscopic... matchidsp = pepe[:, 1].astype(int) gdet_spz = U.greater(matchidsp, 0) # Excluding 0's (non matched detections) matchidsp = U.compress(gdet_spz, (matchidsp)) print 'len(idcol)', len(idcol) print 'len(idsp)', len(idsp) if len(matchidcol) == len(matchidsp): print 'Creating idredu & zsredu ' print 'Dimension of matchidsp ', len(matchidsp) idredu = U.zeros(len(matchidsp)) idspredu = U.zeros(len(matchidsp)) for ii in range(len(matchidsp)): colindex = A.id2pos(idcol, matchidcol[ii]) # Position for Index idcol spzindex = A.id2pos(idsp, matchidsp[ii]) # Position for Index idsp idredu[ii] = idcol[colindex] # ID for ColorPro idspredu[ii] = idsp[spzindex] # Specz for Specz matchfile = cat3arcs[:-3] + 'idsfrommatch.txt' U.put_data(matchfile, (idredu, idspredu)) if os.path.exists(matchfile): pepa = open(matchfile[:-3] + '', 'w') idredu, idspredu = U.get_data(matchfile, (0, 1)) i11 = idredu.astype(int) - 1 i22 = idspredu.astype(int) lista = [] for ii in range(len(i11)): lista.append(idalh[i11[ii]]) pepa.write('%s %s \n' % (idalh[i11[ii]], i22[ii])) pepa.close() finalfinal = cat3arcs[:-3] + '' if os.path.exists(finalfinal): A.deletefile(finalfinal) if not os.path.exists(finalfinal): print 'Preparing ', finalfinal idsa = U.get_str(matchfile[:-3] + '', 0) append_IDs2_3arcs_catalogues(cat3arcs, idsa)
def figura33(lista): """ I'm using the stellar classification from the version_e. ---- import alhambra_completeness as alhc lista = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4d/globalcats/lista.list' alhc.figura33(lista) """ blue = 0 red = 1 cats = U.get_str(lista, 0) cats2 = U.get_str(lista, 1) nc = len(cats) dx = 0.2 dy = 0.4 nxbins = 4 nybins = 2 ods = 0.05 mmin = 16.0 mmax = 23.75 zbmin = 0.0001 zbmax = 1.4 Mmin = -24 Mmax = -17 if red: Tbmin = 1 # 7. Tbmax = 5 # 11. resolmag = 0.2 # 0.2 resolz = 0.05 if blue: Tbmin = 7. Tbmax = 11. resolmag = 0.2 resolz = 0.05 resol = 0.025 areas = ([0.45, 0.47, 0.23, 0.24, 0.47, 0.47, 0.46, 2.79]) plt.figure(111, figsize=(21.5, 11.5), dpi=70, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') ss = 0 for jj in range(nybins): for ii in range(nxbins): # Reading data from catalogs. mo, zb, tb, odds, m814 = U.get_data(cats[ss], (81, 72, 75, 76, 62)) sf = U.get_data(cats2[ss], 71) # mo,zb,tb,sf,odds,m814 = U.get_data(cats[ss],(81,72,75,71,76,62)) g = U.greater_equal(abs(m814), mmin) * U.less_equal( abs(m814), mmax) # g* = U.greater_equal(odds,ods) g *= U.greater_equal(tb, Tbmin) * U.less_equal(tb, Tbmax) g *= U.less_equal(sf, 0.8) yy = -0.014 * m814 + 0.38 g *= U.greater(odds, yy) g *= U.less_equal(mo, Mmax + resol) * U.greater(mo, Mmin - resol) g *= U.greater(zb, zbmin) * U.less_equal(zb, zbmax) mo, zb, tb, odds = U.multicompress(g, (mo, zb, tb, odds)) print 'dimension', len(mo) # Plotting density. # cuadrado = plt.axes([.1+(ii*dx),.1+((nybins-jj-1)*dy),dx,dy]) if ii == nxbins - 1: cuadrado = plt.axes([ .1 + (ii * dx), .1 + ((nybins - jj - 1) * dy), dx + (dx * 0.2), dy ]) else: cuadrado = plt.axes( [.1 + (ii * dx), .1 + ((nybins - jj - 1) * dy), dx, dy]) matrix, axis2, axis1 = rs.CC_numberdensity_contour_zvolume( zb, mo, resolz, resolmag, 1) if blue: plt.contourf(axis2, axis1, U.log10(matrix / areas[ss]), 250, vmin=-11., vmax=-7.) # blue galaxies if red: plt.contourf(axis2, axis1, U.log10(matrix / areas[ss]), 250, vmin=-12., vmax=-7.65) # red galaxies if ii == nxbins - 1: aa = plt.colorbar(pad=0., format='%.1f') aa.set_label('Log. Density [N/Mpc$^{3}$/deg$^{2}$]', size=18) if jj != nybins - 1: plt.setp(cuadrado, xticks=[]) if ii != 0: plt.setp(cuadrado, yticks=[]) if jj == nybins - 1: plt.xlabel('M$_{B}$', size=27) plt.xticks(fontsize=17) if ii == 0: plt.ylabel('redshift', size=28) plt.yticks(fontsize=17) # plotting axis manually base1 = U.arange(Mmin, Mmax + 1., 1.) base2 = U.arange(0, zbmax + (2. * resol), resol) dim1 = len(base1) dim2 = len(base2) for rr in range(dim1): plt.plot(base2 * 0. + base1[rr], base2, 'k--', linewidth=1., alpha=0.25) for rr in range(dim2): plt.plot(base1, base1 * 0. + base2[rr], 'k--', linewidth=1., alpha=0.25) # plt.grid() plt.ylim(zbmin + 0.0001, zbmax - 0.001) plt.xlim(Mmin + 0.0001, Mmax - 0.0001) if ss == 7: labelleg = 'Global' else: labelleg = 'A%i' % (ss + 2) xypos = (Mmax - 1.6, zbmax - 0.18) if ss == 7: xypos = (Mmax - 3.5, zbmax - 0.18) plt.annotate(labelleg, xy=xypos, fontsize=40, color='black') ss += 1 plt.savefig('completeness.alhambra.png', dpi=200)
def flagging_dobledetections(cat1,cat2): """ This serves to append an extra column (each to both inputted catalogs) indicating either a detection was repeated and with the lowest S/N of the two. Sources flagged as 1 are those detections to be excluded when combining both catalogs into a single one. -------- import alhambra_overlap as alhov cat1 = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4e/f02/' cat2 = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4e/f02/' alhov.flagging_dobledetections(cat1,cat2) """ id1,ra1,dec1,x1,y1,s2n1 = U.get_data(cat1,(0,1,2,3,4,14)) id2,ra2,dec2,x2,y2,s2n2 = U.get_data(cat2,(0,1,2,3,4,14)) ne1 = len(id1) ne2 = len(id2) g1 = U.greater_equal(ra1,min(ra2)) g2 = U.less_equal(ra2,max(ra1)) id1r,ra1r,dec1r,x1r,y1r,s2n1r = U.multicompress(g1,(id1,ra1,dec1,x1,y1,s2n1)) id2r,ra2r,dec2r,x2r,y2r,s2n2r = U.multicompress(g2,(id2,ra2,dec2,x2,y2,s2n2)) flag1 = U.zeros(ne1) flag2 = U.zeros(ne2) dim1 = len(id1r) dim2 = len(id2r) print 'dim1,dim2',dim1,dim2 if dim1>0 and dim2>0: print 'Matching samples....' pepe = matching_vects_ddet(id1r,ra1r,dec1r,id2r,ra2r,dec2r,0.000312) # We use now X,Y instead RA,Dec # Purging null elements matchidcol = pepe[:,0].astype(int) good_det1 = U.greater(matchidcol,0) # Excluding 0's (non matched detections) matchidcol = U.compress(good_det1,(matchidcol)) matchidsp = pepe[:,1].astype(int) good_det2 = U.greater(matchidsp,0) # Excluding 0's (non matched detections) matchidsp = U.compress(good_det2,(matchidsp)) if len(matchidcol) == len(matchidsp) and len(matchidcol) >0 : newdim = len(matchidsp) print 'Dimension of matching',newdim idr1 = U.zeros(newdim) idr2 = U.zeros(newdim) s2nr1 = U.zeros(newdim) s2nr2 = U.zeros(newdim) for ii in range(newdim): idr1index = ap.id2pos(id1r,matchidcol[ii]) idr2index = ap.id2pos(id2r,matchidsp[ii]) idr1[ii] = id1r[idr1index] s2nr1[ii] = s2n1r[idr1index] idr2[ii] = id2r[idr2index] s2nr2[ii] = s2n2r[idr2index] # Select/Purge detections according to its S/N marcador1 = U.zeros(newdim) marcador2 = U.zeros(newdim) for ss in range(newdim): cociente = s2nr1[ss]/s2nr2[ss] if cociente >= 1.: marcador1[ss] = 1. else: marcador2[ss] = 1. cond1 = U.less(marcador1,1) cond2 = U.less(marcador2,1) idr1b = U.compress(cond1,idr1) dim1rr = len(idr1b) idr2b = U.compress(cond2,idr2) dim2rr = len(idr2b) # Two new IDs (finalid1 & finalid2) are generated with # the final elements to be included in the output catalog. for hh1 in range(ne1): if id1[hh1] in idr1b: flag1[hh1] = 1 for hh2 in range(ne2): if id2[hh2] in idr2b: flag2[hh2] = 1 # A new smaller catalog will be created containing specz info as an extra column. outcat1 = ap.decapfile(cat1)+'' outcat2 = ap.decapfile(cat2)+'' print 'outcat1',outcat1 print 'outcat2',outcat2 ap.appendcol(cat1,flag1,'Flag2Detected',outcat1) ap.appendcol(cat2,flag2,'Flag2Detected',outcat2) # Renaming files ap.renamefile(cat1,cat1+'') if not os.path.exists(cat1): ap.renamefile(outcat1,cat1) ap.renamefile(cat2,cat2+'') if not os.path.exists(cat2): ap.renamefile(outcat2,cat2) else: print 'No common sources in betwen the catalogs' # A new smaller catalog will be created containing specz info as an extra column. outcat1 = ap.decapfile(cat1)+'' outcat2 = ap.decapfile(cat2)+'' print 'outcat1',outcat1 print 'outcat2',outcat2 ap.appendcol(cat1,flag1*0,'Flag2Detected',outcat1) ap.appendcol(cat2,flag2*0,'Flag2Detected',outcat2) # Renaming files ap.renamefile(cat1,cat1+'') if not os.path.exists(cat1): ap.renamefile(outcat1,cat1) ap.renamefile(cat2,cat2+'') if not os.path.exists(cat2): ap.renamefile(outcat2,cat2)
def purging_dobledetections(cat1,cat2): """ import alhambra_overlap from alhambra_overlap import * cat1 = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4e/f02/' cat2 = '/Volumes/amb22/catalogos/reduction_v4e/f02/' purging_dobledetections(cat1,cat2) """ id1,ra1,dec1,x1,y1,s2n1 = U.get_data(cat1,(0,1,2,3,4,14)) id2,ra2,dec2,x2,y2,s2n2 = U.get_data(cat2,(0,1,2,3,4,14)) ne1 = len(id1) ne2 = len(id2) g1 = U.greater_equal(ra1,min(ra2)) g2 = U.less_equal(ra2,max(ra1)) id1r,ra1r,dec1r,x1r,y1r,s2n1r = U.multicompress(g1,(id1,ra1,dec1,x1,y1,s2n1)) id2r,ra2r,dec2r,x2r,y2r,s2n2r = U.multicompress(g2,(id2,ra2,dec2,x2,y2,s2n2)) dim1 = len(id1r) dim2 = len(id2r) print 'dim1,dim2',dim1,dim2 if dim1>0 and dim2>0: print 'Matching samples....' pepe = matching_vects_ddet(id1r,ra1r,dec1r,id2r,ra2r,dec2r,0.000312) # We use now X,Y instead RA,Dec # Purging null elements matchidcol = pepe[:,0].astype(int) good_det1 = U.greater(matchidcol,0) # Excluding 0's (non matched detections) matchidcol = U.compress(good_det1,(matchidcol)) matchidsp = pepe[:,1].astype(int) good_det2 = U.greater(matchidsp,0) # Excluding 0's (non matched detections) matchidsp = U.compress(good_det2,(matchidsp)) if len(matchidcol) == len(matchidsp) and len(matchidcol) >0 : newdim = len(matchidsp) print 'Dimension of matching',newdim idr1 = U.zeros(newdim) idr2 = U.zeros(newdim) s2nr1 = U.zeros(newdim) s2nr2 = U.zeros(newdim) for ii in range(newdim): idr1index = ap.id2pos(id1r,matchidcol[ii]) idr2index = ap.id2pos(id2r,matchidsp[ii]) idr1[ii] = id1r[idr1index] s2nr1[ii] = s2n1r[idr1index] idr2[ii] = id2r[idr2index] s2nr2[ii] = s2n2r[idr2index] # Select/Purge detections according to its S/N marcador1 = U.zeros(newdim) marcador2 = U.zeros(newdim) for ss in range(newdim): cociente = s2nr1[ss]/s2nr2[ss] if cociente >= 1.: marcador1[ss] = 1. else: marcador2[ss] = 1. cond1 = U.less(marcador1,1) cond2 = U.less(marcador2,1) idr1b = U.compress(cond1,idr1) dim1rr = len(idr1b) idr2b = U.compress(cond2,idr2) dim2rr = len(idr2b) print '' print 'Number of detections to be removed from cat1: ', dim1rr print 'Number of detections to be removed from cat2: ', dim2rr print '' # Two new IDs (finalid1 & finalid2) are generated with # the final elements to be included in the output catalog. finalid1 = U.zeros((ne1-dim1rr)) finalid2 = U.zeros((ne2-dim2rr)) kk1 = 0 for hh1 in range(ne1): if id1[hh1] not in idr1b: finalid1[kk1] = id1[hh1] kk1 += 1 print 'kk1',kk1 kk2 = 0 for hh2 in range(ne2): if id2[hh2] not in idr2b: if kk2 <= (ne2-dim2rr-1): finalid2[kk2] = id2[hh2] kk2+=1 print 'kk2',kk2 # A new smaller catalog will be created containing specz info as an extra column. outcat1 = ap.decapfile(cat1)+'' outcat2 = ap.decapfile(cat2)+'' print 'outcat1',outcat1 print 'outcat2',outcat2 ap.select_rows_bylist(cat1,finalid1,outcat1) ap.select_rows_bylist(cat2,finalid2,outcat2) else: print 'No common sources in betwen the catalogs'
def globalimage_zb(image, cat, posx, posy, posarea, poszb, shape, save, outfile): """ ============ from alhambra_webpage import * image = '/Users/albertomolino/Desktop/emss2137/emss2137.png' cat = '/Volumes/amb2/SUBARU/emss2137/catalogs/' posx = 3 posy = 4 posarea = 5 poszb = 17 shape = 'circle' save = 'yes' outfile = '/Users/albertomolino/Desktop/emss2137/emss2137_22.png' globalimage_zb(image,cat,posx,posy,posarea,poszb,shape,save,outfile) ----------------- import alhambra_photools from alhambra_photools import * import alhambra_webpage from alhambra_webpage import * image = '/Users/albertomolino/Desktop/macs1206/macs1206.color.png' cat = '/Users/albertomolino/Desktop/UDF/Molino12/catalogs/ColorPro/' posx = 3 posy = 4 shape = 'circle' save = 'yes' posarea = 5 poszb = 0 outfile = '/Users/albertomolino/Desktop/macs1206/macs1206.color.RS.purged.png' globalimage_zb(image,cat,posx,posy,posarea,poszb,shape,save,outfile) -------- import alhambra_photools from alhambra_photools import * import alhambra_webpage from alhambra_webpage import * image = '/Users/albertomolino/Desktop/rxj2248/HST/rxj2248_acs.png' cat = '/Users/albertomolino/Desktop/rxj2248/HST/catalogs/' posx = 3 posy = 4 shape = 'circle' save = 'yes' posarea = 5 poszb = 0 outfile = '/Users/albertomolino/Desktop/rxj2248/HST/rxj2248_acs.RS.png' globalimage_zb(image,cat,posx,posy,posarea,poszb,shape,save,outfile) -------- """ colorfile = image im = imsize = nx, ny = im.size stamp = im.crop((0, 0, nx, ny)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(stamp) try: x, y, area, zb = U.get_data(cat, (posx, posy, posarea, poszb)) sf = U.get_data(cat, 74) # good = greater(zb,0.28) * less(zb,0.34) good = U.greater(zb, 0.001) * U.less(sf, 0.7) x, y, area, zb = U.multicompress(good, (x, y, area, zb)) except: print 'Impossible to read the data from catalog. Check it out!!' for ii in range(len(x)): xx = x[ii] yy = y[ii] aa = area[ii] zzb = zb[ii] zbval = ' %.2f ' % (zzb) # print 'x,y',xx,yy # print 'zbval',zbval # print 'ii',ii # dx = dy = 1.5 * aa shapesize = 20 # aa * 1.05 # print 'shapesize',shapesize # dxo = dyo = 0 colores = (255, 255, 1) # if zzb < 0.1 : colores = (255,1,1) # red # elif zzb >= 0.1 and zzb < 0.3 : colores = (255,255,1) # yellow # elif zzb >= 0.3 and zzb < 1. : colores = (1,255,1) # Green # elif zzb >= 1. and zzb < 3. : colores = (1,255,255) # Blue # else: colores = (255,1,255) # Purple if shape != 'None': if shape == 'circle': draw.ellipse((xx - shapesize, ny - yy - shapesize, xx + shapesize, ny - yy + shapesize), fill=None) elif shape == 'crosshair': draw.line((xx + shapesize, yy, xx + shapesize - 10, yy), fill=None, width=3) draw.line((xx - shapesize, yy, xx - shapesize + 10, yy), fill=None, width=3) draw.line((xx, yy + shapesize, xx, yy + shapesize - 10), fill=None, width=3) draw.line((xx, yy - shapesize, xx, yy - shapesize + 10), fill=None, width=3) elif shape == 'rectangle': draw.rectangle((dx - shapesize, dy - shapesize, dx + shapesize, dy + shapesize), fill=colores) # fill=None) else: print 'Shape not found!. It will not be overlaid...' draw.text((xx - (shapesize / 2.), ny - yy - (shapesize / 2.)), zbval, fill=(255, 255, 1)) # draw.text((xx-(1.5*shapesize),ny-yy-(2.*shapesize)),zbval,fill=(255,255,255)) # # draw.text((xx-(1.5*shapesize),ny-yy-(2.*shapesize)),zbval,fill=colores) if save == 'yes': if outfile != 'None': else:'imcutoff.png')