예제 #1
파일: mypickle.py 프로젝트: HuBandiT/trelby
    def makeVals(s):
        tmp = util.fixNL(s).split("\n")

        vals = {}
        for it in tmp:
            if it.find(":") != -1:
                name, v = it.split(":", 1)
                vals[name] = v

        return vals
예제 #2
    def makeVals(s):
        tmp = util.fixNL(s).split("\n")

        vals = {}
        for it in tmp:
            if it.find(":") != -1:
                name, v = it.split(":", 1)
                vals[name] = v

        return vals
예제 #3
def importTextFile(fileName, frame):

    # the 1 MB limit is arbitrary, we just want to avoid getting a
    # MemoryError exception for /dev/zero etc.
    data = util.loadFile(fileName, frame, 1000000)

    if data == None:
        return None

    if len(data) == 0:
        wx.MessageBox("File is empty.", "Error", wx.OK, frame)

        return None

    data = util.fixNL(data)
    lines = data.split("\n")

    tabWidth = 4

    # key = indent level, value = Indent
    indDict = {}

    for i in range(len(lines)):
        s = util.toInputStr(lines[i].rstrip().expandtabs(tabWidth))

        # don't count empty lines towards indentation statistics
        if s.strip() == "":
            lines[i] = ""


        cnt = util.countInitial(s, " ")

        ind = indDict.get(cnt)
        if not ind:
            ind = Indent(cnt)
            indDict[cnt] = ind

        tmp = s.upper()

        if util.multiFind(tmp, ["EXT.", "INT."]):
            ind.sceneStart += 1

        if util.multiFind(tmp, ["CUT TO:", "DISSOLVE TO:"]):
            ind.trans += 1

        if re.match(r"^ +\(.*\)$", tmp):
            ind.paren += 1

        lines[i] = s

    if len(indDict) == 0:
        wx.MessageBox("File contains only empty lines.", "Error", wx.OK, frame)

        return None

    # scene/action indent
    setType(SCENE_ACTION, indDict, lambda v: v.sceneStart)

    # indent with most lines is dialogue in non-pure-action scripts
    setType(screenplay.DIALOGUE, indDict, lambda v: len(v.lines))

    # remaining indent with lines is character most likely
    setType(screenplay.CHARACTER, indDict, lambda v: len(v.lines))

    # transitions
    setType(screenplay.TRANSITION, indDict, lambda v: v.trans)

    # parentheticals
    setType(screenplay.PAREN, indDict, lambda v: v.paren)

    # some text files have this type of parens:
    #        JOE
    #      (smiling and
    #       hopping along)
    # this handles them.
    parenIndent = findIndent(indDict, lambda v: v.lt == screenplay.PAREN)
    if parenIndent != -1:
        paren2Indent = findIndent(
            indDict, lambda v, var: (v.lt == -1) and (v.indent == var),
            parenIndent + 1)

        if paren2Indent != -1:
            indDict[paren2Indent].lt = screenplay.PAREN

    # set line type to ACTION for any indents not recognized
    for v in indDict.itervalues():
        if v.lt == -1:
            v.lt = screenplay.ACTION

    dlg = ImportDlg(frame, indDict.values())

    if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK:

        return None


    ret = []

    for i in range(len(lines)):
        s = lines[i]
        cnt = util.countInitial(s, " ")
        s = s.lstrip()
        sUp = s.upper()

        if s:
            lt = indDict[cnt].lt

            if lt == IGNORE:

            if lt == SCENE_ACTION:
                if s.startswith("EXT.") or s.startswith("INT."):
                    lt = screenplay.SCENE
                    lt = screenplay.ACTION

            if ret and (ret[-1].lt != lt):
                ret[-1].lb = screenplay.LB_LAST

            if lt == screenplay.CHARACTER:
                if sUp.endswith("(CONT'D)"):
                    s = sUp[:-8].rstrip()

            elif lt == screenplay.PAREN:
                if s == "(continuing)":
                    s = ""

            if s:
                line = screenplay.Line(screenplay.LB_SPACE, lt, s)

        elif ret:
            ret[-1].lb = screenplay.LB_LAST

    if len(ret) == 0:
        ret.append(screenplay.Line(screenplay.LB_LAST, screenplay.ACTION))

    # make sure the last line ends an element
    ret[-1].lb = screenplay.LB_LAST

    return ret
예제 #4
def importFountain(fileName, frame):
    # regular expressions for fountain markdown.
    # https://github.com/vilcans/screenplain/blob/master/screenplain/richstring.py
    ire = re.compile(
        # one star
        # anything but a space, then text
        # finishing with one star
        # must not be followed by star
    bre = re.compile(
        # two stars
        # must not be followed by space
        # inside text
        # finishing with two stars
    ure = re.compile(
        # underline
        # must not be followed by space
        # inside text
        # finishing with underline
    boneyard_re = re.compile('/\\*.*?\\*/', flags=re.DOTALL)

    # random magicstring used to escape literal star '\*'
    literalstar = "Aq7RR"

    # returns s with markdown formatting removed.
    def unmarkdown(s):
        s = s.replace("\\*", literalstar)
        for style in (bre, ire, ure):
            s = style.sub(r'\1', s)
        return s.replace(literalstar, "*")

    data = util.loadFile(fileName, frame, 1000000)

    if data == None:
        return None

    if len(data) == 0:
        wx.MessageBox("File is empty.", "Error", wx.OK, frame)
        return None

    inf = []
    inf.append(misc.CheckBoxItem("Import titles as action lines."))
    inf.append(misc.CheckBoxItem("Remove unsupported formatting markup."))
    inf.append(misc.CheckBoxItem("Import section/synopsis as notes."))

    dlg = misc.CheckBoxDlg(frame, "Fountain import options", inf,
                           "Import options:", False)

    if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK:
        return None

    importTitles = inf[0].selected
    removeMarkdown = inf[1].selected
    importSectSyn = inf[2].selected

    # pre-process data - fix newlines, remove boneyard.
    data = util.fixNL(data)
    data = boneyard_re.sub('', data)
    prelines = data.split("\n")
    for i in xrange(len(prelines)):
            prelines[i] = util.cleanInput(
                u"" + prelines[i].decode('UTF-8', "ignore"))
    lines = []

    tabWidth = 4
    lns = []
    sceneStartsList = ("INT", "EXT", "EST", "INT./EXT", "INT/EXT", "I/E",
    TWOSPACE = "  "
    skipone = False

    # First check if title lines are present:
    c = 0
    while c < len(prelines):
        if prelines[c] != "":
            c = c + 1

    # prelines[0:i] are the first bunch of lines, that could be titles.
    # Our check for title is simple:
    #   - the line does not start with 'fade'
    #   - the first line has a single ':'

    if c > 0:
        l = util.toInputStr(prelines[0].expandtabs(tabWidth).lstrip().lower())
        if not l.startswith("fade") and l.count(":") == 1:
            # these are title lines. Now do what the user requested.
            if importTitles:
                # add TWOSPACE to all the title lines.
                for i in xrange(c):
                    prelines[i] += TWOSPACE
                #remove these lines
                prelines = prelines[c + 1:]

    for l in prelines:
        if l != TWOSPACE:

    linesLen = len(lines)

    def isPrevEmpty():
        if lns and lns[-1].text == "":
            return True
        return False

    def isPrevType(ltype):
        return (lns and lns[-1].lt == ltype)

    # looks ahead to check if next line is not empty
    def isNextEmpty(i):
        return (i + 1 < len(lines) and lines[i + 1] == "")

    def getPrevType():
        if lns:
            return lns[-1].lt
            return screenplay.ACTION

    def isParen(s):
        return (s.startswith('(') and s.endswith(')'))

    def isScene(s):
        if s.endswith(TWOSPACE):
            return False
        if s.startswith(".") and not s.startswith(".."):
            return True
        tmp = s.upper()
        if (re.match(r'^(INT|EXT|EST)[ .]', tmp)
                or re.match(r'^(INT\.?/EXT\.?)[ .]', tmp)
                or re.match(r'^I/E[ .]', tmp)):
            return True
        return False

    def isTransition(s):
        return ((s.isupper() and s.endswith("TO:"))
                or (s.startswith(">") and not s.endswith("<")))

    def isCentered(s):
        return s.startswith(">") and s.endswith("<")

    def isPageBreak(s):
        return s.startswith('===') and s.lstrip('=') == ''

    def isNote(s):
        return s.startswith("[[") and s.endswith("]]")

    def isSection(s):
        return s.startswith("#")

    def isSynopsis(s):
        return s.startswith("=") and not s.startswith("==")

    # first pass - identify linetypes
    for i in range(linesLen):
        if skipone:
            skipone = False

        s = lines[i]
        sl = s.lstrip()
        # mark as ACTION by default.
        line = screenplay.Line(screenplay.LB_FORCED, screenplay.ACTION, s)

        # Start testing lines for element type. Go in order:
        # Scene Character, Paren, Dialog, Transition, Note.

        if s == "" or isCentered(s) or isPageBreak(s):
            # do nothing - import as action.

        elif s == TWOSPACE:
            line.lt = getPrevType()

        elif isScene(s):
            line.lt = screenplay.SCENE
            if sl.startswith('.'):
                line.text = sl[1:]
                line.text = sl

        elif isTransition(sl) and isPrevEmpty() and isNextEmpty(i):
            line.lt = screenplay.TRANSITION
            if line.text.startswith('>'):
                line.text = sl[1:].lstrip()

        elif s.isupper() and isPrevEmpty() and not isNextEmpty(i):
            line.lt = screenplay.CHARACTER
            if s.endswith(TWOSPACE):
                line.lt = screenplay.ACTION

        elif isParen(sl) and (isPrevType(screenplay.CHARACTER)
                              or isPrevType(screenplay.DIALOGUE)):
            line.lt = screenplay.PAREN

        elif (isPrevType(screenplay.CHARACTER)
              or isPrevType(screenplay.DIALOGUE)
              or isPrevType(screenplay.PAREN)):
            line.lt = screenplay.DIALOGUE

        elif isNote(sl):
            line.lt = screenplay.NOTE
            line.text = sl.strip('[]')

        elif isSection(s) or isSynopsis(s):
            if not importSectSyn:
                if isNextEmpty(i):
                    skipone = True

            line.lt = screenplay.NOTE
            line.text = sl.lstrip('=#')

        if line.text == TWOSPACE:

        elif line.lt != screenplay.ACTION:
            line.text = line.text.lstrip()

            tmp = line.text.rstrip()
            # we don't support center align, so simply add required indent.
            if isCentered(tmp):
                tmp = tmp[1:-1].strip()
                width = frame.panel.ctrl.sp.cfg.getType(
                if len(tmp) < width:
                    tmp = ' ' * ((width - len(tmp)) // 2) + tmp
            line.text = tmp

        if removeMarkdown:
            line.text = unmarkdown(line.text)
            if line.lt == screenplay.CHARACTER and line.text.endswith('^'):
                line.text = line.text[:-1]


    ret = []

    # second pass helper functions.
    def isLastLBForced():
        return ret and ret[-1].lb == screenplay.LB_FORCED

    def makeLastLBLast():
        if ret:
            ret[-1].lb = screenplay.LB_LAST

    def isRetPrevType(t):
        return ret and ret[-1].lt == t

    # second pass - remove unneeded empty lines, and fix the linebreaks.
    for ln in lns:
        if ln.text == '':
            if isLastLBForced():

        elif not isRetPrevType(ln.lt):


    return ret
예제 #5
파일: myimport.py 프로젝트: HuBandiT/trelby
def importTextFile(fileName, frame):

    # the 1 MB limit is arbitrary, we just want to avoid getting a
    # MemoryError exception for /dev/zero etc.
    data = util.loadFile(fileName, frame, 1000000)

    if data == None:
        return None

    if len(data) == 0:
        wx.MessageBox("File is empty.", "Error", wx.OK, frame)

        return None

    data = util.fixNL(data)
    lines = data.split("\n")

    tabWidth = 4

    # key = indent level, value = Indent
    indDict = {}

    for i in range(len(lines)):
        s = util.toInputStr(lines[i].rstrip().expandtabs(tabWidth))

        # don't count empty lines towards indentation statistics
        if s.strip() == "":
            lines[i] = ""


        cnt = util.countInitial(s, " ")

        ind = indDict.get(cnt)
        if not ind:
            ind = Indent(cnt)
            indDict[cnt] = ind

        tmp = s.upper()

        if util.multiFind(tmp, ["EXT.", "INT."]):
            ind.sceneStart += 1

        if util.multiFind(tmp, ["CUT TO:", "DISSOLVE TO:"]):
            ind.trans += 1

        if re.match(r"^ +\(.*\)$", tmp):
            ind.paren += 1

        lines[i] = s

    if len(indDict) == 0:
        wx.MessageBox("File contains only empty lines.", "Error", wx.OK, frame)

        return None

    # scene/action indent
    setType(SCENE_ACTION, indDict, lambda v: v.sceneStart)

    # indent with most lines is dialogue in non-pure-action scripts
    setType(screenplay.DIALOGUE, indDict, lambda v: len(v.lines))

    # remaining indent with lines is character most likely
    setType(screenplay.CHARACTER, indDict, lambda v: len(v.lines))

    # transitions
    setType(screenplay.TRANSITION, indDict, lambda v: v.trans)

    # parentheticals
    setType(screenplay.PAREN, indDict, lambda v: v.paren)

    # some text files have this type of parens:
    #        JOE
    #      (smiling and
    #       hopping along)
    # this handles them.
    parenIndent = findIndent(indDict, lambda v: v.lt == screenplay.PAREN)
    if parenIndent != -1:
        paren2Indent = findIndent(indDict,
            lambda v, var: (v.lt == -1) and (v.indent == var),
            parenIndent + 1)

        if paren2Indent != -1:
            indDict[paren2Indent].lt = screenplay.PAREN

    # set line type to ACTION for any indents not recognized
    for v in indDict.itervalues():
        if v.lt == -1:
            v.lt = screenplay.ACTION

    dlg = ImportDlg(frame, indDict.values())

    if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK:

        return None


    ret = []

    for i in range(len(lines)):
        s = lines[i]
        cnt = util.countInitial(s, " ")
        s = s.lstrip()
        sUp = s.upper()

        if s:
            lt = indDict[cnt].lt

            if lt == IGNORE:

            if lt == SCENE_ACTION:
                if s.startswith("EXT.") or s.startswith("INT."):
                    lt = screenplay.SCENE
                    lt = screenplay.ACTION

            if ret and (ret[-1].lt != lt):
                ret[-1].lb = screenplay.LB_LAST

            if lt == screenplay.CHARACTER:
                if sUp.endswith("(CONT'D)"):
                    s = sUp[:-8].rstrip()

            elif lt == screenplay.PAREN:
                if s == "(continuing)":
                    s = ""

            if s:
                line = screenplay.Line(screenplay.LB_SPACE, lt, s)

        elif ret:
            ret[-1].lb = screenplay.LB_LAST

    if len(ret) == 0:
        ret.append(screenplay.Line(screenplay.LB_LAST, screenplay.ACTION))

    # make sure the last line ends an element
    ret[-1].lb = screenplay.LB_LAST

    return ret
예제 #6
파일: myimport.py 프로젝트: HuBandiT/trelby
def importFountain(fileName, frame):
    # regular expressions for fountain markdown.
    # https://github.com/vilcans/screenplain/blob/master/screenplain/richstring.py
    ire = re.compile(
            # one star
            # anything but a space, then text
            # finishing with one star
            # must not be followed by star
    bre = re.compile(
            # two stars
            # must not be followed by space
            # inside text
            # finishing with two stars
    ure = re.compile(
            # underline
            # must not be followed by space
            # inside text
            # finishing with underline
    boneyard_re = re.compile('/\\*.*?\\*/', flags=re.DOTALL)

    # random magicstring used to escape literal star '\*'
    literalstar = "Aq7RR"

    # returns s with markdown formatting removed.
    def unmarkdown(s):
        s = s.replace("\\*", literalstar)
        for style in (bre, ire, ure):
            s = style.sub(r'\1', s)
        return s.replace(literalstar, "*")

    data = util.loadFile(fileName, frame, 1000000)

    if data == None:
        return None

    if len(data) == 0:
        wx.MessageBox("File is empty.", "Error", wx.OK, frame)
        return None

    inf = []
    inf.append(misc.CheckBoxItem("Import titles as action lines."))
    inf.append(misc.CheckBoxItem("Remove unsupported formatting markup."))
    inf.append(misc.CheckBoxItem("Import section/synopsis as notes."))

    dlg = misc.CheckBoxDlg(frame, "Fountain import options", inf,
        "Import options:", False)

    if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK:
        return None

    importTitles = inf[0].selected
    removeMarkdown = inf[1].selected
    importSectSyn = inf[2].selected

    # pre-process data - fix newlines, remove boneyard.
    data = data.decode("utf-8")
    data = util.fixNL(data)
    data = boneyard_re.sub('', data)
    prelines = data.split("\n")
    lines = []

    tabWidth = 4
    lns = []
    sceneStartsList = ("INT", "EXT", "EST", "INT./EXT", "INT/EXT", "I/E", "I./E")
    TWOSPACE = "  "
    skipone = False

    # First check if title lines are present:
    c = 0
    while c < len(prelines):
        if prelines[c] != "":
            c = c+1

    # prelines[0:i] are the first bunch of lines, that could be titles.
    # Our check for title is simple:
    #   - the line does not start with 'fade'
    #   - the first line has a single ':'

    if c > 0:
        l = util.toInputStr(prelines[0].expandtabs(tabWidth).lstrip().lower())
        if not l.startswith("fade") and l.count(":") == 1:
            # these are title lines. Now do what the user requested.
            if importTitles:
                # add TWOSPACE to all the title lines.
                for i in xrange(c):
                    prelines[i] += TWOSPACE
                #remove these lines
                prelines = prelines[c+1:]

    for l in prelines:
        if l != TWOSPACE:

    linesLen = len(lines)

    def isPrevEmpty():
        if lns and lns[-1].text == "":
            return True
        return False

    def isPrevType(ltype):
        return (lns and lns[-1].lt == ltype)

    # looks ahead to check if next line is not empty
    def isNextEmpty(i):
        return  (i+1 < len(lines) and lines[i+1] == "")

    def getPrevType():
        if lns:
            return lns[-1].lt
            return screenplay.ACTION

    def isParen(s):
        return (s.startswith('(') and s.endswith(')'))

    def isScene(s):
        if s.endswith(TWOSPACE):
            return False
        if s.startswith(".") and not s.startswith(".."):
            return True
        tmp = s.upper()
        if (re.match(r'^(INT|EXT|EST)[ .]', tmp) or
            re.match(r'^(INT\.?/EXT\.?)[ .]', tmp) or
            re.match(r'^I/E[ .]', tmp)):
            return True
        return False

    def isTransition(s):
        return ((s.isupper() and s.endswith("TO:")) or
                (s.startswith(">") and not s.endswith("<")))

    def isCentered(s):
        return s.startswith(">") and s.endswith("<")

    def isPageBreak(s):
        return s.startswith('===') and s.lstrip('=') == ''

    def isNote(s):
        return s.startswith("[[") and s.endswith("]]")

    def isSection(s):
        return s.startswith("#")

    def isSynopsis(s):
        return s.startswith("=") and not s.startswith("==")

    # first pass - identify linetypes
    for i in range(linesLen):
        if skipone:
            skipone = False

        s = lines[i]
        sl = s.lstrip()
        # mark as ACTION by default.
        line = screenplay.Line(screenplay.LB_FORCED, screenplay.ACTION, s)

        # Start testing lines for element type. Go in order:
        # Scene Character, Paren, Dialog, Transition, Note.

        if s == "" or isCentered(s) or isPageBreak(s):
            # do nothing - import as action.

        elif s == TWOSPACE:
            line.lt = getPrevType()

        elif isScene(s):
            line.lt = screenplay.SCENE
            if sl.startswith('.'):
                line.text = sl[1:]
                line.text = sl

        elif isTransition(sl) and isPrevEmpty() and isNextEmpty(i):
            line.lt = screenplay.TRANSITION
            if line.text.startswith('>'):
                line.text = sl[1:].lstrip()

        elif s.isupper() and isPrevEmpty() and not isNextEmpty(i):
            line.lt = screenplay.CHARACTER
            if s.endswith(TWOSPACE):
                line.lt = screenplay.ACTION

        elif isParen(sl) and (isPrevType(screenplay.CHARACTER) or
            line.lt = screenplay.PAREN

        elif (isPrevType(screenplay.CHARACTER) or
             isPrevType(screenplay.DIALOGUE) or
            line.lt = screenplay.DIALOGUE

        elif isNote(sl):
            line.lt = screenplay.NOTE
            line.text = sl.strip('[]')

        elif isSection(s) or isSynopsis(s):
            if not importSectSyn:
                if isNextEmpty(i):
                    skipone = True

            line.lt = screenplay.NOTE
            line.text = sl.lstrip('=#')

        if line.text == TWOSPACE:

        elif line.lt != screenplay.ACTION:
            line.text = line.text.lstrip()

            tmp = line.text.rstrip()
            # we don't support center align, so simply add required indent.
            if isCentered(tmp):
                tmp = tmp[1:-1].strip()
                width = frame.panel.ctrl.sp.cfg.getType(screenplay.ACTION).width
                if len(tmp) < width:
                    tmp = ' ' * ((width - len(tmp)) // 2) + tmp
            line.text = tmp

        if removeMarkdown:
            line.text = unmarkdown(line.text)
            if line.lt == screenplay.CHARACTER and line.text.endswith('^'):
                line.text = line.text[:-1]


    ret = []

    # second pass helper functions.
    def isLastLBForced():
        return ret and ret[-1].lb == screenplay.LB_FORCED

    def makeLastLBLast():
        if ret:
            ret[-1].lb = screenplay.LB_LAST

    def isRetPrevType(t):
        return ret and ret[-1].lt == t

    # second pass - remove unneeded empty lines, and fix the linebreaks.
    for ln in lns:
        if ln.text == '':
            if isLastLBForced():

        elif not isRetPrevType(ln.lt):


    return ret