예제 #1
def configify_file_name(path):
  Given a path, name it and its config file appropriately for our config naming
  scheme. If no config file is necessary, None is used instead. Returns a tuple
  of the new name and the config file name.

  base, name = os.path.split(path)

  # determine whether our path name is clean or not
  is_clean = not (name.startswith(constants.DOT_CHARACTER) or
      constants.MACHINE_SEPARATOR_CHARACTER in name)

  # always un-hide the name
  name = util.toggle_hidden(name, False)
  config_file_name = None

  if is_clean:
    # add our dot character if the file was originally hidden
    if util.is_hidden(path):
      name = constants.DOT_CHARACTER + name
    # otherwise, set the config file to the hidden version of the name
    config_file_name = util.toggle_hidden(name, True)

  configified_path = os.path.join(base, name)
  config_file_path = None
  if config_file_name is not None:
    config_file_path = os.path.join(base, config_file_name)

  return (configified_path, config_file_path)
예제 #2
def link(conf, args):
  '''Link all files in the repo directory to their configured locations.'''

  # load our machine id so we know which files to link
  machine_id = config.get_machine_id()

  # map all file paths to their destination configs for this machine
  links = {}
  for path in os.listdir(constants.REPO_DIR):
    path = util.normalize_to_root(path, constants.REPO_DIR)

    is_hidden = util.is_hidden(path)
    is_ignored = path in conf['ignore']

    if not is_hidden and not is_ignored:
      # load the config for the given path
      file_config = config.get_file_config(path, conf['destination'])

      # if the file belongs on this machine, store its config
      if config.machine_matches(machine_id, file_config['machines']):
        links[path] = file_config

  # find the longest link basename for pretty output formatting
  max_src_width = 0
  if len(links) > 0:
    max_src_width = max(len(os.path.basename(k)) for k in links.keys())

  # link the files to their destination(s)
  link_symbol = ' -> '
  for src, info in links.iteritems():
    msg = os.path.basename(src).rjust(max_src_width)
    msg += color.grey(link_symbol)

    for i, dest in enumerate(info['paths']):
      # the color of the link destination, different when we're creating a new
      # link, overwriting a link, and overwriting a normal file.
      dest_color = 'green'
      if os.path.lexists(dest):
        dest_color = 'cyan'
        if not os.path.islink(dest):
          dest_color = 'yellow'

      # do the symlink unless we're doing a dry run
      if not args.test:
        # overwrite links only by default, everything if forcing
        overwrite = True if args.force else None
        util.symlink(dest, src, overwrite=overwrite)

      # pad the left space if we're not the first item, since items with
      # multiple destinations are all under the same link name and symbol.
      if i > 0:
        msg += os.linesep
        msg += ' ' * (max_src_width + len(link_symbol))

      msg += color.colored(dest, dest_color)


  # return the created links for good measure
  return links