예제 #1
def su_edit(request, slug):
  '''SU edit item page.'''
  if not request.user.is_authenticated():
    return redirect('django.contrib.auth.views.login')
  tree = ET.parse(util.checkBaseline())
  c = getSUContext(request, tree)
  c['upload'], c['dlg_title'], c['dlg_msg'] = handleUpload(request)
  c['post'] = findContext(c['pages']+c['posts']+c['trash'], slug)
  c['post']['content'] = loadContent(c['post'])
  parent_choices = [('0', '0')]
  if c['post']['type'] == 'page':
    pages = flattenMenu(getMenu(tree))
    if slug in pages:
    page_choices = [(p, p) for p in pages]
  if request.method == 'POST':
    c['form'] = EditForm(request.POST, parents=parent_choices)
    if c['form'].is_valid():
      item = formToItem(c['form'], c['post'])
      if save(c['post']['name'], item):
        return redirect('su')
      c['dlg_title'] = "Failed to save %s" % (c['post']['type'])
      c['dlg_msg'] = "An error occurred while attempting to save.  Try again."
    c['form'] = itemToForm(c['post'], parent_choices)
  if c['post']['trash'] and c['post']['trash'].lower() == 'true':
    c['readonly'] = True
  t = util.getTemplate('su_edit.html', isSU=True)
  return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
예제 #2
def getDetail(request, type, slug, date=None):
  '''Get the response for a page or post.
    request: Django HttpRequest object
    type: The type of response requested.  Must be 'page' or 'post'.
    slug: Name/ID of the item.
    date: Optional date of item used to reduce searching.
    An HttpResponse for the requested item.
  what = {'post': 'posts', 'page': 'pages'}
  xml_tree = ET.parse(util.checkBaseline())
  wp_tree = wp.loadXML()
  c = getDefaultContext(request)
  c['posts'] = getItems(xml_tree, what[type], isVisible)
  if not date or date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') <= Config.WP_END_DATE:
    c['posts'] += wp.getItems(wp_tree, what[type])
  c['post'] = findContext(c['posts'], slug)
  if c['post']:
    c['post']['content'] = loadContent(c['post'])
    c['title'] += " - %s" % (c['post']['title'])
    assembleContext(c, xml_tree, wp_tree)
    t = util.getTemplate('detail.html')
    return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
  return get404(request, xml_tree, wp_tree)
예제 #3
class Line(Shape):

    component_xml = util.getTemplate('LINE-PARTS')

    def injectComponents(self):
		the base Shape class inserts the Geom elements

        #Layout can be inserted as is. It goes before textXFormNode
        layout = self.components['Layout']
        if not layout:
            raise DomException, "Layout not found in components"

        textXFormNode = self.selectSingleNode(self.dom, 'Shape/TextXForm')
        if not textXFormNode:
            raise DomException("TextXForm not found in Shape")

        self.doc.insertBefore(layout, textXFormNode)

        xForm1D = self.components['XForm1D']
        if not xForm1D:
            raise DomException, "XForm1D not found in components"
        self.doc.insertBefore(xForm1D, layout)
        # now compute and insert XForm1D

        # whole-object connections do not need these elements
        killTags = ['XForm', 'Geom']

        # print 'Killing %d tags ...' % len(killTags)
        for tag in killTags:
            node = self.selectSingleNode(self.dom, 'Shape/' + tag)
            if not node:
                raise Exception, 'could find node to kill: %s' % tag
            removed = self.doc.removeChild(node)
            # print ' - REMOVED', tag

    def addCustomAttrs(self, opts):
		called in Shape.__init__ just before DOM is updated with
		values from Shape attrs

        # print 'addCustomAttrs: %s' % opts

        self.xpaths.update({'EndArrow': 'Shape/Line/EndArrow'})

        self.ObjType = 2
        self.EndArrow = 1
예제 #4
def get404(request, xml_tree, wp_tree):
  '''Get a 404 response.
    request: View request object.
    xml_tree: Standard XML tree object.
    wp_tree: WordPress XML tree object.
    HttpResponseNotFound object.
  c = getDefaultContext(request)
  c['menu'] = getMenu(xml_tree, wp_tree)
  t = util.getTemplate('404.html')
  return HttpResponseNotFound(t.render(c))
예제 #5
def getSU(request, err_title_msg=None):
  '''Get the SU page response
    request: Django HttpRequest object
    err_title_msg: Tuple with structure: (error title, error message)
    An HttpResponse for the SU page.
  if not request.user.is_authenticated():
    return redirect('django.contrib.auth.views.login')
  tree = ET.parse(util.checkBaseline())
  c = getSUContext(request, tree)
  if err_title_msg:
    c['dlg_title'] = err_title_msg[0]
    c['dlg_msg'] = err_title_msg[1]
    c['upload'], c['dlg_title'], c['dlg_msg'] = handleUpload(request)
  t = util.getTemplate('su.html', isSU=True)
  return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
예제 #6
def showList(request, category=None, tag=None):
  '''Get response for showing a list of posts.
    request: View request object.
    category: Show only items containing this category string.
    tag: Show only items containing this tag string.
    A post list response.
  p = int(request.GET.get('p', 0))
  itemsPerPage = Config.POSTS_PER_PAGE
  xml_tree = ET.parse(util.checkBaseline())
  wp_tree = wp.loadXML()
  c = getDefaultContext(request)
  filter = isVisible
  if category:
    filter = lambda d: category in d['categories'] and isVisible(d)
  if tag:
    filter = lambda d: tag in d['tags'] and isVisible(d)
  all_posts = getItems(xml_tree, 'posts', filter) + \
    wp.getItems(wp_tree, 'posts', filter)
  posts = all_posts[p*itemsPerPage:(p+1)*itemsPerPage]
  c['prev'] = -1 if p == 0 else p-1
  c['next'] = -1 if p >= len(all_posts)/itemsPerPage else p+1
  if len(posts) > 0:
    for p in posts:
      p['content'] = loadContent(p)
    assembleContext(c, xml_tree, wp_tree)
    c['posts'] = posts
    tfile = 'index.html'
    if category or tag:
      tfile = 'cattag.html'
      c['title'] += " - Tagged %s" % (tag) if tag else " - Category %s" % (category)
    t = util.getTemplate(tfile)
    return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
  return get404(request, xml_tree, wp_tree)
예제 #7
class VdxRecord(MetaDataRecord):
    verbose = 0
    xpath_delimiter = '/'
    # default_vdx_template = 'VDX-TEMPLATE.xml'
    default_vdx_template = util.getTemplate('VDX-TEMPLATE')

    def __init__(self, template=None):
        template = template or self.default_vdx_template
        MetaDataRecord.__init__(self, path=template)
        self.shapes = UserDict()
        self.edges = UserDict()
        self.nodes = UserDict()

    def getShapeNodes(self):
		return the shape elements from DOM
        return self.selectNodes(self.dom,

    def getShapeId(self):

        return str(len(self.getShapeNodes()) + 1)

    def _shapeGetter(self, shapeId):
        return self.getShape(shapeId)

    def getShapeByName(self, name):
        # print 'getShapeByName (%s)' % name
        for node in self.shapes.values():
            if node.Name == name:
                return node

    def getShape(self, shapeId):
		return the Shape instance for provided shapeId or None if not defined
        return self.shapes.has_key(shapeId) and self.shapes[shapeId] or None

    def makeEdgeShape(self, source, target, relation, id=None):
        id = id or self.getShapeId()
        # return makeConnectorShape(source, target, relation, self.getShapeId())
        line_args = {
            'name': 'connector',
            'label': {
                'text': relation
            # 'x' : avg (start[0], end[0]),
            # 'y' : avg (start[1], end[1]),
            # 'x' : start[0],
            # 'y' : start[1],
            # 'height' : diff (end[1], start[1]) or util.pt2in(2),
            # 'width' : diff (end[0],start[0]),
            # 'begin_x' : start[0],
            # 'begin_y' : start[1],
            # 'end_x' : end[0],
            # 'end_y' : end[1]
        return Line(id, line_args)

    def addEdge(self, sourceId, targetId, relation):
            # source = self.getShape(sourceId)
            #source = self.getShapeByName(sourceId)
            source = self._shapeGetter(sourceId)
            if not source:
                raise Exception, "sourceId '%s'" % sourceId
            # target = self.getShape(targetId)
            # target = self.getShapeByName(targetId)
            target = self._shapeGetter(targetId)
            if not target:
                raise Exception, "targetId '%s'" % targetId
        except Exception, msg:
            print "addEdge Error: could not find a shape (%s)" % msg
            # print self
            print "SHAPE KEYS: %s" % self.shapes.keys()
            for key in self.shapes.keys():
                # print "%s: %s" % (key, self.shapes[key])
                print " - ", key
            print "HALTInG ..."

        # edge = makeConnectorShape(source, target, relation, self.getShapeId())
        edge = self.makeEdgeShape(source, target, relation, self.getShapeId())

        # parent = self.selectSingleNode (self.dom, 'VisioDocument/Pages/Page/Shapes')
        # if not parent:
        # raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr, 'Shapes node not found'
        # parent.appendChild(edge.getElement());

        self.edges[edge.ID] = edge

        # add the connect element
        self.addConnect(edge, source, target)

        return edge.ID
예제 #8
r = requests.get(
    f"https://api.github.com/repos/{os.environ['GITHUB_REPOSITORY']}/contributors?per_page={os.getenv('INPUT_MAX_CONTRIBUTORS', '10')}",
    headers={"cache-control": "no-cache"},

contributors = list(filter(lambda x: x["login"] != "actions-user", r.json()))
if not showNumbers:

    def removeNumbers(x: dict):
        return x

    contributors = list(map(removeNumbers, contributors))

rendered = getTemplate(contributors)

storedContributors = getStoredContributors()

# Only update list if
#   a) the stored contributor list isn't there
#   b) the user wants to display contribution numbers
#   c) the list of contributors has been updated since the last push
if ((storedContributors is None) or showNumbers
        or (storedContributors != stripToLogin(contributors))):
    if storedContributors != stripToLogin(contributors):
            f"Current contributors in README: {json.dumps(storedContributors)}\nActual repo contributors: {json.dumps(stripToLogin(contributors))}"

예제 #9
class Shape(MetaDataRecord):
	generic shape class, to be subclassed to add Geometry
    xpath_delimiter = '/'
    shape_template = util.getTemplate('SHAPE-TEMPLATE')
    component_xml = None  # subclasses provide xml file

    # there must be an xpath for every value we will write to DOM
    xpaths = {
        'ID': 'Shape/@ID',
        'Name': 'Shape/@Name',
        'Type': 'Shape/@Type',
        'PinX': 'Shape/XForm/PinX',
        'PinY': 'Shape/XForm/PinY',
        'Width': 'Shape/XForm/Width',
        'Height': 'Shape/XForm/Height',
        'ObjType': 'Shape/Misc/ObjType',
        'LineWeight': 'Shape/Line/LineWeight',
        'LineColor': 'Shape/Line/LineColor',
        'CharSize': 'Shape/Char/Size',
        'CharColor': 'Shape/Char/Color',
        'Text': 'Shape/Text'

    # provided shape args override these defaults
    default_shape_args = {
        'name': 'unnamed',
        'x': 1,
        'y': 1,
        'height': 1,
        'width': 1,
        'line': {
            'weight': 1,
            'color': '0'
        'label': {
            'text': '',
            'size': 12,
            'color': '0'

    def __init__(self, id, args=None):
        MetaDataRecord.__init__(self, path=self.shape_template)
        # make a copy so we don't stomp default_shape_args
        opts = copy.deepcopy(self.default_shape_args)
        if args is not None:
            util.update(opts, args)

        # define all attributes to match xpath mapping above.
        # the xpath mappings determine what attributes are written to DOM.
        self.ID = id
        self.Name = opts['name']
        self.Type = "Shape"
        self.PinX = opts['x']
        self.PinY = opts['y']
        self.Width = opts['width']
        self.Height = opts['height']
        self.ObjType = 1
        self.LineWeight = util.pt2in(opts['line']['weight'])  #from px to inch
        self.LineColor = opts['line']['color']

        self.CharSize = util.pt2in(opts['label']['size'])
        self.CharColor = opts['label']['color']
        self.Text = opts['label']['text']


        # inject components
        self.components = ComponentRecord(path=self.component_xml)
            # assigns components record as side effect
        except KeyError, msg:
            raise Exception, "ERROR: cannot inject component: %s" % msg

        # write element values to DOM
        for attr in self.xpaths:
                self.set(attr, str(getattr(self, attr)))
            except Exception, msg:
                # print 'WARN: set failed for %s' % attr
예제 #10
class Circle(SHAPE_BASE_CLASS):

    component_xml = util.getTemplate('CIRCLE-PARTS')
예제 #11
class Rectangle(SHAPE_BASE_CLASS):

    component_xml = util.getTemplate('RECTANGLE-PARTS')