예제 #1
def R99p_calculation(arr, percentile_arr, fill_val=None, out_unit="days"):
    Calculate the R99p indice: number of extremely wet days (i.e. days with daily precipitation amount > 99th percentile of daily amount in the base period).
    :param arr: daily precipitation flux (liquid form) (e.g. "pr") in mm/day
    :type arr: numpy.ndarray (3D) or numpy.ma.MaskedArray (3D)
    :param dt_arr: corresponding time steps vector
    :type dt_arr: numpy.ndarray (1D) of datetime objects
    :param percentile_dict: 99th percentile of daily precipitation amount at wet days in mm/day
    :type percentile_dict: dict
    :param fill_val: fill value
    :type fill_val: float
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray (2D)        (if "arr" is numpy.ndarray)
        or numpy.ma.MaskedArray (2D) (if "arr" is numpy.ma.MaskedArray)       

    .. warning:: If "arr" is a masked array, the parameter "fill_val" is ignored, because it has no sense in this case.


    wet_arr = calc.get_wet_days(arr=arr, fill_val=fill_val)  # masked array

    R99p = calc.get_nb_events(
        wet_arr, logical_operation="gt", thresh=percentile_arr, fill_val=fill_val, out_unit=out_unit

    return R99p
예제 #2
def get_percentile_arr(arr,
    Returns an 2D array with computed percentile values. 
    :param arr: array of values (in case of precipitation, units must be `mm/day`)
    :type arr: numpy.ndarray (3D) or numpy.ma.MaskedArray (3D) of float
    :param dt_arr: corresponding time steps vector (base period: usually 1961-1990)
    :type dt_arr: numpy.ndarray (1D) of datetime objects
    :param percentile: percentile to compute which must be between 0 and 100 inclusive
    :type percentile: int
    :param callback: progress bar, if ``None`` progress bar will not be printed
    :type callback: :func:`callback.defaultCallback2`
    :param callback_percentage_start_value: init value for percentage of progress bar (default: 0)
    :type callback_percentage_start_value: int
    :param callback_percentage_total: final value for percentage of progress bar (default: 100)   
    :type callback_percentage_total: int
    :param chunk_counter: chunk counter in case of chunking 
    :type chunk_counter: int
    :param precipitation: if True, only values >=1.0 mm will be processed (i.e. wet days) 
    :type precipitation: bool    
    :param fill_val: fill value of ``arr``
    :type fill_val: float
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray (2D)

    .. warning:: If "arr" is a masked array, the parameter "fill_val" is ignored, because it has no sense in this case.

    assert (arr.ndim == 3)

    # we mask our array in case it has fill_values
    arr_masked = get_masked_arr(arr, fill_val)

    fill_val = arr_masked.fill_value

    ### not precipitation
    if precipitation == False:
        arr_filled = arr_masked.filled(fill_val)

    ### precipitation

        # we process only wet days (daily precip. amount >= 1.0 mm)
        wet_arr = calc.get_wet_days(arr=arr_masked)

        # we fill all masked values with fill_val to pass the filled array to the C function
        arr_filled = wet_arr.filled(fill_val)

    del arr_masked

    ############################## prepare calling C function
    # data type should be 'float32' to pass it to C function
    if arr_filled.dtype != 'float32':
        arr_filled = numpy.array(arr_filled, dtype='float32')

    C_percentile = libraryC.percentile_3d
    C_percentile.restype = None

    C_percentile.argtypes = [
        ndpointer(ctypes.c_float), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int,
        ndpointer(ctypes.c_double), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_float,

    ## we check the fill_value (we need it to be the maximum value in the array)
    if fill_val == arr_filled.max():
        fill_val_new = 1e+20
        arr_filled[arr_filled == fill_val] = fill_val_new
        fill_val = fill_val_new


    arr_percentille = numpy.zeros([arr.shape[1],
                                   arr.shape[2]])  # we reserve memory

    # we compute the percentiles
    C_percentile(arr_filled, arr_filled.shape[0], arr_filled.shape[1],
                 arr_filled.shape[2], arr_percentille, percentile, fill_val,

    arr_percentille = arr_percentille.reshape(arr.shape[1], arr.shape[2])

    return arr_percentille
예제 #3
def get_percentile_arr(arr, percentile, callback=None, callback_percentage_start_value=0, 
                        callback_percentage_total=100, chunk_counter=1, precipitation=True, fill_val=None,
    Returns an 2D array with computed percentile values. 
    :param arr: array of values (in case of precipitation, units must be `mm/day`)
    :type arr: numpy.ndarray (3D) or numpy.ma.MaskedArray (3D) of float
    :param dt_arr: corresponding time steps vector (base period: usually 1961-1990)
    :type dt_arr: numpy.ndarray (1D) of datetime objects
    :param percentile: percentile to compute which must be between 0 and 100 inclusive
    :type percentile: int
    :param callback: progress bar, if ``None`` progress bar will not be printed
    :type callback: :func:`callback.defaultCallback2`
    :param callback_percentage_start_value: init value for percentage of progress bar (default: 0)
    :type callback_percentage_start_value: int
    :param callback_percentage_total: final value for percentage of progress bar (default: 100)   
    :type callback_percentage_total: int
    :param chunk_counter: chunk counter in case of chunking 
    :type chunk_counter: int
    :param precipitation: if True, only values >=1.0 mm will be processed (i.e. wet days) 
    :type precipitation: bool    
    :param fill_val: fill value of ``arr``
    :type fill_val: float
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray (2D)

    .. warning:: If "arr" is a masked array, the parameter "fill_val" is ignored, because it has no sense in this case.
    assert(arr.ndim == 3)

    # we mask our array in case it has fill_values
    arr_masked = get_masked_arr(arr, fill_val)
    fill_val = arr_masked.fill_value
    ### not precipitation
    if precipitation == False: 
        arr_filled = arr_masked.filled(fill_val) 

    ### precipitation
        # we process only wet days (daily precip. amount >= 1.0 mm)
        wet_arr = calc.get_wet_days(arr=arr_masked)
        # we fill all masked values with fill_val to pass the filled array to the C function
        arr_filled = wet_arr.filled(fill_val)

    del arr_masked


    ############################## prepare calling C function
    # data type should be 'float32' to pass it to C function
    if arr_filled.dtype != 'float32':
        arr_filled = numpy.array(arr_filled, dtype='float32')

    C_percentile = libraryC.percentile_3d
    C_percentile.restype = None    
    C_percentile.argtypes = [ndpointer(ctypes.c_float),
    ## we check the fill_value (we need it to be the maximum value in the array)        
    if fill_val == arr_filled.max():
        fill_val_new = 1e+20 
        arr_filled[arr_filled==fill_val] = fill_val_new 
        fill_val = fill_val_new

    arr_percentille = numpy.zeros([arr.shape[1], arr.shape[2]]) # we reserve memory
    # we compute the percentiles      
    C_percentile(arr_filled, arr_filled.shape[0], arr_filled.shape[1], arr_filled.shape[2], arr_percentille, percentile, fill_val, interpolation)
    arr_percentille = arr_percentille.reshape(arr.shape[1], arr.shape[2])

    return arr_percentille