예제 #1
    def do_GET(self):
        response = {}

        parsed = self.parse_url(self.path)

        if len(parsed) == 2:
            (resource, id) = parsed

            if resource == "latest_post":
                response = f"{get_latest_post()}"

            if resource == "posts":
                if id is not None:
                    response = f"{get_single_post(id)}"
                    response = f"{get_all_posts()}"

            if resource == "users" and id is None:
                response = get_all_users()

            if resource == "categories":
                if id is not None:
                    response = f"{get_single_category(id)}"
                    response = f"{get_all_categories()}"

            if resource == "comments":
                if id is not None:
                    response = f"{get_single_comment(id)}"
                    response = f"{get_all_comments()}"

            if resource == "tags":
                if id is not None:
                    response = f"{get_single_tag(id)}"
                    response = f"{get_all_tags()}"

        elif len(parsed) == 3:
            (resource, key, value) = parsed

            if key == "email" and resource == "users":
                response = get_user_by_email(value)

            if resource == "posts":
                if key == "category_id":
                    response = get_posts_by_category_id(value)

                if key == "user_id":
                    response = f"{get_posts_by_user_id(value)}"

            if key == "post_id" and resource == "post_tags":
                response = get_post_tags_by_post_id(value)

            if key == "post_id" and resource == "comments":
                response = get_comment_by_post(value)

    def do_GET(self):
        response = {}

        # Parse URL and store entire tuple in a variable
        parsed = self.parse_url(self.path)

        if len(parsed) == 2:
            (resource, id) = parsed

            if resource == "categories" and id is None:
                response = get_categories()
            if resource == "tags":
                response = get_tags()
            if resource == "reactions":
                response = get_reactions()
            if resource == "tagPosts" and id is None:
                response = get_tagPosts()
            if resource == "subscriptions" and id is None:
                response = get_subscriptions()
            if resource == "posts":
                if id is not None:
                    response = get_single_post(id)
                    response = get_all_posts()

            if resource == "tagPosts" and id is None:
                response = get_tagPosts()

            if resource == "reactionPosts" and id is None:
                response = get_reactionPosts()
            if resource == "users":
                if id is not None:
                    response = get_single_user(id)
                    response = get_all_users()

        elif len(parsed) == 3:
            (resource, key, value) = parsed

            if key == "email" and resource == "users":
                response = get_user_by_email(value)

            if key == "category_id" and resource == "posts":
                response = get_posts_by_category_id(value)

            if key == "user_id" and resource == "posts":
                response = get_posts_by_user_id(value)

            if key == "tag_id" and resource == "posts":
                response = get_posts_by_tag_id(value)
            if key == "post_id" and resource == "tags":
                response = get_single_post_tags(value)

    def do_GET(self):

        response = {}

        # Parse URL and store entire tuple in a variable
        parsed = self.parse_url(self.path)

        #All of these take into account the resource to be used and an optional ID, via if else statement
        if len(parsed) == 2:
            (resource, id) = parsed
            if resource == "posts":
                if id is None:
                    response = f"{get_all_posts()}"
                elif id is not None:
                    response = f"{get_post_by_id(id)}"
            if resource == "comments":
                if id is None:
                    response = f"{get_all_comments()}"
            if resource == "categories":
                if id is None:
                    response = f"{get_all_categories()}"
                elif id is not None:
            if resource == "tags":
                if id is None:
                    response = f"{get_all_tags()}"
                elif id is not None:
            if resource == "users":
                if id is None:
                    response = f"{get_all_users()}"
                elif id is not None:
                    response = f"{get_user_by_id(id)}"
            if resource == "postTags":
                if id is None:
                    response = f"{get_all_post_tags()}"
                    response = f"{get_user_by_id(id)}"

        elif len(parsed) == 3:
            (resource, key, value) = parsed

            if key == "user_id" and resource == "posts":
                response = get_user_posts(value)
            if key == "email" and resource == "users":
                response = get_user_by_email(value)

예제 #4
    def do_GET(self):

        response = {}

        # Parse URL and store entire tuple in a variable
        parsed = self.parse_url(self.path)

        if len(parsed) == 2:
            (resource, id) = parsed

            if resource == "categories":
                response = get_all_categories()

            if resource == "posts":
                if id is not None:
                    response = get_single_post(id)
                    response = get_all_posts()

            if resource == "users":
                if id is not None:
                    response = get_all_users()

            if resource == "comments":
                if id is not None:
                    response = get_all_comments()

        # Response from parse_url() is a tuple with 3
        # items in it, which means the request was for
        # `/resource?parameter=value`
        elif len(parsed) == 3:
            (resource, key, value) = parsed

            if key == "user_id" and resource == "posts":
                response = get_posts_by_user(value)

            if key == "email" and resource == "users":
                response = get_user_by_email(value)

예제 #5
def login():
    """Initiate user session"""
        urls = []
        email = request.form['email']
        password = request.form['password']
        token = groups.authenticate_group_member(email_id=email,
        user_id = users.get_user_by_email(email_id=email)
        group_id = groups.get_group_id(user_id=user_id)
        session["user"] = email
        session["group"] = group_id
        session['token'] = token
        if group_id is not None:
            urls = groups.get_download_url(group_id=group_id, user_token=token)
        return render_template("filemanager/dashboard.html", files=urls)
    except Exception as e:
    return render_template("filemanager/failure.html")
예제 #6
    def do_POST(self):
        # Set response code to 'Created'
        content_len = int(self.headers.get('content-length', 0))
        post_body = self.rfile.read(content_len)

        # Convert JSON string to a Python dictionary
        post_body = json.loads(post_body)

        # Parse the URL
        (resource, id) = self.parse_url(self.path)

        # Initialize new item
        new_item = None

        if resource == "login":
            new_item = get_user_by_email(post_body)

        if resource == "register":
            new_item = create_user(post_body)

        if resource == "posts":
            if 'tag_id' in post_body:
                # Not updating post object so no need to put this call in PUT
                # For now, POST request in Postman only
                new_item = add_tag_to_post(post_body)
                new_item = create_post(post_body)
            # pass
        if resource == "categories":
            new_item = create_category(post_body)

        if resource == "tags":
            new_item = create_tag(post_body)

        if resource == "comments":
            new_item = create_comment(post_body)

예제 #7
def add_users_to_case():
    """Adds a user to a specific case"""

    # get data
    case_id = request.form.get('case_id')
    user_emails = request.form.get('new_users')

    #nix any spaces
    user_emails = user_emails.replace(" ", "")
    #split up the emails
    user_emails = user_emails.split(",")

    # start the return string with a <tr> tag
    update_users = ""

    # loop through the emails
    for email in user_emails:
        # get the user obj for the email
        # a new user be created if the user is not registered yet
        user_check = get_user_by_email(email)

        # Create usercase assocation
        # update_usercase returns None if the usercase is new
        case_user_check = update_usercase(case_id, user_check.user_id)

        close_btn = '<td><button type="button" id="' + str(
        ) + '" class="close new-user-x" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button></td>'

        # if it's a new assocation - add it as a <td> to response string
        if case_user_check is None:
            update_users = update_users + "<tr id ='User_" + str(
            ) + "'>" + close_btn + "<td>" + user_check.fname + " " + user_check.lname + "</td>" + "<td>" + email + "</td> </tr>"

    # add the closing row tag once all the tds are done
    # update_users = update_users + "</tr>"

    return update_users
예제 #8
def register_case():
    """Handles form and registration of new case"""

    #if it's a get - render registration form
    if request.method == "GET":
        # render registration form
        return render_template('/register-case.html')

    #otherwise register case in db
    if request.method == "POST":

        # get the case name, list of user emails and the current user
        case_name = request.form.get('case_name')
        other_users = request.form.get('user-list')
        current_user = g.current_user

        # strip out spaces from the email's input into the form
        other_users = other_users.replace(" ", "")
        # split on the comma
        user_emails = other_users.split(",")

        # append the existing user to the list of approved users

        # instantiate a new case in the db
        # create_case() returns the newly created case object
        case = create_case(case_name, current_user.user_id)

        # cycle through the provided emails
        for email in user_emails:
            # get_user_by_email gets the user object for that email address
            # or registers a new user if the email doesn't exist already
            user = get_user_by_email(email)

            #create an association in the usercases table
            update_usercase(case_id=case.case_id, user_id=user.user_id)

        return redirect('/cases')
예제 #9
def process_letter(mail_uid, account):
    raw_mail = download_letter(mail_uid, account)
    message = email.message_from_bytes(raw_mail)

    address = re.search("<?(.+\@.+)>?", message["From"]).group(1)
    user = get_user_by_email(address)

    item_generic = user.copy()  # Base for item object that will be added to INqueue
    item_generic["collector"] = "imap"
    item_generic["email_To"] = account["address"]
    item_generic["email_From"] = address
    item_generic["email_Subject"] = decode_simple_header(message["Subject"]) if "Subject" in message else ""
    item_generic["email_Message-ID"] = message["Message-ID"]
        item_generic["output_format"] = "." + re.search("^(test_)?\w*?2?(\w+)@", account["address"]).group(2)
    except IndexError:

    user_local_path = in_user_local_path(item_generic)

        "Look for attachments in letter {uid} from {address} to {acc_address}".format(
            uid=mail_uid, address=address, acc_address=account["address"]
    body = ""
    skip_text_maintype = (
    )  # Help to find main text body of the message. I resume that the first part with the text maintype is the necessary one
    for part in message.walk():
        if not skip_text_maintype and part.get_content_maintype() == "text":
            body += part.get_payload()
            skip_text_maintype = True

        if part.get_content_maintype() == "multipart" or not part.get_filename():

        filename = os.path.basename(
        )  # os.path.basename is for security reason
        local_file = os.path.join(user_local_path, filename)
        with open(local_file, "wb") as fh:

        item = item_generic.copy()
        item["collect_time"] = time.time()
        item["input_file"] = local_file
        put_to_queue("IN", item)
            'File {input_file} saved from email attachment and putted to the "IN" queue (letter {uid} from {address} to {acc_address}'.format(
                input_file=item["input_file"], uid=mail_uid, address=address, acc_address=account["address"]

        "Look for urls in letter {uid} from {address} to {acc_address}".format(
            uid=mail_uid, address=address, acc_address=account["address"]
        body_in_xmltag = "<nothing>" + body + "</nothing>"
        body_without_xmltags = " ".join(ElementTree.fromstring(body_in_xmltag).itertext())
    except ElementTree.ParseError:
        body_without_xmltags = body
    urls = set(re.findall(r"https?://[^ ]+", body))
    for url in urls:
        request = requests.get(url, stream=True)

        try:  # Try to get filename from HTTP headers
            filename = os.path.basename(
                re.search('^filename="(.+)"$', request.headers["content-disposition"]).group(1)
            )  # os.path.basename is for security reason
        # AttributeError — There isn't Content-Disposition HTTP header in HTTP response
        # KeyError — filename is empty
        # IndexError — Content-Disposition HTTP header doesn't have filename parameter:
        except (AttributeError, KeyError, IndexError):
            unquoted_url = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(url)
            filename = urllib.parse.urlparse(unquoted_url).path.split("/")[-1]  # Get filename from url
            logger.debug("filename = {}".format(filename))
            if filename == "":
                filename = "index.html"

        if not os.path.splitext(filename):
            filename += ".html"

        local_file = os.path.join(user_local_path, filename)
        with open(local_file, "wb") as fh:
            for chunk in request.iter_content(4096):  # 4096 is a random count of bytes

        item = item_generic.copy()
        item["collect_time"] = time.time()
        item["input_file"] = local_file
        put_to_queue("IN", item)
            'File {input_file} downloaded through URL from letter {uid} (from {address} to {acc_address}) and putted to the "IN" queue'.format(
                input_file=item["input_file"], uid=mail_uid, address=address, acc_address=account["address"]

        "Processing of letter {uid} is completed (from {address} to {acc_address})".format(
            uid=mail_uid, address=address, acc_address=account["address"]
예제 #10
파일: forms.py 프로젝트: wrightti/amulet
 def validate_email(form, field):
     if not get_user_by_email(field.data):
         raise ValidationError('Email address doesn\'t exists.')