def init_lock_user_info(self, user):'init lock user info: [{0}].'.format(user)) if not self.config.get('auto_order_use_proxy', True): # 自助下单,默认使用代理IP host, port = None, 8888 auto_order.init_user_info(user, host, port) elif len(self.ip_pool) != 0: ip_info = random.choice(self.ip_pool) host, port = self.get_proxy(ip_info) auto_order.init_user_info(user, host, port) def execute(self): # auto_order.load_goods_lock_info() self.load_goods_user_info() # 从excel读取用户信息和产品订阅信息 self.load_user_status() # 读取过去存储的用户字典 proxy_num = self.config.get('ip_pool_num', 1) self.update_proxies(proxy_num) self.activate_workers() # 激活workers,开始监控 self.start_to_monitor() pass if __name__ == '__main__': util.config_logger('auto_order_reminder') import config reminder = AutoOrderReminder(config.AUTO_ORDER_REMINDER_CONFIG) reminder.execute() # reminder.send_alert_mail('测试程序2') pass
from __future__ import print_function import os, sys, re, MySQLdb, json, time, argparse dirNm, execName = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) sys.path.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(dirNm, "../libexec"))) sys.path.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(dirNm, "../site"))) from XALTdb import XALTdb from SitePkg import translate from util import files_in_tree, capture, config_logger from progressBar import ProgressBar import warnings, getent warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Unknown table.*") ConfigBaseNm = "xalt_db" ConfigFn = ConfigBaseNm + ".conf" logger = config_logger() class CmdLineOptions(object): def __init__(self): pass def execute(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--delete", dest='delete', action="store_true", help="delete files after reading") parser.add_argument("--timer", dest='timer', action="store_true", help="Time runtime") parser.add_argument("--reverseMapD", dest='rmapD', action="store", help="Path to the directory containing the json reverseMap") args = parser.parse_args() return args def remove_files(fileA):
check_script_base = "iptables-liveupdate" # -------------------------- MAIN PROGRAM -------------------------- # if __name__ == "__main__": cmd_arguments = parse_std_arguments(""" On a list of remote hosts, check differences between 'stored' and 'in-kernel' IPtables IPv4 and IPv6 configurations. For this to work, for each host, the username used must have SCP write-access to its home directory (without SUDO), and SUDO ALL access. If '--live-update' is specified, the script ALSO modifies the 'in-kernel' IPtables rules to make them satisfy the requirements of the 'stored' IPtables rules. """, p_add_live_update=1) config_logger(cmd_arguments) log = logging.getLogger()"Starting IPtables liveupdate driver script...") hosts_config = read_hosts_config(cmd_arguments.cfgfile) our_time_str = str(int(time.time())) log.debug("Computed ephemeral time string = {0} ...".format(our_time_str)) src_script = "{0}.py".format(check_script_base) dest_script = "{0}-{1}.py".format(check_script_base, our_time_str) timeout_str = "-o ConnectTimeout={0}".format(cmd_arguments.timeout)
# proxy_num = self.config.get('ip_pool_num', 1) while True: try: while len(self.message_queue) != 0: message = self.message_queue.pop() if message == 'user_status_dict': self.save_user_status() elif message == 'goods_sale_info_dict': self.save_goods_sale_info() # self.update_proxies(proxy_num) time.sleep(10) except Exception as e: logger.exception('on sale reminder exception: [{0}].'.format(e)) def execute(self): self.load_goods_user_info() # 从excel读取用户信息和产品订阅信息 self.load_user_status() # 读取过去存储的用户字典 self.load_goods_sale_info() # 读取当前产品的售价和折扣信息 self.activate_workers() # 激活workers,开始监控 self.start_to_monitor() pass if __name__ == '__main__': util.config_logger('on_sale_reminder') import config reminder = OnSaleReminder(config.ON_SALE_REMINDER_CONFIG) reminder.execute() pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- python -*- # # Git Version: @git@ from __future__ import print_function from util import config_logger, extract_compiler import os, sys, time, platform logger = config_logger() def print_assembly(uuid, fn, version, syshost, compiler, epochStr): user = os.environ.get("USER", "unknown") osName = platform.system() + "_%_%_" + platform.release() year = time.strftime("%Y") date = time.strftime("%c").replace(" ", "_%_%_") try: f = open(fn, "w") f.writelines("\t.section .xalt\n") f.writelines("\t.asciz \"XALT_Link_Info\"\n" ) #this is how to find the section in the exec # Print cushion f.writelines("\n\t.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00\n") f.writelines("\t.asciz \"<XALT_Version>%%" + version + "%%\"\n") f.writelines("\t.asciz \"<Build.Syshost>%%" + syshost + "%%\"\n") f.writelines("\t.asciz \"<Build.compiler>%%" + compiler + "%%\"\n") f.writelines("\t.asciz \"<Build.OS>%%" + osName + "%%\"\n") f.writelines("\t.asciz \"<Build.User>%%" + user + "%%\"\n")