예제 #1
def add_user():
  Register a user, looking up username and password in request.form.
  Validates the username and password.

    A JSON string about the registration status.
  username = request.form['username']
  password = request.form['password']
  confirmation = request.form['confirmPassword']
  if not confirmed_password_valid(password, confirmation):
    return fail_registration(
        "Your password and confirmation didn't match up.")
  if password.strip() == '':
    return fail_registration("Passwords can not be blank.")
  if ' ' in password:
    return fail_registration("Passwords can not have spaces")
  users = Users(g.database_service)
  if not users.is_valid_username(username):
    error = """
        Username %s is not valid.
        Either it's taken, it has a space, or it's blank.
        """ % (username)
    return fail_registration(error)
  new_user = users.register_user(username, password)
  session['user_id'] = new_user.get_id()
  return success_registration()