def test_users_exists(self): """ test_user_exists test case to check if we can return a boolean if we cannot find the user """ self.new_user.save_user() test_user = Users("Judy", "homeboys123") test_user.save_user() user_exists = Users.users_exist("homeboys123") self.assertTrue(user_exists)
class TestUsers(unittest.TestCase): """ Test class that defines test cases for the users class behaviours Args: unittest.TestCase: TestCase class that helps in creating test cases """ def setUp(self): """ Set up method to run before each test cases. """ self.new_user = Users("Judy", "homeboys123") def tearDown(self): """ cleans up after every test has been done """ Users.users_list = [] def test_init(self): """ Test case to test if the object is initialized properly """ self.assertEqual(self.new_user.user_name, "Judy") self.assertEqual(self.new_user.password, "homeboys123") def test_new_user_creation(self): """ Tests if new users account has been created """ self.new_user.save_user() self.assertEqual(len(Users.users_list), 1) def test_users_exists(self): """ test_user_exists test case to check if we can return a boolean if we cannot find the user """ self.new_user.save_user() test_user = Users("Judy", "homeboys123") test_user.save_user() user_exists = Users.users_exist("homeboys123") self.assertTrue(user_exists)