def change_notch(
    """Change the height of a notch of the boundary and save changes to new file

    infile: file containing the random boundary to be modified
    idx: index of the notch to be modified, the first notch beares index 0
    modlist: list of integers, specifying how often dy is be applied to notch
    n: number of notches

    with open("parameters.xml") as params_file:
        print "Reading parameters..."
        params =
        pphw = get_parameter_value(params, "points_per_halfwave")
        modes = get_parameter_value(params, "modes")
        dy = 1.0/(modes*pphw+1)
        print """
        modes = {MODES}
        pphw = {PPHW}
        dy = {DY}
        """.format(MODES=modes, PPHW=pphw, DY=dy)

    if doc:
        doc_file = "modified_boundary.doc"
        print "Creating " + doc_file
        with open(doc_file, "w") as f:
            doc = """
            index of modified notch:    {INDEX}
            number of notches:          {N}
            modlist:                    {MODLIST}
            dy:                         {DY}
            """.format(INDEX=idx, N=n, MODLIST=modlist, DY=dy)

    print "Reading boundary from {}...".format(infile)
    x, boundary = np.loadtxt(infile, unpack=True)
    # Find the start and end of the cavity, because boundary contains leads
    cavity_idx = boundary.nonzero()[0]
    start = cavity_idx[0]
    end = cavity_idx[-1] + 1

    cavity = boundary[start:end].reshape( (n,-1) )

    # Make sure modlist consists of integers, and change it such that it can be
    # used conveniently for iteration
    modlist = np.array(modlist, dtype=int)
    modlist[1:] = np.diff(modlist)
    for i, factor in enumerate(modlist):
        print "modifying height of notch {}...".format(idx)
        cavity[idx] += factor*dy
        ofile = "rdmboundary_{}.dat".format(i)
        print "saving modified boundary to {}".format(ofile)
        np.savetxt(ofile, np.transpose( (x,boundary) ), fmt="%g \t %g")
예제 #2
def change_notch(infile="rdmboundary.dat",
    """Change the height of a notch of the boundary and save changes to new file

    infile: file containing the random boundary to be modified
    idx: index of the notch to be modified, the first notch beares index 0
    modlist: list of integers, specifying how often dy is be applied to notch
    n: number of notches

    with open("parameters.xml") as params_file:
        print "Reading parameters..."
        params =
        pphw = get_parameter_value(params, "points_per_halfwave")
        modes = get_parameter_value(params, "modes")
        dy = 1.0 / (modes * pphw + 1)
        print """
        modes = {MODES}
        pphw = {PPHW}
        dy = {DY}
        """.format(MODES=modes, PPHW=pphw, DY=dy)

    if doc:
        doc_file = "modified_boundary.doc"
        print "Creating " + doc_file
        with open(doc_file, "w") as f:
            doc = """
            index of modified notch:    {INDEX}
            number of notches:          {N}
            modlist:                    {MODLIST}
            dy:                         {DY}
            """.format(INDEX=idx, N=n, MODLIST=modlist, DY=dy)

    print "Reading boundary from {}...".format(infile)
    x, boundary = np.loadtxt(infile, unpack=True)
    # Find the start and end of the cavity, because boundary contains leads
    cavity_idx = boundary.nonzero()[0]
    start = cavity_idx[0]
    end = cavity_idx[-1] + 1

    cavity = boundary[start:end].reshape((n, -1))

    # Make sure modlist consists of integers, and change it such that it can be
    # used conveniently for iteration
    modlist = np.array(modlist, dtype=int)
    modlist[1:] = np.diff(modlist)

    for i, factor in enumerate(modlist):
        print "modifying height of notch {}...".format(idx)
        cavity[idx] += factor * dy
        ofile = "rdmboundary_{}.dat".format(i)
        print "saving modified boundary to {}".format(ofile)
        np.savetxt(ofile, np.transpose((x, boundary)), fmt="%g \t %g")
예제 #3
                    their filename""")
parser.add_argument('-g', '--full-grid',
                    help="""Calculate the correlations for entire cavity (e.g.
                    use all grid points) instead of the output interface (e.g. 
                    only last y-slice)""")


# Get parameters
with open("parameters.xml") as params_file:
    print "Reading parameters..."
    params =
    pphw = get_parameter_value(params, "points_per_halfwave")
    modes = get_parameter_value(params, "modes")
    dx = 1.0/(modes*pphw+1)
    r_ny = int(pphw*modes + 1)
    print """
    modes = {MODES}
    pphw = {PPHW}
    dx = {DX}
    r_ny = {R_NY}
    """.format(MODES=modes, PPHW=pphw, DX=dx, R_NY=r_ny)

# Calculate wavefunction for reference B
# --------------------------------------
print "Starting calculation for reference B = {}".format(args["ref_B"])