def obtain(item, body, args): if item['shopItemType'] == 'CARD': args = dt.updateJson(args, getCard(item['card']['charaNo'], body['num'])) elif item['shopItemType'] == 'FORMATION_SHEET': args = dt.updateJson(args, getFormation(item['formationSheet']['id'])) elif item['shopItemType'] == 'GEM': args = dt.updateJson(args, getGems(int(item['genericId']), body['num'])) elif item['shopItemType'] == 'GIFT': amount = 1 if 'rewardCode' in item: amount = int(item['rewardCode'].split('_')[-1]) newGifts = getGift(item['gift']['id'], body['num'] * amount) args['userGiftList'] = args.get('userGiftList', []) + newGifts['userGiftList'] elif item['shopItemType'] == 'ITEM': amount = 1 if 'rewardCode' in item: amount = int(item['rewardCode'].split('_')[-1]) newItems = getItem(item['item']['itemCode'], body['num'] * amount, item['item']) args['userItemList'] = args.get('userItemList', []) + newItems['userItemList'] elif item['shopItemType'] == 'LIVE2D': args = dt.updateJson( args, getLive2d(item['chara']['id'], item['live2d']['live2dId'], item['live2d'])) elif item['shopItemType'] in ['MAXPIECE', 'PIECE']: args = dt.updateJson( args, getPiece(item['piece'], item['shopItemType'] == 'MAXPIECE', body['num'])) return args
def obtainSet(item, body, args): for code in item['rewardCode'].split(','): itemType = code.split('_')[0] amount = int(code.split('_')[-1]) if itemType == 'ITEM': args = dt.updateJson( args, getItem('_'.join(code.split('_')[1:-1]), amount * body['num'])) elif itemType == 'RICHE': args = dt.updateJson(args, getCC(amount * body['num'])) elif itemType == 'GIFT': args = dt.updateJson( args, getGift(int(code.split('_')[1]), amount * body['num']))
def giveDrops(battle): resultDict = {} # default drop seems to always be CC... if 'defaultDropItem' in battle['questBattle']: cc = int(battle['questBattle']['defaultDropItem']['rewardCode1'].split( '_')[-1]) if len(getEpisodeUpCards(battle['deckType'])) > 0: cc *= 1.05 # CC up memes resultDict['gameUser'] = dt.setGameUserValue( 'riche', dt.getGameUserValue('riche') + cc) battle['riche'] = cc dropRewardCodes = [] dropCodes = dt.readJson('data/user/promisedDrops.json') if dropCodes['questBattleId'] != battle[ 'questBattleId']: # weird error that should never happen... logger.error('questBattleId mismatch when sending drops') return resultDict for dropCode, amount in dropCodes.items(): if dropCode == 'questBattleId': continue resultDict = dt.updateJson(resultDict, obtainItem(dropCode, amount)) dropRewardCodes += [dropCode] * amount battle['dropRewardCodes'] = ','.join(dropRewardCodes) return resultDict
def receiveReward(challenge): response = {} for reward in challenge['challenge']['rewardCodes'].split(','): response = dt.updateJson(response, obtainItem(reward)) challenge['receivedAt'] = nowstr() dt.setUserObject('userDailyChallengeList', challenge['challengeId'], challenge) return response
def receiveAll(): response = {"resultCode": "success"} userChallenges = dt.readJson('data/user/userDailyChallengeList.json') finalChallenges = [] for challenge in userChallenges: if challenge['clearedCount'] >= challenge['challenge']['count']: response = dt.updateJson(response, receiveReward(challenge)) finalChallenges.append(challenge) response['userDailyChallengeList'] = finalChallenges return flask.jsonify(response)
def makeCampaignLoginBonus(lastLoginBonusDate, response): campaignList = dt.readJson('data/loginBonusCampaignList.json') campaignList = homu.filterCurrValid(campaignList, lambda x: x['campaign']['startAt'], lambda x: x['campaign']['endAt']) if len(campaignList) == 0: return # only works when there's only one campaign at a time campaign = campaignList[0] for rewardCode in campaign['rewardCodes'].split(','): loginItems = obtainItem(rewardCode) response = dt.updateJson(response, loginItems) response['loginBonusCampaignList'] = campaignList response['loginBonusCampaign'] = campaign response['campaignList'] = dt.readJson('data/campaignList.json')
def addArgs(response, args, isLogin): user = dt.readJson('data/user/user.json') # checking if midnight passed; logins have to happen then too if isLogin or > datetime.strptime(user['todayFirstAccessDate'], homu.DATE_FORMAT).date(): response = dt.updateJson(response, login()) for arg in args: if arg in ['user', 'gameUser', 'userLive2dList', 'userCardList', 'userCharaList', 'userDeckList', 'userFormationSheetList', 'userPieceList', 'userPieceSetList', 'userItemList', 'userSectionList', 'userGiftList', 'userQuestAdventureList', 'userQuestBattleList', 'userChapterList', 'userDoppelList', 'userDailyChallengeList', 'userLimitedChallengeList', 'userTotalChallengeList',]:'loading ' + arg + ' from json') fpath = 'data/user/'+arg+'.json' if os.path.exists(fpath): response[arg] = dt.readJson(fpath) if arg == 'userPieceList': response[arg] = [userPiece for userPiece in response[arg] if not userPiece['archive']] if arg == 'userSectionList': response[arg], _ = homu.pruneLabyrinths(userSectionList=response[arg]) if arg == 'userQuestBattleList': _, response[arg] = homu.pruneLabyrinths(userQuestBattleList=response[arg]) else: logger.warning(f'{fpath} not found') elif arg == 'userStatusList': response[arg] = homu.getAllStatuses() elif arg in ['itemList', 'giftList', 'pieceList']:'loading ' + arg + ' from json') fpath = 'data/'+arg+'.json' if os.path.exists(fpath): response[arg] = dt.readJson(fpath) else: logger.warning(f'{fpath} not found') elif arg.endswith('BattleResultList'):'loading ' + arg[:-4] + ' from json') fpath = 'data/user/'+arg[:-4]+'.json' if os.path.exists(fpath): response[arg] = dt.readJson(fpath) elif arg.lower().endswith('list'): response[arg] = []
def makeLoginBonus(lastLoginBonusDate, response): loginBonusCount = (dt.getGameUserValue('loginBonusCount') % 7) + 1 if == 0: loginBonusCount = 1 lastMonday, nextMonday = homu.thisWeek() if homu.strToDateTime(lastLoginBonusDate).date() < lastMonday: loginBonusCount = 1 dt.setGameUserValue('loginBonusGetAt', homu.nowstr()) dt.setGameUserValue('loginBonusPattern', 'S1') # no clue how to get the other patterns, even from JP, or if this even matters... dt.setGameUserValue('loginBonusCount', loginBonusCount) bonuses = dt.readJson('data/loginBonusList.json') currBonus = bonuses[loginBonusCount-1] for rewardCode in currBonus['rewardCodes'].split(','): loginItems = obtainItem(rewardCode) response = dt.updateJson(response, loginItems) response['loginBonusList'] = bonuses response['loginBonusPeriod'] = lastMonday.strftime('%m/%d') + '〜' + nextMonday.strftime('%m/%d')
def send(): body = flask.request.json battle = dt.readJson('data/user/userQuestBattleResult.json') if (battle['battleType'] == "ARENA"): return sendArena( body, { 'userQuestBattleResultList': [battle], 'gameUser': dt.readJson('data/user/gameUser.json') }) if not battle['id'] == body['userQuestBattleResultId']: flask.abort( 400, description= '{"errorTxt": "You didn\'t really start this quest, or something...","resultCode": "error","title": "Error"}' ) # really gross, but cbf'd rn to refactor storyResponse = None dropResponse = None rewardResponse = None resultUserCardList = None resultUserCharaList = None resultUserSectionList = None gameUser = dt.readJson('data/user/gameUser.json') newStatus = [] # change userQuestBattleResult status if body['result'] == 'FAILED': battle['questBattleStatus'] = 'FAILED' resultUserQuestBattle = dt.getUserObject('userQuestBattleList', battle['questBattleId']) if resultUserQuestBattle is None: # not sure why this would happen, but?? make it just in case resultUserQuestBattle = newtil.createUserQuestBattle( battle['questBattleId']) dt.setUserObject('userQuestBattleList', battle['questBattleId'], resultUserQuestBattle) else: battle['questBattleStatus'] = 'SUCCESSFUL' resultUserQuestBattle = dt.getUserObject('userQuestBattleList', battle['questBattleId']) # add exp to user and level up, maybe gameUser, newStatus = giveUserExp(battle) # level up/episode up megucas resultUserCardList, resultUserCharaList, resultUserSectionList = giveMegucaExp( battle) cleared = 'cleared' in resultUserQuestBattle and resultUserQuestBattle[ 'cleared'] # add drops -- required before clearing dropResponse = giveDrops(battle) # clear if not cleared: resultUserQuestBattle = storyUtil.clearBattle(battle) storyResponse = storyUtil.progressStory(battle) else: resultUserQuestBattle['lastClearedAt'] = homu.nowstr() resultUserQuestBattle['clearCount'] = resultUserQuestBattle.get( 'clearCount', 0) + 1 # missions battle, resultUserQuestBattle, rewardResponse = clearMissions( body, battle) # make response response = { "resultCode": "success", 'gameUser': gameUser, 'userCardList': resultUserCardList, 'userCharaList': resultUserCharaList, 'userQuestBattleResultList': [battle], 'userQuestBattleList': [resultUserQuestBattle] } # a bunch of stuff that may or may not be necessary depending on which story and who's participating for partResponse in [storyResponse, dropResponse, rewardResponse]: if partResponse is not None: response = dt.updateJson(response, partResponse) userCards, userCharas = getBattleCards(battle) if resultUserCardList is not None: response['userCardList'] = resultUserCardList else: response['userCardList'] = userCards if resultUserCharaList is not None: response['userCharaList'] = resultUserCharaList else: response['userCharaList'] = userCharas if resultUserSectionList is not None and len(resultUserSectionList) != 0: response['userSectionList'] = resultUserSectionList if newStatus != []: response['userStatusList'] = newStatus return flask.jsonify(response)
def buy(): body = flask.request.json shopList = dt.readJson('data/shopList.json') currShop = {} for shop in shopList: if shop['shopId'] == body['shopId']: currShop = shop break if currShop == {}: flask.abort( 400, description= '{"errorTxt": "Trying to buy from a nonexistent shop","resultCode": "error","title": "Error"}' ) item = {} for shopItem in shop['shopItemList']: if shopItem['id'] == body['shopItemId']: item = shopItem break if item == {}: flask.abort( 400, description= '{"errorTxt": "Trying to buy something not in this shop","resultCode": "error","title": "Error"}' ) # get the thing args = {} if item['shopItemType'] == 'SET': obtainSet(item, body, args) else: obtain(item, body, args) # spend items if item['consumeType'] == 'ITEM': spendArgs = getItem(item['needItemId'], -1 * item['needNumber'] * body['num']) if 'userItemList' in args: args['userItemList'] += spendArgs['userItemList'] else: args = dt.updateJson(args, spendArgs) elif item['consumeType'] == 'MONEY': itemList = gacha.spend('MONEY', item['needNumber'] * body['num']) if 'userItemList' in args: args['userItemList'] += itemList else: args['userItemList'] = itemList userShopItem = { "createdAt": nowstr(), "num": body['num'], "shopItemId": body['shopItemId'], "userId": dt.userId } args['userShopItemList'] = [userShopItem] path = 'data/user/userShopItemList.json' dt.saveJson(path, dt.readJson(path) + [userShopItem]) return flask.jsonify(args)