예제 #1
def part_2():
    program = fh.csv_to_list('day17-input.txt')
    program[0] = 2
    ASCII = IntComputer(program, wait_after_output=False, wait_for_input=False)

    def to_ascii(l):
        return [ord(c) for c in l]

    # R, 8, R, 10, R, 10
    mov_func_A = ['R', ',', '8', ',', \
                    'R', ',', '1', '0', ',', \
                    'R', ',', '1', '0', '\n']
    mov_func_A = to_ascii(mov_func_A)

    # R, 4, R, 8, R, 10, R, 12
    mov_func_B = ['R', ',', '4', ',', \
                    'R', ',', '8', ',', \
                    'R', ',', '1', '0', ',', \
                    'R', ',', '1', '2', '\n']
    mov_func_B = to_ascii(mov_func_B)

    # R, 12, R, 4, L, 12, L, 12
    mov_func_C = ['R', ',', '1', '2', ',', \
                    'R', ',', '4', ',', \
                    'L', ',' ,'1', '2', ',',
                    'L', ',', '1', '2', '\n']
    mov_func_C = to_ascii(mov_func_C)

    # A, B, A, C, A, B, C, A, B, C
    main_func = ['A', ',', 'B', ',', \
                'A', ',', 'C', ',', \
                'A', ',', 'B', ',', \
                'C', ',', 'A', ',', \
                'B', ',', 'C', '\n']
    main_func = to_ascii(main_func)

    # y or n if you want to see a continuous feed of what's happening
    cont_feed = ['n', '\n']
    cont_feed = to_ascii(cont_feed)

    # input order: MAIN, MOV A, MOV B, MOV C, 
    ASCII.inputs = main_func + mov_func_A + mov_func_B + mov_func_C + cont_feed
    return ASCII.run()
예제 #2
def part_1():
    program = fh.csv_to_list('day17-input.txt')
    ASCII = IntComputer(program, wait_after_output=True)

    screen = ''
    while not ASCII.finished:
        output = ASCII.run()
        screen += chr(output)

    screen = screen.strip().split('\n')
    intersections = []

    for row in range(1,len(screen)-1):
        for col in range(1,len(screen[row])-1):
            char = screen[row][col]
            if char != '#':
                if screen[row-1][col] == '#' and \
                    screen[row+1][col] == '#' and \
                    screen[row][col-1] == '#' and \
                    screen[row][col+1] == '#':
                    intersections.append((row, col))
    return sum([r*c for r,c in intersections])
예제 #3
# https://adventofcode.com/2019/day/11

from IntCode import IntComputer
from functools import reduce
from util import filehelper as fh

program = fh.csv_to_list('day11-input.txt')
LOG = open('log.txt', 'w')

robot = IntComputer(program, wait_after_output=True, wait_for_input=True)
current_pos = (0, 0)
panels_painted = set()
facing_directions = {'N': (0, -1), 'S': (0, 1), 'E': (1, 0), 'W': (-1, 0)}
current_heading = 'N'
grid = {}
grid[current_pos] = 1

def moveRobot(pos, dir):
    vector = facing_directions[dir]
    return (pos[0] + vector[0], pos[1] + vector[1])

def turnRobot(dir, spin):
    if dir == 'N':
        return 'W' if spin == 0 else 'E'
    elif dir == 'S':
        return 'E' if spin == 0 else 'W'
    elif dir == 'E':
        return 'N' if spin == 0 else 'S'
    elif dir == 'W':
예제 #4
def part_2():
    program = fh.csv_to_list('day15-input.txt')
    droid_map = Map.get_map(program)
    result = droid_map.fill_with_oxygen()
    print(f"Number of minutes to fill with oxygen: {result}")
예제 #5
def part_1():
    program = fh.csv_to_list('day15-input.txt')
    droid_map = Map.get_map(program)
    result = droid_map.find_oxygen()
    print(f"Number of steps to oxygen: {result}")