def iterateFile(self, file): print "Delta for current running %f" % count = 0 with open(file, 'rb') as f: firstLine = True currentNo = -1 fromLat = -1 fromLng = -1 fromTime = -1 for line in f: count += 1 line = line.strip('\n') linelist = line.split(',') # 旅程标识 no = "%s-%s-%s-%s" % (linelist[5], linelist[6], linelist[8], linelist[9]) toLat = linelist[3] toLng = linelist[4] toTime = int(linelist[2]) if firstLine: # 第一行初始化 firstLine = False currentNo = no fromLat = toLat fromLng = toLng fromTime = toTime else: if currentNo == no: # 同一段旅程 # 如果当前点位置不变则继续遍历 if (fromLat == toLat and fromLng == toLng) or fromTime == toTime: continue fPoint = [float(fromLng), float(fromLat)] tPoint = [float(toLng), float(toLat)] fromGid = getFormatGID(fPoint)['gid'] toGid = getFormatGID(tPoint)['gid'] distance = getRealDistance(fromLng, fromLat, toLng, toLat) speed = distance / (toTime - fromTime) direction = getDirection(fPoint, tPoint) # w n s e 四个字符之一 self.updateResByLine(fPoint, tPoint, fromGid, toGid, direction, speed) fromLat = toLat fromLng = toLng fromTime = toTime else: # 新旅程第一个点 currentNo = no fromLat = toLat fromLng = toLng fromTime = toTime f.close() print "Total %d records in this file." % (count)
def iterateFileNew(self, file): print "Delta for current running %f" % count = 0 with open(file, 'rb') as f: firstLine = True deviceDirectionDict = {} # deviceDirectionToDict = {} for line in f: count += 1 line = line.strip('\n') linelist = line.split(',') #print(getRealDistance(linelist[5], linelist[6], linelist[4], linelist[3])/(linelist[2] - linelist[7])) currentDevice = linelist[1] if firstLine: firstLine = False if not deviceDirectionDict.has_key(currentDevice): deviceDirectionDict[currentDevice] = {} # if not deviceDirectionToDict.has_key(currentDevice): # deviceDirectionToDict[currentDevice] = {} # left fromLat = linelist[6] fromLng = linelist[5] fromTime = int(linelist[7]) toLat = linelist[3] toLng = linelist[4] toTime = int(linelist[2]) if (fromLat == toLat and fromLng == toLng) or fromTime == toTime: continue fPoint = [float(fromLng), float(fromLat)] tPoint = [float(toLng), float(toLat)] fromGid = getFormatGID(fPoint, self.LngSPLIT, self.LatSPLIT, self.locs)['gid'] toGid = getFormatGID(tPoint, self.LngSPLIT, self.LatSPLIT, self.locs)['gid'] distance = getRealDistance(fromLng, fromLat, toLng, toLat) speed = distance / (toTime - fromTime) direction = getDirection(fPoint, tPoint) # w n s e 四个字符之一 position = fromLat + '-' + fromLng if not deviceDirectionDict[currentDevice].has_key(position): # 当前位置没有被记录过, 那么要记录当前位置的方向。 deviceDirectionDict[currentDevice][position] = True self.updateResByLine(fPoint, tPoint, fromGid, toGid, direction, speed) # right fromLat = toLat fromLng = toLng fromTime = toTime toLat = linelist[9] toLng = linelist[8] toTime = int(linelist[10]) if (fromLat == toLat and fromLng == toLng) or fromTime == toTime: continue fPoint = [float(fromLng), float(fromLat)] tPoint = [float(toLng), float(toLat)] fromGid = getFormatGID(fPoint, self.LngSPLIT, self.LatSPLIT, self.locs)['gid'] toGid = getFormatGID(tPoint, self.LngSPLIT, self.LatSPLIT, self.locs)['gid'] distance = getRealDistance(fromLng, fromLat, toLng, toLat) speed = distance / (toTime - fromTime) direction = getDirection(fPoint, tPoint) # w n s e 四个字符之一 position = fromLat + '-' + fromLng if not deviceDirectionDict[currentDevice].has_key(position): # 当前位置没有被记录过, 那么要记录当前位置的方向。 deviceDirectionDict[currentDevice][position] = True self.updateResByLine(fPoint, tPoint, fromGid, toGid, direction, speed) # position = toLat + '-' + toLng # if not deviceDirectionToDict[currentDevice].has_key(position): # deviceDirectionDict[currentDevice][position] = [fPoint, tPoint, fromGid, toGid, direction, speed, 'to', distance] # else: # if deviceDirectionDict[currentDevice][position][7] < distance: # deviceDirectionDict[currentDevice][position] = [fPoint, tPoint, fromGid, toGid, direction, speed, 'to', distance] f.close() print "Total %d records in this file." % (count)
def BFSOneTreeMap(self, parentNode, recordNum=0, treeQueue=[], currentDis=0): cateName = self.currentCateName self.treeNodesID += 1 for each in treeQueue: id = "%d-%s" % (each[-4], each[-1]) if id not in self.keepTreeStructList[cateName]: self.keepTreeStructList[cateName].append(id) queue = [] # parentNRN = parentNode[4] # nothing = True # 六个交点计算,得出三个 gid,然后匹配方向加入 queue point = [parentNode[0], parentNode[1], parentNode[-4]] direction = [parentNode[5], parentNode[6]] tmpStepRes = self.getNextGIDs(point, direction) gids = tmpStepRes['res'] intersectionPoint = tmpStepRes['endPoints'] # originGid = tmpStepRes['originGid'] queue += self.getNextDirections(gids, parentNode) queueCopy = queue[:] res = [] # BFS Looping Condition while queue: vertex = queue.pop(0) gidStr = str(vertex[-4]) nodeID = vertex[-1] treeStructID = "%s-%s" % (gidStr, nodeID) if treeStructID in self.keepTreeStructList[cateName]: continue # 距离判断 START dis = currentDis + getRealDistance(parentNode[0], parentNode[1], vertex[0], vertex[1]) if dis > self.custom_params['max_distance'] * 1000: continue # 距离判断 END self.treeNodesID += 1 self.currentData[cateName]['count'] += 1 subres = { "root": { "id": self.treeNodesID, "lng": vertex[0], "lat": vertex[1], "num": parentNode[4], "speed": parentNode[3], "dis": dis }, "children": [] } node = self.deleteNode(gidStr, nodeID) childs = self.BFSOneTreeMap(vertex, vertex[4], queueCopy, dis) # nothing = False subres['children'] = childs res.append(subres) if len(res) == 0: self.treeNodesID += 1 self.currentData[cateName]['count'] += 1 res.append({ "root": { "id": self.treeNodesID, "lng": intersectionPoint[0], "lat": intersectionPoint[1], "num": parentNode[4], "speed": parentNode[3], "dis": currentDis + getRealDistance(parentNode[0], parentNode[1], intersectionPoint[0], intersectionPoint[1]) } }) # result # if nothing: # del res['children'] return res