예제 #1
    def utility_score(self, bot) -> float:

        car = bot.info.my_car

        if len(bot.info.teammates) == 0:
            team_committed01 = 0
            no_defence01 = 1
            mates = bot.info.teammates
            sum_pos = mates[0].pos + mates[0].vel * 0.5
            for mate in mates[1:]:
                sum_pos += mate.pos + mate.vel * 0.5
            avg_pos = sum_pos / len(mates)
            team_committed01 = clip01(norm(avg_pos - bot.info.own_goal.pos) / Field.LENGTH2)
            no_defence01 = clip01(argmin(mates, lambda mate: norm(mate.pos - bot.info.own_goal.pos))[1] / 800)

        dist_to_ball01 = clip01(norm(car.pos - bot.info.ball.pos) / Field.LENGTH2)

        obj_bonus = {
            Objective.UNKNOWN: 0,
            Objective.GO_FOR_IT: 0,
            Objective.FOLLOW_UP: 0.1,
            Objective.ROTATE_BACK_OR_DEF: 0.3,

        return 0.9 * team_committed01 * dist_to_ball01 * no_defence01 + obj_bonus
예제 #2
    def exec(self, bot) -> SimpleControllerState:

        car = bot.data.my_car
        ball = bot.data.ball
        teammate = None
        if len(bot.data.teammates) > 0:
            teammate = bot.data.teammates[0]

        if teammate is not None:
            my_dist = norm(car.pos - ball.pos)
            teammate_dist = norm(teammate.pos - ball.pos)

            if my_dist < teammate_dist:
                return self.go_for_ball(bot)
                return self.approach_defensively(bot)

            land_event = next_ball_landing(bot)

            if land_event.happens:
                ball_at_landing = land_event.data["obj"]

                dist = norm(car.pos - ball_at_landing.pos)

                self.target = ball_at_landing.pos
                self.target_vel = dist / land_event.time

                self.target = ball.pos
                self.target_vel = 1400

        return super().exec(bot)
예제 #3
    def exec(self, bot):

        goal_to_ball = bot.info.ball.pos - bot.info.own_goal.pos
        goal_to_car = bot.info.my_car.pos - bot.info.own_goal.pos

        car_prj = proj_onto(goal_to_car, goal_to_ball)
        target = lerp(bot.info.own_goal.pos + car_prj,
                      lerp(bot.info.ball.pos, bot.info.opp_goal.pos, 0.4),

        if bot.do_rendering:
            bot.renderer.draw_line_3d(bot.info.my_car.pos, target,

        speed = max(
            (norm(bot.info.my_car.pos - bot.info.ball.pos) - 900) * 0.6, 100)

        return bot.drive.towards_point(
            can_keep_speed=norm(bot.info.my_car.pos - bot.info.ball.pos) >
예제 #4
    def update(self, bot):
        ball = bot.info.ball

        # Find closest foe to ball
        self.opp_closest_to_ball, self.opp_closest_to_ball_dist = argmin(bot.info.opponents, lambda opp: norm(opp.pos - ball.pos))

        # Possession and on/off-site
        self.car_with_possession = None
        self.ally_with_possession = None
        self.opp_with_possession = None
        for car in bot.info.cars:

            # On site
            own_goal = bot.info.goals[car.team]
            ball_to_goal = own_goal.pos - ball.pos
            car_to_ball = ball.pos - car.pos
            car.onsite = dot(ball_to_goal, car_to_ball) < 0.1

            # Reach ball time
            car.reach_ball_time = predict.time_till_reach_ball(car, ball)
            reach01 = clip01((5 - car.reach_ball_time) / 5)

            # Possession
            point_in_front = car.pos + car.vel * 0.6
            ball_point_dist = norm(ball.pos - point_in_front)
            dist01 = 1500 / (1500 + ball_point_dist)  # Halves every 1500 uu of dist
            car_to_ball = bot.info.ball.pos - car.pos
            car_to_ball_unit = normalize(car_to_ball)
            in_front01 = dot(car.forward, car_to_ball_unit)
            car.possession = dist01 * in_front01 * reach01 * 3
            if self.car_with_possession is None or car.possession > self.car_with_possession.possession:
                self.car_with_possession = car
            if car.team == bot.team and (self.ally_with_possession is None or car.possession > self.ally_with_possession.possession):
                self.ally_with_possession = car
            if car.team != bot.team and (self.opp_with_possession is None or car.possession > self.opp_with_possession.possession):
                self.opp_with_possession = car

        # Objectives
        for car in bot.info.cars:
            car.last_objective = car.objective
            car.objective = Objective.UNKNOWN
        thirdman_index, _ = argmin(bot.info.team_cars, lambda ally: norm(ally.pos - bot.info.own_goal.pos))
        attacker, attacker_score = argmax(bot.info.team_cars,
                                          lambda ally: ((0.09 if ally.last_objective == Objective.GO_FOR_IT else 0)
                                                        + ally.boost / 490
                                                        - (0.21 if ally.index == thirdman_index else 0)
                                                        - (0.4 if not ally.onsite else 0)
                                                        + ally.possession * (10_000 - ally.team_sign * ally.pos.y) / 20_000)**2)
        attacker.objective = Objective.GO_FOR_IT
        follower_expected_pos = (ball.pos + bot.info.own_goal.pos) * 0.5
        follower, follower_score = argmin([ally for ally in bot.info.team_cars if ally.objective == Objective.UNKNOWN],
                                          lambda ally: (-500 if ally.last_objective == Objective.FOLLOW_UP else 0)
                                                        - ally.boost * 2
                                                        + (1100 if ally.index == thirdman_index else 0)
                                                        + (200 if not ally.onsite else 0)
                                                        + norm(ally.pos - follower_expected_pos))
        follower.objective = Objective.FOLLOW_UP
        for car in bot.info.team_cars:
            if car.objective == Objective.UNKNOWN:
                car.objective = Objective.ROTATE_BACK_OR_DEF
예제 #5
    def step(self, dt) -> SimpleControllerState:
        # car = bot.info.my_car
        # ball = bot.info.ball

        # car_to_ball = ball.pos - car.pos
        # dist = norm(car_to_ball)

        # ball_to_enemy_goal = bot.info.enemy_goal - ball.pos
        # own_goal_to_ball = ball.pos - bot.info.own_goal

        # offence = ball.pos.y * bot.info.team_sign < 0
        # dot_enemy = dot(car_to_ball, ball_to_enemy_goal)
        # dot_own = dot(car_to_ball, own_goal_to_ball)
        # right_side_of_ball = dot_enemy > 0 if offence else dot_own > 0

        # if right_side_of_ball:
        #     self.go_towards_point(bot, ball.pos)
        # else:
        #     self.go_towards_point(bot, bot.info.own_goal_field)

        car = self.car
        car_to_point = self.target - car.pos
        dist = norm(car_to_point)
        point_local = dot(self.target - car.pos, car.rot)

        # Angle to point in local xy plane and other stuff
        angle = math.atan2(point_local.y, point_local.x)
        # dist = norm(point_local)

        # Flip is finished
        # if self.flip is not None and self.flip.finished:
        #     self.flip = None
        #     self.last_flip_end_time = self.info.time
        # # Continue flip
        # elif self.flip is not None:
        #     return self.flip.step(dt)

        # time_since_last_flip = self.info.time - self.last_flip_end_time
        # if dist > 2000 and abs(angle) <= 0.02 and time_since_last_flip > 3:
        #     self.flip = Flip(self.bot)
        #     return self.flip.step(dt)

        # Boost?
        if norm(car.vel) < 2200 and abs(angle) <= 0.02:
            self.controls.boost = True

        self.controls.steer = clip(angle + (2.5 * angle)**3, -1.0, 1.0)
        self.controls.throttle = 1.0

        if self.info.time - self.start_time > 0.25:
            self.finished = True

        return self.controls
예제 #6
    def exec(self, bot):

        car = bot.info.my_car
        ball = bot.info.ball

        car_to_ball = ball.pos - car.pos
        ball_to_enemy_goal = bot.info.enemy_goal - ball.pos
        own_goal_to_ball = ball.pos - bot.info.own_goal
        dist = norm(car_to_ball)

        offence = ball.pos.y * bot.info.team_sign < 0
        dot_enemy = dot(car_to_ball, ball_to_enemy_goal)
        dot_own = dot(car_to_ball, own_goal_to_ball)
        right_side_of_ball = dot_enemy > 0 if offence else dot_own > 0

        if right_side_of_ball:
            # Aim cone
            dir_to_post_1 = (bot.info.enemy_goal + Vec3(3800, 0, 0)) - bot.info.ball.pos
            dir_to_post_2 = (bot.info.enemy_goal + Vec3(-3800, 0, 0)) - bot.info.ball.pos
            cone = AimCone(dir_to_post_1, dir_to_post_2)
            cone.get_goto_point(bot, car.pos, bot.info.ball.pos)
            if bot.do_rendering:
                cone.draw(bot, bot.info.ball.pos)

            # Chase ball
            return bot.drive.go_towards_point(bot, xy(ball.pos), 2000, True, True, can_dodge=dist > 2200)
            # Go home
            return bot.drive.go_towards_point(bot, bot.info.own_goal_field, 2000, True, True)
예제 #7
파일: carry.py 프로젝트: azeemba/RLBotPack
    def utility_score(self, bot) -> float:
        car = bot.info.my_car
        ball = bot.info.ball

        car_to_ball = car.pos - ball.pos

        bouncing_b = ball.pos.z > 130 or abs(ball.vel.z) > 300
        if not bouncing_b:
            return 0

        dist_01 = clip01(1 - norm(car_to_ball) / 3000)

        head_dir = lerp(Vec3(0, 0, 1), car.forward, 0.1)
        ang = angle_between(head_dir, car_to_ball)
        ang_01 = clip01(1 - ang / (math.pi / 2))

        obj_bonus = {
            Objective.UNKNOWN: 0,
            Objective.GO_FOR_IT: 0.2,
            Objective.FOLLOW_UP: 0,
            Objective.ROTATE_BACK_OR_DEF: 0,

        return clip01(0.6 * ang_01 + 0.4 * dist_01
                      #  - 0.3 * bot.analyzer.team_mate_has_ball_01
                      + self.is_dribbling * self.extra_utility_bias +
예제 #8
    def find_landing_orientation(car: Car, num_points: int) -> Mat33:
        dummy = DummyObject(car)
        trajectory = [Vec3(dummy.pos)]

        for i in range(0, num_points):
            fall(dummy, 0.0333)  # Apply physics and let car fall through the air
            up = dummy.pitch_surface_normal()
            if norm(up) > 0.0 and i > 10:
                up = normalize(up)
                forward = normalize(dummy.vel - dot(dummy.vel, up) * up)
                left = cross(up, forward)

                return Mat33.from_columns(forward, left, up)

        return Mat33(car.rot)

        forward = normalize(xy(
            car.vel)) if norm(xy(car.vel)) != 0 else car.forward
        up = Vec3(z=1)
        left = cross(up, forward)

        return Mat33.from_columns(forward, left, up)
예제 #9
    def utility_score(self, bot) -> float:

        if self.temp_utility_desire_boost > 0:
            self.temp_utility_desire_boost = max(0, self.temp_utility_desire_boost - bot.info.dt)
        elif self.temp_utility_desire_boost < 0:
            self.temp_utility_desire_boost = min(0, self.temp_utility_desire_boost + bot.info.dt)

        car = bot.info.my_car
        ball_soon = predict.ball_predict(bot, 1)

        arena_length2 = bot.info.team_sign * Field.LENGTH2
        own_half_01 = clip01(remap(arena_length2, -arena_length2, 0.0, 1.1, ball_soon.pos.y))
        close_to_ball01 = clip01(1.0 - norm(car.pos - ball_soon.pos) / 3500) ** 0.5

        reachable_ball = predict.ball_predict(bot, predict.time_till_reach_ball(bot.info.my_car, bot.info.ball))
        self.ball_to_goal_right = bot.info.opp_goal.right_post - reachable_ball.pos
        self.ball_to_goal_left = bot.info.opp_goal.left_post - reachable_ball.pos
        self.aim_cone = AimCone(self.ball_to_goal_right, self.ball_to_goal_left)
        car_to_ball = reachable_ball.pos - bot.info.my_car.pos
        in_position = self.aim_cone.contains_direction(car_to_ball)

        # Chase ball right after kickoff. High right after kickoff
        kickoff_bias01 = max(0, 1 - bot.info.time_since_last_kickoff * 0.3) * float(bot.info.my_car.objective == Objective.UNKNOWN)

        obj_bonus = {
            Objective.UNKNOWN: 0,
            Objective.GO_FOR_IT: 0.2,
            Objective.FOLLOW_UP: 0,
            Objective.ROTATE_BACK_OR_DEF: -0.2,

        return clip01(close_to_ball01 * own_half_01 + 0.1 * in_position + self.temp_utility_desire_boost + kickoff_bias01) + obj_bonus
예제 #10
def time_till_reach_ball(car, ball):
    """ Rough estimate about when we can reach the ball in 2d. """
    car_to_ball = xy(ball.pos - car.pos)
    dist = norm(car_to_ball) - Ball.RADIUS / 2
    vel_c_f = proj_onto_size(car.vel, car_to_ball)
    vel_b_f = proj_onto_size(ball.vel, car_to_ball)
    vel_c_amp = lerp(vel_c_f, norm(car.vel), 0.58)
    vel_f = vel_c_amp - vel_b_f
    dist_long_01 = clip01(dist / 10_000.0)
    time_normal = dist / max(220, vel_f)
    time_long = dist / max(norm(car.vel), 1410)
    time = lerp(time_normal, time_long, dist_long_01)
    arrive_time = time * 0.95
    # Combine slightly with old prediction to negative rapid changes
    result = lerp(arrive_time, car.last_expected_time_till_reach_ball, 0.22)
    car.last_expected_time_till_reach_ball = arrive_time
    return result
예제 #11
    def exec(self, bot) -> SimpleControllerState:
        DODGE_DIST = 250
        MIDDLE_OFFSET = 430

        # Since ball is at (0,0) we don't we a car_to_ball variable like we do so many other places
        car = bot.info.my_car
        dist = norm(car.pos)
        vel_p = -proj_onto_size(car.vel, car.pos)

        point = Vec3(0, bot.info.team_sign * (dist / 2.6 - MIDDLE_OFFSET), 0)
        speed = 2300
        opp_dist = norm(bot.info.opponents[0].pos)
        opp_does_kick = opp_dist < dist + 600

        # Opponent is not going for kickoff, so we slow down a bit
        if not opp_does_kick:
            speed = 2210
            point = Vec3(0, bot.info.team_sign * (dist / 2.05 - MIDDLE_OFFSET),
            point += Vec3(35 * sign(car.pos.x), 0, 0)

        # Dodge when close to (0, 0) - but only if the opponent also goes for kickoff.
        # The dodge itself should happen in about 0.3 seconds
        if dist - DODGE_DIST < vel_p * 0.3 and opp_does_kick:

        # Make two dodges when spawning far back
        elif dist > 3640 and vel_p > 1200 and not opp_does_kick:

        # Pickup boost when spawning back corner by driving a bit towards the middle boost pad first
        elif abs(car.pos.x) > 230 and abs(car.pos.y) > 2880:
            # The pads exact location is (0, 2816), but don't have to be exact
            point.y = bot.info.team_sign * 2790

        self.done = not bot.info.is_kickoff
        bot.renderer.draw_line_3d(car.pos, point, bot.renderer.white())

        return bot.drive.towards_point(bot,
예제 #12
파일: info.py 프로젝트: azeemba/RLBotPack
 def closest_enemy(self, pos: Vec3):
     enemy = None
     dist = -1
     for e in self.opponents:
         d = norm(e.pos - pos)
         if enemy is None or d < dist:
             enemy = e
             dist = d
     return enemy, dist
예제 #13
    def approach_defensively(self, bot) -> SimpleControllerState:
        car = bot.data.my_car
        ball = bot.data.ball
        goal = Vec3(y=5400 * bot.data.team_sign)

        self.target = lerp(ball.pos, goal, 0.8)
        self.target_vel = norm(self.target - car.pos)

        return super().exec(bot)
예제 #14
    def exec(self, bot):

        controls = SimpleControllerState()
        dt = bot.info.dt
        car = bot.info.my_car

        relative_rotation = dot(transpose(car.rot), self.target)
        geodesic_local = rotation_to_axis(relative_rotation)

        # figure out the axis of minimal rotation to target
        geodesic_world = dot(car.rot, geodesic_local)

        # get the angular acceleration
        alpha = Vec3(
            self.controller(geodesic_world.x, car.ang_vel.x, dt),
            self.controller(geodesic_world.y, car.ang_vel.y, dt),
            self.controller(geodesic_world.z, car.ang_vel.z, dt)

        # reduce the corrections for when the solution is nearly converged
        alpha.x = self.q(abs(geodesic_world.x) + abs(car.ang_vel.x)) * alpha.x
        alpha.y = self.q(abs(geodesic_world.y) + abs(car.ang_vel.y)) * alpha.y
        alpha.z = self.q(abs(geodesic_world.z) + abs(car.ang_vel.z)) * alpha.z

        # set the desired next angular velocity
        ang_vel_next = car.ang_vel + alpha * dt

        # determine the controls that produce that angular velocity
        roll_pitch_yaw = AerialTurnManeuver._aerial_rpy(car.ang_vel, ang_vel_next, car.rot, dt)
        controls.roll = roll_pitch_yaw.x
        controls.pitch = roll_pitch_yaw.y
        controls.yaw = roll_pitch_yaw.z

        self._timer += dt

        if ((norm(car.ang_vel) < self.epsilon_ang_vel and
             norm(geodesic_world) < self.epsilon_rotation) or
                self._timer >= self.timeout or car.on_ground):
            self.done = True

        controls.throttle = 1.0

        return controls
예제 #15
def index_of_teammate_at_kickoff_spawn(bot, loc):
    Returns index of teammate at loc, or -1 if there is no teammate
    # RLU Cars does not contain index, so we have to find that ourselves :(
    for car in bot.info.teammates:
        dist = norm(car.pos - loc)
        if dist < 150:
            return car.index
    return -1
예제 #16
 def pick_pad(self, bot, pads: List[BoostPad]):
     # Find closest boost pad
     my_pos = bot.info.my_car.pos
     shortest_dist = 99999999
     for pad in pads:
         if pad.is_active:
             dist = norm(my_pos - pad.pos)
             if dist < shortest_dist:
                 self.closest_pad = pad
                 shortest_dist = dist
예제 #17
    def find_landing_orientation(car: Car) -> Mat33:

        # FIXME: If we knew the arena's mesh we could test if we are landing or a wall or something

        forward = normalize(xy(
            car.vel)) if norm(xy(car.vel)) > 20 else car.forward
        up = Vec3(z=1)
        left = cross(up, forward)

        return Mat33.from_columns(forward, left, up)
예제 #18
파일: carry.py 프로젝트: robbai/RLBotPack
    def exec(self, bot) -> SimpleControllerState:
        self.is_dribbling = True

        car = bot.info.my_car
        ball = bot.info.ball
        ball_landing = predict.next_ball_landing(bot)
        ball_to_goal = bot.info.enemy_goal - ball.pos

        # Decide on target pos and speed
        target = ball_landing.data["obj"].pos - self.offset_bias * normalize(
        dist = norm(target - bot.info.my_car.pos)
        speed = 1400 if ball_landing.time == 0 else dist / ball_landing.time

        # Do a flick?
        car_to_ball = ball.pos - car.pos
        dist = norm(car_to_ball)
        if dist <= self.required_distance_to_ball_for_flick:
            self.flick_timer += 0.016666
            if self.flick_timer > self.wait_before_flick:
                bot.maneuver = DodgeManeuver(
                    bot, bot.info.enemy_goal)  # use flick_init_jump_duration?
            self.flick_timer = 0

            # dodge on far distances
            if dist > 2450 and speed > 1410:
                ctt_n = normalize(target - car.pos)
                vtt = dot(bot.info.my_car.vel, ctt_n) / dot(ctt_n, ctt_n)
                if vtt > 750:
                    bot.maneuver = DodgeManeuver(bot, target)

        if bot.do_rendering:
            bot.renderer.draw_line_3d(car.pos, target, bot.renderer.pink())

        return bot.drive.go_towards_point(bot,
예제 #19
    def utility(self, bot) -> float:
        team_sign = bot.info.team_sign
        ball = bot.info.ball

        ball_to_goal = bot.info.own_goal - ball.pos
        too_close = norm(ball_to_goal) < Field.GOAL_WIDTH / 2 + Ball.RADIUS

        hits_goal_prediction = predict.will_ball_hit_goal(bot)
        hits_goal = hits_goal_prediction.happens and sign(
            ball.vel.y) == team_sign and hits_goal_prediction.time < 3

        return hits_goal or too_close
예제 #20
    def exec(self, bot) -> SimpleControllerState:
        car = bot.info.my_car

        # End maneuver when almost there
        car_to_pad = self.closest_pad.pos - car.pos
        vel = proj_onto_size(car.vel, car_to_pad)
        dist = norm(car_to_pad)
        if dist < 50 + vel * 0.2 or car.boost > 50:
            self.done = True

        bot.renderer.draw_line_3d(car.pos, self.closest_pad.pos, bot.renderer.yellow())
        return bot.drive.go_towards_point(bot, self.closest_pad.pos, target_vel=2200, slide=True, boost_min=0)
예제 #21
    def run(self, bot) -> SimpleControllerState:

        car = bot.info.my_car
        ball = bot.info.ball
        half_way = lerp(bot.info.own_goal.pos, ball.pos, 0.5)
        dist_ball = norm(car.pos - ball.pos)

        return bot.drive.towards_point(
            target_vel=dist_ball * 0.3,
            slide=dist_ball > 1500,
예제 #22
    def exec(self, bot) -> SimpleControllerState:

        car = bot.data.my_car
        target_goal = Vec3(y=-5600 * bot.data.team_sign)
        vel_prj_to_goal = proj_onto_size(car.vel, target_goal - car.pos)

        enemy, enemy_dist = bot.data.closest_enemy(bot.data.ball.pos)

        if car.on_ground and enemy_dist < 1100 and vel_prj_to_goal > 1230 and norm(
                target_goal - car.pos) > 1500:
            bot.maneuver = DodgeShotManeuver(bot)

        # Default to just going straight
        return self.go_towards_goal.exec(bot)
예제 #23
파일: carry.py 프로젝트: azeemba/RLBotPack
    def run(self, bot) -> SimpleControllerState:
        self.is_dribbling = True

        car = bot.info.my_car
        ball = bot.info.ball
        ball_landing = predict.next_ball_landing(bot)
        ball_to_goal = bot.info.opp_goal.pos - ball.pos

        # Decide on target pos and speed
        target = ball_landing.data["obj"].pos - self.offset_bias * normalize(
        dist = norm(target - bot.info.my_car.pos)
        speed = 1400 if ball_landing.time == 0 else dist / ball_landing.time

        # Do a flick?
        car_to_ball = ball.pos - car.pos
        dist = norm(car_to_ball)
        enemy, enemy_dist = bot.info.closest_enemy(ball.pos)
        if dist <= self.required_distance_to_ball_for_flick:
            self.flick_timer += bot.info.dt
            if self.flick_timer > self.wait_before_flick and enemy_dist < 900:
                bot.maneuver = DodgeManeuver(
                    bot.info.opp_goal.pos)  # use flick_init_jump_duration?
            self.flick_timer = 0

        if bot.do_rendering:
            bot.renderer.draw_line_3d(car.pos, target, bot.renderer.pink())

        return bot.drive.towards_point(bot,
예제 #24
    def exec(self, bot) -> SimpleControllerState:
        car = bot.info.my_car

        car_to_pad = self.boost_pad_pos - car.pos
        vel = proj_onto_size(car.vel, car_to_pad)
        dist = norm(car_to_pad)
        if dist < vel * 0.3:
            self.done = True

        # Drive towards the pad
        return bot.drive.towards_point(bot,
예제 #25
    def exec(self, bot) -> SimpleControllerState:
        car = bot.info.my_car

        self.done = norm(
        ) < 1100  # End when getting close to ball (approx at boost pad)

        curve_point = curve_from_arrival_dir(car.pos, self.target_loc,
        return bot.drive.towards_point(bot,
예제 #26
def draw_debug(renderer, car, ball, bot):
    # draw a line from the car to the ball
    # renderer.draw_line_3d(car.physics.location, ball.physics.location, renderer.white())
    # print the action that the bot is taking
    # renderer.draw_string_3d(car.physics.location, 2, 2, action_display, renderer.white())
    corner_debug = "Car velocity: {}\n".format(norm(car.vel))
    corner_debug += "Car pos x: {}\n".format(round(car.pos.x))
    corner_debug += "Car pos y: {}\n".format(round(car.pos.y))
    corner_debug += "Car boost: {}\n".format(car.boost)
    corner_debug += "Maneuver: {}\n".format(type(bot.maneuver))

    corner_display_y = 900 - (corner_debug.count('\n') * 20)
    renderer.draw_string_2d(10, corner_display_y, 1, 1, corner_debug,
예제 #27
파일: info.py 프로젝트: azeemba/RLBotPack
    def get_boost_pad_convenience_score(self, pad):
        if not pad.is_active:
            return 0

        car_to_pad = pad.pos - self.my_car.pos
        angle = angle_between(self.my_car.forward, car_to_pad)

        # Pads behind the car is bad
        if abs(angle) > 1.3:
            return 0

        dist = norm(car_to_pad)

        dist_score = 1 - clip((abs(dist) / 2500)**2, 0, 1)
        angle_score = 1 - clip((abs(angle) / 3), 0, 1)

        return dist_score * angle_score * (0.8, 1)[pad.is_big]
예제 #28
    def __init__(self, bot, pads: List[BoostPad]=None, target_vel: int=2200):

        self.target_vel = target_vel

        self.closest_pad = None

        if pads is None:
            pads = bot.info.big_boost_pads

        # Find closest boost pad
        my_pos = bot.info.my_car.pos
        shortest_dist = 99999999
        for pad in pads:
            dist = norm(my_pos - pad.pos)
            if dist < shortest_dist:
                self.closest_pad = pad
                shortest_dist = dist
예제 #29
    def go_for_ball(self, bot) -> SimpleControllerState:
        car = bot.data.my_car
        ball = bot.data.ball
        land_event = next_ball_landing(bot)

        if land_event.happens:
            ball_at_landing = land_event.data["obj"]

            dist = norm(car.pos - ball_at_landing.pos)

            self.target = ball_at_landing.pos
            self.target_vel = dist / land_event.time

            self.target = ball.pos
            self.target_vel = 1400

        return super().exec(bot)
예제 #30
    def utility_score(self, bot) -> float:
        team_sign = bot.info.team_sign
        ball = bot.info.ball

        ball_to_goal = bot.info.own_goal.pos - ball.pos
        too_close = norm(ball_to_goal) < Goal.WIDTH2 + Ball.RADIUS

        hits_goal_prediction = predict.will_ball_hit_goal(bot)
        hits_goal = hits_goal_prediction.happens and sign(
            ball.vel.y) == team_sign and hits_goal_prediction.time < 3

        obj_bonus = {
            Objective.UNKNOWN: 0,
            Objective.GO_FOR_IT: 0.2,
            Objective.FOLLOW_UP: 0,
            Objective.ROTATE_BACK_OR_DEF: 0.1,

        return float(hits_goal or too_close) + obj_bonus