예제 #1
    def _work(self):


            self._render_result(self.errno, self.errmsg, self.response_data)
        except error.BaseError as e:
            self._render_result(e.errno, e.errmsg, {})
            warning = {
                "uri": self.request.uri,
                "logid": self.logid,
                "errno": e.errno,
                "errmsg": e.errmsg,
                "args": str(e.args),
                "trace": traceback.format_exc(),
                "ex_type": type(e)
        except Exception, e:
            errno = error.ERRNO_UNKNOWN
            self._render_result(errno, str(e), "")
            warning = {
                "uri": self.request.uri,
                "logid": self.logid,
                "errno": errno,
                "errmsg": str(e),
                "args": str(e.args),
                "trace": traceback.format_exc(),
                "ex_type": type(e)
            log.fatal("internal_error", warning)
예제 #2
def download_images(base_url, img_dir, save_dir, imgs):
    exts = ['.jpg', '.png', '.JPG', '.PNG']
    imgs_to_download, imgs_to_exclude  = find_imgs_to_downloads(save_dir, imgs, exts)

    if imgs_to_exclude:
        print(f'Ignoring {len(imgs_to_exclude)} images')

    n_imgs_to_download = len(imgs_to_download)
    if not imgs_to_download:
        print('Nothing to download')
        print(f'Trying to download {n_imgs_to_download} images')
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    failed_imgs = loop.run_until_complete(download_images_async_opt(base_url, img_dir, save_dir, imgs, exts))

    n_failed_imgs = len(failed_imgs)
    if failed_imgs:
        print(f'Failed to download {n_failed_imgs}')
        log.warning(f'Failed images: {",".join(failed_imgs)}')
    n_downloaded = n_imgs_to_download - n_failed_imgs
    if n_downloaded:
        print(f'Successfully downloaded {n_downloaded} images')
예제 #3
 def checkParamAsString(self, key):
     p = self.getParamAsString(key, None)
     if p is None or len(p) == 0:
         errmsg = "error_param:'{}'".format(key)
         raise error.BaseError(errno=error.ERRNO_PARAM, errmsg=errmsg)
     return p
예제 #4
def delete_cert():
    log.warning('Deleting mitmproxy certificate...')
    if error_code := subprocess.call('certutil -delstore -user Root mitmproxy',
            f'Certificate could not be deleted: {hex(error_code)} - {str(FormatMessage(error_code)).strip()}'
예제 #5
    def get_grid_points(user_axis, crs_axis):
        Computes the number of grid points corresponding to the axis.
        :param UserAxis user_axis: the axis as given by the user
        :param CrsAxis crs_axis: the corresponding crs axis
        :return: int gridPoints
        # if no interval on the axis (slice), then 1 single grid point
        if user_axis.interval.high is None:
            return 1
        if isinstance(user_axis, RegularUserAxis):
            # number of geo-intervals over resolution
            if user_axis.type != UserAxisType.DATE:
                # number_of_grid_points = (geo_max - geo_min) / resolution
                grid_points = abs(
                    (decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.interval.high)) -
                     decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.interval.low))) /
                # The resolution in ingredient file can have big factor to the calculation, so must take care
                if abs(
                        decimal.Decimal(str(grid_points), ROUND_UP) -
                        grid_points) > HighPixelAjuster.THRESHOLD:
                        "The computed number of grid points is not an integer for axis "
                        + user_axis.name +
                        ". This usually indicates that the resolution is not correct."

                grid_points = HighPixelAjuster.adjust_high(grid_points)
                # Negative axis (e.g: latitude) min <--- max
                if user_axis.resolution < 0:
                    return int(math.floor(grid_points))
                    # Positive axis (e.g: longitude) min ---> max
                    return int(math.ceil(grid_points))
                time_difference = user_axis.interval.high - user_axis.interval.low
                # AS time always point to future (min --> max)
                if crs_axis.is_time_day_axis():
                    # days ((seconds / 86400) / resolution)
                    grid_points = abs(
                        (decimal.Decimal(str(time_difference)) /
                         decimal.Decimal(DateTimeUtil.DAY_IN_SECONDS)) /
                    grid_points = HighPixelAjuster.adjust_high(grid_points)

                    return int(math.ceil(grid_points))
                    # seconds (seconds / resolution)
                    grid_points = abs(
                        (decimal.Decimal(str(time_difference)) /
                    grid_points = HighPixelAjuster.adjust_high(grid_points)

                    return int(math.ceil(grid_points))
            # number of direct positions (i.e: irregular axis with coefficients [0, 1, 3, 5, 8, 15])
            return len(user_axis.directPositions)
예제 #6
파일: origin.py 프로젝트: anadius/dream-api
	def patch_origin_client(self):
		origin = Client('Origin', 'Origin.exe', 'libeay32.dll', 'EVP_DigestVerifyFinal')
		eadesktop = Client('EA Desktop', 'EADesktop.exe', 'libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll', 'EVP_DigestVerifyFinal')

		client = origin

			client_process = Pymem(client.PROCESS_NAME)
		except ProcessNotFound:
			client = eadesktop
				client_process = Pymem(client.PROCESS_NAME)
			except ProcessNotFound:
				log.warning('Origin/EA Desktop process not found. Patching aborted')

		if client_process.process_id == self.last_client_pid:
			log.debug(f'{client.NAME} client is already patched')

		log.info(f'Patching {client.NAME} client')

			dll_module = next(m for m in client_process.list_modules() if m.name.lower() == client.DLL_NAME)
		except StopIteration:
			log.error(f'{client.DLL_NAME} is not loaded. Patching aborted')

		# The rest should complete without issues in most cases.

		# Get the Export Address Table symbols
		# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
		dll_symbols = PE(dll_module.filename).DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols

		# Get the symbol of the EVP_DigestVerifyFinal function
		verify_func_symbol = next(s for s in dll_symbols if s.name.decode('ascii') == client.FUNCTION_NAME)

		# Calculate the final address in memory
		verify_func_addr = dll_module.lpBaseOfDll + verify_func_symbol.address

		# Instructions to patch. We return 1 to force successful response validation.
		patch_instructions = bytes([
			0x66, 0xB8, 0x01, 0,  # mov ax, 0x1
			0xC3  # ret
		client_process.write_bytes(verify_func_addr, patch_instructions, len(patch_instructions))

		# Validate the written memory
		read_instructions = client_process.read_bytes(verify_func_addr, len(patch_instructions))

		if read_instructions != patch_instructions:
			log.error('Failed to patch the instruction memory')

		# At this point we know that patching was successful

		self.last_client_pid = client_process.process_id
		log.info(f'Patching {client.NAME} was successful')
예제 #7
	def intercept_entitlements(flow: HTTPFlow):
		if BaseAddon.host_and_path_match(
				flow, host=EpicAddon.ecom_host,
		) or BaseAddon.host_and_path_match(
				flow, host=EpicAddon.api_host,
			log.info('Intercepted an Entitlements request from Epic Games')

			url = urlparse(flow.request.url)
			sandbox_id = parse_qs(url.query)['sandboxId'][0]

			# Get the game in the config with namespace that matches the sandboxId
			game = get_epic_game(sandbox_id)

				# Get the entitlements from request params
				entitlementNames = parse_qs(url.query)['entitlementName']
			except KeyError:
						'No entitlement names were provided, '
						'responding with entitlements defined in the config file'

				# Get the game's entitlements
				entitlements = game['entitlements'] if game is not None and 'entitlements' in game else []

				# Map the list of objects to the list of string
				entitlementNames = [entitlement['id'] for entitlement in entitlements]

			[log.debug(f'\t{sandbox_id}:{entitlement}') for entitlement in entitlementNames]

			# Filter out blacklisted entitlements
			blacklist = [dlc['id'] for dlc in game['blacklist']] if game is not None and 'blacklist' in game else []
			entitlementNames = [e for e in entitlementNames if e not in blacklist]

			injected_entitlements: List[EpicEntitlement] = [{
				'id': entitlementName,  # Not true, but irrelevant
				'entitlementName': entitlementName,
				'namespace': sandbox_id,
				'catalogItemId': entitlementName,
				'entitlementType': "AUDIENCE",
				'grantDate': "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
				'consumable': False,
				'status': "ACTIVE",
				'useCount': 0,
				'entitlementSource': "LauncherWeb"
			} for entitlementName in entitlementNames]

			log.info(f'Injecting {len(injected_entitlements)} entitlements')

			original_entitlements: List[EpicEntitlement] = json.loads(flow.response.text)

			merged_entitlements = original_entitlements + injected_entitlements

			EpicAddon.modify_response(flow, merged_entitlements)
예제 #8
    def __save_config_file(self, version: int):
        json_dict = {
            'config_version': version
        } | {key: self.__getattribute__(key)
             for key in self.__keys}

        with open(config_path, 'w') as writer:
            writer.write(json.dumps(json_dict, indent=2))

        log.warning(f'Updated the config file with new properties')
예제 #9
def import_jsonschema():
    Import jsonschema which is used for validating the options in the ingredients file
        import jsonschema
        return jsonschema
    except ImportError:
            "The jsonschema package is not installed, ingredient file validation will be skipped. \
          To enable validation please install jsonschema (sudo pip3 install jsonschema)"
예제 #10
def import_glob():
    Importing glob according to python version
        if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
            import glob2 as glob
            import glob
        return glob
    except ImportError:
            "The glob package is not installed, ingredient file validation will be skipped. \
        To enable validation please install glob (sudo pip3 install glob)")
예제 #11
def install_cert():
    log.warning('Installing mitmproxy certificate...')

    # Init dummy config to generate the certificate
    crtPath = Path.home().joinpath('.mitmproxy', 'mitmproxy-ca-cert.cer')
    log.debug(f'certificate path: "{crtPath}"')

    if error_code := subprocess.call(
            f'certutil -addstore -user Root "{crtPath}"', shell=True):
            f'Certificate could not be installed: {hex(error_code)} - {str(FormatMessage(error_code)).strip()}'
        # noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyUnresolvedReferences
예제 #12
	def intercept_entitlements(flow: HTTPFlow):
		if BaseAddon.host_and_path_match(
			log.info('Intercepted an Entitlements request from Epic Games')

			url = urlparse(flow.request.url)
			sandbox_id = parse_qs(url.query)['sandboxId'][0]

				# Get the entitlements from request params
				entitlementNames = parse_qs(url.query)['entitlementName']
			except KeyError:
						'No entitlement names were provided, '
						'responding with entitlements defined in the config file'

				# Get the game in the config with namespace that matches the sandboxId
				game = next((game for game in config.platforms['epic'] if game['namespace'] == sandbox_id), None)

				# Get the game's entitlements
				entitlements = game['entitlements'] if game is not None else []

				# Map the list of objects to the list of string
				entitlementNames = [entitlement['id'] for entitlement in entitlements]

			[log.debug(f'\t{sandbox_id}:{entitlement}') for entitlement in entitlementNames]

			result = [{
				'id': entitlementName,  # Not true, but irrelevant
				'entitlementName': entitlementName,
				'namespace': sandbox_id,
				'catalogItemId': entitlementName,
				'entitlementType': "AUDIENCE",
				'grantDate': "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
				'consumable': False,
				'status': "ACTIVE",
				'useCount': 0,
				'entitlementSource': "eos"
			} for entitlementName in entitlementNames]

			EpicAddon.modify_response(flow, result)
예제 #13
    def validate(self):
        Implementation of the base recipe validate method
        super(Recipe, self).validate()

        if 'coverage' not in self.options:
            raise RecipeValidationException("No coverage parameter supplied in the recipe parameters.")
            # NOTE: only general coverage support this grid coverage type
            if 'grid_coverage' not in self.options['coverage']:
                self.options['coverage']['grid_coverage'] = False
                self.options['coverage']['grid_coverage'] = bool(self.options['coverage']['grid_coverage'])

        if 'crs' not in self.options['coverage']:
            raise RecipeValidationException("No crs parameter in the coverage parameter of the recipe parameters.")
        if 'slicer' not in self.options['coverage']:
            raise RecipeValidationException("No slicer parameter in the coverage parameter of the recipe parameters")
        if 'type' not in self.options['coverage']['slicer']:
            raise RecipeValidationException("No type parameter in the slicer parameter of the recipe parameters")
        if 'bands' not in self.options['coverage']['slicer'] \
                and (self.options['coverage']['slicer']['type'] == GRIBToCoverageConverter.RECIPE_TYPE \
                or self.options['coverage']['slicer']['type'] == NetcdfToCoverageConverter.RECIPE_TYPE):
            raise RecipeValidationException(
                "The netcdf/grib slicer requires the existence of a band parameter inside the slicer parameter.")
        if 'axes' not in self.options['coverage']['slicer']:
            raise RecipeValidationException("No axes parameter in the slicer parameter of the recipe parameters")
        for name, axis in self.options['coverage']['slicer']['axes'].items():
            if "min" not in axis:
                raise RecipeValidationException("No min value given for axis " + name)
            if "type" in axis and axis["type"] == "ansidate":
                """backwards compatibility, support axis type 'ansidate' after moving to 'date'"""
                axis["type"] = UserAxisType.DATE
            if "type" in axis and not UserAxisType.valid_type(axis["type"]):
                raise RecipeValidationException("Invalid axis type \"" + axis[
                    "type"] + "\" for axis " + name + ". Only \"" + UserAxisType.DATE + "\" and \"" + UserAxisType.NUMBER + "\" are supported.")
            if "resolution" not in axis and "irregular" in axis and not axis["irregular"]:
                raise RecipeValidationException("No resolution value given for regular axis " + name)
            if "directPositions" not in axis and "irregular" in axis and axis["irregular"]:
                log.warning("No direct positions found for irregular axis, assuming slice.")
                # NOTE: if directPositions was not specified, it means the file does not contains the irregular axis
                # so the irregular axis must be fetched from file name and considered as slice with coefficient is [0]
                # However, [0] could be miscalculated with arrow so set it to [None] and return [0] later
                axis["directPositions"] = AbstractToCoverageConverter.DIRECT_POSITIONS_SLICING

        if "metadata" in self.options['coverage'] and "type" not in self.options['coverage']['metadata']:
            raise RecipeValidationException("No type given for the metadata parameter.")

        if "metadata" in self.options['coverage'] and "type" in self.options['coverage']['metadata']:
            if not ExtraMetadataSerializerFactory.is_encoding_type_valid(self.options['coverage']['metadata']['type']):
                raise RecipeValidationException(
                    "No valid type given for the metadata parameter, accepted values are xml and json")

        if "metadata" in self.options['coverage']:
            supported_recipe = (self.options['coverage']['slicer']['type'] == "netcdf"
                                or self.options['coverage']['slicer']['type'] == "gdal")
            if not supported_recipe:
                # global metadata auto is supported for netCDF/GDAL recipe
                if "global" in self.options['coverage']['metadata']:
                    # NOTE: if global is not specified in netCDF ingredient file, it is considered auto
                    # which means extract all the global attributes of netcdf file to create global metadata
                    if self.options['coverage']['metadata']['global'] == "auto":
                        raise RecipeValidationException(
                            "Global auto metadata only supported in general recipe with slicer's type: netcdf/gdal.")

                # bands metadata auto is supported for netCDF recipe
                if "bands" in self.options['coverage']['metadata']:
                    bands_metadata = self.options['coverage']['metadata']['bands']
                    if bands_metadata == "auto":
                        raise RecipeValidationException(
                            "Bands auto metadata only supported in general recipe with slicer's type: netcdf.")
                    elif type(bands_metadata) is dict:
                        # Check if one band of bands specified with "auto"
                        for key, value in bands_metadata.items():
                            if value == "auto":
                                raise RecipeValidationException(
                                    "Band auto metadata only supported in general recipe with slicer's type: netcdf, "
                                    "violated for band '" + key + "'.")