def storeFeatures(id, object_type, feature): """ Stores a list of tuple of features inside the object_features table. For each feature inside the features tuple, it first queries the features_lkp table to check if that feature already exists inside the table. If it does, it retrieves that feature's feature_id. Otherwise, it inserts that feature into the features_lkp table and returns the newly inserted feature's feature_id. It then uses the feature's feature_id and the id of the object to create a linking row inside the object_features table Keyword arguements: id -- ID of the Object that the features are being linked against. object_type -- Object Type of the Object that the features are being linked against. features -- Tuple of features that are going to be linked against the object. """ try: #Only insert if the feature doesn't exist. check_feature_exists = f"SELECT feature_id FROM features_lkp WHERE UPPER( description ) = '{str.upper( feature )}'" cur.execute(check_feature_exists, "") row = cur.fetchone() if row == None: feature_id = returnNextSerialID('object_features', 'feature_id') #We need to store the new feature inside the features table. cur.execute( f""" INSERT INTO features_lkp( feature_id, description) VALUES( {feature_id}, '{cleanForSQL(feature)}' )""", "") else: feature_id = row[0] #Once we've acquired the feature_id... object_features_insert_statement = f""" INSERT INTO object_features( id, object_type, feature_id, entered_when, entered_who ) VALUES( {id}, {object_type}, {feature_id}, current_timestamp, 1 )""" cur.execute(object_features_insert_statement, "") return True except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error in INSERTING Feature " + feature + "\n" + "Error: " + error) return False
def storeFile(self, commit): try: #Need to check if we are saving an image or a document. if self.file_type == FILE_TYPE_Images: #This means that we are saving an image. image_id = returnNextSerialID('images', 'image_id') File.checkAndStoreDocType(self, False) if self.image_date_taken is not None: insert_image_date_taken = f"to_timestamp( '{convertJSONDate(self.image_date_taken)}', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' )" else: insert_image_date_taken = "NULL" images_insert_statement = f""" INSERT into images( advert_id, date_taken, url ) VALUES( {ifNotNone(self.image_advert_id, "NULL")}, {insert_image_date_taken}, '{self.image_images_url}' )""" cur.execute(images_insert_statement, "") cur.execute( f""" INSERT INTO files( file_id, file_type, object_type, keyval1, keyval2, document_type, entered_when ) VALUES( {image_id}, '{FILE_TYPE_Images}', {self.object_type}, '{self.keyval1}', '{self.keyval2}', {self.document_type}, current_timestamp ) """, "") if commit: conn.commit() return True elif self.file_type == FILE_TYPE_Documents: pass else: raise ValueError(str(self) + " has an invalid file type") except (ValueError, Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error in INSERTING File with File ID " + str(image_id) + "\n" + "Error " + error) return False
def checkAndStoreDocType(self, commit): try: if not checkRowExists( f"SELECT 1 FROM document_type WHERE UPPER(description) = '{self.document_type_description}'" ): document_type = returnNextSerialID('document_type', 'document_type') cur.execute( f""" INSERT INTO document_type(description) VALUES( '{self.document_type_description}' )""", "") if commit: conn.commit() self.document_type = document_type else: cur.execute( f"SELECT document_type FROM document_type WHERE UPPER(description) = '{self.document_type_description}'", "") result = cur.fetchone() self.document_type = result[0] except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error in Checking Description of File with File ID " + str(self.file_id) + " with Document Type Description " + self.document_type_description + "\n" + "Error: " + error) return None
def storeSuburb(self, suburbName, state, postCode): try: new_suburb_id = returnNextSerialID('suburbs', 'suburb_id') cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO suburbs( name, state, is_completed, postcode ) VALUES( %s, %s, %s, %s ) """, (suburbName, state, False, postCode)) return new_suburb_id except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error)
def storeContactDetails(self, commit): """ This Function stores a new set of contact details into the contact_details table. It first checks to see if the contact_details_id variable has been obtained for the class instance, if it has not, it's retrieved from the contact_details_type_lkp table. if that contact_details_type doesn't exist yet, its inserted into the contact_details_type_lkp table. It then stores the details into the contact_details table. :param self: Contact Details Instance. :param commit: If True, then the insert is instantly commited. Otherwise no commit is done. ... :return: True if the insert succeeds, False otherwise. """ try: #First, check to see if the contact_details_type has already been stored inside the contact_details_type_lkp table if self.contact_details_id is None: if not checkRowExists( f"SELECT 1 FROM contact_details_type_lkp WHERE UPPER( description ) = UPPER( '{self.contact_details_type}' ) " ): self.contact_details_id = returnNextSerialID( 'contact_details_type_lkp', 'contact_details_type') #If the contact_details_type hasn't been stored... contact_details_type_insert_statement = f"""INSERT INTO contact_details_type_lkp( description ) VALUES( '{self.contact_details_type}' ) """ cur.execute(contact_details_type_insert_statement, "") else: #Get the matching contact_details_id from the contact_details_type_lkp table. cur.execute( f"SELECT contact_details_type FROM contact_details_type_lkp WHERE description = '{self.contact_details_type}'", "") row = cur.fetchone() self.contact_details_id = row[0] #Once we've gotten the contact_details_id.... cur.execute( f""" INSERT INTO contact_details( contact_details_type, object_id, object_type, details, entered_when ) VALUES( {self.contact_details_id}, {self.object_id}, {self.object_type}, '{self.details}', current_timestamp ) """, "") if commit: conn.commit() return True except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error in INSERTING Contact Details Type " + str(self.contact_details_type) + " for Object with ID " + str(self.object_id) + " with Object Type " + str(self.object_type) + "\n" + "Error: " + error) return False
def storeAddress(self): try: address_id = returnNextSerialID('address', 'address_id') cur.execute( """INSERT INTO address( full_address, street_name, street_number, suburb_id, zone, lot_number, latlong ) VALUES( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s )""", (self.full_address, self.street_name, self.street_number, self.suburb_id,, self.lot_number, VarIf(self.long is None or is None, None, f"SRID=4326;Point({self.long} {})"))) return address_id except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error in INSERTING Address for Address ID " + "\n" + "Error: " + error) return None
def saveProperty(self, commit): #store the propertyObject inside a text file in case we want to debug afterwards. debug = open("debug.txt", "w") debug.write(json.dumps(self.rawJson)) try: #Handle the address first, if required. if self.address_object.address_id is None: new_address_id = self.address_object.storeAddress() if new_address_id is None: return None #Get the next property id next_property_id = returnNextSerialID('properties', 'property_id') if not self.saveSalesHistory(next_property_id): return None #Save the Files next. for item in self.files: item.keyval1 = next_property_id item.storeFile(False) #Store the Features Next for feature in self.features: storeFeatures(next_property_id, OBJECT_Property, feature) #Now save the property. cur.execute( """INSERT INTO properties( domain_prop_id, shape_of_land, on_market, address_id, area_size, num_bedrooms, num_bathrooms, entered_when, raw_json ) VALUES( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, current_timestamp, %s )""", (self.domain_property_id, self.landShape, self.onMarket, new_address_id, self.areaSize, self.numBedrooms, self.numBathrooms, self.rawJson)) if commit: conn.commit() return next_property_id except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error in INSERTING Property with Domain Property ID " + str(self.domain_property_id) + "\n" + error) return None
def storeAgency(self): try: #If the Agency ID hasn't been set for this Agency, it means that hasn't been saved yet into the database... if self.agency_id is None: self.agency_id = returnNextSerialID('agencies', 'agency_id') if not self.getPrincipalAgent(): return None #Convert the data inside the Agency object into Classes self.convertToClasses() #Save all contact details first. for contact in self.contact_details_converted: contact.storeContactDetails(False) #Store the links to the agency banner, website and standard logo. self.agency_website.storeContactDetails(False) self.agency_banner.storeFile(False) self.agency_logo_standard.storeFile(False) #Store the address first so that we can link the address to the correct row inside the agencies table. address_id = self.address.storeAddress() agency_json = json.dumps(self.raw_agency_json) cur.execute( """INSERT INTO agencies( description, num_sale, num_rent, entered_when, raw_agency_json, name, principal_agent, domain_agency_id, address_id ) VALUES( %s, %s, %s, current_timestamp, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", (self.agency_description, self.num_sale, self.num_rent, cleanForSQL(agency_json),, self.principal_agent_id, self.domain_agency_id, address_id)) return self.agency_id except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error in INSERTING New Agency for Agency " + + "\n" + error) return None
def storeAgent(self, commit): try: self.agent_id = returnNextSerialID('agents', 'agent_id') #Stores information contained inside the Agent Object into the Agents table. cur.execute( """INSERT INTO agents( domain_agent_id, entered_when, first_name, last_name, profile_text ) VALUES( %s, current_timestamp, %s, %s, %s )""", (self.domain_agent_id, cleanForSQL(self.first_name), cleanForSQL(self.last_name), self.profile_text)) #Store the link between the Agent and the Agency inside the agencies_agent table. cur.execute( """INSERT INTO agencies_agent( agency_id, agent_id, entered_when ) VALUES( %s, %s, current_timestamp)""", (self.agency_id, self.agent_id)) if is not None: #Store the agent's emaia contactDetails_email = ContactDetails("agent_email", OBJECT_Agent, self.agent_id, if not contactDetails_email.storeContactDetails(False): raise Exception(psycopg2.DatabaseError) if is not None: #Store the agent's phone number contactDetails_phone = ContactDetails("agent_phone_number", OBJECT_Agent, self.agent_id, if not contactDetails_phone.storeContactDetails(False): raise Exception(psycopg2.DatabaseError) if self.facebook_url is not None: contactDetails_facebook = ContactDetails( "agent_facebook_url", OBJECT_Agent, self.agent_id, self.facebook_url) #Attempt to save the facebook details if not contactDetails_facebook.storeContactDetails(False): raise Exception(psycopg2.DatabaseError) if self.twitter_url is not None: contactDetails_twitter = ContactDetails( "agent_twitter_url", OBJECT_Agent, self.agent_id, self.twitter_url) #Attempt to save the twitter details if not contactDetails_twitter.storeContactDetails(False): raise Exception(psycopg2.DatabaseError) if is not None: #Save the mugshot and agent photo. file_agentPhoto = File(FILE_TYPE_Images, OBJECT_Agent, self.agent_id, None, "agent_photo") file_agentPhoto.addImageDetails(None, None, if not file_agentPhoto.storeFile(False): raise Exception(psycopg2.DatabaseError) if self.mugshot_url is not None: file_agentMugShot = File(FILE_TYPE_Images, OBJECT_Agent, self.agent_id, None, "agent_mugshot") file_agentMugShot.addImageDetails(None, None, self.mugshot_url) if not file_agentMugShot.storeFile(False): raise Exception(psycopg2.DatabaseError) if commit: conn.commit() return self.agent_id except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error in INSERTING New Agent " + self.first_name + " " + self.last_name + "\n" + error) return None