def runService(clientConfig, mallProductConfig, mallBoughts, code, configType): # for mallBought in mallBoughts: # if mallBought['client_id'] == 1257: # print clientConfig , code, mallBoughts,'===============================' #python if configType == 2: eval('Service' + code + '.MallService' + code)(clientConfig, mallProductConfig, mallBoughts) #java elif configType == 1: for mallBought in mallBoughts: requestData = { 'type': 'mall', 'key': '3e3bcd9d71d52132a9b413a57be173ca', 'orderId': str(mallBought['order_id']) } # print urllib.urlencode(requestData); url = helper.confGet('host', 'nwxService') + 'api/order' reChar = helper.httpPost(url, requestData) res = json.loads(reChar) if res['isok']: #返回的验证码,如果下单失败,则为空 if not res['codes']: # print requestData helper.getLog('重新下单失败 -- ' + url + ' -- ' + reChar + ' -- ' + urllib.urlencode(requestData)) else: helper.getLog('重新下单成功 -- ' + url + ' -- ' + reChar + ' -- ' + urllib.urlencode(requestData)) else: helper.getLog('重新下单失败 -- ' + url + ' -- ' + reChar + ' -- ' + urllib.urlencode(requestData)) elif configType == 3: eval('Service' + code + '.MallService' + code)(clientConfig, mallProductConfig, mallBoughts) pass
def addMallToOuterXiRuan(config, productConfig, mallBought): # print config;print productConfig;print mallBought;exit() # conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() #"%s/config/config.ini" % sys.path[0]) # print "%s/config/config.ini" % sys.path[0] url = helper.confGet( 'host', 'commonService') + 'OuterApp/XiRuan/login/?clientId=' + str( mallBought['client_id']) print url helper.getLog(url) session = json.loads(helper.httpGet(url)) if not session['status']: helper.getLog(session['data']) return # print session;exit() #查询游客信息 # userInfo = '' # dbObj = globalVar.getDbObj() dbObj = db.db() userInfo = "select user_id, name, mobile, id_number from t_user_identity_info where id = %d" % mallBought['identity_info_id']) if userInfo == False or len(userInfo) < 1: visitorName = 'weijingtongVisitor' visitorMobile = '18523876001' else: userInfo = userInfo[0] visitorMobile = userInfo['mobile'] visitorName = userInfo['user_id'] visitorName = userInfo['name'] # visitorName = 'visitor' visitorName = repr(visitorName.decode('UTF-8'))[2:-1] # visitorName = '\u5f20\u8001\u5927' ## visitorName = urllib.urlencode({1:visitorName})[2:] #使用日期 useDate = mallBought['remark2'].split(',') data = '''{ "sign":"3E365195E5A5CFA2ABC5F5B302182F73", "ts":%s, "session":"%s", "hotelid":"%s", "appkey":"%s", "loc":"zh_CN", "method":"xmsopen.reservation.xopsavereservation", "ver":"1.0.0", "params":[ { "rmtype":"%s", "holdname":"%s", "rmnum":"%s", "hotelid":"%s", "contact_name":"%s", "arr":"%s", "mobile":"%s", "ratecode":"%s", "sex":"", "rate":"%s", "contact_mobile":"%s", "name":"%s", "dep":"%s", "gstno":"%s", "ref":"weixin", "channel":"weixin", "restype":"%s" } ], "cmmcode":"%s" }''' % (str(helper.thisTime()).replace( '.', ''), session['data'], config['hotelid'], config['appkey'], productConfig['rmtype'], visitorName, mallBought['buy_count'], productConfig['hotelid'], visitorName, useDate[0], visitorMobile, productConfig['ratecode'], mallBought['price'], visitorMobile, visitorName, useDate[1], mallBought['buy_count'], productConfig['restype'], config['cmmcode']) # print data re = re2 = '' try: if mallBought['remark']: outappCodes = mallBought['remark'].split(',') rsvno = outappCodes[0] accnt = outappCodes[1] res = {} res['success'] = True else: re = helper.httpPost(config['host'], data) # print re #成功同步 res = json.loads(re) if res['success'] == True: rsvno = res['results'][0]['rsvno'] accnt = res['results'][0]['accnt'] sql = "update t_mall_bought set remark = '%s,%s' where id = '%d'" % ( rsvno, accnt, mallBought['id']) if not True == dbObj.update(sql): helper.getLog( sql, 'addMallToOuterXiRuan.UpdateMallboughtlistErr.log') # print res if res['success'] == True: data2 = '''{ "sign":"3E365195E5A5CFA2ABC5F5B302182F73", "ts":%s, "session":"%s", "hotelid":"%s", "appkey":"%s", "loc":"zh_CN", "method":"xmsopen.accounts.xopdopaymentaccount", "ver":"1.0.0", "params":[ { "pay_money":"%s", "pay_code":"%s", "payno":"%s", "remark":"%s", "hotelid":"%s", "rsvno":"%s", "accnt":"%s" } ], "cmmcode":"%s" }''' % (str(helper.thisTime()).replace( '.', ''), session['data'], config['hotelid'], config['appkey'], mallBought['total_pay_price'], '9034', mallBought['order_detail_id'], 'weixin order', productConfig['hotelid'], rsvno, accnt, config['cmmcode']) # print data2 try: re2 = helper.httpPost(config['host'], data2) # print re2 #成功同步 res = json.loads(re2) if res['success'] == True: sql = "update t_mall_bought set out_app_code = 'XiRuan', out_app_no = '%s' where id = '%d'" % ( rsvno, mallBought['id']) if not True == dbObj.update(sql): helper.getLog( sql, 'addMallToOuterXiRuan.UpdateMallboughtlistErr.log') #失败后,也更新一下bought,不再重复 else: sql = "update t_mall_bought set out_app_code = 'XiRuan' where id = '%d'" % mallBought[ 'id'] if not True == dbObj.update(sql): helper.getLog( sql, 'addMallToOuterXiRuan.UpdateMallboughtlistErr.log') re2 = "resmsg2:%s \npostdata2:%s" % (re2, data2) except Exception, e: re2 = str(Exception) + ":" + str(e) re2 = "errmsg2:%s \npostdata2:%s" % (re2, data2) pass #失败后,也更新一下bought,不再重复 else:
def addTicketToOuterKZZN(config, ticketBought): # global dbObj # dbObj = globalVar.getDbObj() dbObj = db.db() #查询游客信息 # userInfo = '' userInfo ="select user_id, name, mobile, id_number from t_user_identity_info where id = %d" % ticketBought['identity_info_id']) # userInfo = [] # userInfo.append({ # 'name': '微景通', # 'mobile' : '18523876001' # }) if userInfo == False or len(userInfo) < 1: visitorName = 'weijingtongVisitor' visitorMobile = '18523876001' else: userInfo = userInfo[0] visitorMobile = userInfo['mobile'] ## visitorName = userInfo['user_id'] visitorName = userInfo['name'] visitorName = repr(visitorName.decode('UTF-8'))[2:-1] ## visitorName = '\u5f20\u8001\u5927' ## visitorName = urllib.urlencode({1:visitorName})[2:] # visitorName = 'wjtVisitor' ticketName = dbObj.getValue("select name from t_ticket where id = %d" % ticketBought['ticket_id'], 'name') # ticketName = '成人票' ticketName = repr(ticketName.decode('UTF-8'))[2:-1][0:48] # ticketName = 'test' orderInfo = [ {'cid': config['cid']}, {'ccipher': config['ccipher']}, {'cOrder': ticketBought['order_detail_id']}, {'nHuman': ticketBought['count']}, {'cName': visitorName[0:24]}, {'cPhone': visitorMobile}, {'nTicketType': config['nTicketType_' + str(ticketBought['ticket_id'])]}, {'cTicketType': ticketName}, {'dDateIn': str(ticketBought['plan_time'])[0:10]}, {'cQrID': ticketBought['receiving_code']}, {'nCustType': 1}, {'cip': socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())}, {'fMoney': ticketBought['price']}, {'cPayType': 'weixin'}, ] data = helper.dict2xml('OnPreSellOrder', orderInfo, 'xmlns="http://localhost/WebSell/"') data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""><soap:Body>%s</soap:Body></soap:Envelope>' % data # print data; # exit(); try: # 发起同步 url = config['url'] # host = helper.subStr(url, 'http:/', 'service') host = helper.subStr(host, '/', ':') # print host webservice = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, 8118, timeout = 50) # webservice.set_debuglevel(1) # print response.getheaders() #获取头信息 #连接到服务器后的第一个调用。它发送由request字符串到到服务器 webservice.putrequest("POST", "/service.asmx") # webservice.putheader("Accept-Encoding", "text") # webservice.putheader("Host", "") webservice.putheader("User-Agent", "WeijingtongService-python") webservice.putheader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8") # webservice.putheader("Connection", "Keep-Alive") webservice.putheader("Content-Length", "%d" % len(data)) webservice.putheader("SOAPAction", '"http://localhost/WebSell/OnPreSellOrder"') # webservice.putheader("SOAPAction", '""') # webservice.putheader("SOAPAction", '""') #发送空行到服务器,指示header的结束 webservice.endheaders() #发送报文数据到服务器 webservice.send(data) #获取返回HTTP 响应信息 response = webservice.getresponse() responseBody = # print 'response:' # print # exit() res = [] res.append('ReHttpStatus:' + str( response.status )) res.append('ReHttpReason:' + response.reason) res.append('ReHttpBody:' + responseBody) head = [] for header in response.getheaders(): head.append('%s: %s' % ( header[0], header[1] )) head = "\n".join(head) res.append('ReHttpHeader:' + head) #获取头信息 # print res # exit() re = "\n".join(res) # re = re.decode('gb2312').encode('utf-8') webservice.close() #关闭链接 reBody = helper.subStr(responseBody, '<OnPreSellOrderResult>', '</OnPreSellOrderResult>') # print reBody #成功同步 if '1' == reBody: #生成二维码 reMakeQrcode = helper.httpGet( helper.confGet('host', 'commonService') + 'Api/TicketQrcode/saveFile/?clientId=' + str( ticketBought['client_id'] ) + '&receivingCode=' + ticketBought['receiving_code'] ) reMakeQrcodeMap = json.loads(reMakeQrcode) # print reMakeQrcodeMap['code'] if reMakeQrcodeMap['code'] == 0: sql = "update t_ticket_bought set out_app_code = 'KZZN', temp_receiving_code = '%s', dimen_code_path = '%s' where id = %d" % (ticketBought['receiving_code'], reMakeQrcodeMap['filePath'], ticketBought['id']) # print sql if not True == dbObj.update(sql): helper.getLog(sql, 'addTicketToOuterKZZN.UpdateTicketboughtlistErr.log') else: re = "%s \nPostData:%s" % (re, data) pass except Exception, e: re = str(Exception) + ":" + str(e) re = "%s \nPostData:%s" %(re, data)
def serviceInit(types): # print types; #启动服务 serviceUrl = helper.confGet('host', 'commonService') + 'Order/Index/reBuyDo' now = * 2, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') orderId = 0 paybackId = 0 ids = {} # print now; test = 0 while True: ts = [] #线程列表 #连接数据库 # global dbObj dbObj = db.db() # 不用每次循环都查询配置 if not now == * 1, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00'): if test == 1: now = * 20, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') #改变这个时间,重启,则重新开始扫描 else: now = * 1, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') #改变这个时间,重启,则重新开始扫描 # print now; orderId = dbObj.getValue( 'SELECT id FROM t_order WHERE create_time > "%s" ORDER BY id ' % (now), 'id') if orderId == None: orderId = dbObj.getValue( 'SELECT id FROM t_order WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY id DESC limit 0, 1', 'id') if orderId == None: orderId = 0 paybackId = dbObj.getValue( 'SELECT id FROM t_payback WHERE create_time > "%s" ORDER BY id ' % (now), 'id') if paybackId == None: paybackId = dbObj.getValue( 'SELECT id FROM t_payback WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY id DESC limit 0, 1', 'id') if paybackId == None: paybackId = 0 # print orderId; print paybackId; helper.getLog('orderId:%d -- paybackId: %d' % (orderId, paybackId), 'serviceCheckPay.log') for type in types: ids[type] = dbObj.getValue( "SELECT id FROM %s WHERE create_time > '%s' ORDER BY id " % (types[type], now), 'id') if ids[type] == None: ids[type] = dbObj.getValue( "SELECT id FROM %s WHERE 1 =1 ORDER BY id DESC limit 0, 1" % (types[type]), 'id') if ids[type] == None: ids[type] = 0 # print ids; for type in types: # print str(type) + '/' + types[type] status = '1' if test == 1: status = '1, 9' sql = ' '.join([ "SELECT id AS orderId, pay_status, type, client_id AS clientId, create_time FROM t_order WHERE id > %d AND type = %d AND status in (%s) AND pay_time BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s' " % (orderId, type, status, now,, "AND id IN ( SELECT order_id FROM t_payback WHERE id > %d AND order_id NOT IN ( SELECT order_id FROM %s WHERE id >= %d ) ) " % (paybackId, types[type], ids[type]), "ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, 10" ]) # print sql t = threading.Thread(target=findOrders, args=( serviceUrl, sql, type, )) t.start() ts.append(t) for t in ts: t.join() time.sleep(10) scanner.dump_all_objects('/logs/python/mem.log')