예제 #1
print("Optimal Terminal window size = 100x75")
    "INSTRUCTIONS\n Actions are in [square brackets]\n Your various attacks are:\n [a]ttack which is the basic move,\n [r]isky which can have a bigger imapct but can miss the target\n or [m]agic always does max damage but the number of uses are limited\n If there is no suggested command, hit <enter>\n You can call up your [status] at any time  \n"
    "Mana: The amount of magic attacks you have, Intelligence: The number of tries you have per puzzle, HP: Player Health, Attack: Maximum attack value, Hints: These can be requested after an incorrect guess during puzzles\n"
    "CREDITS\n Operations Manager: Meredith\n GitKeeper: Jessen\n Gopher: Adam\n Combat Advisor: Mitchell\n Sys.Architects: Drew and Jared\n Puzzle Queen: Shasta\n",
while game_play == 1:  # the player enters the loop. they cannot escape the loop until game_play is called not active.
    pre_query1 = input("What's your name? ")
    pre_query2 = input(
        "How hard do you want this to be? [easy], [medium], or [hard] ")
    player = user.Prisoner(name=pre_query1, difficulty=pre_query2)
    print_s("Your name is " + player.name + ", you have " + str(player.hp) +
            " health points. \n")
    read_statement = input_s("Press enter to begin.\n", player)

    levelone = '''
        ..               _                          ..                                         
  x .d88"               u                     x .d88"                                          
   5888R               88Nu.   u.              5888R             u.      u.    u.              
   '888R        .u    '88888.o888c      .u     '888R       ...ue888b   x@88k u@88c.      .u    
    888R     ud8888.   ^8888  8888   ud8888.    888R       888R Y888r ^"8888""8888"   ud8888.  
    888R   :888'8888.   8888  8888 :888'8888.   888R       888R I888>   8888  888R  :888'8888. 
    888R   d888 '88%"   8888  8888 d888 '88%"   888R       888R I888>   8888  888R  d888 '88%" 
    888R   8888.+"      8888  8888 8888.+"      888R       888R I888>   8888  888R  8888.+"    
    888R   8888L       .8888b.888P 8888L        888R      u8888cJ888    8888  888R  8888L      
   .888B . '8888c. .+   ^Y8888*""  '8888c. .+  .888B .     "*888*P"    "*88*" 8888" '8888c. .+ 
예제 #2
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import creatures, random, sass, time, puzzles
from textFormat import print_s, input_s

# Shit I need for testing?
import user
player = user.Prisoner(name='Jared', difficulty='easy')

shark = creatures.Shark()

def shark_game(player):
    dice = random.randint(1, 10)
        "As you run up the stairs toward the elusive Wizard and onto the balcony, you encounter an escaped 'mythical' creature from the menagerie - the famous talking LandShark"
        "The *clever* LandShark, having been on land for so long, has grown lungs and developed consumption (in addition to liver cirrhosis, for other reasons)."
    decision = input_s(
        "Do you [jump over the shark] and risk infection or [go the long way] on your quest to the wizard?",

    while str(decision) not in [
            'jump over the shark', 'go the long way', 'riddle me'
        decision = input_s(sass.sample_sass(), user=player, color="purple")