def deserialize(file: IO): cnt, *points = file.readline().strip().split(",") cnt = int(cnt) points = list(map(int, points)) assert len( points ) == cnt * 4, "Can't deserialize Fern. count = {}, coords = {}" return Fern(cnt, list(grouper(grouper(points, 2), 2)))
def compute_checksum(heigth, width, input_string): rows = grouper(input_string, width) layers = grouper(rows, heigth) layers = list(layers) LOG.debug(layers) idx_zeros_and_checksum = ((idx, number_of_zeros_in_layer(layer), compute_checksu(layer)) for idx, layer in enumerate(layers)) idx_zeros_and_checksum = list(idx_zeros_and_checksum) LOG.debug(idx_zeros_and_checksum) idx, num_zeros, checksum = min(idx_zeros_and_checksum, key=lambda s: s[1]) LOG.debug(f"Layer {idx=} with {num_zeros} zeros has checksum {checksum}") return checksum
def parse_gzip(self, filename): """ Translate input in file at path defined by `filename` from FASTQ format after gzip decompression. Returns: List of dictionaries with the following keys: * id (str): Identifier for the sequence. * desc (str, optional): If the original identifier contains at least one space, desc will be the string after the last one. * dna (str): The sequence DNA string. """ gzfile = open(filename, 'rb') d = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) eof = False data = '' while True: while True: cdata = if not cdata: eof = True break data = ''.join([data, d.decompress(cdata)]) lines = data.split('\n') num = len(lines) - 1 if num >= 4: slines = lines[0:num - (num % 4)] data = '\n'.join(lines[num - (num % 4)::]) break if eof: break for ls in grouper(slines, 4): yield self._parse_lines(ls)
def scrape_sections_html(self, html): def join(x): return map(lambda y: ''.join(y), x) rows = join(grouper(2, re.split( '(<TR>\n<TH CLASS="ddtitle")', html)[1:])) title_re = re.compile( '<TH CLASS="ddtitle".*><A .*>' + '.* - ([0-9]+) - .* (' + course_number_re_fragment + ')' + ' - (' + section_name_re_fragment + ')</A></TH>') def iter_sections(): for row in rows: section = {} match ='\n', '')) if match is None: continue yield { 'crn':, 'course':, 'name':, } return list(iter_sections())
def scrape_courses_html(self, html): """ Don't try to parse HTML with regular expressions, right? Unfortunately, since Oscar doesn't believe in closing <tr> tags, BeautifulSoup does not parse this table intelligibly. This page consists of one giant single-column table. Each course is represented by two consecutive rows. The first row contains the course number and title. The second row contains the description, plus some other things. """ def join(x): return map(lambda y: ''.join(y), x) rows = join(grouper(2, re.split('(<TR)', html)[1:])) title_re = re.compile('CLASS="nttitle".*>[A-Z]+ (' + course_number_re_fragment + ') - (.*)</A></TD>') def iter_courses(): for (row1, row2) in grouper(2, rows): course = {} match ='\n', '')) if match is None: continue course['number'] = course['name'] = soup = BeautifulSoup(row2) td = soup.find('td') d = td.contents[0].strip().replace('\n', ' ') or None course['description'] = d yield course return list(iter_courses())
def group(self, grouping, array=None): array = array if array is not None else self.board # group into nested list of lists, 4 items each nested_array = grouper(array, 4) if grouping == 'columns': nested_array = transpose(*nested_array) return nested_array
def main(mode, inputs_dir, output_filename, n_jobs, chunk_size): from glob import glob if os.path.exists(output_filename): user_in = "" while len(user_in) != 1 or user_in not in "aoe": user_in = raw_input( "output filename `%s' already exists, append/overwrite/exit (aoe)?" % output_filename) if user_in == "e": print "Exiting." sys.exit(1) elif user_in == "o": print "Overwriting." output_file = open(output_filename, "w") with open("done_files.txt", "w") as f: f.write("dummy") pass elif user_in == "a": print "Appending." output_file = open(output_filename, "a") else: output_file = open(output_filename, "w") input_filenames = sorted(glob(os.path.join(inputs_dir, "*.json.bz2"))) done_files = [] if os.path.exists("done_files.txt"): with open("done_files.txt") as done_fd: done_files = [s.strip() for s in done_fd.readlines()] input_filenames = [f for f in input_filenames if f not in done_files] n_files = len(input_filenames) n_processed_files = 0 widgets = [progressbar.ETA(), progressbar.Percentage()] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=n_files).start()"Processing %d / %d files", chunk_size, n_files) with Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs) as parallel: for chunk in grouper(input_filenames, chunk_size): chunk = [f for f in chunk if f is not None] if len(chunk) == 0: continue try: sentences = parallel( delayed(cleanup_bz2_file)(filename, mode) for filename in chunk if filename is not None) except EOFError: continue sentences = [l for l in chain(*sentences)]"Found %d sentences in [%s]", len(sentences), ", ".join(chunk)) for sent in sentences: output_file.write(sent) output_file.write("\n") for f in chunk: done_files.append(f) with open("done_files.txt", "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(done_files)) n_processed_files += len(chunk) pbar.update(n_processed_files) pbar.finish()
def parse_xml_file(filename_glob, output_filename, mode, n_jobs): data = {} from glob import glob filenames = sorted(glob(filename_glob)) n_parsed = 0 sents = [] #if os.path.exists(output_filename): #print("ERROR: output filename already exists") #sys.exit(1) outfile = open(output_filename, "a") n_ok = 0 print("Number of files: ", len(filenames)) with Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=4) as parallel: for chunk in grouper(filenames, 10*n_jobs): try: sents = parallel(delayed(parse_files)([fn], mode) for fn in chunk) for sent in chain(*sents): if sent.ok: sent.write_yaml(outfile) n_ok += 1 n_parsed += 1 del sents except: print("ERROR") print("Total OK sentences:", n_ok) try: print("Frac of OK sentences:", n_ok / float(n_parsed)) except: print("No candidates found.") outfile.close()
def do_evaluate(args): """ Evaluate an existing model. """"Evaluating the model.") model = get_model_factory(args.model).load(args.model_path) data = list(process_snli_data(args.eval_data)) X1, X2, Y = vectorize_data(data, args.input_length) emb = WordEmbeddings() cm = ConfusionMatrix(LABELS) writer = csv.writer(args.output, delimiter="\t") writer.writerow(["sentence1", "sentence2", "gold_label", "guess_label", "neutral", "contradiction", "entailment"]) for batch in tqdm(grouper(args.batch_size, zip(data, X1, X2, Y)), total=int(len(data)/args.batch_size)): objs, X1_batch, X2_batch, y_batch = zip(*batch) X1_batch = array([emb.weights[x,:] for x in X1_batch]) X2_batch = array([emb.weights[x,:] for x in X2_batch]) y_batch = array(y_batch) y_batch_ = model.predict_on_batch([X1_batch, X2_batch]) for obj, y, y_ in zip(objs, y_batch, y_batch_): label = np.argmax(y) label_ = np.argmax(y_) writer.writerow([ obj.sentence1, obj.sentence2, LABELS[label], LABELS[label_], ] + list(y_)) cm.update(label, label_) cm.print_table() cm.summary()"Done.")
def update_commutes(session, dests, modes, chunksize=50, delay=5, verbose=True, **kwargs): """ Look up commute distances and times from Google Maps API for posts in the database that are missing commute information. """ query = ( session .query(ApartmentPost) .outerjoin(ApartmentPost.commutes) .filter(not_(ApartmentPost.commutes.any())) .filter(not_(ApartmentPost.latitude == None))) num_updates = query.count() num_processed = 0 for posts in grouper(chunksize, query): _process_batch(session, posts, dests, modes, **kwargs) num_processed += len(posts) print "{}/{} commutes processed".format(num_processed, num_updates) _random_pause(delay) try: session.commit() except: session.rollback() raise finally: session.close()
def do_train(args): """ Train the model using the provided arguments. """ # Assumption: it is cheap to store all the data in text form in # memory (it's only about 144mb) _, X, y = load_data_raw(args.input) X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val = split_data(X, y, args.dev_split) # Assumption: word vector model will also easily fit in memory. wvecs = WordVectorModel.from_file(args.wvecs, False, '*UNKNOWN*') # Typical values are 50, 50 input_shape = (1,args.n_words, wvecs.dim) output_shape = len(LABELS) # Build model model = build_model(args, input_shape=input_shape, output_shape=output_shape, output_type=args.output_type) # Training data on the other hand will not. Each input instance is # 50x50 matrix with 8bytes per value: that's about 20kb. # Assuming we want to store only about 500mb in memory at a time, # that means we want at most 25k items in a batch. # Typically minibatches of 32-128 are probably ok. Let's keep it # that way? for epoch in range(args.n_epochs): log("== Training model, epoch {}", epoch) scorer = Scorer(model) for xy in tqdm(grouper(args.batch_size, zip(X_train, y_train))): X_batch, y_batch = zip(*xy) X_batch, y_batch = wvecs.embed_sentences(X_batch), array(make_one_hot(y_batch, len(LABELS))) score = model.train_on_batch(X_batch, y_batch) scorer.update(score, len(X_batch)) log("=== train error: {}", scorer) scorer = Scorer(model) for xy in tqdm(grouper(args.batch_size, zip(X_val, y_val))): X_batch, y_batch = zip(*xy) X_batch, y_batch = wvecs.embed_sentences(X_batch), array(make_one_hot(y_batch, len(LABELS))) score = model.test_on_batch(X_batch, y_batch) scorer.update(score, len(X_batch)) log("=== val error: {}", scorer) ## Save the model save_model(model, args.model, args.weights)
def exhaust_generator(self, sess): self.print('Starting exhaust_generator') self.generator = self.generator_fn(*self.generator_args) if self.enqueue_many is not None: self.generator = (tuple(zip(*group)) for group in grouper(self.generator, self.enqueue_many, self.fill_value)) (self.multi_loop if isinstance(self.placeholders, list) else self.mono_loop)(sess) self.print('Loop ended')
def iter_courses(): for (row1, row2) in grouper(2, rows): course = {} match ='\n', '')) if match is None: continue course['number'] = course['name'] = soup = BeautifulSoup(row2) td = soup.find('td') d = td.contents[0].strip().replace('\n', ' ') or None course['description'] = d yield course
async def get_summoner_names_by_ids(self, summoner_ids): """Get summoner names by their ids Keyword arguments: summoner_ids -- list of summoner ids to query """ results = [] for subset in util.grouper(summoner_ids, 40): url = self.base_summoner_url + ','.join(str(summoner_id) for summoner_id in subset if summoner_id) + '/name' results.append(await self.get(url)) return util.dict_merge(results)
async def get_summoners_info_by_names(self, summoner_names): """Get info about summoners by summoner names Keyword arguments: summoner_names -- list of summoner names to query """ results = [] for subset in util.grouper(summoner_names, 40): url = self.base_summoner_url + 'by-name/' + ','.join(name for name in subset if name) results.append(await self.get(url)) return util.dict_merge(results)
def evaluate(args, emb, model, X1X2Y, total=None): cm = ConfusionMatrix(LABELS) for batch in tqdm(grouper(args.batch_size, X1X2Y), total=int(total/args.batch_size)): X1_batch, X2_batch, y_batch = zip(*batch) X1_batch = array([emb.weights[x,:] for x in X1_batch]) X2_batch = array([emb.weights[x,:] for x in X2_batch]) y_batch = array(y_batch) y_batch_ = model.predict_on_batch([X1_batch, X2_batch]) for y, y_ in zip(y_batch, y_batch_): cm.update(np.argmax(y), np.argmax(y_)) cm.print_table() cm.summary() return cm
def get_summoners_info_by_names(self, summoner_names): """Get info about summoners by summoner names Keyword arguments: summoner_names -- list of summoner names to query """ results = [] for subset in util.grouper(summoner_names, 40): url = self.base_url + "by-name/" + ",".join(name for name in subset if name) results.append(LeagueRequest.get(url)) return util.dict_merge(results)
def get_summoner_names_by_ids(self, summoner_ids): """Get summoner names by their ids Keyword arguments: summoner_ids -- list of summoner ids to query """ results = [] for subset in util.grouper(summoner_ids, 40): url = self.base_url + ",".join(str(summoner_id) for summoner_id in subset if summoner_id) + "/name" results.append(LeagueRequest.get(url)) return util.dict_merge(results)
def iter_courses(): for (row1, row2) in grouper(2, rows): course = {} match ="\n", "")) if match is None: continue course["number"] = course["name"] = soup = BeautifulSoup(row2) td = soup.find("td") d = td.contents[0].strip().replace("\n", " ") or None course["description"] = d yield course
def pretty(self): """Returns a human-readable representation.""" horizontal_line = ("+",) + (("-",) * 7 + ("+",)) * 3 + ("\n",) r = [] r.extend(horizontal_line) for square_row in range(3): for row_index in range(square_row * 3, square_row * 3 + 3): for group in util.grouper(self.row(row_index), 3): r.append("| ") for cell in group: r.append(str(cell) if cell is not None else "x") r.append(" ") r.append("|\n") r.extend(horizontal_line) return "".join(r[:-1])
async def get_prods_by_query(self, **kwargs): prod_details, total_pages = await self._get_products_by_query_for_page( page=1, return_page_num=True, **kwargs) if total_pages > 1: for sub_pages in util.grouper(range(total_pages), 5): details = await asyncio.gather(*[ self._get_products_by_query_for_page(page=page, **kwargs) for page in sub_pages if page ]) for detail in details: prod_details.extend(detail) return prod_details
def solve_part_one(): p = get_program('../inputs/day13.txt') c = Computer(p, Queue(), Queue()) c.run_until_stop() all_outputs = queue_to_list(c.output_queue) all_outputs = all_outputs[: -1] # skip the final "program terminated"-output screen = defaultdict(int) for x, y, tile_id in grouper(all_outputs, 3): assert tile_id in tile_ids, f"invalid code: {tile_id}" screen[(x, y)] = tile_id return sum(1 for tid in screen.values() if tid == BLOCK)
def compute_data_view(self, view): unit = view['unit'] count = view['count'] addr = ez.eval_location(view['location']) data =, unit * count) words = [] for x in util.grouper(data, unit): val = util.unpack_le(x) words.append({ 'address': addr, 'value': val, 'smart': ez.make_smart(val), }) addr += unit assert len(words) == count return words
def measure_dataset(detector, video, frame_flags: TextIO, gt_homography: TextIO, gt_points: TextIO, sample=None, explore=False): if explore: logger.debug("Explore enabled") h, w = np.shape(sample)[:2] sample_bounds = np.float32([[0, 0], [w, 0], [w, h], [0, h]]) filter_bounds = sample_bounds.copy() filter_vel = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]) alpha = 0.5 beta = 0.2 logger.debug("Start iterating over frames") result = [] for idx, (frame, flag, Hline, Pline) in \ enumerate(zip(get_frames(video), frame_flags, gt_homography, gt_points)): logger.debug("Evaluating frame {}".format(idx)) truth = list(grouper(map(float, Pline.strip().split()), 2)) flag = int(flag.strip()) if idx % 2 == 0 or flag > 0: logger.debug("Frame {} dropped".format(idx)) continue points, H = detector.detect(frame, orig_bounds=sample_bounds) filter_bounds += filter_vel if len(points) > 0: filter_r = points - filter_bounds filter_bounds += alpha * filter_r filter_vel += beta * filter_r metric = calc_metric(truth, points) if explore: examine_detection(detector, sample, frame, truth, points) examine_detection(detector, sample, frame, truth, filter_bounds) logger.debug("Metric value for frame {} = {}".format(idx, metric)) result.append(metric) return result
def train_detector(video, gt_points: TextIO):"Start detector training") frame = next(util.get_frames(video)) gt_points = np.array( list(util.grouper(map(float, next(gt_points).strip().split()), 2))) sample_corners = np.array([[0, 0], [640, 0], [640, 480], [0, 480]], dtype=np.float32) H, _ = cv2.findHomography(gt_points, sample_corners, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0) sample = cv2.warpPerspective(frame, H, (640, 480)) detector = fern.FernDetector.train(sample, max_train_corners=20, max_match_corners=500)"Detector trained") return detector
def do_run(args): """ Run the neural net to predict on new data. """ # Load the model and weights model = load_model(args.model, args.weights) wvecs = WordVectorModel.from_file(args.wvecs, False, '*UNKNOWN*') data = ((, tokenize(to_ascii(tweet.text))) for tweet in RowObjectFactory.from_stream(csv.reader(args.input, delimiter="\t"))) writer = csv.writer(args.output, delimiter='\t') writer.writerow(['id',] + LABELS) for ix in tqdm(grouper(args.batch_size, data)): ids_batch, X_batch = zip(*ix) X_batch = wvecs.embed_sentences(X_batch) labels = model.predict_on_batch(X_batch) for id, label in zip(ids_batch, labels): writer.writerow([id,] + [float(l) for l in label])
def process_data(self, conf): super(Schedule, self).process_data(conf) data = conf['data'] triples = grouper(3, data) labels, begin_dates, end_dates = zip(*triples) begin_dates = map(self.parse_date, begin_dates) end_dates = map(self.parse_date, end_dates) # reconstruct the triples in a new order reordered_triples = zip(begin_dates, end_dates, labels) # because of the reordering, this will sort by begin_date # then end_date, then label. reordered_triples.sort() conf['data'] = reordered_triples
def get_mfccs(track, dc=False, n_fft=2048, average=None, normalize=False, n_mfcc=20, fmin=20, fmax=None, hop_length=512, n_mels=128, **kwargs): audio, sr = librosa.load(track['file_path']) mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc(audio, sr=sr, n_fft=n_fft, n_mfcc=n_mfcc, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, hop_length=hop_length, n_mels=n_mels) if not dc: mfcc = mfcc[1:] if normalize: # Normalize each feature vector between 0 and 1 mfcc = mfcc - mfcc.min(axis=0) mfcc = mfcc / mfcc.max(axis=0) if average and average > 0: samples = sr * average / n_fft chunks = util.grouper(mfcc.T, samples) averaged_chunk = [np.mean(group, axis=0) for group in chunks] mfcc = np.array(averaged_chunk).T return mfcc
def deserialize(file: IO):"Deserialiazing FernDetector from {}".format( version = int(file.readline().strip()) if version != 1: msg = "Can't deserialize FernDetector from {}. Incorrect version of model. Expected 1, found {}"\ .format(, version) module_logger.error(msg) raise AssertionError(msg) num_ferns = int(file.readline().strip()) ph, pw = map(int, file.readline().strip().split(",")) with util.Timer("Deserializing ferns"): ferns = [Fern.deserialize(file) for _ in range(num_ferns)] fern_bits, max_train, max_match = map( int, file.readline().strip().split(",")) with util.Timer("Deserializing fern_p"): F, C, K = map(int, file.readline().strip().split(",")) fern_p = np.zeros((F, C, K), dtype=float) for fern_idx in range(F): for class_idx in range(C): line = list(map(float, file.readline().strip().split(","))) fern_p[fern_idx, class_idx, :] = line line = file.readline().strip().split(",") key_points = list(util.grouper(map(int, line), 2))"Creating FernDetector") detector = FernDetector(patch_size=(ph, pw), max_train_corners=max_train, max_match_corners=max_match, ferns=ferns, ferns_p=fern_p, classes_cnt=C, key_points=key_points, fern_bits=fern_bits)"Deserialization complete.") return detector
async def add_items(self, items): temp_id = await self._redis.incr(self._temp_id_key) temp_key = self._keyname(f'temp_{temp_id}') # Load all items we're adding into a temp table for some_items in grouper(1000, items): await self._redis.sadd(temp_key, *some_items) # Find the new items (i.e. items not already in all_items) await self._redis.sdiffstore(temp_key, temp_key, self._items_key) # Save new items into all_items and unexplored await self._redis.sunionstore(self._items_key, self._items_key, temp_key) await self._redis.sunionstore(self._unexplored_key, self._unexplored_key, temp_key) # And clean up after ourselves await self._redis.delete(temp_key)
def __getattr__(self, name): if name == "passwords": result = zlib.decompress(self.pwbuffer).split('\n') assert len(result) == self.numElems md = hashlib.md5() md.update(self.essid) md.update(self.pmkbuffer) md.update(self.pwbuffer) if md.digest() != self.digest: raise DigestError("Digest check failed") self.passwords = result del self.pwbuffer elif name == "pmks": result = util.grouper(self.pmkbuffer, 32) assert len(result) == self.numElems self.pmks = result del self.pmkbuffer else: raise AttributeError return result
def train(args, emb, model, X1X2Y, total=None): """ Train the model using the embeddings @emb and input data batch X1X2Y. """ cm = ConfusionMatrix(LABELS) scorer = Scorer(model.metrics_names) for batch in tqdm(grouper(args.batch_size, X1X2Y), total=int(total/args.batch_size)): X1_batch, X2_batch, y_batch = zip(*batch) X1_batch = array([emb.weights[x,:] for x in X1_batch]) X2_batch = array([emb.weights[x,:] for x in X2_batch]) y_batch = array(y_batch) score = model.train_on_batch([X1_batch, X2_batch], y_batch) scorer.update(score, len(y_batch)) y_batch_ = model.predict_on_batch([X1_batch, X2_batch]) for y, y_ in zip(y_batch, y_batch_): cm.update(np.argmax(y), np.argmax(y_))"train error: %s", scorer) cm.print_table() cm.summary() return cm
def scrape_sections_html(self, html): def join(x): return map(lambda y: "".join(y), x) rows = join(grouper(2, re.split('(<TR>\n<TH CLASS="ddtitle")', html)[1:])) title_re = re.compile( '<TH CLASS="ddtitle".*><A .*>' ".* - ([0-9]+) - .* (" + course_number_re_fragment + ")" " - (" + section_name_re_fragment + ")</A></TH>" ) def iter_sections(): for row in rows: section = {} match ="\n", "")) if match is None: continue yield {"crn":, "course":, "name":} return list(iter_sections())
def train_detector(video, gt_points: TextIO): assert video.isOpened() frame = next(get_frames(video)) gt_points = np.array(list(grouper(map(float, next(gt_points).strip().split()), 2))) lx, rx = (gt_points[0, 0] + gt_points[3, 0]) / 2, (gt_points[1, 0] + gt_points[2, 0]) / 2 ty, by = (gt_points[0, 1] + gt_points[1, 1]) / 2, (gt_points[2, 1] + gt_points[3, 1]) / 2 w = np.int32(rx - lx) h = np.int32(by - ty) sample_corners = np.array([[0, 0], [w, 0], [w, h], [0, h]], dtype=np.float32) H, _ = cv2.findHomography(gt_points, sample_corners, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0) sample = cv2.warpPerspective(frame, H, (w, h)) detector = fern.FernDetector.train(sample, deform_param_gen=smart_deformations_gen(sample, 20, 20), max_train_corners=250, max_match_corners=500) return sample, detector
def __create_thread_objects(self, follow, stream_with): '''Split the specified follow list into groups of CONNECTION_LIMIT or smaller and then create ListenThread objects for those groups. >>> follow = range(1,1001) >>> monitor = ListenThreadMonitor(follow, consumer, token) >>> len(monitor.threads) >= len(follow)/FOLLOW_LIMIT True ''' threads = [] chunks = list(grouper(FOLLOW_LIMIT, follow)) for follow in chunks: stream = SiteStream(follow, self.consumer, self.token, stream_with, self.parser) thread = ListenThread(stream) thread.daemon = True threads.append(thread) logger.debug("Created %s new thread objects." % len(threads)) return threads
def parse_fastq(self, filename): """ Translate input in file at path defined by `filename` from FASTQ format. Returns: List of dictionaries with the following keys: * id (str): Identifier for the sequence. * desc (str, optional): If the original identifier contains at least one space, desc will be the string after the last one. * dna (str): The sequence DNA string. Raises: PathError """ id = '' desc = '' tempseq = [] try: seqfile = open(filename, 'r') for lines in grouper(seqfile, 4): yield self._parse_lines(lines) except OSError: raise PathError(''.join(['ERROR: cannot open', refseqpath]))
def _unpack(self): with self._unpackLock: if hasattr(self, '_pwbuffer'): pwbuffer = zlib.decompress(self._pwbuffer) pwbuffer = pwbuffer.split(self._delimiter) assert len(pwbuffer) == self._numElems md = hashlib.md5() md.update(self.essid) if self._magic == 'PYR2': md.update(self._pmkbuffer) md.update(self._pwbuffer) else: md.update(self._pmkbuffer) md.update(''.join(pwbuffer)) if md.digest() != self._digest: raise DigestError("Digest check failed") self.results = zip(pwbuffer, util.grouper(self._pmkbuffer, 32)) assert len(self.results) == self._numElems del self._pwbuffer del self._digest del self._magic del self._delimiter
async def mark_explored(self, items): for some_items in grouper(1000, items): await self._redis.srem(self._unexplored_key, *some_items)
def render_image(height, width, input_string): flat_layers = grouper(input_string, width*height) redering = reduce(render_from_two_layers, flat_layers) render = list(map(list,grouper(map(int,redering),width))) return render
def run(self): for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(self.project_location,"src")): for filename in filenames: full_file_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename) ext = util.get_file_extension_no_period(full_file_path) if ext in apex_extensions_to_check: self.apex_files_to_check.append(full_file_path) elif ext in vf_extensions_to_check: self.vf_files_to_check.append(full_file_path) apex_parser_threads = [] vf_parser_threads = [] apex_file_chunks = list(util.grouper(8, self.apex_files_to_check)) vf_file_chunks = list(util.grouper(8, self.vf_files_to_check)) for files in apex_file_chunks: apex_parser_thread = ApexParser(files) apex_parser_threads.append(apex_parser_thread) apex_parser_thread.start() for thread in apex_parser_threads: thread.join() if thread.complete: self.apex_parser_results.update(thread.result) for files in vf_file_chunks: vf_parser_thread = VfParser(files) vf_parser_threads.append(vf_parser_thread) vf_parser_thread.start() for thread in vf_parser_threads: thread.join() if thread.complete: self.vf_parser_results.update(thread.result) #pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2) #pp.pprint(self.parser_results) for file_name in self.vf_files_to_check: parser_result = self.vf_parser_results[file_name] base_name = os.path.basename(file_name) self.vf_result[base_name] = {} file_body = util.get_file_as_string(file_name) ### ACTION POLLERS if "actionPollers" not in parser_result: #print file_name continue action_pollers = parser_result["actionPollers"] action_poller_matches = [] if len(action_pollers) > 0: for p in action_pollers: line_contents = "" for lnum in range(p["location"]["row"], p["location"]["row"]+1): line_contents += print_file_line(file_name, lnum) p["lineNumber"] = p["location"]["row"] p["line_contents"] = line_contents action_poller_matches.append(p) self.result["visualforce_statistics"]["action_poller"]["results"].append( { "file_name" : base_name, "flagged" : len(action_poller_matches) > 0, "matches" : action_poller_matches } ) self.action_poller_count += len(action_poller_matches) ### HARDCODED URLS output_links = parser_result["outputLinks"] link_matches = [] if len(output_links) > 0: for p in output_links: line_contents = "" for lnum in range(p["location"]["row"], p["location"]["row"]+1): line_contents += print_file_line(file_name, lnum) p["lineNumber"] = p["location"]["row"] p["line_contents"] = line_contents link_matches.append(p) self.result["visualforce_statistics"]["hardcoded_url"]["results"].append( { "file_name" : base_name, "flagged" : len(link_matches) > 0, "matches" : link_matches } ) self.hardcoded_link_count += len(link_matches) ## REFRESHERS refreshers = re.finditer(js_refresh_pattern, file_body) js_matches = [] meta_matches = [] for match in refreshers: if match != None and "meta" in match_string ="<", "") meta_matches.append(match_string) else: match_string = js_matches.append(match_string) if len(js_matches) > 0: self.result["visualforce_statistics"]["javascript_refresh"]["results"].append( { "file_name" : base_name, "flagged" : len(js_matches) > 0, "matches" : js_matches } ) self.javascript_refresh_count += len(js_matches) if len(meta_matches) > 0: self.result["visualforce_statistics"]["meta_refresh"]["results"].append( { "file_name" : base_name, "flagged" : len(meta_matches) > 0, "matches" : meta_matches } ) self.meta_refresh_count += len(meta_matches) for file_name in self.apex_files_to_check: parser_result = self.apex_parser_results[file_name] base_name = os.path.basename(file_name) self.apex_result[base_name] = {} file_body = util.get_file_as_string(file_name) ### WITHOUT SHARING without_sharings = re.finditer(without_sharing_pattern, file_body) matches = [] for match in without_sharings: matches.append( if len(matches) > 0: self.result["apex_statistics"]["without_sharing"]["results"].append( { "file_name" : base_name, "flagged" : len(matches) > 0, "matches" : matches } ) self.without_sharing_count += len(matches) #print parser_result if "forLoops" not in parser_result: #print file_name continue for_loops = parser_result["forLoops"] dml_statements = parser_result["dmlStatements"] queries = parser_result["queries"] methods = parser_result["methods"] classes = parser_result["classes"] #seealldata see_all_data_matches = [] for m in methods: if "annotations" in m and len(m["annotations"]) > 0: for a in m["annotations"]: if "pairs" in a: for p in a["pairs"]: if p["name"].lower() == "seealldata" and p["value"]["value"] == True: line_contents = "" for lnum in range(p["beginLine"], p["beginLine"]+2): line_contents += print_file_line(file_name, lnum) m["lineNumber"] = p["beginLine"] m["line_contents"] = line_contents see_all_data_matches.append(m) for c in classes: if "annotations" in c and len(c["annotations"]) > 0: for a in c["annotations"]: if "pairs" in a: for p in a["pairs"]: if p["name"].lower() == "seealldata" and p["value"]["value"] == True: line_contents = "" for lnum in range(p["beginLine"], p["beginLine"]+2): line_contents += print_file_line(file_name, lnum) c["lineNumber"] = p["beginLine"] c["line_contents"] = line_contents see_all_data_matches.append(c) if len(see_all_data_matches) > 0: self.result["apex_statistics"]["see_all_data_annotations"]["results"].append( { "file_name" : base_name, "flagged" : len(see_all_data_matches) > 0, "matches" : see_all_data_matches } ) self.see_all_data_count += len(see_all_data_matches) #SOQL WITHOUT WHERE CLAUSES no_where_clause_matches = [] negative_operator_matches = [] for query in queries: line_number = query["lineNumber"] lower_query = query["statement"].lower() #if ' where ' not in lower_query: if == None: no_where_clause_matches.append(query) #if ' not like ' in lower_query or '!=' in lower_query: if != None or "!=" in lower_query: negative_operator_matches.append(query) if len(no_where_clause_matches) > 0: self.result["apex_statistics"]["soql_no_where_clause"]["results"].append( { "file_name" : base_name, "flagged" : len(no_where_clause_matches) > 0, "matches" : no_where_clause_matches } ) self.no_where_clause_count += len(no_where_clause_matches) if len(negative_operator_matches) > 0: self.result["apex_statistics"]["soql_negative_operators"]["results"].append( { "file_name" : base_name, "flagged" : len(negative_operator_matches) > 0, "matches" : negative_operator_matches } ) self.negative_soql_count += len(negative_operator_matches) ### DML INSIDE ITERATORS dml_matches = [] query_matches = [] if len(for_loops) > 0: for dml in dml_statements: line_number = dml["statement"]["beginLine"] for loop in for_loops: if loop[0] < line_number < loop[1]: #this is a dml statement inside an iterator line_contents = "" for lnum in range(loop[0], loop[1]+1): line_contents += print_file_line(file_name, lnum) dml["lineNumber"] = loop[0] dml["line_contents"] = line_contents dml_matches.append(dml) for query in queries: line_number = query["lineNumber"] for loop in for_loops: if loop[0] < line_number < loop[1]: #this is a soql statement inside an iterator query["line_contents"] = print_file_line(file_name, line_number) query_matches.append(query) if len(dml_matches) > 0: self.result["apex_statistics"]["dml_for_loop"]["results"].append( { "file_name" : base_name, "flagged" : len(dml_matches) > 0, "matches" : dml_matches } ) self.dml_for_loop_count += len(dml_matches) if len(query_matches) > 0: self.result["apex_statistics"]["soql_for_loop"]["results"].append( { "file_name" : base_name, "flagged" : len(query_matches) > 0, "matches" : query_matches } ) self.soql_for_loop_count += len(query_matches) self.result["apex_statistics"]["without_sharing"]["count"] = self.without_sharing_count self.result["apex_statistics"]["dml_for_loop"]["count"] = self.dml_for_loop_count self.result["apex_statistics"]["soql_for_loop"]["count"] = self.soql_for_loop_count self.result["apex_statistics"]["soql_negative_operators"]["count"] = self.negative_soql_count self.result["apex_statistics"]["soql_no_where_clause"]["count"] = self.no_where_clause_count self.result["apex_statistics"]["see_all_data_annotations"]["count"] = self.see_all_data_count self.result["visualforce_statistics"]["action_poller"]["count"] = self.action_poller_count self.result["visualforce_statistics"]["javascript_refresh"]["count"] = self.javascript_refresh_count self.result["visualforce_statistics"]["meta_refresh"]["count"] = self.meta_refresh_count self.result["visualforce_statistics"]["hardcoded_url"]["count"] = self.hardcoded_link_count return self.result
def main(): # Make directories if they don't already exist util.make_directories() # Load model options model_options = constants.MAIN_MODEL_OPTIONS ########## DATA ########## if constants.PRINT_MODEL_STATUS: print("Loading data") dataset_map = util.load_dataset_map() train_captions, val_captions, test_captions = util.load_text_vec( 'Data', constants.VEC_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, dataset_map) train_image_dict, val_image_dict, test_image_dict = util.get_images( 'Data', constants.DIRECTORY_PATH, constants.FLOWERS_DICTS_PATH) ########## MODEL ########## generator = CondBeganGenerator(model_options) discriminator = CondBeganDiscriminator(model_options) # Put G and D on cuda if GPU available if torch.cuda.is_available(): if constants.PRINT_MODEL_STATUS: print("CUDA is available") generator = generator.cuda() discriminator = discriminator.cuda() if constants.PRINT_MODEL_STATUS: print("Moved models to GPU") # Initialize weights generator.apply(util.weights_init) discriminator.apply(util.weights_init) ########## SAVED VARIABLES ######### new_epoch = 0 began_k = 0 train_losses = {"generator": [], "discriminator": [], "converge": []} val_losses = {"generator": [], "discriminator": [], "converge": []} losses = {'train': train_losses, 'val': val_losses} ########## OPTIMIZER ########## g_optimizer = optim.Adam(generator.parameters(), lr=constants.LR, betas=constants.BETAS) # Changes the optimizer to SGD if declared in constants if constants.D_OPTIMIZER_SGD: d_optimizer = optim.SGD(discriminator.parameters(), lr=constants.LR) else: d_optimizer = optim.Adam(discriminator.parameters(), lr=constants.LR, betas=constants.BETAS) if constants.PRINT_MODEL_STATUS: print("Added optimizers") ########## RESUME OPTION ########## if args.resume: print("Resuming from epoch " + args.resume) checkpoint = torch.load(constants.SAVE_PATH + 'weights/epoch' + str(args.resume)) new_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] + 1 generator.load_state_dict(checkpoint['g_dict']) discriminator.load_state_dict(checkpoint['d_dict']) began_k = checkpoint['began_k'] g_optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['g_optimizer']) d_optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['d_optimizer']) losses = torch.load(constants.SAVE_PATH + 'losses') ########## VARIABLES ########## noise_vec = torch.FloatTensor(constants.BATCH_SIZE, model_options['z_dim']) text_vec = torch.FloatTensor(constants.BATCH_SIZE, model_options['caption_vec_len']) real_img = torch.FloatTensor(constants.BATCH_SIZE, model_options['image_channels'], constants.IMAGE_SIZE, constants.IMAGE_SIZE) real_caption = torch.FloatTensor(constants.BATCH_SIZE, model_options['caption_vec_len']) if constants.USE_CLS: wrong_img = torch.FloatTensor(constants.BATCH_SIZE, model_options['image_channels'], constants.IMAGE_SIZE, constants.IMAGE_SIZE) wrong_caption = torch.FloatTensor(constants.BATCH_SIZE, model_options['caption_vec_len']) # Add cuda GPU option if torch.cuda.is_available(): noise_vec = noise_vec.cuda() text_vec = text_vec.cuda() real_img = real_img.cuda() real_caption = real_caption.cuda() if constants.USE_CLS: wrong_img = wrong_img.cuda() ########## Training ########## num_iterations = 0 for epoch in range(new_epoch, constants.NUM_EPOCHS): print("Epoch %d" % (epoch)) st = time.time() for i, batch_iter in enumerate( util.grouper(train_captions.keys(), constants.BATCH_SIZE)): batch_keys = [x for x in batch_iter if x is not None] curr_batch_size = len(batch_keys) discriminator.train() generator.train() discriminator.zero_grad() # Zero out gradient # Save computations for gradient calculations for p in discriminator.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True # Need this to be true to update generator as well ########## BATCH DATA ######### noise_batch = torch.randn(curr_batch_size, model_options['z_dim']) text_vec_batch = torch.Tensor( util.get_text_description(train_captions, batch_keys)) real_caption_batch = torch.Tensor( util.get_text_description(train_captions, batch_keys)) real_img_batch = torch.Tensor( util.choose_real_image(train_image_dict, batch_keys)) if constants.USE_CLS: wrong_img_batch = torch.Tensor( util.choose_wrong_image(train_image_dict, batch_keys)) if torch.cuda.is_available(): noise_batch = noise_batch.cuda() text_vec_batch = text_vec_batch.cuda() real_caption_batch = real_caption_batch.cuda() real_img_batch = real_img_batch.cuda() if constants.USE_CLS: wrong_img_batch = wrong_img_batch.cuda() # Fill in tensors with batch data noise_vec.resize_as_(noise_batch).copy_(noise_batch) text_vec.resize_as_(text_vec_batch).copy_(text_vec_batch) real_caption.resize_as_(text_vec_batch).copy_(text_vec_batch) real_img.resize_as_(real_img_batch).copy_(real_img_batch) if constants.USE_CLS: wrong_img.resize_as_(wrong_img_batch).copy_(wrong_img_batch) ########## RUN THROUGH GAN ########## gen_image = generator.forward(Variable(text_vec), Variable(noise_vec)) real_img_passed = discriminator.forward(Variable(real_img), Variable(real_caption)) fake_img_passed = discriminator.forward(gen_image.detach(), Variable(real_caption)) if constants.USE_CLS: wrong_img_passed = discriminator.forward( Variable(wrong_img), Variable(real_caption)) ########## TRAIN DISCRIMINATOR ########## if constants.USE_REAL_LS: # Real loss sensitivity # L_D = L(y_r) - k * (L(y_f) + L(y_f, r)) # L_G = L(y_f) + L(y_f, r) # k = k + lambda_k * (gamma * L(y_r) + L(y_f) + L(y_f, r)) d_real_loss = torch.mean( torch.abs(real_img_passed - Variable(real_img))) d_fake_loss = torch.mean(torch.abs(fake_img_passed - gen_image)) d_real_sensitivity_loss = torch.mean( torch.abs(fake_img_passed - Variable(real_img))) d_loss = d_real_loss - began_k * ( 0.5 * d_fake_loss + 0.5 * d_real_sensitivity_loss) # Update began k value balance = (model_options['began_gamma'] * d_real_loss - 0.5 * d_fake_loss - 0.5 * d_real_sensitivity_loss).data[0] began_k = min( max(began_k + model_options['began_lambda_k'] * balance, 0), 1) elif constants.USE_CLS: # Cond BEGAN Discrminator Loss with CLS # L(y_w) is the caption loss sensitivity CLS (makes sure that captions match the image) # L_D = L(y_r) + L(y_f, w) - k * L(y_f) # L_G = L(y_f) # k = k + lambda_k * (gamma * (L(y_r) + L(y_f, w)) - L(y_f)) d_real_loss = torch.mean( torch.abs(real_img_passed - Variable(real_img))) d_wrong_loss = torch.mean( torch.abs(fake_img_passed - Variable(wrong_img))) d_fake_loss = torch.mean(torch.abs(fake_img_passed - gen_image)) d_loss = 0.5 * d_real_loss + 0.5 * d_wrong_loss - began_k * d_fake_loss # Update began k value balance = (model_options['began_gamma'] * (0.5 * d_real_loss + 0.5 * d_wrong_loss) - d_fake_loss).data[0] began_k = min( max(began_k + model_options['began_lambda_k'] * balance, 0), 1) # No CLS option else: # Cond BEGAN Discriminator Loss # L_D = L(y_r) - k * L(y_f) # k = k + lambda_k * (gamma * L(y_r) + L(y_f)) d_real_loss = torch.mean( torch.abs(real_img_passed - Variable(real_img))) d_fake_loss = torch.mean(torch.abs(fake_img_passed - gen_image)) d_loss = d_real_loss - began_k * d_fake_loss # Update began k value balance = (model_options['began_gamma'] * d_real_loss - d_fake_loss).data[0] began_k = min( max(began_k + model_options['began_lambda_k'] * balance, 0), 1) d_loss.backward() d_optimizer.step() ########## TRAIN GENERATOR ########## generator.zero_grad() for p in discriminator.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False # Generate image again if you want to if constants.REGEN_IMAGE: noise_batch = torch.randn(curr_batch_size, model_options['z_dim']) if torch.cuda.is_available(): noise_batch = noise_batch.cuda() noise_vec.resize_as_(noise_batch).copy_(noise_batch) gen_image = generator.forward(Variable(text_vec), Variable(noise_vec)) new_fake_img_passed = discriminator.forward( gen_image, Variable(real_caption)) # Generator Loss # L_G = L(y_f) g_loss = torch.mean(torch.abs(new_fake_img_passed - gen_image)) if constants.USE_REAL_LS: g_loss += torch.mean( torch.abs(new_fake_img_passed - Variable(real_img))) elif constants.USE_CLS: g_loss -= torch.mean( torch.abs(new_fake_img_passed - Variable(wrong_img))) g_loss.backward() g_optimizer.step() # M = L(y_r) + |gamma * L(y_r) - L(y_f)| convergence_val = d_real_loss + abs(balance) # learning rate decay g_optimizer = util.adjust_learning_rate(g_optimizer, num_iterations) d_optimizer = util.adjust_learning_rate(d_optimizer, num_iterations) if i % constants.LOSS_SAVE_IDX == 0: losses['train']['generator'].append(([0], epoch, i)) losses['train']['discriminator'].append( ([0], epoch, i)) losses['train']['converge'].append( ([0], epoch, i)) num_iterations += 1 print('Total number of iterations: ', num_iterations) print('Training G Loss: ',[0]) print('Training D Loss: ',[0]) print('Training Convergence: ',[0]) print('K value: ', began_k) epoch_time = time.time() - st print("Time: ", epoch_time) if epoch == constants.REPORT_EPOCH: with open(constants.SAVE_PATH + 'report.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(constants.EXP_REPORT) f.write("Time per epoch: " + str(epoch_time)) print("Saved report") ########## DEV SET ######### # Calculate dev set loss # Volatile is true because we are running in inference mode (no need to calculate gradients) generator.eval() discriminator.eval() for i, batch_iter in enumerate( util.grouper(val_captions.keys(), constants.BATCH_SIZE)): batch_keys = [x for x in batch_iter if x is not None] curr_batch_size = len(batch_keys) # Gather batch data noise_batch = torch.randn(curr_batch_size, model_options['z_dim']) text_vec_batch = torch.Tensor( util.get_text_description(val_captions, batch_keys)) real_caption_batch = torch.Tensor( util.get_text_description(val_captions, batch_keys)) real_img_batch = torch.Tensor( util.choose_real_image(val_image_dict, batch_keys)) if constants.USE_CLS: wrong_img_batch = torch.Tensor( util.choose_wrong_image(val_image_dict, batch_keys)) if torch.cuda.is_available(): noise_batch = noise_batch.cuda() text_vec_batch = text_vec_batch.cuda() real_caption_batch = real_caption_batch.cuda() real_img_batch = real_img_batch.cuda() if constants.USE_CLS: wrong_img_batch = wrong_img_batch.cuda() # Fill in tensors with batch data noise_vec.resize_as_(noise_batch).copy_(noise_batch) text_vec.resize_as_(text_vec_batch).copy_(text_vec_batch) real_caption.resize_as_(text_vec_batch).copy_(text_vec_batch) real_img.resize_as_(real_img_batch).copy_(real_img_batch) if constants.USE_CLS: wrong_img.resize_as_(wrong_img_batch).copy_(wrong_img_batch) # Run through generator gen_image = generator.forward(Variable( text_vec, volatile=True), Variable( noise_vec, volatile=True)) # Returns tensor variable holding image # Run through discriminator real_img_passed = discriminator.forward( Variable(real_img, volatile=True), Variable(real_caption, volatile=True)) fake_img_passed = discriminator.forward( gen_image.detach(), Variable(real_caption, volatile=True)) if constants.USE_CLS: wrong_img_passed = discriminator.forward( Variable(wrong_img, volatile=True), Variable(real_caption, volatile=True)) # Calculate D loss # D LOSS if constants.USE_REAL_LS: d_real_loss = torch.mean( torch.abs(real_img_passed - Variable(real_img))) d_fake_loss = torch.mean(torch.abs(fake_img_passed - gen_image)) d_real_sensitivity_loss = torch.mean( torch.abs(fake_img_passed - Variable(real_img))) d_loss = d_real_loss - began_k * ( 0.5 * d_fake_loss + 0.5 * d_real_sensitivity_loss) balance = (model_options['began_gamma'] * d_real_loss - 0.5 * d_fake_loss - 0.5 * d_real_sensitivity_loss).data[0] elif constants.USE_CLS: d_real_loss = torch.mean( torch.abs(real_img_passed - Variable(real_img))) d_wrong_loss = torch.mean( torch.abs(fake_img_passed - Variable(wrong_img))) d_fake_loss = torch.mean(torch.abs(fake_img_passed - gen_image)) d_loss = 0.5 * d_real_loss + 0.5 * d_wrong_loss - began_k * d_fake_loss balance = (model_options['began_gamma'] * (0.5 * d_real_loss + 0.5 * d_wrong_loss) - d_fake_loss).data[0] # No CLS option else: d_real_loss = torch.mean( torch.abs(real_img_passed - Variable(real_img))) d_fake_loss = torch.mean(torch.abs(fake_img_passed - gen_image)) d_loss = d_real_loss - began_k * d_fake_loss # Update began k value balance = (model_options['began_gamma'] * d_real_loss - d_fake_loss).data[0] # Calculate G loss if constants.USE_REAL_LS: g_loss = 0.5 * torch.mean( torch.abs(fake_img_passed - gen_image)) g_loss += 0.5 * torch.mean( torch.abs(fake_img_passed - Variable(real_img))) elif constants.USE_CLS: g_loss = torch.mean(torch.abs(fake_img_passed - gen_image)) g_loss -= 0.5 * torch.mean( torch.abs(fake_img_passed - Variable(wrong_img))) else: # L_G = L(y_f) g_loss = torch.mean(torch.abs(fake_img_passed - gen_image)) # M = L(y_r) + |gamma * L(y_r) - L(y_f)| convergence_val = d_real_loss + abs(balance) if i % constants.LOSS_SAVE_IDX == 0: losses['val']['generator'].append(([0], epoch, i)) losses['val']['discriminator'].append( ([0], epoch, i)) losses['val']['converge'].append( ([0], epoch, i)) print('Val G Loss: ',[0]) print('Val D Loss: ',[0]) print('Val Convergence: ',[0]) # Save losses, constants.SAVE_PATH + 'losses') # Save images vutils.save_image(gen_image[0].data.cpu(), constants.SAVE_PATH + 'images/gen0_epoch' + str(epoch) + '.png', normalize=True) vutils.save_image(gen_image[1].data.cpu(), constants.SAVE_PATH + 'images/gen1_epoch' + str(epoch) + '.png', normalize=True) vutils.save_image(fake_img_passed[0].data.cpu(), constants.SAVE_PATH + 'images/gen_recon0_epoch' + str(epoch) + '.png', normalize=True) vutils.save_image(fake_img_passed[1].data.cpu(), constants.SAVE_PATH + 'images/gen_recon1_epoch' + str(epoch) + '.png', normalize=True) # vutils.save_image(real_img_passed[0].data.cpu(), # constants.SAVE_PATH + 'images/real_recon0_epoch' + str(epoch) + '.png', # normalize=True) # vutils.save_image(real_img_passed[1].data.cpu(), # constants.SAVE_PATH + 'images/real_recon1_epoch' + str(epoch) + '.png', # normalize=True) # Save model if epoch % constants.CHECKPOINT_FREQUENCY == 0 and epoch != 0 or epoch == constants.NUM_EPOCHS - 1: save_checkpoint = { 'epoch': epoch, 'g_dict': generator.state_dict(), 'd_dict': discriminator.state_dict(), 'g_optimizer': g_optimizer.state_dict(), 'd_optimizer': d_optimizer.state_dict(), 'began_k': began_k }, constants.SAVE_PATH + 'weights/epoch' + str(epoch))