def main():
    opts = parse_args()

    vis_out = bool(opts.vis_dir)
    if vis_out:

    db = COCO(opts.annot_path)
    class_names = [c['name'] for c in db.dataset['categories']]
    seqs = db.dataset['sequences']
    seq_dirs = db.dataset['seq_dirs']

    box_ccf = pickle.load(open(opts.box_ccf_path, 'rb'))
    mask_ccf = pickle.load(open(opts.mask_ccf_path, 'rb'))
    box_end_idx = 0
    mask_end_idx = 0

    results_ccf = []        # instance based

    for iid, img in tqdm(db.imgs.items()):
        img_name = img['name']

        sid = img['sid']
        seq_name = seqs[sid]
        box_start_idx = box_end_idx
        while box_start_idx < len(box_ccf) and box_ccf[box_start_idx]['image_id'] < img['id']:
            box_start_idx += 1
        box_end_idx = box_start_idx
        while box_end_idx < len(box_ccf) and box_ccf[box_end_idx]['image_id'] == img['id']:
            box_end_idx += 1
        box_dets = box_ccf[box_start_idx:box_end_idx]
        mask_start_idx = mask_end_idx
        while mask_start_idx < len(mask_ccf) and mask_ccf[mask_start_idx]['image_id'] < img['id']:
            mask_start_idx += 1
        mask_end_idx = mask_start_idx
        while mask_end_idx < len(mask_ccf) and mask_ccf[mask_end_idx]['image_id'] == img['id']:
            mask_end_idx += 1
        mask_dets = mask_ccf[mask_start_idx:mask_end_idx]

        if len(box_dets) == 0:
            bboxes1, scores1, labels1, masks1 = [], [], [], None
        elif len(mask_dets) == 0:
            bboxes1 = np.array([d['bbox'] for d in box_dets])
            scores1 = np.array([d['score'] for d in box_dets])
            labels1 = np.array([d['category_id'] for d in box_dets])
            masks1 = np.array([d['segmentation'] for d in box_dets])
            # the slow version, but works with out of order ccf results
            # dets = [r for r in box_ccf if r['image_id'] == img['id']]
            bboxes1 = np.array([d['bbox'] for d in box_dets])
            scores1 = np.array([d['score'] for d in box_dets])
            labels1 = np.array([d['category_id'] for d in box_dets])
            masks1 = np.array([d['segmentation'] for d in box_dets])
            bboxes2 = np.array([d['bbox'] for d in mask_dets])
            scores2 = np.array([d['score'] for d in mask_dets])
            labels2 = np.array([d['category_id'] for d in mask_dets])
            masks2 = np.array([d['segmentation'] for d in mask_dets])

            score_argsort = np.argsort(scores1)[::-1]
            bboxes1 = bboxes1[score_argsort]
            scores1 = scores1[score_argsort]
            labels1 = labels1[score_argsort]
            masks1 = masks1[score_argsort]
            score_argsort = np.argsort(scores2)[::-1]
            bboxes2 = bboxes2[score_argsort]
            scores2 = scores2[score_argsort]
            labels2 = labels2[score_argsort]
            masks2 = masks2[score_argsort]

            order1, order2, n_matched12, _, _ = iou_assoc(
                bboxes1, labels1, np.arange(len(bboxes1)), 0,
                bboxes2, labels2, opts.match_iou_th,

            bboxes1 = bboxes1[order1]
            scores1 = scores1[order1]
            labels1 = labels1[order1]
            masks1 = masks1[order1]

            bboxes2 = bboxes2[order2]
            scores2 = scores2[order2]
            labels2 = labels2[order2]
            masks2 = masks2[order2]

            mask1_fix = warp_mask_to_box(

            masks1 = np.concatenate((mask1_fix, masks1[n_matched12:]))

        if vis_out:
            img_path = join(opts.data_root, seq_dirs[sid], img_name)
            I = imread(img_path)
            vis_path = join(opts.vis_dir, seq_name, img_name[:-3] + 'jpg')
            bboxes = ltwh2ltrb(bboxes1) if len(bboxes1) else []
            if opts.overwrite or not isfile(vis_path):
                    I, bboxes, labels1,
                    class_names, masks1, scores1,

        n = len(bboxes1)
        for i in range(n):
            result_dict = {
                'image_id': iid,
                'bbox': bboxes1[i],
                'score': scores1[i],
                'category_id': labels1[i],
            if masks1 is not None:
                result_dict['segmentation'] = masks1[i]

    out_path = join(opts.out_dir, 'results_ccf.pkl')
    if opts.overwrite or not isfile(out_path):
        pickle.dump(results_ccf, open(out_path, 'wb'))

    if not opts.no_eval:
        eval_summary = eval_ccf(db, results_ccf)
        out_path = join(opts.out_dir, 'eval_summary.pkl')
        if opts.overwrite or not isfile(out_path):
            pickle.dump(eval_summary, open(out_path, 'wb'))
        if opts.eval_mask:
            print('Evaluating instance segmentation')
            eval_summary = eval_ccf(db, results_ccf, iou_type='segm')
            out_path = join(opts.out_dir, 'eval_summary_mask.pkl')
            if opts.overwrite or not isfile(out_path):
                pickle.dump(eval_summary, open(out_path, 'wb'))

    if vis_out:
        print(f'python vis/ "{opts.vis_dir}"')
예제 #2
def main():
    opts = parse_args()

    # caches = [
    #     join(opts.exp_dir, 'ArgoVerse1.1-c3-eta0/output/retina50_s0.2/val/results_ccf.pkl'),
    #     join(opts.exp_dir, 'ArgoVerse1.1-c3-eta0/output/mrcnn50_nm_s0.5/val/results_ccf.pkl'),
    #     join(opts.exp_dir, 'ArgoVerse1.1-c3-eta0/output/mrcnn50_nm_s0.75/val/results_ccf.pkl'),
    # ]

    # # should be sorted
    # rtfs = [1, 2, 3]

    # caches = [
    #     join(opts.exp_dir, 'ArgoVerse1.1/output/mrcnn50_nm_th0_s0.75/val/results_ccf.pkl'),
    #     join(opts.exp_dir, 'ArgoVerse1.1/output/mrcnn50_nm_th0_s1.0/val/results_ccf.pkl'),
    # ]

    # # should be sorted
    # rtfs = [3, 5]

    caches = [
        join(opts.exp_dir, 'ArgoVerse1.1-c3-eta0/output/mrcnn50_nm_s0.75/val/results_ccf.pkl'),
        join(opts.exp_dir, 'ArgoVerse1.1/output/cmrcnn101_nm_s1.0/val/results_ccf.pkl'),

    # should be sorted
    rtfs = [3, 5]

    n_method = len(caches)
    max_history = max(rtfs)

    cache_ccfs = [
        pickle.load(open(path, 'rb'))
            for path in caches
    cache_end_idx = n_method*[0]

    vis_out = bool(opts.vis_dir)
    if vis_out:

    db = COCO(opts.annot_path)
    class_names = [c['name'] for c in db.dataset['categories']]

    seqs = db.dataset['sequences']
    seq_dirs = db.dataset['seq_dirs']

    results_ccf = []

    for sid, seq in enumerate(tqdm(seqs)):
        frame_list = [img for img in db.imgs.values() if img['sid'] == sid]
        w_img, h_img = db.imgs[0]['width'], db.imgs[0]['height']
        bf = BboxFilterEx(
            w_img, h_img,

        # backward in time
        # cur, cur - 1, ..., cur - max_history
        result_buffer = (max_history + 1)*[None]
        result_buffer_marker = (max_history + 1)*[None]
        min_rtf = min(rtfs)

        for ii, img in enumerate(frame_list):
            # fetch results
            for i in range(n_method):
                ifidx = ii - rtfs[i]
                if ifidx < 0:
                cache_end_idx[i], bboxes, scores, labels = \
                    result_from_ccf(cache_ccfs[i], frame_list[ifidx]['id'], cache_end_idx[i], mask=False)
                result_buffer[rtfs[i]] = (bboxes, scores, labels)
                result_buffer_marker[rtfs[i]] = i == 0
            if ii < min_rtf:
                # no method has finished yet
                bboxes, scores, labels, tracks = [], [], [], []
                s = max_history
                while s >= 0 and result_buffer[s] is None:
                    s -= 1
                # if first result is one step ahead
                t = ii - s
                birth_tracks = True
                kill_tracks = True
                if s == max_history:
                    bf.update(t, *result_buffer[s], None, birth_tracks, kill_tracks)
                    bf_this = deepcopy(bf)
                    bf_this = deepcopy(bf)
                    bf_this.update(t, *result_buffer[s], None, birth_tracks, kill_tracks)

                while 1:
                    # find next non-empty result
                    s -= 1
                    while s >= 0 and result_buffer[s] is None:
                        s -= 1
                    if s < 0:
                    if result_buffer_marker[s]:
                        birth_tracks = opts.fast_birth_tracks
                        kill_tracks = opts.fast_kill_tracks
                        birth_tracks = True
                        kill_tracks = True

                    t = ii - s
                    bf_this.update(t, *result_buffer[s], None, birth_tracks, kill_tracks)
                bboxes, scores, labels, _, tracks = \

                # shift result buffer
                result_buffer.insert(0, None)
                result_buffer_marker.insert(0, None)

            n = len(bboxes)
            for i in range(n):
                result_dict = {
                    'image_id': img['id'],
                    'bbox': bboxes[i],
                    'score': scores[i],
                    'category_id': labels[i],
                # if masks is not None:
                #     result_dict['segmentation'] = masks[i]

            if vis_out:
                img_path = join(opts.data_root, seq_dirs[sid], img['name'])
                I = imread(img_path)
                vis_path = join(opts.vis_dir, seq, img['name'][:-3] + 'jpg')

                bboxes_ltrb = ltwh2ltrb(bboxes) if n else []
                if opts.overwrite or not isfile(vis_path):
                        I, bboxes_ltrb, tracks, labels,
                        class_names, None, scores,

    out_path = join(opts.out_dir, 'results_ccf.pkl')
    if opts.overwrite or not isfile(out_path):
        pickle.dump(results_ccf, open(out_path, 'wb'))

    if not opts.no_eval:
        eval_summary = eval_ccf(db, results_ccf)
        out_path = join(opts.out_dir, 'eval_summary.pkl')
        if opts.overwrite or not isfile(out_path):
            pickle.dump(eval_summary, open(out_path, 'wb'))
        if opts.eval_mask:
            print('Evaluating instance segmentation')
            eval_summary = eval_ccf(db, results_ccf, iou_type='segm')
            out_path = join(opts.out_dir, 'eval_summary_mask.pkl')
            if opts.overwrite or not isfile(out_path):
                pickle.dump(eval_summary, open(out_path, 'wb'))

    if vis_out:
        print(f'python vis/ "{opts.vis_dir}" --fps {opts.fps}')