def testLoadBeammap():
    Test if a remapped beammap is actually remapped
    #open an obs file from PAL2012,the sky file for hr9087
    #we'll use the embedded beammap file, which has some misplaced pixels
    run = 'PAL2012'
    date = '20121210'
    obsTimestamp = '20121211-051650'
    obsFN = FileName(run=run,date=date,tstamp=obsTimestamp)
    obsFileName = obsFN.obs()
    obs = ObsFile(obsFileName)
    beammapFileName = obsFN.beammap()
    #load the PixelMap for PAL2012 to know which pixels should be remapped
    pixMap = remapPixels.PixelMap(obsFN.pixRemap())
    pixMapSourceList,pixMapDestList = pixMap.getRemappedPix()
    #load the corrected beammap into the obs

    #check that each pixel that should be moved is moved
    #by comparing the embedded beammap and the loaded corrected one
    for source,dest in zip(pixMapSourceList,pixMapDestList):
        assert obs.beamImage[dest] == obs.file.root.beammap.beamimage[source]

예제 #2
from util.ObsFile import ObsFile
from util.FileName import FileName
run = "PAL2014"
date = "20141022"
timeStamp = '20141023-033821'
fn = FileName(run,date,timeStamp)

of = ObsFile(fn.obs())
print "wvlCalFileName=",of.wvlCalFileName
fn2 = FileName(run,date,"")
row = 4
col = 4
firstSec = 72
integrationTime = 1
spec = of.getPixelSpectrum(row,col,firstSec,integrationTime)
print "spec=",spec
del of