예제 #1
def get_extended_class(start_line=None):
    # Figure out if we're in an inner class and return its extended type if so.
    if not start_line:
        start_line = util.get_cursor_line_num()
    start_indent = util.get_indent(start_line)
    if start_indent > 0:
        for decl in iter_decls(start_line, -1, FUNC_DECLS | CLASS_DECLS):
            indent = util.get_indent(decl.line)
            if indent == start_indent:
            decl_type = type(decl)
            if decl_type is FuncDecl:
                start_indent = indent
            elif decl_type is ClassDecl:
                if decl.extends:
                    return decl.extends
                    return None
            if indent == 0:

    # Search for 'extends' at the top of the file.
    for lnum in range(1, util.get_line_count()):
        line = util.get_line(lnum)
        m = re.match("extends\s+(\w+)", line)
        if m:
            return m.group(1)
        # Only 'tool' can appear before 'extends', so stop searching if any other
        # text is encountered.
        elif not re.match("tool\s+$", line):
            return None
예제 #2
def _iter_decls_down(start_line, flags):
    # Check whether the starting line is a class decl.
    # If so, the indent of the next line is used as a baseline to determine
    # which items are direct children of the inner class.
    in_class = False
    class_decl = _get_decl(start_line, CLASS_DECLS)
    if class_decl:
        in_class = True
        class_indent = util.get_indent(start_line)
        inner_indent = None
        if flags & CLASS_DECLS:
            yield class_decl

    for lnum in range(start_line + 1, util.get_line_count()):
        if not util.get_line(lnum):
        indent = util.get_indent(lnum)
        if in_class:
            if indent <= class_indent:
            if not inner_indent:
                inner_indent = indent
            elif indent > inner_indent:
            if indent > 0:
        decl = _get_decl(lnum, flags)
        if decl:
            yield decl
예제 #3
def _iter_decls_up(start_line, flags):
    # Remove consts and enums from flags, since they can't exist inside functions.
    flags &= ~CONST_DECLS
    flags &= ~ENUM_DECLS

    # Gather decls, but don't yield them until we're sure that the start line
    # was inside a function. If it wasn't, only the class decl is yielded, or
    # nothing if the start line wasn't inside an inner class either.
    decls = []
    start_indent = util.get_indent(start_line)
    if start_indent == 0:
    # Upon reaching a func decl, the search continues until a class decl is found.
    # This only happens if the func decl is indented.
    found_func = False
    for lnum in range(start_line - 1, 0, -1):
        indent = util.get_indent(lnum)
        if indent > start_indent:
        if found_func:
            # After finding a function, we only care finding the inner class.
            decl = _get_decl(lnum, CLASS_DECLS)
            # We need to know when a func or class is encountered, even if they
            # aren't part of the search flags. Funcs and classes are still only
            # yielded if part of the original search flags.
            decl = _get_decl(lnum, flags | FUNC_DECLS | CLASS_DECLS)
        if not decl:
        if indent < start_indent:
            decl_type = type(decl)
            if decl_type is FuncDecl:
                found_func = True
                start_indent = indent
                if flags & VAR_DECLS:
                    # Yield function args
                    if len(decl.args) > 0:
                        mapped_args = _args_to_vars(decl)
                        for arg in mapped_args:
                            yield arg
                    # Yield var decls gathered up until now.
                    for stored_decl in reversed(decls):
                        yield stored_decl
                if flags & FUNC_DECLS:
                    yield decl
                if indent == 0:
            elif decl_type is ClassDecl:
                if flags & CLASS_DECLS:
                    yield decl