예제 #1
파일: parse.py 프로젝트: j0sh77/phnot
    def _get_task_move(self, id, desc, body):
        ret = None
        username = util.get_regex_match(body, ">([^>]+) moved this task")
        movement = util.get_regex_match(body, "moved this task ([^\.]+)")

        if not util.should_ignore_username(username):
            short_message = "{} moved {} {}.".format(username, id, movement)
            long_message = "@{} moved *{}: {}* {}.".format(
                username, id, desc, movement)
            ret = Notification(id, desc, short_message, long_message)

        return ret
예제 #2
파일: parse.py 프로젝트: j0sh77/phnot
    def _get_inline_comments(self, id, desc, body):
        ret = None
        username = util.get_regex_match(body, ">([^>]+) added inline comments")

        # found inline comments
        if not util.should_ignore_username(username):
            short_message = "{} added inline comments to {}.".format(
                username, id)
            long_message = "@{} added inline comments to *{}: {}*.".format(
                username, id, desc)
            soup = BeautifulSoup(body, 'html.parser')
            comment_divs = soup.select("div > strong + div > div > div > div")
            files = {}
            comments = []

            # try to find any actual comments
            for div in comment_divs:
                # filter out those with color - those are old comments
                comments = [
                    comment.text for comment in div.select("p")
                    if 'color' not in comment.parent['style']

            for comment in comments:
                long_message = "{}\n```{}```".format(long_message, comment)

            ret = Notification(id, desc, short_message, long_message)

        return ret
예제 #3
파일: parse.py 프로젝트: j0sh77/phabapi
    def _handle_request_changes(self, id, desc, body):
        username = util.get_regex_match(body, ">([^>]+) requested changes to this revision.")

        if username is not None:
            self.handler.on_diff_request_changes(id, desc, username)
        elif 'This revision now requires changes to proceed' in body:
            self.handler.on_diff_request_changes(id, desc, None)
예제 #4
파일: parse.py 프로젝트: j0sh77/phnot
    def _get_new_revision(self, id, desc, body):
        ret = None
        username = util.get_regex_match(body, ">([^>]+) created this revision")

        if not util.should_ignore_username(username):
            short_message = "{} created a new revision - {}: {}.".format(
                username, id, desc)
            long_message = "@" + short_message
            ret = Notification(id, desc, short_message, long_message)

        return ret
예제 #5
파일: parse.py 프로젝트: j0sh77/phabapi
    def _handle_comments(self, id, desc, body):
        username = util.get_regex_match(body, ">([^>]+) added a comment.")

        if username is not None:
            soup = BeautifulSoup(body, 'html.parser')
            paragraphs = soup.select("div > div > p")
            comment = None

            if len(paragraphs) > 0 and len(paragraphs[0].parent.text) > 0:
                comment = paragraphs[0].parent.text

            self.handler.on_task_comment(id, desc, username, comment)
예제 #6
파일: parse.py 프로젝트: j0sh77/phabapi
    def _handle_inline_comments(self, id, desc, body):
        username = util.get_regex_match(body, ">([^>]+) added inline comments")

        if username is not None:
            soup = BeautifulSoup(body, 'html.parser')
            comment_divs = soup.select("div > strong + div > div > div > div")
            comments = []

            # try to find any actual comments
            for div in comment_divs:
                # filter out those with color - those are old comments
                new_comments = [comment.text for comment in div.select("p") if 'color' not in comment.parent['style']]
                comments += new_comments
            self.handler.on_diff_inline_comments(id, desc, username, comments)
예제 #7
파일: parse.py 프로젝트: j0sh77/phnot
    def _get_comments(self, id, desc, body):
        ret = None
        username = util.get_regex_match(body, ">([^>]+) added a comment.")

        if not util.should_ignore_username(username):
            short_message = "{} added a comment to {}.".format(username, id)
            long_message = "@{} added a comment to *{}: {}*.".format(
                username, id, desc)
            soup = BeautifulSoup(body, 'html.parser')
            paragraphs = soup.select("div > div > p")
            if len(paragraphs) > 0 and len(paragraphs[0].parent.text) > 0:
                long_message = "{}\n```{}```".format(long_message,

            ret = Notification(id, desc, short_message, long_message)

        return ret
예제 #8
파일: parse.py 프로젝트: j0sh77/phnot
    def _get_request_changes(self, id, desc, body):
        ret = None
        username = util.get_regex_match(
            body, ">([^>]+) requested changes to this revision.")

        if not util.should_ignore_username(username):
            short_message = "{} requested changes to {}.".format(username, id)
            long_message = "@{} requested changes to {}: {}.".format(
                username, id, desc)
            ret = Notification(id, desc, short_message, long_message)
        elif 'This revision now requires changes to proceed' in body:
            short_message = "{} requires changes to proceed.".format(id)
            long_message = "*{}: {}* requires changes to proceed.".format(
                id, desc)
            ret = Notification(id, desc, short_message, long_message)

        return ret
예제 #9
파일: phab_mail.py 프로젝트: j0sh77/phnot
    def _get_notifications(self, open_ids, label, last_id, parser):
        new_mail, last_id = self._get_new_email(last_id, open)
        notifications = []

        for mail in new_mail:
            phab_id = util.regex_phab_id(mail['subject'])
            phab_desc = util.get_regex_match(mail['subject'],
                                             "[DT][0-9]+: (.*)")

            if phab_id in open_ids:
                body = mail.get_payload(decode=True)
                if mail.is_multipart():
                    body = ''.join(
                        [str(p) for p in body.get_payload(decode=True)])

                parsed = parser.parse(phab_id, phab_desc, body.decode())
                notifications = notifications + parsed

        return notifications, last_id
예제 #10
 def __init__(self, diff_str):
     self.id = util.get_regex_match(diff_str, "(D[0-9]+):")
     self.description = util.get_regex_match(diff_str, "D[0-9]+: (.*)").strip()
     self.status = util.get_regex_match(diff_str, "^\* ([a-zA-Z ]+) D").strip()
예제 #11
 def __init__(self, task_str):
     self.id = util.get_regex_match(task_str, "(T[0-9]+)")
     self.description = util.get_regex_match(task_str, "T[0-9]+ (.+)\s\s+({})".format(conf.PRIORITIES)).strip()
     self.priority = util.get_regex_match(task_str, "T[0-9]+ .+\s\s+({})\s\s+".format(conf.PRIORITIES)).strip()
     self.status = util.get_regex_match(task_str, "T[0-9]+ .+\s\s+({})\s\s+(.*)".format(conf.PRIORITIES), match_num=2).strip()
예제 #12
파일: parse.py 프로젝트: j0sh77/phabapi
    def _handle_new_revision(self, id, desc, body):
        username = util.get_regex_match(body, ">([^>]+) created this revision")

        if username is not None:
            self.handler.on_diff_new(id, desc, username)
예제 #13
파일: parse.py 프로젝트: j0sh77/phabapi
    def _handle_task_move(self, id, desc, body):
        username = util.get_regex_match(body, ">([^>]+) moved this task")
        movement = util.get_regex_match(body, "moved this task ([^\.]+)")

        if username is not None:
            self.handler.on_task_move(id, desc, username)