def train(data_dir, arch, hidden_units, output_size, dropout, lr, epochs, gpu, checkpoint): print( 'Dir: {},\t Arch:{},\t HiddenUints: {},\t lr: {},\t Epochs: {},\t gpu: {}\n' .format(data_dir, arch, hidden_units, lr, epochs, gpu)) print('Loading Images from Directory...') trainloader, validloader, testloader, class_to_idx = get_loaders(data_dir) print('Images Loaded.\n') print('Building the Model...') model, criterion, optimizer = build_model(arch, hidden_units, output_size, dropout, lr) print('Model Built.\n') print('Beggining the Training...') model, optimizer = training(model, trainloader, validloader, epochs, 20, criterion, optimizer, gpu) print('Training Done.\n') if checkpoint: print('Saving the Checkpoint...') save_checkpoint(checkpoint, model, optimizer, arch, model.classifier[0].in_features, output_size, hidden_units, dropout, class_to_idx, epochs, lr) print('Done.')
def train(self): """ Train MemN2N model using training data for tasks. """ np.random.seed(42) # for reproducing assert self.data_dir is not None, "data_dir is not specified." print("Reading data from %s ..." % self.data_dir) # Parse training data train_data_path = glob.glob('%s/qa*_*_train.txt' % self.data_dir) dictionary = {"nil": 0} train_story, train_questions, train_qstory = parse_babi_task(train_data_path, dictionary, False) # Parse test data just to expand the dictionary so that it covers all words in the test data too test_data_path = glob.glob('%s/qa*_*_test.txt' % self.data_dir) parse_babi_task(test_data_path, dictionary, False) # Get reversed dictionary mapping index to word self.reversed_dict = dict((ix, w) for w, ix in dictionary.items()) # Construct model self.general_config = BabiConfigJoint(train_story, train_questions, dictionary) self.memory, self.model, self.loss = build_model(self.general_config) # Train model if self.general_config.linear_start: train_linear_start(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, self.memory, self.model, self.loss, self.general_config) else: train(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, self.memory, self.model, self.loss, self.general_config) # Save model self.save_model()
def run_task(data_dir, task_id): """ Train and test for each task """ print("Train and test for task %d ..." % task_id) # Parse data train_files = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_train.txt' % (data_dir, task_id)) test_files = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_test.txt' % (data_dir, task_id)) dictionary = {"nil": 0} train_story, train_questions, train_qstory = parse_babi_task( train_files, dictionary, False) test_story, test_questions, test_qstory = parse_babi_task( test_files, dictionary, False) general_config = BabiConfig(train_story, train_questions, dictionary) memory, model, loss = build_model(general_config) if general_config.linear_start: train_linear_start(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config) else: train(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config) test(test_story, test_questions, test_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config)
def main(training_from_scratch, args): if (training_from_scratch): text = open(args.filename, 'rb').read().decode(encoding='utf-8') text, char2idx, idx2char = preprocessing( text, args.checkpoint_dir, args.minocc) # note that we are replacing the text here vocab_size = len(idx2char) config = Config(vocab_size, args.epochs) model = build_model(config) else: model = tf.keras.models.load_model(args.checkpoint) char2idx = unpickle(args.checkpoint_dir, 'char2idx') idx2char = unpickle(args.checkpoint_dir, 'idx2char') text = unpickle(args.checkpoint_dir, 'dataset') vocab_size = len(idx2char) config = Config(vocab_size, args.epochs, args.initepochs) text_as_int = np.array([char2idx[c] for c in text ]) # works because text is a list of words train_model(args.checkpoint_dir, text_as_int, model, config)
def train(max_eps=6000): env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') eval_env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') state_space_size = env.observation_space.shape[0] action_space_size = env.action_space.n print('action space size is {0}, state space size is {1}'.format( action_space_size, state_space_size)) model = build_model(state_space_size, action_space_size) model.summary() gamma = 0.9 optimizer = tf.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.001) best_score = 0.0 for eps in range(max_eps): done = False state = env.reset() rewards = [] action_probs = [] actions = [] with tf.GradientTape() as tape: while not done: state_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor([state], dtype=tf.float32) action_prob = model(state_tensor) action = sample_action(action_prob, action_space_size) next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) rewards.append(reward) action_probs.append(action_prob[0]) actions.append(action) state = next_state discounted_rewards = compute_discounted_rewards(rewards, gamma) normalized_discounted_rewards = tf.convert_to_tensor( normalize_discounted_rewards(discounted_rewards), dtype=tf.float32) probs = tf.stack(action_probs) clipped_probs = tf.clip_by_value(probs, 1e-8, 1.0 - 1e-8) onehot_actions = tf.one_hot(actions, action_space_size, dtype=tf.float32) log_likelihood = tf.multiply(onehot_actions, tf.math.log(clipped_probs)) loss = tf.math.reduce_sum( tf.multiply( -log_likelihood, tf.expand_dims(normalized_discounted_rewards, axis=1))) policy_gradients = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_weights) optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(policy_gradients, model.trainable_weights)) score = eval(model, eval_env, 10, action_space_size) if score >= best_score: best_score = score, './best_model') print('Finished episode {0}/{1} with score {2}'.format( eps, max_eps, score)) env.close() eval_env.close()
def run_joint_tasks(data_dir): """ Train and test for all tasks but the trained model is built using training data from all tasks. """ print("Jointly train and test for all tasks ...") tasks = range(20) # Parse training data train_data_path = [] for t in tasks: train_data_path += glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_train.txt' % (data_dir, t + 1)) dictionary = {"nil": 0} train_story, train_questions, train_qstory = parse_babi_task( train_data_path, dictionary, False) # Parse test data for each task so that the dictionary covers all words before training for t in tasks: test_data_path = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_test.txt' % (data_dir, t + 1)) parse_babi_task(test_data_path, dictionary, False) # ignore output for now general_config = BabiConfigJoint(train_story, train_questions, dictionary) memory, model, loss = build_model(general_config) if general_config.linear_start: train_linear_start(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config) else: train(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config) # Test on each task for t in tasks: print("Testing for task %d ..." % (t + 1)) test_data_path = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_test.txt' % (data_dir, t + 1)) dc = len(dictionary) test_story, test_questions, test_qstory = parse_babi_task( test_data_path, dictionary, False) assert dc == len( dictionary ) # make sure that the dictionary already covers all words test(test_story, test_questions, test_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config)
def main(training_from_scratch, args): ### opening the file ### text = open(args.filename, 'rb').read().decode(encoding='utf-8') vocab_size = len(set(text)) config = Config(vocab_size, args.epochs, args.initepochs) ### looking at shit ### print('Length of text: {} characters'.format(len(text))) print(text[:250]) ### creating vocab, converting text to long integer sequence ### char2idx, idx2char = create_vocab_from_file(text, args.checkpoint_dir) text_as_int = np.array([char2idx[c] for c in text]) if (training_from_scratch): model = build_model(config) else: model = tf.keras.models.load_model(args.checkpoint) train_model(args.checkpoint_dir, text_as_int, model, config)
def run_joint_tasks(data_dir): """ Train and test for all tasks but the trained model is built using training data from all tasks. """ print("Jointly train and test for all tasks ...") tasks = range(20) # Parse training data train_data_path = [] for t in tasks: train_data_path += glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_train.txt' % (data_dir, t + 1)) dictionary = {"nil": 0} train_story, train_questions, train_qstory = parse_babi_task(train_data_path, dictionary, False) # Parse test data for each task so that the dictionary covers all words before training for t in tasks: test_data_path = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_test.txt' % (data_dir, t + 1)) parse_babi_task(test_data_path, dictionary, False) # ignore output for now general_config = BabiConfigJoint(train_story, train_questions, dictionary) memory, model, loss = build_model(general_config) if general_config.linear_start: train_linear_start(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config) else: train(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config) # Test on each task for t in tasks: print("Testing for task %d ..." % (t + 1)) test_data_path = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_test.txt' % (data_dir, t + 1)) dc = len(dictionary) test_story, test_questions, test_qstory = parse_babi_task(test_data_path, dictionary, False) assert dc == len(dictionary) # make sure that the dictionary already covers all words test(test_story, test_questions, test_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config)
def run_tableQA(data_path, model_file): """ Train and test for table QA """ # Parse data train_files = glob.glob(data_path.format('train')) test_files = glob.glob(data_path.format('test')) # SV: init dict with pre-trained vectors, e.g. from fastText # dictionary = fasttext.load_model(EMBEDDINGS_MODEL_PATH) dictionary = {"nil": 0} train_story, train_questions, train_qstory = parse_babi_task( train_files, dictionary, False) test_story, test_questions, test_qstory = parse_babi_task( test_files, dictionary, False) # print test_questions print 'Dictionary:', len(dictionary) general_config = BabiConfig(train_story, train_questions, dictionary) memory, model, loss = build_model(general_config) if general_config.linear_start: train_linear_start(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config) else: train(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config) test(test_story, test_questions, test_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config) # save_model with, "wb") as f: print("Saving model to file %s ..." % model_file) reversed_dict = dict((ix, w) for w, ix in dictionary.items()) pickle.dump((reversed_dict, memory, model, loss, general_config), f)
def run_task(data_dir, task_id): """ Train and test for each task """ print("Train and test for task %d ..." % task_id) # Parse data train_files = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_train.txt' % (data_dir, task_id)) test_files = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_test.txt' % (data_dir, task_id)) dictionary = {"nil": 0} train_story, train_questions, train_qstory = parse_babi_task(train_files, dictionary, False) test_story, test_questions, test_qstory = parse_babi_task(test_files, dictionary, False) general_config = BabiConfig(train_story, train_questions, dictionary) memory, model, loss = build_model(general_config) if general_config.linear_start: train_linear_start(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config) else: train(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config) test(test_story, test_questions, test_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config)
n_mb = None rpn_rois_per_img = 256 # number of rois to sample to train rpn frcn_rois_per_img = 128 # number of rois to sample to train frcn # setup backend be = gen_backend(**extract_valid_args(args, gen_backend)) be.enable_winograd = 4 # default to winograd 4 for fast autotune year = '2007' train_set = PASCAL('trainval', year, path=args.data_dir, n_mb=n_mb, rpn_rois_per_img=rpn_rois_per_img, frcn_rois_per_img=frcn_rois_per_img, add_flipped=True, shuffle=True, rebuild_cache=True, subset_pct=args.subset_pct) # build the Faster-RCNN model model = util.build_model(train_set, frcn_rois_per_img, inference=False) # set up cost different branches, respectively weights = 1.0 / (rpn_rois_per_img) roi_w = 1.0 / (frcn_rois_per_img) frcn_tree_cost = Multicost(costs=[GeneralizedCostMask(costfunc=CrossEntropyMulti(), weights=roi_w), GeneralizedCostMask(costfunc=SmoothL1Loss(), weights=roi_w) ], weights=[1, 1]) cost = Multicost(costs=[GeneralizedCostMask(costfunc=CrossEntropyMulti(), weights=weights), GeneralizedCostMask(costfunc=SmoothL1Loss(sigma=3.0), weights=weights), frcn_tree_cost, ], weights=[1, 1, 1])
def modeling(self): self.embedding() model = build_model(len(self.word2int), 300, self.embeddingMatrix, self.wordLimit) model.load_weights("./Microsoft_model.h5") return model
def _load_model(self, file_path): = build_model(self.network_config, num_classes=10) with open(file_path, "rb") as f_:
def train_and_test(self, seed=None): """ Train MemN2N model using training data for tasks. """ if seed is None: np.random.seed(42) # for reproducing else: np.random.seed(seed) train_data_arg = None test_data_arg = None if type(self.data_dir) is tuple: assert self.data_dir[ 0] is not None, "training data_dir is not specified." assert self.data_dir[ 1] is not None, "test data_dir is not specified." print("Reading training data from %s ..." % self.data_dir[0]) print("Reading test data from %s ..." % self.data_dir[1]) train_data_arg = '%s/qa*_train.txt' % self.data_dir[0] test_data_arg = '%s/qa*_valid.txt' % self.data_dir[1] else: assert self.data_dir is not None, "data_dir is not specified." print("Reading data from %s ..." % self.data_dir) train_data_arg = '%s/qa*_*_train.txt' % self.data_dir test_data_arg = '%s/qa*_*_test.txt' % self.data_dir assert train_data_arg is not None and test_data_arg is not None # Parse training data train_data_path = glob.glob(train_data_arg) dictionary = {"nil": 0} train_story, train_questions, train_qstory = parse_babi_task( train_data_path, dictionary, False) # Parse test data just to expand the dictionary so that it covers all words in the test data too test_data_path = glob.glob(test_data_arg) test_story, test_questions, test_qstory = parse_babi_task( test_data_path, dictionary, False) # Get reversed dictionary mapping index to word self.reversed_dict = dict((ix, w) for w, ix in dictionary.items()) # Construct model self.general_config = BabiConfigJoint(train_story, train_questions, dictionary) #check for config switches format [initial learning rate, linear start option, hops] if self.config_switches is not None: self.general_config.train_config[ "init_lrate"] = self.config_switches[0] #linear start option is passed to babi config constructor function so no need to set here # want equal of number of epochs for linear start and non linear start runs if self.general_config.linear_start is True: self.general_config.nepochs = 40 self.general_config.ls_nepochs = 20 else: self.general_config.nepochs = 60 self.general_config.nhops = self.config_switches[2] self.memory, self.model, self.loss = build_model(self.general_config) # Train model train_val_results = [] if self.general_config.linear_start: train_val_results += train_linear_start(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, self.memory, self.model, self.loss, self.general_config) else: train_val_results += train(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, self.memory, self.model, self.loss, self.general_config) test_error = test(test_story, test_questions, test_qstory, self.memory, self.model, self.loss, self.general_config) model_test_accuracy = (1.0 - test_error) * 100.0 train_val_file = self.model_file + 'train_val_accuracy.csv' with open(train_val_file, 'w') as f: f.write('epoch, TrainAccuracy, ValAccuracy\n') epoch = 1 for item in train_val_results: line = '{}, {:.3f}, {:.3f}\n'.format(epoch, item[0], item[1]) f.write(line) epoch += 1 self.model_file += '_TestAcc{:.1f}percent_.pickle'.format( model_test_accuracy) # Save model self.save_model()
year = '2007' train_set = PASCAL('trainval', year, path=args.data_dir, n_mb=n_mb, rpn_rois_per_img=rpn_rois_per_img, frcn_rois_per_img=frcn_rois_per_img, add_flipped=True, shuffle=True, rebuild_cache=True, subset_pct=args.subset_pct) # build the Faster-RCNN model model = util.build_model(train_set, frcn_rois_per_img, inference=False) # set up cost different branches, respectively weights = 1.0 / (rpn_rois_per_img) roi_w = 1.0 / (frcn_rois_per_img) frcn_tree_cost = Multicost(costs=[ GeneralizedCostMask(costfunc=CrossEntropyMulti(), weights=roi_w), GeneralizedCostMask(costfunc=SmoothL1Loss(), weights=roi_w) ], weights=[1, 1]) cost = Multicost(costs=[ GeneralizedCostMask(costfunc=CrossEntropyMulti(), weights=weights), GeneralizedCostMask(costfunc=SmoothL1Loss(sigma=3.0), weights=weights), frcn_tree_cost,
def run_task(data_dir, task_id): """ Train and test for each task """ print("Train and test for task %d ..." % task_id) # Parse data train_files = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_train.txt' % (data_dir, task_id)) test_files = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_test.txt' % (data_dir, task_id)) #train_files = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*train.txt' % (data_dir, task_id)) #test_files = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*test.txt' % (data_dir, task_id)) # #### empty dictionary dictionary = {"nil": 0} train_story, train_questions, train_qstory = parse_babi_task(train_files, dictionary, False) test_story, test_questions, test_qstory = parse_babi_task(test_files, dictionary, False) general_config = BabiConfig(train_story, train_questions, dictionary) memory, model, loss = build_model(general_config) if general_config.linear_start: train_linear_start(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config) else: train(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config) with open('R_trained.txt', 'a') as outfile: json.dump(general_config.dictionary, outfile, indent=2) print("######## trained dictionary") print(general_config.dictionary) ans_index = test(test_story, test_questions, test_qstory, memory, model, loss, general_config) ####R this line load model memn2n = MemN2N(args.data_dir, args.model_file) #Try to load model memn2n.load_model() dictionary2 = {"nil": 0} train_story2, train_questions2, train_qstory2 = parse_babi_task(train_files, memn2n.general_config.dictionary, False) test_story2, test_questions2, test_qstory2 = parse_babi_task(test_files, memn2n.general_config.dictionary, False) #print(len(test_questions2)) #general_config2 = BabiConfig(train_story2, train_questions2,memn2n.general_config.dictionary) with open('R_loaded.txt', 'a') as outfile2: json.dump(memn2n.general_config.dictionary, outfile2, indent=2) print("???????? loaded dictionary") print(memn2n.general_config.dictionary) ans_index = test(test_story2, test_questions2, test_qstory2, memn2n.memory, memn2n.model, memn2n.loss, memn2n.general_config)
def train(self): """ Train MemN2N model using training data for tasks. """ #np.random.seed(42) # for reproducing np.random.seed(self.rnd_seed) # for reproducing print("np.random.seed: %d" % self.rnd_seed) assert self.data_dir is not None, "data_dir is not specified." print("Reading data from %s ..." % self.data_dir) # Parse training data train_data_path = glob.glob('%s/qa*_*_train.txt' % self.data_dir) dictionary = {"nil": 0} train_story, train_questions, train_qstory = parse_babi_task(train_data_path, dictionary, False) # Parse test data just to expand the dictionary so that it covers all words in the test data too test_data_path = glob.glob('%s/qa*_*_test.txt' % self.data_dir) parse_babi_task(test_data_path, dictionary, False) # Get reversed dictionary mapping index to word self.reversed_dict = dict((ix, w) for w, ix in dictionary.items()) # Construct model #self.general_config = Babi10kConfigJoint(train_story, train_questions, dictionary) self.general_config = BabiConfigJoint(train_story, train_questions, dictionary) self.memory, self.model, self.loss = build_model(self.general_config) # Train model if self.general_config.linear_start: print('We will use LS training') self.best_model, self.best_memory = \ train_linear_start(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, self.memory, self.model, self.loss, self.general_config, self.log_path) else: train_logger = open(os.path.join(self.log_path, 'train.log'), 'w') train_logger.write('epoch batch_iter lr loss err\n') train_logger.flush() val_logger = open(os.path.join(self.log_path, 'val.log'), 'w') val_logger.write('epoch batch_iter lr loss err\n') val_logger.flush() global_batch_iter = 0 train_logger, val_logger, self.best_model, self.best_memory, _ = \ train(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, self.memory, self.model, self.loss, self.general_config, train_logger, val_logger, global_batch_iter) train_logger.close() val_logger.close() # Save model self.save_model()
def train(self): """ Train MemN2N model using training data for tasks. """ #np.random.seed(42) # for reproducing np.random.seed(self.rnd_seed) # for reproducing print("np.random.seed: %d" % self.rnd_seed) assert self.data_dir is not None, "data_dir is not specified." print("Reading data from %s ..." % self.data_dir) # Parse training data train_data_path = glob.glob('%s/qa*_*_train.txt' % self.data_dir) dictionary = {"nil": 0} train_story, train_questions, train_qstory = parse_babi_task( train_data_path, dictionary, False) # Parse test data just to expand the dictionary so that it covers all words in the test data too test_data_path = glob.glob('%s/qa*_*_test.txt' % self.data_dir) parse_babi_task(test_data_path, dictionary, False) # Get reversed dictionary mapping index to word self.reversed_dict = dict((ix, w) for w, ix in dictionary.items()) # Construct model #self.general_config = Babi10kConfigJoint(train_story, train_questions, dictionary) self.general_config = BabiConfigJoint(train_story, train_questions, dictionary) self.memory, self.model, self.loss = build_model(self.general_config) # Train model if self.general_config.linear_start: print('We will use LS training') self.best_model, self.best_memory = \ train_linear_start(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, self.memory, self.model, self.loss, self.general_config, self.log_path) else: train_logger = open(os.path.join(self.log_path, 'train.log'), 'w') train_logger.write('epoch batch_iter lr loss err\n') train_logger.flush() val_logger = open(os.path.join(self.log_path, 'val.log'), 'w') val_logger.write('epoch batch_iter lr loss err\n') val_logger.flush() global_batch_iter = 0 train_logger, val_logger, self.best_model, self.best_memory, _ = \ train(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, self.memory, self.model, self.loss, self.general_config, train_logger, val_logger, global_batch_iter) train_logger.close() val_logger.close() # Save model self.save_model()
def run_task(data_dir, task_id, model_file, log_path): """ Train and test for each task """ print("Train and test for task %d ..." % task_id) train_files = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_train.txt' % (data_dir, task_id)) test_files = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_test.txt' % (data_dir, task_id)) dictionary = {"nil": 0} train_story, train_questions, train_qstory = \ parse_babi_task(train_files, dictionary, False) test_story, test_questions, test_qstory = \ parse_babi_task(test_files, dictionary, False) # Get reversed dictionary mapping index to word # NOTE: this needed to real-time testing reversed_dict = dict((ix, w) for w, ix in dictionary.items()) general_config = BabiConfig(train_story, train_questions, dictionary) memory, model, loss_func = build_model(general_config) if general_config.linear_start: print('We will use LS training') best_model, best_memory = \ train_linear_start(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss_func, general_config, self.log_path) else: train_logger = open(os.path.join(self.log_path, 'train.log'), 'w') train_logger.write('epoch batch_iter lr loss err\n') train_logger.flush() val_logger = open(os.path.join(self.log_path, 'val.log'), 'w') val_logger.write('epoch batch_iter lr loss err\n') val_logger.flush() global_batch_iter = 0 train_logger, val_logger, _, _, _ = \ train(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss_func, general_config, train_logger, val_logger, global_batch_iter) train_logger.close() val_logger.close() model_file = os.path.join(log_path, model_file) with, 'wb') as f: print('Saving model to file %s ...' % model_file) pickle.dump((reversed_dict, memory, model, loss_func, general_config), f) print('Start to testing') test(test_story, test_questions, test_qstory, memory, model, loss_func, general_config)
year = '2007' valid_set = PASCAL(image_set, year, path=args.data_dir, n_mb=n_mb, rpn_rois_per_img=rpn_rois_per_img, frcn_rois_per_img=frcn_rois_per_img, add_flipped=False, shuffle=False, rebuild_cache=True) num_classes = valid_set.num_classes # build the Faster-RCNN network (model, proposalLayer) = util.build_model(valid_set, frcn_rois_per_img, inference=True) # load parameters and initialize model model.load_params(args.model_file) model.initialize(dataset=valid_set) # normalize the model by the bbtarget mean and std if needed # if a full training run was completed using, then normalization # was already performed prior to saving the model. if args.normalize: model = util.scale_bbreg_weights(model, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2], num_classes) # run inference # model.benchmark(valid_set, inference=True)
rpn_rois_per_img = 256 frcn_rois_per_img = 128 # setup backend be = gen_backend(**extract_valid_args(args, gen_backend)) image_set = 'test' year = '2007' valid_set = PASCAL(image_set, year, path=args.data_dir, n_mb=n_mb, rpn_rois_per_img=rpn_rois_per_img, frcn_rois_per_img=frcn_rois_per_img, add_flipped=False, shuffle=False, rebuild_cache=True) num_classes = valid_set.num_classes # build the Faster-RCNN network (model, proposalLayer) = util.build_model(valid_set, frcn_rois_per_img, inference=True) # load parameters and initialize model model.load_params(args.model_file) model.initialize(dataset=valid_set) # normalize the model by the bbtarget mean and std if needed # if a full training run was completed using, then normalization # was already performed prior to saving the model. if args.normalize: model = util.scale_bbreg_weights(model, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2], num_classes) # run inference # model.benchmark(valid_set, inference=True)
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(newHeadlinesData, normalizedOpeningprice, test_size=0.2, random_state=3) # converting into array x_train = np.array(x_train) x_test = np.array(x_test) y_train = np.array(y_train) y_test = np.array(y_test) print() print("Train data shape : ", x_train.shape) print("Test data shape : ", x_test.shape) trainedModel = build_model(wordsCount, embeddingDimension, embeddingMatrix, wordLimit) trainedModel.summary() save_best_weights = 'model.h5' callbacks = [ModelCheckpoint(save_best_weights, monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True), EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=5, verbose=1, mode='auto')] history =[x_train, x_train], y_train, batch_size=128, epochs=100, validation_split=0.15, verbose=True, shuffle=True, callbacks=callbacks) # evaluation trainedModel.load_weights("./model.h5") predictions = list(chain.from_iterable(trainedModel.predict([x_test, x_test], verbose=True))) error = mse(y_test, predictions) print() print("Mean Square Error : ", error)
def run_joint_tasks(data_dir, model_file, log_path): """ Train and test for all tasks but the trained model is built using training data from all tasks. """ print("Jointly train and test for all tasks ...") tasks = range(20) # Parse training data train_data_path = [] for t in tasks: train_data_path += glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_train.txt' % (data_dir, t + 1)) dictionary = {"nil": 0} train_story, train_questions, train_qstory = \ parse_babi_task(train_data_path, dictionary, False) # Parse test data for each task so that the dictionary covers all words before training for t in tasks: test_data_path = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_test.txt' % (data_dir, t + 1)) parse_babi_task(test_data_path, dictionary, False) # ignore output for now # Get reversed dictionary mapping index to word # NOTE: this needed to real-time testing reversed_dict = dict((ix, w) for w, ix in dictionary.items()) general_config = BabiConfigJoint(train_story, train_questions, dictionary) memory, model, loss_func = build_model(general_config) if general_config.linear_start: print('We will use LS training') train_linear_start(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss_func, general_config, log_path) else: train_logger = open(os.path.join(log_file, 'train.log'), 'w') train_logger.write('epoch batch_iter lr loss err\n') train_logger.flush() val_logger = open(os.path.join(log_file, 'val.log'), 'w') val_logger.write('epoch batch_iter lr loss err\n') val_logger.flush() train_logger, val_logger, best_model, best_memory = \ train(train_story, train_questions, train_qstory, memory, model, loss_func, general_config, train_logger, val_logger) train_logger.close() val_logger.close() model_file = os.path.join(log_path, model_file) with, 'wb') as f: print('Saving model to file %s ...' % model_file) pickle.dump((reversed_dict, memory, model, loss_func, general_config), f) # Test on each task print('Start to testing') for t in tasks: print("Testing for task %d ..." % (t + 1)) test_data_path = glob.glob('%s/qa%d_*_test.txt' % (data_dir, t + 1)) dc = len(dictionary) test_story, test_questions, test_qstory = \ parse_babi_task(test_data_path, dictionary, False) assert dc == len( dictionary ) # make sure that the dictionary already covers all words test(test_story, test_questions, test_qstory, memory, model, loss_func, general_config)
import commons import test import train import grl_util ######################################### SETUP ######################################### args = parser.parse_arguments() start_time = args.output_folder = f"runs/{args.exp_name}/{start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')}" commons.setup_logging(args.output_folder) commons.make_deterministic(args.seed)"Arguments: {args}")"The outputs are being saved in {args.output_folder}") ######################################### MODEL ######################################### model = util.build_model(args) ######################################### OPTIMIZER & LOSSES ######################################### optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), criterion_netvlad = nn.TripletMarginLoss(margin=args.margin**0.5, p=2, reduction="sum") ######################################### RESUME ######################################### if args.resume: model, optimizer, best_score, start_epoch = util.resume_train( args, model, optimizer) else: start_epoch = 0 ######################################### DATASETS #########################################
filename = 'shakespeare' epochs = 20 batch_size = 64 seq_length = 100 rnn_units = 128 # 1024 embedding_dim = None # 256 dataset, idx_to_char, char_to_idx, vocab = preprocess(filename, batch_size, seq_length) vocab_size = len(vocab) checkpoint_dir = './training_checkpoints/' + filename checkpoint_prefix = checkpoint_dir + '/ckpt' ### Train model (comment out if only generating) model = build_model(vocab_size, embedding_dim, rnn_units, batch_size) # model.load_weights(tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir)) # use this to continue training where it left off history = train_model(model, dataset, epochs=epochs, checkpoint_prefix=checkpoint_prefix) ### Generate sample (comment out if only training) #model = build_model(vocab_size, embedding_dim, rnn_units, batch_size=1) #model.load_weights(tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir))[1, None])) #print(generate_text(model,char_to_idx,idx_to_char, # start_string=u"Romeo:\n"))