예제 #1
def check_figures(language):
    Check included figures.
    def _ignore(filename):
        return filename.startswith('.') or \
            filename.endswith('.gif') or \
            filename.endswith('.odg') or \
            filename.endswith('.pdf') or \

    def _redundant(filename, defined):
        return filename.endswith('.png') and \
            filename.replace('.png', '.svg') in defined

    content = get_all_docs(language)
    by_doc = _match_lines_by_doc(
        content, r'{%\s+include\s+figure.html[^%]+src="([^"]+)"')
    used = set()
    for slug in by_doc:
        used |= {
            os.path.join(FIGURE_DIR, slug, filename)
            for filename in by_doc[slug]
    used |= _match_lines(content, r'^!\[.+\]\(\.\./(.+)\)')
    defined = {
        for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(FIGURE_DIR, '**/*.*'))
        if not _ignore(f)
    defined -= {f for f in defined if _redundant(f, defined)}
    report('Figures', 'unused', defined - used)
    report('Figures', 'missing', used - defined)
예제 #2
def check_crossref(language):
    Check cross-references.
    content = get_all_docs(language)
    used = _match_lines(content, r'\[([^\]]+)\]\(#REF\)')
    crossref = get_crossref(language)
    defined = {x for x in crossref.keys() if x.startswith('s:')}
    report('Cross References', 'missing', used - defined)
예제 #3
def check_cites(language):
    Check for unused and undefined citations.
    content = get_all_docs(CONFIG_FILE, language)
    used = _match_lines(content, r'\[([^\]]+)\]\(#BIB\)', flatten=',')
    defined = _match_lines(content, r'{:#b:([^}]+)}')
    report('Citations', 'unused', defined - used)
    report('Citations', 'undefined', used - defined)
예제 #4
def check_gloss(language):
    Check for unused and undefined glossary entries.
    content = get_all_docs(CONFIG_FILE, language)
    used = _match_body(content, r'\[.+?\]\(#(g:.+?)\)')
    defined = _match_lines(content, r'\*\*.+?\*\*{:#(g:.+?)}')
    report('Glossary Entries', 'unused', defined - used)
    report('Glossary Entries', 'missing', used - defined)
예제 #5
def check_figref(language):
    Check figure references.
    content = get_all_docs(language)
    used = _match_lines(content, r'\[([^\]]+)\]\(#FIG\)')
    crossref = get_crossref(language)
    defined = {x for x in crossref.keys() if x.startswith('f:')}
    report('Figure References', 'missing', used - defined)
    report('Figure References', 'unused', defined - used)
예제 #6
def main(language, with_undone=False):
    Main driver.
    overall = {}
    per_file = {}
    for (slug, filename, body, lines) in get_all_docs(CONFIG_FILE, language):
        if with_undone or not is_undone(body):
            count_basic(per_file, slug, filename, body, lines)
            if slug == 'gloss':
                count_gloss(overall, slug, filename, body, lines)
    display(overall, per_file)
예제 #7
def check_chars(language):
    Find and report non-7-bit characters that aren't translated.
    allowed = set(CHARACTERS.keys())
    result = set()
    for (slug, filename, body, lines) in get_all_docs(language):
        for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
            for (j, char) in enumerate(line):
                if (ord(char) > 127) and (char not in allowed):
                    result.add('{} {} {}: {}'.format(filename, i + 1, j + 1,
    report('Characters', 'non-ascii', result)
예제 #8
def check_gloss(language):
    Check for unused and undefined glossary entries and alphabetical order.
    content = get_all_docs(language)

    used = match_body(content, r'\[.+?\]\(#(g:.+?)\)')
    defined = _match_lines(content, r'\*\*.+?\*\*{:#(g:.+?)}')
    report('Glossary Entries', 'unused', defined - used)
    report('Glossary Entries', 'missing', used - defined)

    keys = _get_lines(content, r'\*\*(.+?)\*\*{:#g:.+?}')
    report('Glossary Entries', 'out of order', _out_of_order(keys))
예제 #9
def check_cites(language):
    Check for unused and undefined citations and for bibliography order.
    key_pat = r'{:#b:([^}]+)}'
    content = get_all_docs(language)

    used = _match_lines(content, r'\[([^\]]+)\]\(#BIB\)', splitter=',')
    defined = _match_lines(content, key_pat)
    report('Citations', 'unused', defined - used)
    report('Citations', 'undefined', used - defined)

    keys = _get_lines(content, key_pat)
    report('Citations', 'out of order', _out_of_order(keys))
예제 #10
def check_links(language):
    Check that external links are defined and used.
    content = get_all_docs(language)
    used = match_body(content, r'\[.+?\]\[(.+?)\]')
    with open(LINK_FILE, 'r') as reader:
        body = reader.read()
    matches = re.findall(r'^\[(.+?)\]', body, flags=re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE)
    links = Counter(matches)
    duplicate = {key for key in links if links[key] > 1}
    defined = set(links.keys())
    report('External Links', 'unused', defined - used)
    report('External Links', 'undefined', used - defined)
    report('External Links', 'duplicated', duplicate)
예제 #11
def check_anchors(language):
    Check that anchors on H2's are properly formatted and include the chapter slug.
    header_pat = re.compile(r'^##\s+[^{]+{([^}]+)}\s*$')
    target_pat = re.compile(r'#s:([^-]+)')
    result = set()
    for (slug, filename, body, lines) in get_all_docs(language):
        for line in lines:
            anchor = header_pat.search(line)
            if not anchor:
            m = target_pat.search(anchor.group(1))
            if (not m) or (m.group(1) != slug):
                result.add('{}: "{}"'.format(slug, anchor.group(1)))
    report('Anchors', 'mismatched', result)
예제 #12
def check_pages(language):
    Check that Markdown pages are properly structured.
    yaml_pat = re.compile(r'\A---\n.+\n---\n.+',
                          flags=re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE)
    links_pat = re.compile(r'{%\s+include\s+links.md\s+%}\s*\Z',
                           flags=re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE)
    content = get_all_docs(language)
    result = set()
    for (slug, filename, body, lines) in content:
        if not yaml_pat.match(body):
            result.add('{}: bad YAML header'.format(filename))
        if not links_pat.search(body):
            result.add('{}: missing links inclusion'.format(filename))
    report('Pages', 'issues', result)
예제 #13
def main(options, single, multi):
    Display all requested inclusions.
    if multi: multi += '/'  # to avoid spurious substring matches
    do_all = not (single or multi)
    content = get_all_docs(options['language'], remove_code_blocks=False)

    inclusions = get_inclusions(content, options['rejoin_lines'])
    todo = [(path, body) for (path, body) in inclusions \
            if (single and (path == single)) or \
               (multi and path.startswith(multi)) or \

    for (path, body) in sorted(todo):
        align(options, path, body)
예제 #14
def check_langs(language):
    Check that every fenced code block specifies a language.
    content = get_all_docs(language)
    result = set()
    for (slug, filename, body, lines) in content:
        in_block = False
        for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
            if not line.startswith('```'):
            elif in_block:
                in_block = False
                in_block = True
                if line.strip() == '```':
                    result.add('{} {:4d}'.format(filename, i + 1))
    report('Code Blocks', 'no language', result)
예제 #15
def check_src(language):
    Check external source files referenced in title attributes of code blocks.
    prefix_len = len(SOURCE_DIR + '/')

    def _unprefix(filename):
        return filename[prefix_len:]

    content = get_all_docs(language, remove_code_blocks=False)
    referenced = match_body(content, r'{:\s+title="([^"]+)\s*"}')
    actual = {
        for filename in glob.iglob('{}/**/*.*'.format(SOURCE_DIR),
        if not _ignore_file(filename)
    report('Source Files', 'unused', actual - referenced)
    report('Source Files', 'missing', referenced - actual)
예제 #16
def check_figures(language):
    Check included figures.
    def _ignore(filename):
        return filename.startswith('.') or \
            filename.endswith('.odg') or \
            filename.endswith('.pdf') or \

    def _redundant(filename, defined):
        return filename.endswith('.png') and \
            filename.replace('.png', '.svg') in defined

    content = get_all_docs(language)
    used = _match_lines(
        content, r'{%\s+include\s+figure.html[^%]+src=".+/figures/([^"]+)"')
    defined = {f for f in os.listdir(FIGURE_DIR) if not _ignore(f)}
    defined -= {f for f in defined if _redundant(f, defined)}
    report('Figures', 'unused', defined - used)
    report('Figures', 'missing', used - defined)