예제 #1
def rotate_ground_and_move(physics: SimPhysics,
                           controls: SimpleControllerState, dt: float,
                           normal: Vec3):
    physics.velocity += Vec3(0, 0, -650 * dt)
    remove_velocity_against_normal(physics.velocity, normal, dt)

    orientation = Orientation(physics.rotation)
    orig_rot_mat = orientation.to_rot_mat()

    physics_prime = SimPhysics(
        Vec3(0, 0, 0),
        physics.angular_velocity,  # ground move just ignores it
        Rotator(0, 0, 0),
    # print(f"Steer: {controls.steer}, Throttle: {controls.throttle}")

    move_on_ground(physics_prime, controls, dt)

    # need to combine orientations
    old_yaw = physics.rotation.yaw
    new_orientation = Orientation(physics_prime.rotation)
    physics.rotation = rot_mat_to_rot(
        dot(orientation.to_rot_mat(), new_orientation.to_rot_mat()))

    # unrotate other vectors
    # if physics.velocity.dot(orientation.forward) < 0:
    # controls.steer = -controls.steer
    # inverse_rotation = transpose(orig_rot_mat)

    physics.location += (orientation.forward * physics_prime.location.x +
                         orientation.right * physics_prime.location.y)
    physics.velocity = (orientation.forward * physics_prime.velocity.x +
                        orientation.right * physics_prime.velocity.y)
    physics.angular_velocity = physics_prime.angular_velocity  # should be unchanged

    # what are the chances that this works first try! Very small.
    # print(f"{old_yaw} + {physics_prime.rotation.yaw} =? {physics.rotation.yaw}")
    return physics
예제 #2
def rotate_by_axis(orientation: Orientation,
                   original: Vec3,
                   target: Vec3,
                   percent=1) -> Rotator:
    Updates the given orientation's original direction to the target direction.
    original should be `orientation.forward` or `orientation.up` or `orientation.right`
    angle = angle_between(to_rlu_vec(target), to_rlu_vec(original)) * percent
    rotate_axis = cross(to_rlu_vec(target), to_rlu_vec(original))
    ortho = normalize(rotate_axis) * -angle
    rot_mat_initial: mat3 = orientation.to_rot_mat()
    rot_mat_adj = axis_to_rotation(ortho)

    rot_mat = dot(rot_mat_adj, rot_mat_initial)
    r = rot_mat_to_rot(rot_mat)
    # printO(orientation)
    # printO(Orientation(r))
    return r