def makeImageStack(self,imageStackFilename='',dt=30,wvlStart=None,wvlStop=None, weighted=True, fluxWeighted=False, getRawCount=False, scaleByEffInt=True, deadTime=100.e-6, filterName = None): ''' This function makes an image stack using the ObsFileSeq class Inputs: imageStackFilename - full path of file. - An empty string means use the default location using self.path and self.fileID dt - the maximum number of seconds for one frame keywords for image ''' tsl = [] for day_i in range(len(self.params['utcDates'])): for tstamp in self.params['obsTimes'][day_i]: tsl.append(self.params['utcDates'][day_i]+'-'+tstamp) #tsl=tsl[:1] ofs = ObsFileSeq(name=self.targetName,,date=self.params['sunsetDates'][0],timeStamps=tsl,dt=dt) if imageStackFilename is None or imageStackFilename is '': imageStackFilename = self.path+os.sep+'ImageStacks'+os.sep+'ImageStack_'+self.fileID+'.h5' self.im_params, self.im_dict = ofs.loadImageStack(imageStackFilename, wvlStart=wvlStart,wvlStop=wvlStop, weighted=weighted, fluxWeighted=fluxWeighted, getRawCount=getRawCount, scaleByEffInt=scaleByEffInt, deadTime=deadTime, filterName=filterName) self.imageStackFilename = imageStackFilename
""" Make all the FITS files and the plot location file. Use this to find the information needed fo """ from util.ObsFileSeq import ObsFileSeq from util.readDict import readDict d = readDict() d.read_from_file("mosaic.dict") name = 'PSN234416a' dt = 200 ofs = ObsFileSeq(name, d['run'], d['date'], d['timeStampList'], dt) #ofs.plotLocations(name+".png") wvMin = 3000 wvMax = 13000 ofs.makeAllFitsFiles(wvMin, wvMax)