예제 #1
def Plk_halo(mneut, nreal, nzbin, zspace=False):
    ''' Return the powerspectrum multipoles for halo catalog with
    total neutrino mass `mneut`, realization `nreal`, and redshift 
    bin `nzbin` in either real/redshift space. 

    if mneut == 0.1: dir = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), '0.10eV/'])
    else: dir = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), str(mneut), 'eV/'])
    if zspace: str_space = 'z'  # redhsift
    else: str_space = 'r'  # real
    f = ''.join([
        dir, 'plk.groups.',
        str(mneut), 'eV.',
        str(nreal), '.nzbin',
        str(nzbin), '.', str_space, 'space.dat'
    if not os.path.isfile(f): raise ValueError('file does not exist')

    # read in plk
    k, p0k, p2k, p4k = np.loadtxt(f,
                                  usecols=[0, 1, 2, 3])
    plk = {'k': k, 'p0k': p0k, 'p2k': p2k, 'p4k': p4k}

    # readin shot-noise from header
    with open(f) as lines:
        for i_l, line in enumerate(lines):
            if i_l == 1:
                str_sn = line
    plk['shotnoise'] = float(str_sn.strip().split('P_shotnoise')[-1])
    return plk
예제 #2
def NeutHalo_Plk(mneut, nreal, nzbin, zspace=False): 
    ''' Calculate the powerspectrum multipoles for Paco's Neutrio 
    halo catalogs

    * Takes ~20 seconds.
    # import Neutrino halo with mneut eV, realization # nreal, at z specified by nzbin 
    halos = Dat.NeutHalos(mneut, nreal, nzbin) 
    if zspace: 
        halos['RSDPosition'] = FM.RSD(halos, LOS=[0,0,1])
    # calculate P_l(k) 
    plk = FM.Observables(halos, observable='plk', rsd=zspace, Nmesh=360)

    # output file 
    if mneut == 0.1: dir = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), '0.10eV/'])
    else: dir = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), str(mneut), 'eV/'])
    if zspace: str_space = '.z'
    else: str_space = '.r'
    fout = ''.join([dir, 'plk.groups.', str(mneut), 'eV.', str(nreal), '.nzbin', str(nzbin), str_space, 'space.dat']) 

    # header 
    hdr = ''.join(['P_l(k) measurements for m neutrino = ', str(mneut), ' eV, realization ', str(nreal), ', zbin ', str(nzbin), 
        '\n P_shotnoise ', str(plk['shotnoise']), 
        '\n cols: k, P_0, P_2, P_4']) 

    # write to file 
    np.savetxt(fout, np.array([plk['k'], plk['p0k'], plk['p2k'], plk['p4k']]).T, header=hdr) 
    return None 
예제 #3
def data_nbar(Mr=21, Nmock=500):
    Observed nbar measured from the mock 'data' and the covariance matrix
    nbar = np.loadtxt(''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'nbar.Mr', str(Mr), '.dat']))
    nbar_cov = np.loadtxt(''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'nbar_cov.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat']))
    return [nbar, nbar_cov]
예제 #4
def beutlerCov(zbin, NorS='ngc', ell=0): 
    ''' Read in Florian's covariance matrix
    # read in C_ij from file 
    if NorS == 'ngc': 
        f_cov = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), 'Beutler/public_material_RSD/',
            'Beutleretal_cov_patchy_z', str(zbin), '_NGC_1_15_1_15_1_10_2045_60.dat']) 
        f_cov = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), 'Beutler/public_material_RSD/',
            'Beutleretal_cov_patchy_z', str(zbin), '_SGC_1_15_1_15_1_10_2048_60.dat']) 
    i_k, j_k, k_i, k_j, C_ij = np.loadtxt(f_cov, skiprows=4, unpack=True, usecols=[0,1,2,3,4])
    if ell == 0: 
        i_l0, i_l1 = 0, 14
    elif ell == 2: 
        i_l0, i_l1 = 14, 28 
    elif ell == 4: 
        i_l0, i_l1 = 28, 37 
    elif ell == 'all': 
        i_l0, i_l1 = 0, 37 

    ki = k_i.reshape((int(np.sqrt(len(i_k))), int(np.sqrt(len(i_k)))))
    kj = k_j.reshape((int(np.sqrt(len(i_k))), int(np.sqrt(len(i_k)))))
    Cij = C_ij.reshape((int(np.sqrt(len(i_k))), int(np.sqrt(len(i_k)))))
    #return C_ij.reshape((int(np.sqrt(len(i_k))), int(np.sqrt(len(i_k)))))
    return ki[i_l0:i_l1,i_l0:i_l1], kj[i_l0:i_l1,i_l0:i_l1], Cij[i_l0:i_l1,i_l0:i_l1]
예제 #5
def data_gmf(Mr=21, Nmock=500):
    This loads the observed GMF from the mock 'data' and the covariance matrix (or sigma) corresponding to that.
    Note to self. Return the inverse covariance matrix m**********r!
    gmf_dat_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'gmf.Mr', str(Mr), '.dat'])
    gmf_sig_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'gmf_sigma.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    return [np.loadtxt(gmf_dat_file), np.loadtxt(gmf_sig_file)]
예제 #6
def save_jackknife_covariance(Mr , nsub):

    wpcov_filename = util.dat_dir()+'wpcov_AM_Mr'+str(Mr)+'.dat'
    nbarcov_filename =  util.dat_dir()+'nbarcov_AM_Mr'+str(Mr)+'.dat'

    nbarcov , wpcov = compute_jackknife_covariance(Mr , nsub)

    np.savetxt(nbarcov_filename ,  nbarcov)
    np.savetxt(wpcov_filename ,  wpcov)
    return None 
예제 #7
def save_nbar_clustering(Mr):
    '''save nbar and wp measured for 
       the luminosity threshold Mr'''

    wp_filename = util.dat_dir()+'wp_AM_Mr'+str(Mr)+'.dat'
    nbar_filename = util.dat_dir()+'nbar_AM_Mr'+str(Mr)+'.dat'
    nbar , wp = measure_nbar_clustering(Mr)
    np.savetxt(nbar_filename ,  np.array([nbar]))
    np.savetxt(wp_filename ,  wp)

    return None
예제 #8
def mcmc_chains(tag, ichain=None):
    ''' Given some tag string return mcmc chain in a dictionary 
    chain_dict = {}
    if tag == 'beutler_z1':
        # read in Florian's RSD MCMC chains
        chain_file = ''.join([
            UT.dat_dir(), 'Beutler/public_full_shape/',
            str(ichain), '.dat'
        chain = np.loadtxt(chain_file, skiprows=1)

        labels = [
            'alpha_perp', 'alpha_para', 'fsig8', 'b1sig8_NGC', 'b1sig8_SGC',
            'b2sig8_NGC', 'b2sig8_SGC', 'N_NGC', 'N_SGC', 'sigmav_NGC',
            'sigmav_SGC', 'chi2'
        for i in range(len(labels)):
            chain_dict[labels[i]] = chain[:, i + 1]

        # read in mock evaluations for the chains
        chain_model_ngc_file = ''.join([
            UT.dat_dir(), 'Beutler/public_full_shape/',
            str(ichain), '.model.ngc.dat'
        chain_model_sgc_file = ''.join([
            UT.dat_dir(), 'Beutler/public_full_shape/',
            str(ichain), '.model.sgc.dat'
        pk_ngc = np.loadtxt(chain_model_ngc_file)
        pk_sgc = np.loadtxt(chain_model_sgc_file)
        chain_dict['pk_ngc'] = pk_ngc[:, 1:]
        chain_dict['pk_sgc'] = pk_sgc[:, 1:]

    elif tag == 'manodeep':
        # read in Manodeep's GMF MCMC chains
        chain_file = ''.join([
            UT.dat_dir(), 'manodeep/',
        chain = np.loadtxt(chain_file, skiprows=5)
        labels = ['logMmin', 'sig_logM', 'logM0', 'logM1', 'alpha', 'chi2']

        for i, lbl in enumerate(labels):
            if lbl == 'chi2': chain_dict[lbl] = -2. * chain[:, i]
            else: chain_dict[lbl] = chain[:, i]
        chain_dict['gmf'] = chain[:, -8:]
        raise ValueError
    return chain_dict
예제 #9
def data_xi_full_cov(Mr=21, Nmock=500):
    Observed xi (2PCF) from the 'data' and the diagonal elements of the xi covariance matrix
    xi_dat_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'xir.Mr', str(Mr), '.dat'])
    xi = np.loadtxt(xi_dat_file, unpack=True)

    # load covariance of xi
    cov_dat_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'xir_covariance.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    cov = np.loadtxt(cov_dat_file)
    #cii = np.diag(cov)   # diagonal elements

    return [xi, cov]
예제 #10
파일: data.py 프로젝트: mjvakili/gambly
def load_wp_covariance(Mr): 
    ''' loads the jackknife covariance matrix associated with  wp
    Mr : (int)
        Absolute r-band magnitude threshold. Default is M_r = -21
    if Mr == 21.5:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 21.:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 20.5:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 20.:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 19.5:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 19.:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 18.5:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 18.:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    wpcov = np.loadtxt(data_file)[:12 , :12]

    return wpcov
예제 #11
파일: data.py 프로젝트: mjvakili/gambly
def load_wp(Mr): 
    ''' loads wp 
    Mr : (int)
        Absolute r-band magnitude threshold. Default is M_r = -21
    if Mr == 21.5:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 21.:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 20.5:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 20.:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 19.5:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 19.:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 18.5:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 18.:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    wp = np.loadtxt(data_file)[:,1]

    return wp
예제 #12
def CenQue_File(type, cenque='default', downsampled=None): 
    ''' Function for getting the file name of CenQue Files when cenque and type are 
    if cenque == 'default': 
        tf = 7 
        abcrun = 'RHOssfrfq_TinkerFq_Std'
        prior = 'updated'
    elif cenque == 'nosmfevol':
        tf = 8 
        abcrun = 'RHOssfrfq_TinkerFq_NOSMFevol'
        prior = 'updated'
        raise NotImplementedError
    # cenque files
    if type == 'sfms': 
        galpop_str = 'sfms'
    elif type == 'quenched': 
        galpop_str = 'quenched'
        raise ValueError
    if downsampled is None: 
        down_str = ''
        down_str = ''.join(['.down', str(downsampled), 'x']) 

    file = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), 'cenque/',
        galpop_str, '.centrals.', 
        'tf', str(tf), 
        '.abc_', abcrun, 
        '.prior_', prior, 
    return file 
예제 #13
파일: data.py 프로젝트: mjvakili/supermean
def load_data():
    '''load data
    data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'f160w_25_457_557_457_557_pixels.fits'])
    data = pf.open(data_file)[0].data

    return data
예제 #14
def measure_nbar_clustering(Mr):
    '''measure wp for the galaxy catalog
       with the luminosity threshold Mr'''

    #Corrfunc settings for wp measurements:

    boxsize = 250
    nthreads = 4
    pimax = 40.0
    binfile = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)),
                        "../", "bin")
    autocorr = 1

    filename = util.dat_dir()+'AM_Mr'+str(Mr)+'dat'
    cat = np.loadtxt(filename)
    pos = cat[:,1:4]
    x, y, z = pos[:,0], pos[:,1], pos[:,2] 
    vel = cat[:,4:7]
    vx, vy, vz =  vel[:,0], vel[:,1], vel[:,2] 
    #applying RSD:
    pos = return_xyz_formatted_array(x, y, z, velocity = vz, velocity_distortion_dimension = 'z')
    #enforcing periodic boundary conditions:
    pos = enforce_periodicity_of_box(pos, boxsize)
    pos = pos.astype(np.float32)
    x, y, z = pos[:,0] , pos[:,1] , pos[:,2]
    wp_result = _countpairs.countpairs_wp(boxsize, pimax, 
                                   nthreads, binfile, 
				   x, y, z)
    nbar = 1.*len(pos)/boxsize**3.
    wp = np.array(wp_result)[:,3]

    return nbar , wp    
예제 #15
def build_full_inv_covars(Mr=21, Nmock=50):
    Calculate the inverse covariance of full data vectors
    for MCMC inference

    full_cov = data_full_cov(Mr=Mr, Nmock=Nmock)
    N_bins = int(np.sqrt(full_cov.size))
    f_unbias = np.float(Nmock - 2. - N_bins)/np.float(Nmock - 1.)
    inv_c = solve(np.eye(N_bins) , full_cov) * f_unbias

    outfn = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
                     'nbar_gmf_xir_inv_cov.Mr', str(Mr),
                     '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    np.savetxt(outfn, inv_c)

    nbgmf_cov = data_nbar_gmf_cov(Mr=Mr, Nmock=Nmock)
    N_bins = int(np.sqrt(nbgmf_cov.size))
    f_unbias = np.float(Nmock - 2. - N_bins)/np.float(Nmock - 1.)
    inv_c = solve(np.eye(N_bins) , nbgmf_cov) * f_unbias

    outfn = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
                     'nbar_gmf_inv_cov.Mr', str(Mr),
                     '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    np.savetxt(outfn, inv_c)

    nbxi_cov = data_nbar_xi_cov(Mr=Mr, Nmock=Nmock)
    N_bins = int(np.sqrt(nbxi_cov.size))
    f_unbias = np.float(Nmock - 2. - N_bins)/np.float(Nmock - 1.)
    inv_c = solve(np.eye(N_bins) , nbxi_cov) * f_unbias

    outfn = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
                     'nbar_xi_inv_cov.Mr', str(Mr),
                     '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    np.savetxt(outfn, inv_c)

    gmfxi_cov = data_gmf_xi_cov(Mr=Mr, Nmock=Nmock)
    N_bins = int(np.sqrt(gmfxi_cov.size))
    f_unbias = np.float(Nmock - 2. - N_bins)/np.float(Nmock - 1.)
    inv_c = solve(np.eye(N_bins) , gmfxi_cov) * f_unbias

    outfn = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
                     'gmf_xi_inv_cov.Mr', str(Mr),
                     '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    np.savetxt(outfn, inv_c)

    return None
예제 #16
def read_catalog():
    '''read Age-matching catalog

    filename =  util.dat_dir()+'Mr19_AM.dat'
    cat = np.loadtxt(filename)

    return cat
예제 #17
def lnPost(zbin=1):
    ''' *** TESTED *** 
    Likelihood and posterior functions can reproduce the chi-squared from 
    Florian's MCMC chain.

    Test that the ln(Posterior) reproduces the chi-squared values of 
    Florian's MCMC chains 
    # read in Florian's chains
    chain_file = ''.join([
        UT.dat_dir(), 'Beutler/public_full_shape/',
        str(zbin), '_chain',
        str(0), '.dat'
    sample = np.loadtxt(chain_file, skiprows=1)
    chi2s = sample[:, -1]
    sample = sample[:, 1:-1]

    # read in BOSS P(k) NGC + SGC
    pkay = Dat.Pk()
    k0, p0k_ngc = pkay.Observation(0, zbin, 'ngc')
    k2, p2k_ngc = pkay.Observation(2, zbin, 'ngc')
    k4, p4k_ngc = pkay.Observation(4, zbin, 'ngc')
    k0, p0k_sgc = pkay.Observation(0, zbin, 'sgc')
    k2, p2k_sgc = pkay.Observation(2, zbin, 'sgc')
    k4, p4k_sgc = pkay.Observation(4, zbin, 'sgc')
    k_list = [k0, k2, k4]
    pk_ngc_list = [p0k_ngc, p2k_ngc, p4k_ngc]
    pk_sgc_list = [p0k_sgc, p2k_sgc, p4k_sgc]

    # read in Covariance matrix
    # currently for testing purposes,
    # implemented to read in Florian's covariance matrix
    _, _, C_pk_ngc = Dat.beutlerCov(zbin, NorS='ngc', ell='all')
    _, _, C_pk_sgc = Dat.beutlerCov(zbin, NorS='sgc', ell='all')

    # calculate precision matrices (including the hartlap factor)
    n_mocks_ngc = 2045
    n_mocks_sgc = 2048
    f_hartlap_ngc = (float(n_mocks_ngc) - float(
        len(np.concatenate(pk_ngc_list))) - 2.) / (float(n_mocks_ngc) - 1.)
    f_hartlap_sgc = (float(n_mocks_sgc) - float(
        len(np.concatenate(pk_sgc_list))) - 2.) / (float(n_mocks_sgc) - 1.)

    Cinv_ngc = np.linalg.inv(C_pk_ngc)
    Cinv_sgc = np.linalg.inv(C_pk_sgc)
    Cinv_ngc *= f_hartlap_ngc
    Cinv_sgc *= f_hartlap_sgc

    lnpost_args = (k_list, pk_ngc_list, pk_sgc_list, Cinv_ngc, Cinv_sgc)

    for i in range(10):
        print('Like', -2. * Inf.lnLike(sample[i, :], *lnpost_args))
        print('Post', -2. * Inf.lnPost(sample[i, :], *lnpost_args))
        print('chi2', chi2s[i])
    return None
예제 #18
 def File(self): 
     # Write Star forming and Quenching catalog 
     evol_file = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), 'galpop/' 
     return evol_file 
예제 #19
def data_full_cov(Mr=21, Nmock=500):

    full_cov_fn = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
                          'nbar_gmf_xir_cov.Mr', str(Mr),
                          '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])

    fullcov = np.loadtxt(full_cov_fn)

    return fullcov
예제 #20
def data_nbar_xi_cov(Mr=21, Nmock=500):

    nbxi_cov_fn = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
                          'nbar_xi_cov.Mr', str(Mr),
                          '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])

    nbxi_cov = np.loadtxt(nbxi_cov_fn)

    return nbxi_cov
예제 #21
def build_xi_bins(Mr=21):
    ''' hardcoded r bins for xi.
    model = PrebuiltHodModelFactory('zheng07', threshold = -1.0*np.float(Mr))
    model.populate_mock() # population mock realization
    r_bin  = model.mock.compute_galaxy_clustering(rbins=hardcoded_xi_bins())[0]
    output_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'xir_rbin.Mr', str(Mr), '.dat'])
    np.savetxt(output_file, r_bin)
    return None
예제 #22
def save_luminosity_threshold(Mr):
    '''save a galaxy catalog with the imposed 
       luminosity threshold'''

    reduced_cat = impose_luminosity_threshold(Mr)
    filename = util.dat_dir()+'AM_Mr'+str(Mr)+'dat'
    np.savetxt(filename , reduced_cat)

    return None
예제 #23
def data_xi_cov(Mr=21, Nmock=500):
    Observed xi covariance. The entire covariance matrix
    # load covariance of xi
    cov_dat_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'xir_covariance.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    cov = np.loadtxt(cov_dat_file)

    return cov
예제 #24
def data_gmf_xi_inv_cov(Mr=21, Nmock=500):

    inv_cov_fn = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
                         'gmf_xi_inv_cov.Mr', str(Mr),
                         '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])

    inv_cov = np.loadtxt(inv_cov_fn)

    return inv_cov
예제 #25
def NeutHalo_pre3PCF(mneut, nreal, nzbin, zspace=False, clobber=False): 
    ''' Pre-process halo catalogs for 3PCF run. Read in halo catalog
    and output to input file format for Daniel Eisenstein's code. 

    zspace : bool, optional 
        if True, calculates redshift space positions. Otherwise real space. 

    # output file 
    if mneut == 0.1: dir = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), '0.10eV/', str(nreal)])
    else: dir = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), str(mneut), 'eV/', str(nreal)])
    if zspace: str_space = '.z'
    else: str_space = '.r'
    fout = ''.join([dir, '/groups.nzbin', str(nzbin), str_space, 'space.dat']) 

    if os.path.isfile(fout) and not clobber: 
        print('--- already written to ---\n %s' % (fout))
        return None 

    # import Neutrino halo with mneut eV, realization # nreal, at z specified by nzbin 
    halos = Dat.NeutHalos(mneut, nreal, nzbin) 
    if zspace: 
        halos['RSDPosition'] = FM.RSD(halos, LOS=[0,0,1])
    # halo positions
    xyz = np.array(halos['Position'])
    x = xyz[:,0]
    y = xyz[:,1]
    z = xyz[:,2]
    # weights (all ones!) 
    w = np.ones(len(x)) 
    # header 
    hdr = ''.join(['m neutrino = ', str(mneut), ' eV, realization ', str(nreal), ', zbin ', str(nzbin)]) 

    outarr = np.array([x, y, z, w]).T
    # write to file 
    np.savetxt(fout, outarr, header=hdr) 
    print('--- halo written to ---\n %s' % (fout))
    return None 
예제 #26
def load_gmf(Mr): 
    ''' loads wp 
    Mr : (int)
        Absolute r-band magnitude threshold. Default is M_r = -21
    if Mr == 20.:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 19.:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 18.:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),

    gmf = np.loadtxt(data_file)[:,2]

    return gmf
예제 #27
    def Observation(self): 
        ''' Read in gmf(N) measurements of SDSS Mr < -19 from Manodeep  
        f = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), 'manodeep/sdss_Mr19_fib0_gmf_northonly.dat'])
        nbin_low, nbin_high, gmf = np.loadtxt(f, unpack=True, usecols=[0,1,2])
        nbins = np.concatenate([nbin_low, [nbin_high[-1]]])

        self.nbin_low_obv = nbin_low
        self.nbin_high_obv = nbin_high
        self.nbin_obv = nbins
        self.gmf_obv = gmf
        return nbins, gmf 
예제 #28
파일: ham.py 프로젝트: mjvakili/gambly
def load_nbar_variance(Mr, style):
    '''load the variance of the number density of the data
    if style == "SHAM":
       style = "SHAM"
    elif style == "AM":
       style = "AM"

    data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    nbarcov = np.loadtxt(data_file)

    return nbarcov
예제 #29
def build_xi_nbar_gmf(Mr=21):
    Build "data" xi, nbar, GMF values and write to file
    model = PrebuiltHodModelFactory('zheng07', threshold = -1.0*np.float(Mr))
    model.populate_mock(halocat = halocat , enforce_PBC = False) # population mock realization
    pos = three_dim_pos_bundle(model.mock.galaxy_table, 'x', 'y', 'z')

    # write xi
    rbins = hardcoded_xi_bins()
    rmax = rbins.max()
    approx_cell1_size = [rmax, rmax, rmax]
    approx_cell2_size = approx_cell1_size
    approx_cellran_size = [rmax, rmax, rmax]
    period = np.array([Lbox , Lbox , Lbox]) 
    data_xir = tpcf(
            sample1, rbins, sample2 = sample2, 
            randoms=randoms, period = period, 
            max_sample_size=int(1e4), estimator='Landy-Szalay', 
            RR_precomputed = RR, 
            NR_precomputed = NR1) 
    output_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'xir.Mr', str(Mr), '.dat'])
    np.savetxt(output_file, data_xir)

    # write nbar values
    nbar = model.mock.number_density
    output_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'nbar.Mr', str(Mr), '.dat'])
    np.savetxt(output_file, [nbar])

    # write GMF
    rich = richness(model.mock.compute_fof_group_ids())
    gmf = GMF(rich)  # GMF
    output_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'gmf.Mr', str(Mr), '.dat'])
    np.savetxt(output_file, gmf)

    return None
예제 #30
def load_gmf_covariance(Mr , pois = True): 
    ''' loads the jackknife covariance matrix associated with gmf
    Mr : (int)
        Absolute r-band magnitude threshold. Default is M_r = -21
    pois : True r false, whether we have poisson error in likelihood or not
    if Mr == 20.:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 19.:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if Mr == 18.:
        data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    if pois == True:
        gmf_err = (np.loadtxt(data_file)[:,3]**2. + np.loadtxt(data_file)[:,4]**2.)**.5 
    if pois == False:
        gmf_err = np.loadtxt(data_file)[:,3] 
    return gmf_err ** 2.
예제 #31
def Random(catalog, NorS='ngc'):
    ''' name of the original catalog files. These will be fed into the FFT 
    if catalog == 'patchy':
        return ''.join([
            UT.dat_dir(), 'patchy/Patchy-Mocks-Randoms-DR12',
            NorS.upper(), '-COMPSAM_V6C_x50.dat'
    elif catalog == 'boss':
        if NorS == 'ngc':
            return ''.join([
                UT.catalog_dir('boss'), 'random1_DR12v5_CMASSLOWZTOT_North.dat'
        raise NotImplementedError
예제 #32
def data_RR(NR):
    loads precomputed RR
    NR = number of random points
    it should probably also accept the size of the box.
    note to self: put the size of the box in there later after 
    merging the sample variance with the rest of the thing

    rr = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
		 'RR_NR' , str(NR) , '.dat'])

    rr = np.loadtxt(rr)

    return rr
예제 #33
def data_xi_inv_cov(Mr=21, Nmock=500, unbias_str=True):
    Observed inverse covariance of xi with/without the unbias estimator
    factor. Default multiplies by the unbias estimator factor.
    if unbias_str:
        unbias_str = '.unbias'
        unbias_str = ''

    inv_cov_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
        'xi_inv_cov', unbias_str, '.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])

    inv_cov = np.loadtxt(inv_cov_file)

    return inv_cov
예제 #34
파일: ham.py 프로젝트: mjvakili/gambly
def load_wp_covariance(Mr , style): 
    ''' loads the jackknife covariance matrix associated with  wp
    Mr : (int)
        Absolute r-band magnitude threshold. Default is M_r = -21
    if style == "SHAM":
       style = "SHAM"
    elif style == "AM":
       style = "AM"

    data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    wpcov = np.loadtxt(data_file)

    return wpcov
예제 #35
파일: ham.py 프로젝트: mjvakili/gambly
def load_wp(Mr, style): 
    ''' loads wp 
    Mr : (int)
        Absolute r-band magnitude threshold. Default is M_r = -21
    if style == "SHAM":
       style = "SHAM"
    elif style == "AM":
       style = "AM"

    data_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
    wp = np.loadtxt(data_file)

    return wp
예제 #36
    def Observation(self, ell, zbin, nors):
        ''' Read in P(k) measurements of BOSS from Florian
        if ell == 0:
            str_pole = 'mono'
        elif ell == 2:
            str_pole = 'quadru'
        elif ell == 4:
            str_pole = 'hexadeca'
        str_pole += 'pole'

        f = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), 'Beutler/public_material_RSD/',
            'Beutleretal_pk_', str_pole, '_DR12_', nors.upper(), '_z', str(zbin), 
        k_central, k_mean, pk = np.loadtxt(f, skiprows=31, unpack=True, usecols=[0,1,2])
        self.k_obv = k_central 
        self.k_mean_obv = k_mean 
        self.k_central_obv = k_central 
        self.pk_obv = pk
        return k_central, pk 
예제 #37
def compute_jackknife_covariance(Mr , nsub):
    box_size = 250.
    filename = util.dat_dir()+'AM_Mr'+str(Mr)+'dat'
    cat = np.loadtxt(filename)
    pos = cat[:,1:4]  #positions of all galaxies in the box
    vel = cat[:,4:7]  #velocities of all galaxies
    x , y , z = pos[:,0], pos[:,1], pos[:,2]
    vx, vy, vz = vel[:,0], vel[:,1], vel[:,2]
    rsd_pos = return_xyz_formatted_array(x, y, z, velocity = vz, velocity_distortion_dimension = 'z')
    rsd_pos = enforce_periodicity_of_box(rsd_pos, box_size)
    number_of_subboxes = nsub ** 3
    #Corrfunc settings for wp measurements:
    subbox_size = box_size / nsub
    nthreads = 4
    pimax = 25.0
    binfile = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)),
                        "../", "bin")
    len_wp = len(np.loadtxt(binfile))
    wps = np.zeros((number_of_subboxes , len_wp)) 
    nbars = np.zeros((number_of_subboxes , 1))

    for subvol_index in xrange(number_of_subboxes):

        sub_rsd_pos = mask_positions(rsd_pos , subvol_index , nsub)
        sub_rsd_pos = sub_rsd_pos.astype(np.float32)
        sub_x, sub_y, sub_z = sub_rsd_pos[:,0] , sub_rsd_pos[:,1] , sub_rsd_pos[:,2]
        wp_result = _countpairs.countpairs_wp(subbox_size, pimax, 
                                   nthreads, binfile, 
				   sub_x, sub_y, sub_z)
        nbars[subvol_index] = 1.*len(sub_rsd_pos)/subbox_size**3.
        wps[subvol_index] = np.array(wp_result)[:,3]
    nbar_covar = np.array([np.var(nbars)])    
    wp_covar = np.cov(wps.T)    

    return nbar_covar , wp_covar
예제 #38
def importance_weight_Pk(tag_like, ichain, zbin=1, ica_algorithm=None, 
        density_method='kde', n_comp_max=20, info_crit='bic', njobs=1): 
    ''' save importance weights to file 
    # read in MCMC chain 
    chain = Inf.mcmc_chains('beutler_z'+str(zbin), ichain=ichain)
    ws = Inf.W_importance(tag_like, chain, zbin=zbin, ica_algorithm=ica_algorithm,
            density_method=density_method, info_crit=info_crit, njobs=njobs)

    if density_method == 'kde': 
        str_density = '.kde'
    elif density_method == 'gmm': 
        str_density = ''.join(['.gmm_max', str(n_comp_max), 'comp_', info_crit]) 
    str_ica = ''
    if ica_algorithm is not None: 
        str_ica = ''.join(['.', ica_algorithm[:3], 'ICA']) 

    weight_file = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), 'Beutler/public_full_shape/', 
        'Beutler_et_al_full_shape_analysis_z', str(zbin), '_chain', str(ichain), 
        '.', tag_like, '_weights', str_ica, str_density, '.dat']) 
    hdr = 'ln(P_denom), ln(P_numer), w_importance'
    np.savetxt(weight_file, np.array(ws).T, header=hdr) 
    return None 
예제 #39
def importance_weight_Gmf(tag_like, ica_algorithm=None,
        density_method='kde', n_comp_max=20, info_crit='bic', njobs=1): 
    ''' save importance weights for Manodeep's MCMC chain to file 
    chain = Inf.mcmc_chains('manodeep')
    ws = Inf.W_importance(tag_like, chain, ica_algorithm=ica_algorithm,
            density_method=density_method, info_crit=info_crit, njobs=njobs)
    if density_method == 'kde': 
        str_density = '.kde'
    elif density_method == 'gmm': 
        str_density = ''.join(['.gmm_max', str(n_comp_max), 'comp_', info_crit]) 
    str_ica = ''
    if ica_algorithm is not None: 
        str_ica = ''.join(['.', ica_algorithm[:3], 'ICA']) 

    weight_file = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), 'manodeep/', 
        '.', tag_like, '_weights', str_ica, str_density, '.dat']) 

    hdr = 'ln(P_denom), ln(P_numer), w_importance'
    np.savetxt(weight_file, np.array(ws).T, header=hdr) 
    return None 
예제 #40
def build_xi_inv_cov(Mr=21, Nmock=500, unbias=True):
    Calculate the inverse covariance of xi multiplied by the unbiased
    estimator factor (Nmocks - 2 - Nbins)/(Nmocks - 1).

    Mainly used in MCMC inference
    xi_cov = data_xi_cov(Mr=Mr, Nmock=Nmock)    # covariance matrix of xi
    N_bins = int(np.sqrt(xi_cov.size))          # cov matrix is N_bin x N_bin

    if unbias:
        f_unbias = np.float(Nmock - 2. - N_bins)/np.float(Nmock - 1.)
        unbias_str = '.unbias'
        f_unbias = 1.0
        unbias_str = ''

    inv_c = solve(np.eye(N_bins) , xi_cov) * f_unbias

    output_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(),
        'xi_inv_cov', unbias_str, '.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    np.savetxt(output_file, inv_c)

    return None
예제 #41
def div_K(div_func='kl'):
    ''' compare the KL or Renyi divergence for the following with their using different K values 
    - D( gauss(C_X) || gauss(C_X) ) 
    - D( mock X || gauss(C_X))
    - D( mock X || p(X) KDE)
    - D( mock X || p(X) GMM) 
    - D( mock X || PI p(X^i_ICA) KDE)
    - D( mock X || PI p(X^i_ICA) GMM)
    lbls = [r'$D( P(k) \parallel \mathcal{N}({\bf C}))$',
            r'$D( P(k) \parallel p_\mathrm{KDE}(P(k)))$',
            r'$D( P(k) \parallel p_\mathrm{GMM}(P(k)))$',
            r'$D( P(k) \parallel \prod_i p_\mathrm{KDE}(P(k)_i^\mathrm{ICA}))$', 
            r'$D( P(k) \parallel \prod_i p_\mathrm{GMM}(P(k)_i^\mathrm{ICA}))$']

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,4))
    for i_obv, obv in enumerate(['pk.ngc', 'gmf']):
        if obv == 'pk.ngc': 
            Nref = 2000
            if div_func == 'kl': hranges = [[-0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 7.], [-0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5]]##7.]
            else: hranges = [[-0.5, 0.5] for i in range(5)]
            Ks = [5, 10, 15] 
        elif obv == 'gmf': 
            Nref = 10000
            hranges = [[-0.1, 0.4], [-0.1, 0.4], [-0.1, 0.4], [-0.1, 0.4], [-0.1, 0.4]]##7.]
            Ks = [10] 

        for K in Ks: 
            fs = ['pX_gauss.K'+str(K), 'pX_scottKDE.K'+str(K), 'pX_GMM.K'+str(K)+'.ncomp30', 
                'pXi_ICA_scottKDE.K'+str(K), 'pXi_ICA_GMM.K'+str(K)+'.ncomp30'] 
            divs, divs_ref = [], [] 
            for f in fs: 
                f_div = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), 'diverg.', obv, '.', f, '.Nref', str(Nref), '.', 
                    div_func, '.dat']) 
                    div = np.loadtxt(f_div)
                except IOError: 
                    print f_div
            nbins = 50
            bkgd = fig.add_subplot(2,1,i_obv+1, frameon=False)
            for i_div, div, lbl in zip(range(len(fs)), divs, lbls): 
                sub = fig.add_subplot(2,5,len(fs)*i_obv+i_div+1)
                y_max = 0. 
                hh = np.histogram(div, normed=True, range=hranges[i_div], bins=nbins)
                bp = UT.bar_plot(*hh) 
                sub.fill_between(bp[0], np.zeros(len(bp[0])), bp[1], edgecolor='none') 
                y_max = max(y_max, bp[1].max()) 
                sub.set_ylim([0., y_max*1.4]) 
                if i_obv == 0: 
        if div_func == 'kl': 
            bkgd.set_xlabel(r'KL divergence', fontsize=20, labelpad=20)
        elif div_func == 'renyi0.5': 
            bkgd.set_xlabel(r'R\'enyi-$\alpha$ divergence', fontsize=20, labelpad=20)
        bkgd.tick_params(labelcolor='none', top='off', bottom='off', left='off', right='off')

    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=.15, hspace=0.3)
    f_fig = ''.join([UT.fig_dir(), 'tests/Ktest_kNNdiverg.', div_func, '.png'])
    fig.savefig(f_fig, bbox_inches='tight') 
    return None
예제 #42
def div_ICA(obv='pk.ngc', K=10, div_func='kl'):
    ''' compare the KL or Renyi divergence for different ICA decomposition algorithms 
    FastICA deflation, FastICA parallel, Infomax ICA 
    - D( mock X || PI p(X^i_ICA) KDE)
    - D( mock X || PI p(X^i_ICA) GMM)
    if obv == 'pk.ngc':  str_obv = 'P(k)'
    elif obv == 'gmf': str_obv = '\zeta(N)'
    lbls = [r'$D( '+str_obv+' \parallel \prod_i p_\mathrm{KDE}(P(k)_i^\mathrm{ICA}))$', 
            r'$D( '+str_obv+' \parallel \prod_i p_\mathrm{GMM}(P(k)_i^\mathrm{ICA}))$']

    icas = ['ICA', 'parICA'] 

    if obv == 'pk.ngc': 
        Nref = 2000
        hrange = [-0.5, 0.5]
    elif obv == 'gmf': 
        Nref = 10000
        hranges = [-0.1, 0.4]

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))
    bkgd = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False)
    for i_div, str_div in enumerate(['scottKDE.K'+str(K), 'GMM.K'+str(K)+'.ncomp30']): 

        divs = []
        for ica in icas: 
            f_div = ''.join([UT.dat_dir(), 'diverg.', obv, 
                '.pXi_', ica, '_', str_div, '.Nref', str(Nref), '.', div_func, '.dat']) 
                div = np.loadtxt(f_div)
            except IOError: 
                print f_div

        nbins = 50
        sub = fig.add_subplot(1,2,i_div+1)
        y_max = 0. 
        for div, ica in zip(divs, icas): 
            print np.mean(div)
            hh = np.histogram(div, normed=True, range=hrange, bins=nbins)
            bp = UT.bar_plot(*hh) 
            sub.fill_between(bp[0], np.zeros(len(bp[0])), bp[1], edgecolor='none', label=ica) 
            y_max = max(y_max, bp[1].max()) 
        if i_div == 0: sub.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size': 20}) 
        sub.set_ylim([0., y_max*1.4]) 

    if div_func == 'kl': 
        bkgd.set_xlabel(r'KL divergence', fontsize=20, labelpad=20)
    elif div_func == 'renyi0.5': 
        bkgd.set_xlabel(r'R\'enyi-$\alpha$ divergence', fontsize=20, labelpad=20)
    bkgd.tick_params(labelcolor='none', top='off', bottom='off', left='off', right='off')

    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=.15, hspace=0.3)
    f_fig = ''.join([UT.fig_dir(), 'tests/',
        'ICA_kNNdiverg.', obv, '.K', str(K), '.', div_func, '.png'])
    fig.savefig(f_fig, bbox_inches='tight') 
    return None
예제 #43
def data_xi_bins(Mr=21):
    r bins for xi(r)
    rbin_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'xir_rbin.Mr', str(Mr), '.dat'])
    return np.loadtxt(rbin_file)
예제 #44
def data_gmf_cov(Mr=21, Nmock=500):
    Returns the GMF covariance matrix
    cov_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'gmf_cov.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    return np.loadtxt(cov_file)
예제 #45
def build_xi_nbar_gmf_cov(Mr=21, Nmock=500):
    Build covariance matrix for xi, variance for nbar, and a bunch of stuff for gmf
    using Nmock realizations of halotool mocks
    xir = []
    model = PrebuiltHodModelFactory('zheng07', threshold = -1.0*np.float(Mr))
    #nbars = []
    #gmfs = []
    #gmf_counts = []
    for i in xrange(Nmock):
        print 'mock#', i

        # xi(r)
        # nbar
        # gmf
        #rich = richness(model.mock.compute_fof_group_ids())
        #gmfs.append(GMF(rich))  # GMF
        #gmf_counts.append(GMF(rich, counts=True))   # Group counts

    # save xi covariance
    xi_covar = np.cov(np.array(xir).T)
    output_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'xir_covariance.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    np.savetxt(output_file, xi_covar)

    # save nbar values
    #nbar_cov = np.var(nbars, axis=0)
    #output_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'nbar_cov.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    #np.savetxt(output_file, [nbar_cov])

    # write GMF covariance
    #gmf_cov = np.cov(np.array(gmfs).T)
    #output_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'gmf_cov.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    #np.savetxt(output_file, gmf_cov)
    # write GMF Poisson
    #gmf_counts_mean = np.mean(gmf_counts, axis=0)
    #poisson_gmf = np.sqrt(gmf_counts_mean) / 250.**3    # poisson errors
    #output_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'gmf_sigma_poisson.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    #np.savetxt(output_file, poisson_gmf)
    # write GMF standard dev
    #sigma_gmf = np.std(gmfs, axis=0)                    # sample variance
    #output_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'gmf_sigma_stddev.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    #np.savetxt(output_file, sigma_gmf)
    # write GMF total noise
    #sigma_tot = (sigma_gmf**2 + poisson_gmf**2)**0.5    # total sigma
    #output_file = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'gmf_sigma.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    #np.savetxt(output_file, sigma_tot)

    # write full covariance matrix of various combinations of the data

    # covariance for all three
    #fulldatarr = np.hstack(np.array(nbars).reshape(nbars.shape[0], 1),
    #                       np.array(gmfs), np.array(xir))

    #fullcov = np.cov(fulldatarr.T)
    #outfn = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'nbar_gmf_xir_cov.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    #np.savetxt(outfn, fullcov)

    # covariance for nbar and gmf
    ##nbgmf_arr = np.hstack(np.array(nbars).reshape(nbars.shape[0], 1),
    #                     np.array(gmfs))
    #nbgmf_cov = np.cov(nbgmf_arr.T)
    #outfn = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'nbar_gmf_cov.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    #np.savetxt(outfn, nbgmf_cov)

    # covariance for nbar and xi
    #nbxi_arr = np.hstack(np.array(nbars).reshape(nbars.shape[0], 1),
    #                     np.array(xir))
    #nbxi_cov = np.cov(nbxi_arr.T)
    #outfn = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'nbar_xi_cov.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    #np.savetxt(outfn, nbxi_cov)

    # covariance for gmf and xi
    #gmfxi_arr = np.hstack(np.array(gmfs), np.array(xir))
    #gmfxi_cov = np.cov(gmfxi_arr.T)
    #outfn = ''.join([util.dat_dir(), 'gmf_xi_cov.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.dat'])
    #np.savetxt(outfn, gmfxi_cov)

    return None
예제 #46
def ABCpmc_HOD(T,
               observables=['nbar', 'xi'],
               data_dict={'Mr': 21},
    ABC-PMC implementation. 

    - T : Number of iterations 
    - eps_val : 
    - N_part : Number of particles
    - observables : list of observables. Options are 'nbar', 'gmf', 'xi'
    - data_dict : dictionary that specifies the observation keywords 
    if output_dir is None:
        output_dir = util.dat_dir()
    #Initializing the vector of observables and inverse covariance matrix
    if observables == ['xi']:
        fake_obs = Data.data_xi(**data_dict)
        fake_obs_cov = Data.data_cov(**data_dict)[1:16, 1:16]
        xi_Cii = np.diag(fake_obs_cov)
    elif observables == ['nbar', 'xi']:
        fake_obs = np.hstack(
        fake_obs_cov = Data.data_cov(**data_dict)[:16, :16]
        Cii = np.diag(fake_obs_cov)
        xi_Cii = Cii[1:]
        nbar_Cii = Cii[0]
    elif observables == ['nbar', 'gmf']:
        fake_obs = np.hstack(
        fake_obs_cov = Data.data_cov('nbar_gmf', **data_dict)
        Cii = np.diag(fake_obs_cov)
        gmf_Cii = Cii[1:]
        nbar_Cii = Cii[0]
    # True HOD parameters
    data_hod_dict = Data.data_hod_param(Mr=data_dict['Mr'])
    data_hod = np.array([
        data_hod_dict['logM0'],  # log M0 
        np.log(data_hod_dict['sigma_logM']),  # log(sigma)
        data_hod_dict['logMmin'],  # log Mmin
        data_hod_dict['alpha'],  # alpha
        data_hod_dict['logM1']  # log M1
    # Priors
    prior_min, prior_max = PriorRange(prior_name)
    prior = abcpmc.TophatPrior(prior_min, prior_max)
    prior_range = np.zeros((len(prior_min), 2))
    prior_range[:, 0] = prior_min
    prior_range[:, 1] = prior_max
    # simulator
    our_model = HODsim(Mr=data_dict['Mr'])  # initialize model
    kwargs = {'prior_range': prior_range, 'observables': observables}

    def simz(tt):
        sim = our_model.sum_stat(tt, **kwargs)
        if sim is None:
            pickle.dump(tt, open("simz_crash_theta.p", 'wb'))
            pickle.dump(kwargs, open('simz_crash_kwargs.p', 'wb'))
            raise ValueError('Simulator is giving NonetType')
        return sim

    def multivariate_rho(datum, model):
        #print datum , model
        dists = []
        if observables == ['nbar', 'xi']:
            dist_nbar = (datum[0] - model[0])**2. / nbar_Cii
            dist_xi = np.sum((datum[1:] - model[1:])**2. / xi_Cii)
            dists = [dist_nbar, dist_xi]
        elif observables == ['nbar', 'gmf']:
            dist_nbar = (datum[0] - model[0])**2. / nbar_Cii
            dist_gmf = np.sum((datum[1:] - model[1:])**2. / gmf_Cii)
            dists = [dist_nbar, dist_gmf]
        elif observables == ['xi']:
            dist_xi = np.sum((datum - model)**2. / xi_Cii)
            dists = [dist_xi]
        #print np.array(dists)
        return np.array(dists)

    mpi_pool = mpi_util.MpiPool()
    abcpmc_sampler = abcpmc.Sampler(
        N=N_part,  #N_particles
        Y=fake_obs,  #data
        postfn=simz,  #simulator 
        dist=multivariate_rho,  #distance function  
    abcpmc_sampler.particle_proposal_cls = abcpmc.ParticleProposal
    eps = abcpmc.MultiConstEps(T, eps_val)
    pools = []
    f = open("abc_tolerance.dat", "w")
    eps_str = ''
    for pool in abcpmc_sampler.sample(prior, eps):
        #while pool.ratio > 0.01:
        new_eps_str = '\t'.join(eps(pool.t).astype('str')) + '\n'
        if eps_str != new_eps_str:  # if eps is different, open fiel and append
            f = open("abc_tolerance.dat", "a")
            eps_str = new_eps_str
        print("T:{0},ratio: {1:>.4f}".format(pool.t, pool.ratio))
        print eps(pool.t)
        # plot theta
        if (pool.t < 4) and (pool.t > 2):
            pool.thetas = np.loadtxt(
            pool.ws = np.loadtxt(
            eps.eps = [1.12132735353, 127.215586776]
        # write theta and w to file
        theta_file = ''.join([
            util.observable_id_flag(observables), '_Mr',
            str(data_dict["Mr"]), '_theta_t',
            str(pool.t), '.mercer.dat'
        w_file = ''.join([
            util.observable_id_flag(observables), '_Mr',
            str(data_dict["Mr"]), '_w_t',
            str(pool.t), '.mercer.dat'
        np.savetxt(theta_file, pool.thetas)
        np.savetxt(w_file, pool.ws)
        if pool.t < 3:
            eps.eps = np.percentile(np.atleast_2d(pool.dists), 50, axis=0)
        elif (pool.t > 2) and (pool.t < 20):
            eps.eps = np.percentile(np.atleast_2d(pool.dists), 75, axis=0)
            abcpmc_sampler.particle_proposal_cls = abcpmc.ParticleProposal
            eps.eps = np.percentile(np.atleast_2d(pool.dists), 90, axis=0)
            abcpmc_sampler.particle_proposal_cls = abcpmc.ParticleProposal
        #if eps.eps < eps_min:
        #    eps.eps = eps_min
    return pools