예제 #1
def make_concepts_baseline(id, path, sents, query):
    only use first sentences
    TODO: choose best of first 3
    query_words = set(util.porter_stem_sent(util.remove_stopwords(util.tokenize(fix_text(query)))).split())
    seen_sents = set()
    all_concepts = collections.defaultdict(set)
    max_order = 0
    for sent in sents:
        ## store this sentence's concepts
        sent.concepts = set([])
        concepts = set(util.get_ngrams(sent.tok2, 2, bounds=False, as_string=True))

        ## get query overlap
        query_overlap = set(util.remove_stopwords(sent.tok2.split())).intersection(query_words)

        ## aggregate all concepts
        if len(query_overlap) > 0:
            for concept in concepts:

            if sent.order == 0:
                for concept in concepts:
                    all_concepts[concept].add(sent.doc + 'first')

        ## ignore some sents
        if sent.order == 0: max_order = 0
        skip = False
        if sent.length <= 5: skip = True
        if sent.tok in seen_sents: skip = True
        #if sent.length < 20: skip = True
        if sent.order > max_order or max_order > 0: 
            skip = True
            max_order = 0
        if skip: 
            max_order += 1
        #print sent.order, max_order, sent.doc, sent
        sent.concepts = concepts

    ## create final concept set
    final_concepts = {}
    for concept, docs in all_concepts.items():
        count = len(docs)
        #if count < 3: continue
        if util.is_just_stopwords(concept.split('_')): continue
        final_concepts[concept] = count
    final_concept_set = set(final_concepts.keys())

    for sent in sents:
        sent.concepts = sent.concepts.intersection(final_concept_set)
    return create_ilp_output(sents, final_concepts, path+id)
예제 #2
def make_concepts_gold(id, path, sents, gold_sents):

    ## get gold concepts
    all_concepts = collections.defaultdict(set)
    for sent in gold_sents:
        concepts = set(util.get_ngrams(sent.tok2, 2, bounds=False, as_string=True))
        for concept in concepts:

    ## create final concept set
    final_concepts = {}
    for concept, docs in all_concepts.items():
        count = len(docs)
        if util.is_just_stopwords(concept.split("_")):
        final_concepts[concept] = count
    final_concept_set = set(final_concepts.keys())

    ## get sentence concepts
    seen_sents = set()
    for sent_index in range(len(sents)):
        sent = sents[sent_index]
        sent.concepts = set([])

        ## skip some sents
        skip = False
        # if sent.order >= 3: skip = True
        if not sent.new_par:
            skip = True
        if sent.length < 20:
            skip = True

        if sent.orig in seen_sents:
            skip = True
        if sent.length <= 5:
            skip = True
        if skip:

        s = util.porter_stem_sent(util.tokenize(fix_text(sent.orig)))
        concepts = set(util.get_ngrams(s, 2, bounds=False, as_string=True))
        sent.concepts = concepts.intersection(final_concept_set)

    return create_ilp_output(sents, final_concepts, path + id)
예제 #3
def make_concepts_gold(id, path, sents, gold_sents):

    ## get gold concepts
    all_concepts = collections.defaultdict(set)
    for sent in gold_sents:
        concepts = set(
            util.get_ngrams(sent.tok2, 2, bounds=False, as_string=True))
        for concept in concepts:

    ## create final concept set
    final_concepts = {}
    for concept, docs in all_concepts.items():
        count = len(docs)
        if util.is_just_stopwords(concept.split('_')): continue
        final_concepts[concept] = count
    final_concept_set = set(final_concepts.keys())

    ## get sentence concepts
    seen_sents = set()
    for sent_index in range(len(sents)):
        sent = sents[sent_index]
        sent.concepts = set([])

        ## skip some sents
        skip = False
        #if sent.order >= 3: skip = True
        if not sent.new_par: skip = True
        if sent.length < 20: skip = True

        if sent.orig in seen_sents: skip = True
        if sent.length <= 5: skip = True
        if skip: continue

        s = util.porter_stem_sent(util.tokenize(fix_text(sent.orig)))
        concepts = set(util.get_ngrams(s, 2, bounds=False, as_string=True))
        sent.concepts = concepts.intersection(final_concept_set)

    return create_ilp_output(sents, final_concepts, path + id)
예제 #4
def make_concepts_exp(id, path, sents, query):
    query_words = set(util.porter_stem_sent(util.remove_stopwords(util.tokenize(fix_text(query)))).split())

    ## get sentence values
    sent_vals = prob_util.Counter()
    for sent in sents:
        query_overlap = set(util.remove_stopwords(sent.tok2.split())).intersection(query_words)
        sent_vals[sent] = max(0, len(query_overlap))
        #if sent.relevance < 0.3: sent_vals[sent] = 0.0
        #else: sent_vals[sent] = 100000**sent.relevance
        concepts = set(util.get_ngrams(sent.tok2, 2, bounds=False, as_string=True))
        sent.concepts = set()
        for concept in concepts:
            if util.is_just_stopwords(concept.split('_')): continue
    sent_vals = prob_util.normalize(sent_vals)

    ## get concept values
    concept_vals = prob_util.Counter()
    for sent in sents:
        for concept in sent.concepts:
            concept_vals[concept] += sent_vals[sent]            
    concept_vals = prob_util.normalize(concept_vals)
    iter = 0
    while True:
        iter += 1
        se = prob_util.entropy(sent_vals)
        ce = prob_util.entropy(concept_vals)
        print >>sys.stderr, 'iter [%d] sent entropy [%1.4f] concept entropy [%1.4f]' %(iter, se, ce)
        if iter >= 1: break
        ## get sent vals again
        sent_vals = prob_util.Counter()
        for sent in sents:
            for concept in sent.concepts:
                sent_vals[sent] += concept_vals[concept]
        sent_vals = prob_util.normalize(sent_vals)
        ## get concept values
        concept_vals = prob_util.Counter()
        for sent in sents:
            for concept in sent.concepts:
                concept_vals[concept] += sent_vals[sent]            
        concept_vals = prob_util.normalize(concept_vals)
    sorted_sents = sent_vals.sortedKeys()
    #for sent in sorted_sents:
    #    print sent_vals[sent], sent.order, sent.new_par, sent

    sorted_concepts = concept_vals.sortedKeys()
    #for concept in sorted_concepts:
    #    print concept_vals[concept], concept
    ## create final concept set
    final_concepts = {}
    for concept in sorted_concepts:
        val = concept_vals[concept]
        #if val < 0.00001: continue
        final_concepts[concept] = val
    final_concept_set = set(final_concepts.keys())

    ## get final sentence list and their concepts
    seen_sents = set()
    for sent in sents:
        skip = False
        if sent.length <= 5: skip = True
        if sent in seen_sents: skip = True
        if sent.order > 0: skip = True
        else: seen_sents.add(sent)
        if skip: sent.concepts = set()
        else: sent.concepts = sent.concepts.intersection(final_concept_set)        
    return create_ilp_output(sents, final_concepts, path+id)
예제 #5
def make_concepts_compress2(id, path, sents, query, compressed_sents):
    query_words = set(util.porter_stem_sent(util.remove_stopwords(util.tokenize(fix_text(query)))).split())
    seen_sents = set()
    all_concepts = collections.defaultdict(set)
    ## different processing for set A and set B
    if '-B' in id: 
        first_weight = 2
        count_thresh = 4
        query_thresh = 0
        first_weight = 1
        count_thresh = 3
        query_thresh = 1

    for sent in sents:
        ## store this sentence's concepts
        sent.concepts = set()
        concepts = set(util.get_ngrams(sent.tok2, 2, bounds=False, as_string=True))

        ## get query overlap
        query_overlap = set(util.remove_stopwords(sent.tok2.split())).intersection(query_words)

        ## aggregate all concepts
        if len(query_overlap) >= query_thresh:
            for concept in concepts:
                if sent.order == 0: all_concepts[concept].add('first' + sent.doc)
                else: all_concepts[concept].add(sent.doc)

        ## ignore some sents
        skip = False
        #if not sent.new_par: skip = True
        #if sent.length <= 20: skip = True
        if sent.tok in seen_sents: skip = True
        #if sent.ignore: skip = True
        if skip: continue
        sent.concepts = concepts

    ## create final concept set
    final_concepts = {}
    for concept, docs in all_concepts.items():
        count = len(docs)
        firsts = len([1 for d in docs if 'first' in d])
        count = count + (first_weight * firsts)
        if count < count_thresh: continue
        if util.is_just_stopwords(concept.split('_')): continue
        final_concepts[concept] = count
    final_concept_set = set(final_concepts.keys())

    for sent in sents:
        sent.concepts = sent.concepts.intersection(final_concept_set)
    for sent in compressed_sents:
        sent.concepts = set([])
        if sent.unresolved: continue
        if sent.length < 10: continue
        if re.match('^["(].*[")]$', sent.orig): skip = True
        concepts = set(util.get_ngrams(sent.tok2, 2, bounds=False, as_string=True))
        sent.concepts = concepts.intersection(final_concept_set)
    return create_ilp_output(compressed_sents, final_concepts, path+id)
예제 #6
def make_concepts_exp(id, path, sents, query):

    query_words = set(

    ## get sentence values
    sent_vals = prob_util.Counter()
    for sent in sents:
        query_overlap = set(util.remove_stopwords(
        sent_vals[sent] = max(0, len(query_overlap))
        #if sent.relevance < 0.3: sent_vals[sent] = 0.0
        #else: sent_vals[sent] = 100000**sent.relevance
        concepts = set(
            util.get_ngrams(sent.tok2, 2, bounds=False, as_string=True))
        sent.concepts = set()
        for concept in concepts:
            if util.is_just_stopwords(concept.split('_')): continue
    sent_vals = prob_util.normalize(sent_vals)

    ## get concept values
    concept_vals = prob_util.Counter()
    for sent in sents:
        for concept in sent.concepts:
            concept_vals[concept] += sent_vals[sent]
    concept_vals = prob_util.normalize(concept_vals)

    iter = 0
    while True:
        iter += 1
        se = prob_util.entropy(sent_vals)
        ce = prob_util.entropy(concept_vals)
        print >> sys.stderr, 'iter [%d] sent entropy [%1.4f] concept entropy [%1.4f]' % (
            iter, se, ce)
        if iter >= 1: break

        ## get sent vals again
        sent_vals = prob_util.Counter()
        for sent in sents:
            for concept in sent.concepts:
                sent_vals[sent] += concept_vals[concept]
        sent_vals = prob_util.normalize(sent_vals)

        ## get concept values
        concept_vals = prob_util.Counter()
        for sent in sents:
            for concept in sent.concepts:
                concept_vals[concept] += sent_vals[sent]
        concept_vals = prob_util.normalize(concept_vals)

    sorted_sents = sent_vals.sortedKeys()
    #for sent in sorted_sents:
    #    print sent_vals[sent], sent.order, sent.new_par, sent

    sorted_concepts = concept_vals.sortedKeys()
    #for concept in sorted_concepts:
    #    print concept_vals[concept], concept

    ## create final concept set
    final_concepts = {}
    for concept in sorted_concepts:
        val = concept_vals[concept]
        #if val < 0.00001: continue
        final_concepts[concept] = val
    final_concept_set = set(final_concepts.keys())

    ## get final sentence list and their concepts
    seen_sents = set()
    for sent in sents:
        skip = False
        if sent.length <= 5: skip = True
        if sent in seen_sents: skip = True
        if sent.order > 0: skip = True
        else: seen_sents.add(sent)
        if skip: sent.concepts = set()
        else: sent.concepts = sent.concepts.intersection(final_concept_set)

    return create_ilp_output(sents, final_concepts, path + id)
예제 #7
def make_concepts_compress2(id, path, sents, query, compressed_sents):

    query_words = set(
    seen_sents = set()
    all_concepts = collections.defaultdict(set)
    ## different processing for set A and set B
    if '-B' in id:
        first_weight = 2
        count_thresh = 4
        query_thresh = 0
        first_weight = 1
        count_thresh = 3
        query_thresh = 1

    for sent in sents:

        ## store this sentence's concepts
        sent.concepts = set()
        concepts = set(
            util.get_ngrams(sent.tok2, 2, bounds=False, as_string=True))

        ## get query overlap
        query_overlap = set(util.remove_stopwords(

        ## aggregate all concepts
        if len(query_overlap) >= query_thresh:
            for concept in concepts:
                if sent.order == 0:
                    all_concepts[concept].add('first' + sent.doc)

        ## ignore some sents
        skip = False
        #if not sent.new_par: skip = True
        #if sent.length <= 20: skip = True
        if sent.tok in seen_sents: skip = True
        #if sent.ignore: skip = True
        if skip: continue

        sent.concepts = concepts

    ## create final concept set
    final_concepts = {}
    for concept, docs in all_concepts.items():
        count = len(docs)
        firsts = len([1 for d in docs if 'first' in d])
        count = count + (first_weight * firsts)
        if count < count_thresh: continue
        if util.is_just_stopwords(concept.split('_')): continue
        final_concepts[concept] = count
    final_concept_set = set(final_concepts.keys())

    for sent in sents:
        sent.concepts = sent.concepts.intersection(final_concept_set)

    for sent in compressed_sents:
        sent.concepts = set([])
        if sent.unresolved: continue
        if sent.length < 10: continue
        if re.match('^["(].*[")]$', sent.orig): skip = True
        concepts = set(
            util.get_ngrams(sent.tok2, 2, bounds=False, as_string=True))
        sent.concepts = concepts.intersection(final_concept_set)

    return create_ilp_output(compressed_sents, final_concepts, path + id)
예제 #8
def make_concepts_baseline(id, path, sents, query):
    only use first sentences
    TODO: choose best of first 3

    query_words = set(
    seen_sents = set()
    all_concepts = collections.defaultdict(set)
    max_order = 0
    for sent in sents:

        ## store this sentence's concepts
        sent.concepts = set([])
        concepts = set(
            util.get_ngrams(sent.tok2, 2, bounds=False, as_string=True))

        ## get query overlap
        query_overlap = set(util.remove_stopwords(

        ## aggregate all concepts
        if len(query_overlap) > 0:
            for concept in concepts:

            if sent.order == 0:
                for concept in concepts:
                    all_concepts[concept].add(sent.doc + 'first')

        ## ignore some sents
        if sent.order == 0: max_order = 0
        skip = False
        if sent.length <= 5: skip = True
        if sent.tok in seen_sents: skip = True
        #if sent.length < 20: skip = True
        if sent.order > max_order or max_order > 0:
            skip = True
            max_order = 0

        if skip:
            max_order += 1

        #print sent.order, max_order, sent.doc, sent
        sent.concepts = concepts

    ## create final concept set
    final_concepts = {}
    for concept, docs in all_concepts.items():
        count = len(docs)
        #if count < 3: continue
        if util.is_just_stopwords(concept.split('_')): continue
        final_concepts[concept] = count
    final_concept_set = set(final_concepts.keys())

    for sent in sents:
        sent.concepts = sent.concepts.intersection(final_concept_set)

    return create_ilp_output(sents, final_concepts, path + id)