class TestuserData(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ set up method """ self.new_user = UserData("cliff", "kasera", "*****@*****.**", "Blankphrase", "lololo") def test_init(self): """ testing initialization of class """ self.assertEqual(self.new_user.firstName, "cliff") self.assertEqual(self.new_user.lastName, "kasera") self.assertEqual(, "*****@*****.**") self.assertEqual(self.new_user.username, "Blankphrase") self.assertEqual(self.new_user.password, "lololo") def tearDown(self): """ restart """ UserData.create_account = [] def test_save_account(self): """ testing save account method """ self.new_user.save_account() self.assertEqual(len(UserData.create_account), 1)
class TestuserData(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ set up method """ self.new_user = UserData("Teresa", "Wanjiku", "*****@*****.**", "Terry", "rosa2d") def test_init(self): """ testing initialization of class """ self.assertEqual(self.new_user.firstName, "Teresa") self.assertEqual(self.new_user.lastName, "Wanjiku") self.assertEqual(, "*****@*****.**") self.assertEqual(self.new_user.username, "Terry") self.assertEqual(self.new_user.password, "rosa2d") def tearDown(self): """ restart """ UserData.create_account = [] def test_save_account(self): """ testing save account method """ self.new_user.save_account() self.assertEqual(len(UserData.create_account), 1)
def setUp(self): """ set up method """ self.new_user = UserData("clifford", "ochieng", "*****@*****.**", "cliffochieng", "yoloyolo")
def check_user(used_name, used_password): """ checks if user exists """ user_exists = UserData.user_login(used_name, used_password) return user_exists
class MainStartWin(QtGui.QMainWindow, Ui_StartWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainStartWin, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.eventHandlerSetup() self.userData = UserData() #self.localZot = LocalZot() if (self.userData.getValue('GENERAL', 'apikey') == ''): QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Missing API Key", "Please enter your API/Library key under preferences") #self.btn_OpenBatchEditor.setEnabled(False) #self.btn_OpenCitationEditor.setEnabled(False) #self.btn_OpenCoupleDocuments.setEnabled(False) def eventHandlerSetup(self): self.btn_OpenBatchEditor.clicked.connect(lambda: self.openWindow(BatchEditorWin(self))) self.btn_OpenCitationEditor.clicked.connect(lambda: self.openWindow(CitationEditorWin(self))) self.btn_OpenCoupleDocuments.clicked.connect(lambda: self.openWindow(CoupleDocumentsWin(self))) #self.btn_OpenCoupleDocuments.clicked.connect(lambda: self.testuserdata()) self.actionPreferences.triggered.connect(lambda: self.openWindow(PreferencesWin(self))) self.btn_Prefs.clicked.connect(lambda: self.openWindow(PreferencesWin(self))) self.btn_Quit.clicked.connect(lambda: sys.exit(0)) def openWindow(self, window):
class BEditor: """ class used for batch editing""" def __init__(self, user_id='', user_type='user', api_key=''): ''' intialize a new batch editor ''' #this is the file used to save user data self._pickle_save = 'user_data' self.userData = UserData() #data for accessing zotero library #self._userData = {"user_id": user_id, "user_type": user_type, "api_key": api_key} #check if we have a pickle that already contains user info #if so load that data from pickle #if (self.chksave()): # self._pickle = Pickler(self._pickle_save) # self._userData = pickle.load() #print(self.userData.getValue('GENERAL', 'libraryid')) #initialize a connection to library and validate connection try: self._zot = zotero.Zotero(self.userData.getValue('GENERAL', 'libraryid'), 'user', self.userData.getValue('GENERAL', 'apikey')) # self._zot = zotero.Zotero('2710002', 'user', 'jxIEnHTfXW5guwz6X8q5upsv') except Exception, err: raise self.test_config()
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(PreferencesWin, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.userData = UserData() self.txt_apiKey.setText(self.userData.getValue('GENERAL', 'apikey')) self.txt_LibraryID.setText(self.userData.getValue('GENERAL', 'libraryid')) self.eventHandlerSetup()
def new_users(name_one, name_two, email_address, user_name, pass_word): """ creates new user """ new_user = UserData(name_one, name_two, email_address, user_name, pass_word) return new_user
def new_users(name_first, name_two, email_adress, user_name, pass_word): """ It creates a new user """ new_user = UserData(name_first, name_two, email_adress, user_name, pass_word) return new_user
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainStartWin, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.eventHandlerSetup() self.userData = UserData() #self.localZot = LocalZot() if (self.userData.getValue('GENERAL', 'apikey') == ''): QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Missing API Key", "Please enter your API/Library key under preferences")
class PreferencesWin(QtGui.QMainWindow, Ui_PreferenceWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(PreferencesWin, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.userData = UserData() self.txt_apiKey.setText(self.userData.getValue('GENERAL', 'apikey')) self.txt_LibraryID.setText(self.userData.getValue('GENERAL', 'libraryid')) self.eventHandlerSetup() def eventHandlerSetup(self): self.btn_cancel.clicked.connect(lambda: self.close()) self.btn_ok.clicked.connect(lambda: self.saveData()) def saveData(self): self.userData.setKeyValue('GENERAL', 'apikey', str(self.txt_apiKey.text())) self.userData.setKeyValue('GENERAL', 'libraryid', str(self.txt_LibraryID.text())) self.close()
def __init__(self): self.actions = {"register": self.request_register, "send": self.request_send_email, "login": self.request_login, "get2": self.request_get_email, "get_key": self.request_get_key, "stop": self.request_stop, "delete": self.request_delete} self.ud = UserData("user_data.csv") = SendMail()
class Requests: def __init__(self): self.actions = {"register": self.request_register, "send": self.request_send_email, "login": self.request_login, "get2": self.request_get_email, "get_key": self.request_get_key, "stop": self.request_stop, "delete": self.request_delete} self.ud = UserData("user_data.csv") = SendMail() def handle(self, req, token=None): request = req.split(",") action = request[0] params = request[1:] if token: params.append(token) return self.actions[action](params) # checks if a user already have a pair of keys @staticmethod def has_keys(user): path_to_private = "keys/%s/private.pem" % user path_to_public = "keys/%s/public.pem" % user return os.path.exists(path_to_private) and os.path.exists(path_to_public) # create a pair of RSA keys for a user @staticmethod def gen_keys(user): path_to_keys = "keys/%s" % user path_to_private = "keys/%s/private.pem" % user path_to_public = "keys/%s/public.pem" % user if not os.path.exists(path_to_keys): os.makedirs(path_to_keys) key = RSA.generate(2048) private_key = key.export_key() file_out = open(path_to_private, "wb") file_out.write(private_key) public_key = key.publickey().export_key() file_out = open(path_to_public, "wb") file_out.write(public_key) print("[INFO] RSA keys generated !") # Overwrites a file with an eencrypted version @staticmethod def encrypt_file(file_path, public_key_path): data = open(file_path).read().encode("utf-8") enc_file_path = file_path file_out = open(enc_file_path, "wb") recipient_key = RSA.import_key(open(public_key_path).read()) session_key = get_random_bytes(16) # Encrypt the session key with the public RSA key cipher_rsa = enc_session_key = cipher_rsa.encrypt(session_key) # Encrypt the data with the AES session key cipher_aes =, AES.MODE_EAX) ciphertext, tag = cipher_aes.encrypt_and_digest(data) [file_out.write(x) for x in (enc_session_key, cipher_aes.nonce, tag, ciphertext)] file_out.close() return enc_file_path @staticmethod def request_stop(params): return {"success": True, "stop": True, "Reason": "stop requested"} # params[0] should be email address and params[1] should be pswd def request_register(self, params): res = {} token_length = 16 if len(params) == 2: res = self.ud.appendfile(params[0], params[1]) if not self.has_keys(params[0]): self.gen_keys(params[0]) res["file_token"] = self.generate_token(token_length) # res["token_length"] = token_length res["user"] = params[0] else: res["success"] = False res["reason"] = "register request should have 2 arguments: email address and password" return res # Removes all data concerning an user def request_delete(self, params): res = {} if len(params) == 2: if self.ud.authorize(params[0], params[1]): print("[INFO] Deleting data of user %s ..." % params[0]) for folder in ("fr_data", "keys", "mail"): folder_to_remove = folder + "/" + params[0] if os.path.exists(folder_to_remove): shutil.rmtree(folder_to_remove) self.ud.remove_entry(params[0]) print("[INFO] Done !") res["success"] = True else: res["success"] = False res["reason"] = "Invalid email address or password" else: res["success"] = False res["reason"] = "Invalid number of parameters, delete requires an email address and password" return res # params[0] should be recipient, params[1] subject and params[2] content def request_send_email(self, params): res = {} if len(params) == 3: recipient = params[0] recipient_hash = hashlib.sha256(recipient.encode()).hexdigest() subject = params[1] content = params[2] # TODO maybe put these in a file ... default_message = "You received a new secret message\nDownload the receiving app to see it" default_subject = "New secret message" path_to_mail = "mail/" + recipient_hash # Create mail folder if it does not already exists if not os.path.exists(path_to_mail): os.makedirs(path_to_mail) # Assign an id to the email mail_id = 0 list_dir = os.listdir(path_to_mail) while str(mail_id) in list_dir: mail_id += 1 mail_id = str(mail_id) path_to_mail_id = path_to_mail + "/" + mail_id with open(path_to_mail_id, 'wb') as f: file_content = subject + "\n" + content f.write(file_content.encode('utf-8')) # send notification to recipient TODO reactivate after testing raw_msg =, recipient, default_subject, default_message) message =, "me", raw_msg) # message = {"labelIds": ["SENT"], "id": "Test mode, no message sent"} if message is not None: if message["labelIds"][0] == "SENT": if not self.has_keys(recipient_hash): self.gen_keys(recipient_hash) path_to_key = "keys/%s/public.pem" % recipient_hash # encrypt email with recipient's public key self.encrypt_file(path_to_mail_id, path_to_key) res["success"] = True res["reason"] = "Message " + message["labelIds"][0] + " Id: " + message["id"] else: res["success"] = False res["reason"] = "Message " + message["labelIds"][0] + " Id: " + message["id"] os.remove(path_to_mail_id) else: res["reason"] = "Message could not be sent" res["success"] = False os.remove(path_to_mail_id) else: res["success"] = False res["reason"] = "send request should have 3 arguments: recipient email address, subject and content" return res # this should be the "final" get email function (at least in the unencrypted version of the project) # params[0] should be recipient, params[1] pswd, params[2] received token, params[3] security token def request_get_email(self, params): res = {} if len(params) == 4: if params[2] == params[3]: pswd = params[1] recipient = params[0] if self.ud.authorize(recipient, pswd): path_to_mail = "mail/" + recipient path_to_face_model = "fr_data/" + recipient + "/" + recipient + ".zip" if os.path.exists(path_to_face_model): if os.path.exists(path_to_mail): res["success"] = True # zip all the mail and the face recognition data in the same archive # this is not secure at all, in version 2 messages will be encrypted or sent separately zipname = "" % recipient with zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, 'w') as output_zip: for file in os.listdir(path_to_mail): file_path = os.path.join(path_to_mail, file) print("[DEBUG] ", file_path) output_zip.write(file_path, file) # TODO delete messages after they've been sent (after testing) # os.remove(file_path) output_zip.write(path_to_face_model, "") res["zipfile"] = zipname else: res["success"] = False res["reason"] = "No message folder" else: res["success"] = False res["reason"] = "No face recognition data, registration might not be complete" else: res["success"] = False res["reason"] = "Invalid password or email" else: res["success"] = False res["reason"] = "Invalid security token" else: res["success"] = False res["reason"] = "Invalid number of parameters" return res # params[0] is email address and params[1] is password def request_login(self, params): res = {} if len(params) == 2: if self.ud.authorize(params[0], params[1]): recipient = params[0] res["success"] = True path_to_mail = "mail/" + recipient if not os.path.exists(path_to_mail): nb_of_unread_message = 0 else: nb_of_unread_message = len(os.listdir(path_to_mail)) if nb_of_unread_message != 0: res["reason"] = "you have " + str(nb_of_unread_message) + " unread email(s)" res["number"] = nb_of_unread_message # res["token"] = str(get_random_bytes(16)) res["token"] = self.generate_token(16) print("[INFO] token: ", res["token"]) else: res["reason"] = "You do not have any unread email" res["number"] = 0 else: res["success"] = False res["reason"] = "Wrong email or password" else: res["success"] = False res["reason"] = "login request should have 2 arguments: email address and password" return res # params[0] should be email address, params[1] should be user's password, params[2] should be received token # params[3] should be security token def request_get_key(self, params): res = {} if len(params) == 4: email = params[0] pswd = params[1] received_token = params[2] security_token = params[3] if received_token == security_token: if self.ud.authorize(email, pswd): path_to_key = "keys/%s/private.pem" % email res["success"] = True res["private_key"] = open(path_to_key, "rb").read() res["reason"] = "" # TODO activate key changing after testing is over ... # print("[INFO] changing keys for this user") # self.gen_keys(email) else: res["success"] = False res["reason"] = "Wrong password or email address" else: res["success"] = False res["reason"] = "Wrong security token" return res @staticmethod def generate_token(length=16): # Generate a random string of letters, digits and special characters characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits return ''.join(random.choice(characters) for i in range(length))
def __init__(self): self.userData = UserData()
def setUp(self): """ set up method """ self.new_user = UserData("Teresa", "Wanjiku", "*****@*****.**", "Terry", "rosa2d")
def setUp(self): """ set up method """ self.new_user = UserData("cliff", "kasera", "*****@*****.**", "Blankphrase", "lololo")
from userData import UserData from firebase_admin import db user1 = UserData(name=input("Name: "), email=input("Email: "), phone=input("Phone: "), age=input("Age: ")) if db._http_client == 1: print("") print(user1.get_name()) print(user1.get_email()) print(user1.get_phone()) print(user1.get_age())
class CoupleDocuments: def __init__(self): self.userData = UserData() def config(self): ''' sets the user_id, user_type, and API Key so that program can access the user's zotero library. Gives the groupid to access the different groupids this user bleongs to ''' self.uid = self.userData.getValue('GENERAL', 'libraryid') self.key = self.userData.getValue('GENERAL', 'apikey') if not (os.path.isfile('keys.json')): jsonFile = open('keys.json', 'w') jsonFile.close() self.zot = zotero.Zotero(self.uid, utype, self.key) def getCollections(self, groupId=''): '''returns the collections of the user in a dictionary, or the group corresponding to the Id of given one. ''' if not (groupId == ''): accessKey = zotero.Zotero(groupId, 'group', self.key) else: accessKey = self.zot returnCollections = {} for collection in accessKey.collections(): returnCollections[collection['key']] = collection['data']['name'] return returnCollections def getRecords(self, key, groupId=''): ''' gets the records of a chosen collection, or the group corresponding to the Id of the given one. ''' if not (groupId == ''): accessKey = zotero.Zotero(groupId, 'group', self.key) else: accessKey = self.zot namesofRecords = {} if key == 'n/a': listofRecords = for record in listofRecords: if record['data']['collections'] == []: namesofRecords[record['data']['key']] = record['data']['title'] else: listofRecords = accessKey.collection_items(key) for record in listofRecords: namesofRecords[record['data']['key']] = record['data']['title'] return namesofRecords def getGroups(self): '''gives all of groups associated with the user ''' listofGroups = self.zot.groups() groupAccessName = {} for group in listofGroups: groupAccessName[group['data']['id']] = group['data']['name'] return groupAccessName def jsonFileUpdater(self, key, documentList): '''takes in a key of an original document and a list of dictionaries groups and files to be coupled in those groups. Creates a json file if it doesn't exist otherwise, searches through json to find the key to grab the list. updates the list with new coupled documents. Returns a list with the key. ''' if (os.path.isfile('keys.json')): json_file = open('keys.json', 'r') json_str = json_dic = json.loads(json_str) #look for the record to be copied, if it exits, then we #update the list of dictionaries for that record for itemkey, value in json_dic.iteritems(): if itemkey == key: value = documentList json_file = open('keys.json', 'w') else: json_file = json_file = open('keys.json', 'w') json_dic = {key: documentList} json.dump(json_dic, json_file) return json_dic def jsonKeyGetter(self, key): '''Given a key, goes through the json file to find the corresponding list of keys ''' json_file = open('keys.json', 'r') json_str = json_dic = json.loads(json_str)[0] json_file.close() for itemkey, value in json_dic.iteritems(): if itemkey == key: return value def updateCoupledDocuments(self, key, documentsToChange): '''Given a key, and a dictionary of changes accesses the json file and updates the coupled documents corresponding to the original in the zotero database. Returns list of documents that don't have the right itemType ''' coupledDocuments = self.jsonKeyGetter(key) #find the original document original = self.zot.item(key) #go through every document in coupleDocuments for document in coupledDocuments: #check their type is equal to original groupId = document.keys()[0] copy = self.groupAccess().item(document[document[groupId]]) if copy[0]['itemType'] == original[0]['itemType']: itemType = copy[0]['itemType'] validFields = self.zot.item_type_fields(itemType)[0] #if so, change all the fields to be the same as the original for field in validFields: copy[0][field] = original[0][field] #update the copy zotgroup.update_item(copy[0]) else: #if type is not equal, add it to a list to be sent back rejects.append(copy[0]['title']) jsonFileUpdater( key, documentsToChange) rejects = [] return rejects