예제 #1
def order_windows_for_selection_macro(shortnames: List[List[str]],
                                      ref: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    """Select windows in the order they will be combined.

        shortnames: The list of shortnames for the aligned stacks.
        ref: The reference infocus image.

        Window order macro and the macro for concatenating stacks.

    img_num = 1
    num_windows = len(shortnames)
    window_order, concat_list = '', ''
    for window in range(num_windows):
        # Build list for concatenation later
        img = f' image{img_num}={shortnames[window]}'
        if (('unflip' in ref and shortnames[window] != 'u_0')
                or ('flip' in ref and 'unflip' not in ref
                    and shortnames[window] != 'f_0')):
            new_select = f'selectWindow("{shortnames[window]}");'
            concat_list = join([concat_list, img])
            window_order = join([window_order, new_select], '\n')
            img_num += 1
        elif '-under-' in shortnames[window] or '+over+' in shortnames[window]:
            new_select = f'selectWindow("{shortnames[window]}");'
            concat_list = join([concat_list, img])
            window_order = join([window_order, new_select], '\n')
            img_num += 1
    return window_order, concat_list
예제 #2
def apply_transform(
        flip: bool, orient_path: str, fnames: List[str],
        transform_params: Tuple[float, float, float, bool]) -> Tuple[int, str]:
    """Create macro that applies transformations for pre-alignment.

        flip (bool): Option for whether the files are flipped or not.
        orient_path (str): The orientation path (flip, unflip, tfs).
        fnames (List[str]): List of filenames.
        transform_params (Tuple[float, float, float, bool]):
            Tuple of transformation parameters.

        Tuple of number of images and shifted rotated macro
            - num_files: The number of images files being manipulated.
            - transformed_files_macro: The shifted/rotated macro.

    open_files, apply_translation = '', ''
    num_files = len(fnames) + 1
    for file in fnames:
        file = join([orient_path, file], '/')
        trans = get_shift_rot_macro(transform_params)
        apply_transform = f'open("{file}");'
        if flip:
            apply_transform = f'''open("{file}");
        open_files = join([open_files, apply_transform], "\n")
    transformed_files_macro = open_files
    return num_files, transformed_files_macro
예제 #3
def write_single_ls_macro(ref: str, path: str, files: List[List[str]],
                          window: int,
                          sift_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    """Create the linear stack alignment with SIFT (LS) macro for
    specific orientation, sign, and focus.

    Similar to write_ls_macro but for a single through focal series (tfs).

        ref: The reference infocus image filename.
        path: The orientation path (tfs).
        files: List of list of image filenames.
        window: Placeholder for name of new stack being made for bookkeeping
            when combining all stacks later.
        sift_params: Dictionary of sift parameter values.

        Macro for specific orientation and focus and its shortname.

    # Grab filenames and create shortened name for window.
    if window == 1:
        shortname = "-under-"
    elif window == 2:
        shortname = "+over+"

    # Create LS macro
    sift = ls_macro(sift_params)

    # Trim excess images and reverse stack if necessary. Exceptions are if only 1 other
    delete, reverse = trim_and_reverse_single_stack(files, shortname)
    num_files = len(files) + 1

    open_files = ""  #apply_transform
    for file in files:
        file = join([path, file], '/')
        apply_transform = f'''open("{file}");
        open_files = join([open_files, apply_transform], '\n')

    # Write macro
    ref = join([path, ref], '/')
    macro = f'''open("{ref}");
                run("Images to Stack", "name={window} title=[] use");
                selectWindow("Aligned {num_files} of {num_files}");
    return macro, shortname
예제 #4
    def save(self, fname, colormap={}):
        "Saves the graph as gml"
        write_gml(graph=self.graph, fname=fname, colormap=colormap)

        self.fp.write('*** node values ***\n')

        # writes the mapping
        first = self.store.values()[0]
        header = ['state'] + first.keys()

        for fprint, state in sorted(self.store.items()):
            line = [fprint] + map(int, state.values())
예제 #5
    def save(self, fname, colormap={}):
        "Saves the graph as gml"
        write_gml(graph=self.graph, fname=fname, colormap=colormap)

        self.fp.write("*** node values ***\n")

        # writes the mapping
        first = self.store.values()[0]
        header = ["state"] + first.keys()

        for fprint, state in sorted(self.store.items()):
            line = [fprint] + map(int, state.values())
예제 #6
 def save_states(self, fname):
     Saves the states into a file
     if self.states:
         fp = open(fname, 'wt')
         cols = ['STATE'] + self.first.keys()
         hdrs = util.join(cols)
         for state in self.states:
             cols = [state.fp()] + state.values()
             line = util.join(cols)
         util.error('no states have been created yet')
예제 #7
def info(ses, fn, t, prt, kind):
    class Opt:
        def __init__(self, t):
            self.after = t
            self.before = float('inf')
            self.overview = 'none'

    # xxx assumes this exists
    time_metric = util.join('serverStatus', 'localTime')

    # find and print the first sample after t (only)
    for metrics in read(ses, fn, Opt(t), progress=False):
        if kind == 'raw':
            for sample, sample_time in enumerate(metrics[time_metric]):
                sample_time = sample_time / 1000.0
                if sample_time >= t:
            prt('%s at t=%.3f (%s)' % (fn, t, util.f2s(t)))
            util.print_sample(metrics, sample, prt)
        elif kind == 'metadata':
            prt('metadata at t=%.3f (%s)' % (t, util.f2s(t)))
            if metrics.metadata:
                util.print_bson_doc(metrics.metadata, prt, '    ')
                prt('    NOT AVAILABLE')
예제 #8
def delete_excess_images_macro(files: List[List[str]],
                               short_names: List[List[str]], ref: str) -> str:
    """Create macro to trim excess images appearing after stack is aligned.

        files: 2D list of all of the files.
        short_names: The list of shortnames for the aligned stacks.
        ref: The reference infocus image.

        The macro from trimming excess images from stacks.

    # Initialize strings, set save title, and remove
    # ref image if necessary.
    full_img, window_select, trimmed_macro = '', '', ''
    index = 0
    for i in range(len(files)):
        for j in range(len(files[i])):
            delete = ""
            # Delete excess reference images except from overfocus
            # stack of the same orientation of reference image.
            if (len(files[i][j]) == 1 and short_names[index] != 'u_+'
                    and 'unflip' in ref):
                delete = f'''selectWindow("{short_names[index]}");
                             run("Delete Slice");
            elif (len(files[i][j]) == 1 and short_names[index] != 'f_+'
                  and 'flip' in ref and 'unflip' not in ref):
                delete = f'''selectWindow("{short_names[index]}");
                             run("Delete Slice");
            trimmed_macro = join([trimmed_macro, delete], "\n")
            index += 1
    return trimmed_macro
예제 #9
파일: render.py 프로젝트: mobarski/smash
def render3(template,env):
	out = template
	# conditional blocks
	cre = '(?sx) [#]start-(\w+) (.*?) [#]end-\\1'
	conditionals = re.findall(cre,out)
	def mapper(x):
		name = x.group(1)
		text = x.group(2)
		return text if flag(env.get(name,'yes')) else ''
	out = re.sub(cre,mapper,out,re.X)

	# variables
	varnames = re.findall('[$]{?([\w|-]+)}?',template) # TODO sort by desc len + unique
	#vre = join(varnames+[''],"|","[$]?[$][{{]{0}[|][^}}]+[}}]|[$]?[$][{{]?{0}[}}]?") # +[''] for handling $$ without var name
	VRE = """
		[$]?[$] [{{]? {0}[|][\w|]+ [}}]?
	|	[$]?[$] [{{]? {0}               [}}]?
	vre = '(?x)'+join(varnames+[''],"|",VRE) # +[''] for handling $$ without var name
	def mapper(x):
		s = x.group()
		if s.startswith('$$'):
			return s[1:] # reduce one dollar sign
		name = s[1:].replace('{','').replace('}','') # TODO one replace operation
		tmp = name.split('|')
		name,pipes = tmp[0],tmp[1:]
		val = str(env.get(name,s))
		# TODO handle pipes
		return val
	out = re.sub(vre,mapper,out)
	return out
예제 #10
def fijify_macro(unready_macro: str) -> str:
    """Converts macro into FIJI format and returns macro.

    The Fiji format uses ';' as end lines, and sometimes contains
    additional whitespace. This function accounts for that, edits
    the macro string, and returns it in the correct format.

        unready_macro: The un-formatted FIJI macro.

        fiji_ready_macro: The correctly formatted FIJI macro.

    fiji_ready_macro = ''
    for line in unready_macro.splitlines():
        # Make strings without ';' appear on same line.
        # Remove excess whitespace
        line = line.strip()
        whitespace = ''
        if ';' in line:
            whitespace = '\n'
        elif line and not line.isspace():
            whitespace = ' '
        fiji_ready_macro = join([fiji_ready_macro, line, whitespace])
    return fiji_ready_macro
예제 #11
def save_plot(plt, title, xlabel, ylabel, data, path):
    plt.plot(data[0], data[1])
    plt.savefig("%s.png" % join(path, title), dpi=300)
예제 #12
def write_gml(graph, fname, colormap={}):

    "Custom gml exporter"
    fp = open(fname, "wt")
    text = ["graph [", "directed 1"]

    nodepatt = (
        'node [ id %(node)s label "%(node)s" graphics [ fill	"%(color)s" w 40 h 30 x %(x)s y %(y)s type "ellipse" ]]'
    rnd = random.randint
    for node in graph.nodes():
        x, y = rnd(50, 200), rnd(50, 200)
        color = colormap.get(node, "#CCCCFF")
        param = dict(node=node, x=x, y=y, color=color)
        text.append(nodepatt % param)

    edgepatt = 'edge [ source %(source)s target %(target)s  graphics [ fill	"%(color)s" targetArrow "delta" ]]'
    for source, target in graph.edges():
        pair = (source, target)
        color = colormap.get(pair, "#000000")
        param = dict(source=source, target=target, color=color)
        text.append(edgepatt % param)

    fp.write(util.join(text, sep="\n"))
예제 #13
def info(ses, fn, t, prt, kind):

    class Opt:
        def __init__(self, t):
            self.after = t
            self.before = float('inf')
            self.overview = 'none'

    # xxx assumes this exists
    time_metric = util.join('serverStatus', 'localTime')

    # find and print the first sample after t (only)
    for metrics in read(ses, fn, Opt(t), progress=False):
        if kind=='raw':
            for sample, sample_time in enumerate(metrics[time_metric]):
                sample_time = sample_time / 1000.0
                if sample_time >= t:
            prt('%s at t=%.3f (%s)' % (fn, t, util.f2s(t)))
            util.print_sample(metrics, sample, prt)
        elif kind=='metadata':
            prt('metadata at t=%.3f (%s)' % (t, util.f2s(t)))
            if metrics.metadata:
                util.print_bson_doc(metrics.metadata, prt, '    ')
                prt('    NOT AVAILABLE')
예제 #14
파일: resfile.py 프로젝트: tomooda/vdmtools
def FindResFile(fullName):
    (files, posList) = FindFile(fullName, "res")
    path = os.path.dirname(fullName)

    if files == []:
        report.Error("No expected result file found for " +
                     util.join(posList, ", "))
        return None
    elif len(files) > 1:
        report.Error("Several possible expected result files found: " +
                     util.join(files, ", "))
        return None
        report.Progress(4, "Expected result file is: " + path + "/" + files[0])

    return path + "/" + files[0]
예제 #15
def run_single_ls_align(datafolder: str,
                        reference: str = '',
                        sift_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
                        stack_name: str = 'test_ls_align.tif',
                        fls_files: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> str:
    """ Aligns all 'dm3' files in the 'datafolder' and saves an aligned tiff
    stack in the datafolder for a single tfs.

        datafolder: The datafolder that contains the paths to the dm3 files.
        reference: The reference tag that will be used for aligning.
        sift_params: Dictionary of SIFT params.
        stack_name: The filename for saving the aligned stack.
        fls_files: The list of fls files

        The full run LS align macro for single tfs..

    # Grab image data
    path1 = join([datafolder, 'unflip'], '/')
    path2 = join([datafolder, 'flip'], '/')
    unflip_files = pull_image_files(fls_files[0])
    flip_files = pull_image_files(fls_files[1])

    # Generate the Fiji macro for each alignment procedure.
    if reference == "unflip":
        ref = unflip_files[1]
        files = unflip_files
        path = path1
    elif reference == 'flip':
        ref = flip_files[1]
        files = flip_files
        path = path2

    # Single alignement
    all_macros, shortnames = single_ls_alignment(sift_params, files, path)

    # Post-alignment processing for saving the stack
    all_macros = post_single_ls_alignment(all_macros, shortnames, files,
                                          stack_name, ref)

    # Format macro to run in FIJI
    full_ls_macro = format_macro(all_macros)

    return full_ls_macro
예제 #16
def ValidateResult(name, expResFile, result, stdout, stderr):
    expResult = util.ReadListFromFile(expResFile)
    if expResult == None:
        return false


    if expResult == result:
        return true

    map = {}
    for key in result:
        if key in map:
            map[key] = map[key] + 1
            map[key] = 1

    for key in expResult:
        if key in map:
            map[key] = map[key] - 1
            map[key] = -1

    tomuch, tolittle = [], []
    for key in map.keys():
        if map[key] > 0:
            tomuch.append(str(map[key]) + " * " + str(key))
        elif map[key] < 0:
            tolittle.append(str(abs(map[key])) + " * " + str(key))

    if tomuch != [] or tolittle != []:
        res = ""
        if tomuch != []:
            res = res + "Output not expected: " + util.join(tomuch,
                                                            ", ") + "\n"
        if tolittle != []:
            res = res + "Output not present: " + util.join(tolittle,
                                                           ", ") + "\n"
        report.Error("Actual result differs from expected result for " + name,
                     res, stdout, stderr)
        return false

    return true
예제 #17
    def _synchronize(self, timeseries_sequence):
        """Synchronize a sequence of timeseries."""

        # join sequences on date
        for items in util.join(timeseries_sequence, key = lambda x: x[0]):
            # construct a row with one date and default vectors as needed
            date = next(filter(None, items))[0]
            values = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
                [i[1:] if i else [self.default_features] for i in items]))
            yield [date] + values
예제 #18
def mbuild_compute_path(hname, search_path):
    """Return the full path of the header hname, if found and None
    otherwise. Search the path in order and see if we find the file"""
    for p in search_path:
        tname = util.join(p, hname)
        tname = os.path.realpath(tname)
        #mbuild_base.msgb("TESTING", tname)
        if os.path.exists(tname):
            return tname
    return None
예제 #19
def pre_ls_alignment(reference: str, check_sift: bool, path1: str, path2: str,
                     fls_files: List[str], tfs_value: str,
                     fls_value: str) -> Pre_LS_Align:
    """ Pre-alignment file manipulations for linear stack alignment with SIFT.

    Check setup, get reference image to align to, and get all image filenames.

        reference: The type of reference to dictate alignment.
                Options: 'tfs', 'unflip', 'flip'
        check_sift (bool): Option for checking SIFT alignment.
        path1: The first unflip/flip/single path/directory.
        path2: The first unflip/flip/single path/directory.
        fls_files: A list of the FLS filenames.
        tfs_value: The through-focal series option.
                Options: Unflip/FLip, Single
        fls_value: The FLS option.
                Options: One, Two
        vals: A tuple of the reference file as well as all other filenames.

            - vals[0]: The reference filename.
            - vals[1][0]: 2D list of all files
            - vals[1][1]: 2D list of ordered image files for path1
            - vals[1][2]: 2D list of ordered image files for path2

    # Check setup of datafolder
    files1, files2 = read_fls(path1, path2, fls_files, tfs_value, fls_value,

    # Get reference image to align to.
    ref = ''
    if reference == 'tfs' or reference == 'unflip':
        ref_list = files1[1].pop()
        ref = join([path1, ref_list], '/')
    elif reference == 'flip':
        ref_list = files2[1].pop()
        ref = join([path2, ref_list], '/')
    all_files = [files1, files2]
    vals = ref, (all_files, files1, files2)
    return vals
예제 #20
    def _synchronize(self, timeseries_sequence):
        """Synchronize a sequence of timeseries."""

        # join sequences on date
        for items in util.join(timeseries_sequence, key=lambda x: x[0]):
            # construct a row with one date and default vectors as needed
            date = next(filter(None, items))[0]
            values = list(
                    [i[1:] if i else [self.default_features] for i in items]))
            yield [date] + values
예제 #21
def format_macro(all_macros: List[str]) -> str:
    """Format the full macro so it will be ready for use in FIJI.

        all_macros: All formatted FIJI macros for alignment.

        fiji_ready_macro: The finalized FIJI macro."""

    joined_macro = join(all_macros, '\n')
    full_macro = fijify_macro(joined_macro)
    return full_macro
예제 #22
def pre_bUnwarp_align(
    unflip_ref: str, flip_ref: str, mask_files: List[Optional[str]],
    reference: str, transformation: Tuple[float, float, float, bool]
) -> Tuple[str, str, str, List[Optional[str]]]:
    """ Precursor to bUnwarpJ alignment to collect files, references, and masks..

        Determine the source and target images for bUnwarpJ. Apply any
        pre-transformations necessary to help with bUnwarpJ alignment. Open and
        return the masks for source and target.

            unflip_ref: The unflip infocus image path.
            flip_ref: The flip infocus image path.
            mask_files: The filenames for the mask files, can be [None, None].
            reference: The reference value for 'unflip'/'flip'.
            transformation: The pre-shift/rotation to align the infocus images.

            The bUnwarpJ macro for carrying out the bUnwarpJ alignment. Additionally
                returns the source and target path names, as well as
                the associated masks for each image.

    # Grab reference images
    if reference == 'unflip':
        target_path, src_path = unflip_ref, flip_ref
        target_img = f'target_unflip_image'
        src_img = f'source_flip_image'
        src_mask, target_mask = mask_files[1], mask_files[0]
    elif reference == 'flip':
        target_path, src_path = flip_ref, unflip_ref
        target_img = f'target_flip_image'
        src_img = f'source_unflip_image'
        src_mask, target_mask = mask_files[0], mask_files[1]

    # Open files
    macro = f'''

    # Apply transformations to source image
    apply_transform = get_shift_rot_macro(transformation)
    macro = join([macro, apply_transform], '\n')

    # Open masks
    masks = [src_mask, target_mask]
    return macro, src_img, target_img, masks
예제 #23
def send_py_code_to_max(code):
    Sends a command to 3ds Max to run 

    This function is strongly inspired by the contents of 

        # Make temporary file and set its contents to the code snippet
        filepath = join(gettempdir(), 'temp.py')
        with open(filepath, "w") as f:

        # The command to run a python file within Max
        cmd = f'python.ExecuteFile @"{filepath}";'
        log("Sending " + cmd + " to 3ds Max")

        minimacrorecorder = window.find_child(text=None, cls="MXS_Scintilla")

        # If the mini macrorecorder was not found, there is still a chance
        # we are targetting an ancient Max version (e.g. 9) where the
        # listener was not Scintilla based, but instead a rich edit box.
        if minimacrorecorder is None:

            statuspanel = window.find_child(text=None, cls="StatusPanel")
            if statuspanel is None:
                raise Exception(RECORDER_NOT_FOUND)
            minimacrorecorder = statuspanel.find_child(text=None, cls="RICHEDIT")
            # Verbatim strings (the @ at sign) are not supported in older Max versions.
            cmd = cmd.replace("@", "")
            cmd = cmd.replace("\\", "\\\\")

        if minimacrorecorder is None:
            raise Exception(RECORDER_NOT_FOUND)

        # Encode the command to bytes, send to the mmr, then send 
        # the return key to simulate enter being pressed.
        cmd = cmd.encode("utf-8")  # Needed for ST3!
        minimacrorecorder.send(winapi.WM_SETTEXT, 0, cmd)
        minimacrorecorder.send(winapi.WM_CHAR, winapi.VK_RETURN, 0)
        minimacrorecorder = None
    except Exception as e:
        # Raise an error to terminate the adapter
        raise Exception("Could not send code to Max due to error:\n\n" + str(e))
예제 #24
파일: javarun.py 프로젝트: tomooda/vdmtools
def CompileJavaFiles(fullName, lang, type, modules):
    baseName = util.ExtractName(fullName)

    # Find the compiler to use
    compiler = os.path.expandvars(
        cmdline.LookUpWildCard('java', lang, type, 'compiler'))

    # figure out the names of all the Java files
    javaFiles = "TMAIN.java"

    for mod in modules:
        if os.path.exists(mod + ".java"):
            javaFiles = javaFiles + " " + mod + ".java"
            package = convert.GetModCls()
            packageStrings = package.split('.')
            packageDir = util.join(packageStrings, '/')
            if os.path.exists(packageDir +
                              ".java") and not packageDir in modules:
                print("-------> here")
                javaFiles = javaFiles + " " + packageDir + ".java"

        if os.path.exists("external_" + mod + ".java"):
            javaFiles = javaFiles + " external_" + mod + ".java"

    # Find the flags for the compiler
    flags = os.path.expandvars(
        os.path.expanduser(cmdline.LookUpWildCard('java', lang, type,

    # First delete the binary.

    # build the command and execute it.
    cmd = compiler + " -d . " + flags + " " + javaFiles

    (exitCode, dummy1,
     dummy2) = util.RunCommand(cmd, 0, "Problem when compiling generated code")
    ok = (exitCode == 0)

    if ok:
        if not os.path.exists("TMAIN.class"):
                "TMAIN.class was not created as a result of compiling the generated Java files"
            return false

    return ok
예제 #25
파일: javarun.py 프로젝트: tomooda/vdmtools
def VerifyPresenceOfGeneratedFiles(fullName, modules):
    ok = true
    package = convert.GetModCls()
    packageStrings = package.split('.')
    packageDir = util.join(packageStrings, '/')
    for mod in modules:
        file1 = mod + ".java"
        file2 = "vdm_" + mod + ".java"
        file3 = packageDir + ".java"
        files = file1 + " or " + file2 + " or " + file3
        if not os.path.exists(file1) and not os.path.exists(
                file2) and not os.path.exists(file3):
            report.Error("file " + files +
                         " was not generated for testcase '" + fullName + "'")
            ok = false
    return ok
    def write_score(self):
        # The looped section programmatically builds a series of scales
        # Note that the bass clef is just a tansposition of the treble clef
        looped = {"treble": []}
        for start in self.scale('c`', 'c``'):
            looped["treble"] += self.scale(start, 8, 8)
        looped["bass"] = self.transpose(looped["treble"], -1, 'octave')

        # The smart section programmatically builds a series of scales in different keys
        # Note how we use list comprehension to avoid a for loop, and use step = 2 to play every other note in the treble clef
        start_notes = self.scale('c```', 'c``')
        smart = {
            "treble": [scale(start, -8, key=letter(start) + " major", dur=8, step=2) for start in start_notes],
            "bass": [scale(self.transpose(start, -1, 'octave'), -8, key=letter(start) + " major", dur=8) for start in start_notes]

        self.score = join(looped, smart)
예제 #27
    def write_score(self):
        # The basic section manually builds a scale note by note
        basic = {
            [note("c`", 8),
             note("e`", 8),
             note("g`", 8),
             note("c``", 8)],
            "bass": [note("c", 8),
                     note("e", 8),
                     note("g", 8),
                     note("c`", 8)]

        # The notes section uses the notes function to build a list of notes from a single string
        intermediate = {
            "treble": notes('d` fs` a` d``', 8),
            "bass": notes('d fs a d`', 8)

        # The arpeggio section uses the arpeggio function to build a scale from one note to the next
        arpeggios = {
            "treble": arpeggio('e`', 'e``', 'E Major', 8),
            "bass": arpeggio('e', 4, 'E major', 8)

        # The length section uses the arpeggio function to build an arpeggio, but specifies a length, rather than a stop note
        length = {
            "treble": arpeggio('f`', 4, 'F Major', 8),
            "bass": arpeggio('f', 4, 'F Major', 8)

        starts = self.arpeggio('c`', 'c``')
        stepped = {
            'treble': [[
                self.arpeggio(start, self.transpose(start, 7), 16, step=step)
                for step in [3, 3, 1]
            ] for start in starts],
            'bass': [[
                self.arpeggio(self.transpose(start, -7), start, 16, step=step)
                for step in [1, 3, 3]
            ] for start in starts]

        self.score = join(basic, intermediate, arpeggios, length, stepped)
def crop_video(person_id, video_id, video_path, args):
    utterance = video_path.split('#')[1]
    bbox_path = os.path.join(args.bbox_folder,
                             os.path.basename(video_path)[:-4] + '.txt')
    reader = imageio.get_reader(video_path)

    chunk_start = float(video_path.split('#')[2].split('-')[0])

    d = pd.read_csv(bbox_path)
    video_count = 0
    initial_bbox = None
    start = 0
    tube_bbox = None
    frame_list = []
    chunks_data = []

        for i, frame in enumerate(reader):
            bbox = np.array(d.iloc[i])

            if initial_bbox is None:
                initial_bbox = bbox
                start = i
                tube_bbox = bbox

            if bb_intersection_over_union(initial_bbox,
                                          bbox) < args.iou_with_initial or len(
                                              frame_list) >= args.max_frames:
                chunks_data += store(frame_list, tube_bbox, video_id,
                                     utterance, person_id, start, i,
                                     video_count, chunk_start, args)
                video_count += 1
                initial_bbox = bbox
                start = i
                tube_bbox = bbox
                frame_list = []
            tube_bbox = join(tube_bbox, bbox)
    except IndexError as e:

    chunks_data += store(frame_list, tube_bbox, video_id, utterance, person_id,
                         start, i + 1, video_count, chunk_start, args)

    return chunks_data
예제 #29
    def _find_rec_for_missing_file(self, fn, assumed_directory):
        vmsgb(20, "LOOKING FOR MISSING FILE",
              "%s assuming %s" % (fn, assumed_directory))

        if fn in self.recs:
            vmsgb(20, "FOUND DEP REC FOR MISSING FILE", fn)
            return self.recs[fn]
        if assumed_directory:
            nfn = util.join(assumed_directory, fn)
            if nfn in self.recs:
                vmsgb(20, "FOUND DEP REC FOR MISSING FILE(2)", nfn)
                return self.recs[nfn]
            nfn = os.path.realpath(nfn)
            if nfn in self.recs:
                vmsgb(20, "FOUND DEP REC FOR MISSING FILE(3)", nfn)
                return self.recs[nfn]
        vmsgb(20, "NO DEP REC FOR MISSING FILE", fn)
        return None
def crop_video_neighbor(person_id, video_id, video_path, args):
    bbox_path = os.path.join(args.bbox_folder,
                             os.path.basename(video_path)[:-4] + '.txt')
    reader = imageio.get_reader(video_path)

    d = pd.read_csv(bbox_path)
    video_count = 0
    prev_bbox = None
    start = 0
    tube_bbox = None
    frame_list = []
    chunks_data = []

        for i, frame in enumerate(reader):
            bbox = np.array(d.iloc[i])

            if prev_bbox is None:
                prev_bbox = bbox
                start = i
                tube_bbox = bbox

            if bb_intersection_over_union(prev_bbox,
                                          bbox) < args.iou_with_initial or len(
                                              frame_list) >= args.max_frames:
                chunks_data += store(frame_list, tube_bbox, video_id,
                                     person_id, start, i, video_count, args)
                video_count += 1
                start = i
                tube_bbox = bbox
                frame_list = []
            prev_bbox = bbox
            tube_bbox = join(tube_bbox, bbox)
    except IndexError as e:

    chunks_data += store(frame_list, tube_bbox, video_id, person_id, start,
                         i + 1, video_count, args)

    return chunks_data
예제 #31
파일: render.py 프로젝트: mobarski/smash
def render2(template,env):
	# variables
	varnames = re.findall('[$]{?(\w+)}?',template) # TODO sort by desc len + unique
	vre = join(varnames+[''],"|","[$]?[$]{{?{0}}}?") # +[''] for handling $$ without var name
	def mapper(x):
		s = x.group()
		if s.startswith('$$'):
			return s[1:] # reduce one dollar sign
		name = s[1:].replace('{','').replace('}','') # TODO one replace operation
		return str(env.get(name,s))
	out = re.sub(vre,mapper,template)
	# conditional blocks
	cre = '(?sx) [#]start-(\w+) (.*?) [#]end-\\1'
	conditionals = re.findall(cre,out)
	def mapper(x):
		name = x.group(1)
		text = x.group(2)
		return text if flag(env.get(name,'yes')) else ''
	out = re.sub(cre,mapper,out,re.X)
	return out
예제 #32
def attach_to_maya(contents):
    Defines commands to send to Maya, and sends the attach code to it.

    global attach_code, Maya_path
    config = contents['arguments']

    # Format the simulated attach response to send it back to the debugger
    # while we set up the debugpy in the background
    attach_code = ATTACH_TEMPLATE.format(

    # Copy code to temporary file and start a Maya console with it
    except Exception as e:
        # Raising exceptions shows the text in the Debugger's output.
        # Raise an error to show a potential solution to this problem.
        log("Exception occurred: \n\n" + str(e))
        import platform
        module_path = join(dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'module')
        separator = ';' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else ':'
        raise Exception("""
                              Could not connect to Maya.

                Please ensure Maya is running. If this is your first time
                using the debug adapter, ensure the MAYA_MODULE_PATH
                environment variable is set correctly (ie contains {0}), 
                           then restart Maya and try again.
            """.format(module_path + separator))

    # Then start the Maya debugging threads
        ((config['debugpy']['host'], int(config['debugpy']['port'])), ))
예제 #33
def write_gml(graph, fname, colormap={}):

    "Custom gml exporter"
    fp = open(fname, 'wt')
    text = ['graph [', 'directed 1']

    nodepatt = 'node [ id %(node)s label "%(node)s" graphics [ fill	"%(color)s" w 40 h 30 x %(x)s y %(y)s type "ellipse" ]]'
    rnd = random.randint
    for node in graph.nodes():
        x, y = rnd(50, 200), rnd(50, 200)
        color = colormap.get(node, '#CCCCFF')
        param = dict(node=node, x=x, y=y, color=color)
        text.append(nodepatt % param)

    edgepatt = 'edge [ source %(source)s target %(target)s  graphics [ fill	"%(color)s" targetArrow "delta" ]]'
    for source, target in graph.edges():
        pair = (source, target)
        color = colormap.get(pair, '#000000')
        param = dict(source=source, target=target, color=color)
        text.append(edgepatt % param)

    fp.write(util.join(text, sep="\n"))
예제 #34
파일: server.py 프로젝트: MattIrv/soniqueue
 def post(self, party_id, user_id):
     p_id = int(party_id)
     u_id = int(user_id)
     self.write(util.join(p_id, u_id))
예제 #35
def transform(mat, *t):
	tex = (1,) + t
	vector = numpy.array([tex]).T
	return tuple(util.join((mat * vector).tolist()))
예제 #36
파일: apirun.py 프로젝트: tomooda/vdmtools
    def ParseCommand(self, cmd, name, line):
        ################# General
        m = re.compile('^_print\((?P<str>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            return m.group('str') + "\n"

        m = re.compile('^_exists file\((?P<filename>.*)\)').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            if os.path.exists(m.group('filename')):
                return "true\n"
            return "false\n"

        m = re.compile('^_delete file\((?P<filename>.*)\)').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            return ""

        ################# VDMProject

        # VDMProject.New () = new project
        if re.compile('^new project$').match(cmd) != None:
            return ""

        # VDMProject.Open () = open project (filename)
        m = re.compile('^open project\((?P<filename>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            return ""

        # VDMProject.SaveAs (filename) = save as (filename)
        m = re.compile('^save$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            return ""

        # VDMProject.SaveAs (filename) = save as (filename)
        m = re.compile('^save as\((?P<filename>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            return ""

        # VDMProject.GetModules () = get modules
        if re.compile('^get modules$').match(cmd) != None:
            (res, modules) = self.vdmProject.GetModules()
            return util.join(modules, "\n") + "\n"

        # VDMProject.GetFiles () = get files
        if re.compile('^get files$').match(cmd) != None:
            (res, files) = self.vdmProject.GetFiles()
            return util.join(files, "\n") + "\n"

        # VDMProject.AddFile = add file (filename)
        m = re.compile('^add file\((?P<filename>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            return ""

        # VDMProject.RemoveFile = remove file (filename)
        m = re.compile('^remove file\((?P<filename>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            return ""

        ############## VDMModuleRepos

        # VDMModuleRepos.FilesOfModule = files of module (modulename)
        m = re.compile('^files of module\((?P<modulename>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
             flist) = self.vdmModuleRepos.FilesOfModule(m.group('modulename'))
            return util.join(flist, "\n") + "\n"

        # VDMModuleRepos.GetCurrentModule = current module
        if re.compile('^current module$').match(cmd) != None:
            res = self.vdmModuleRepos.GetCurrentModule() + "\n"
            return res

        # VDMModuleRepos.GetCurrentModule = pop module
        if re.compile('^pop module$').match(cmd) != None:
            return ""

        # VDMModuleRepos.PushModule = push module (modulename)
        m = re.compile('^push module\((?P<modulename>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            return ""

        # VDMModuleRepos.Status = status (modulename)
        m = re.compile('^status\((?P<modulename>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            status = self.vdmModuleRepos.Status(m.group('modulename'))
            resStr = ""
            if status.SyntaxChecked:
                resStr = resStr + "S"
                resStr = resStr + "-"
            if status.TypeChecked:
                resStr = resStr + "T"
                resStr = resStr + "-"
            if status.CodeGenerated:
                resStr = resStr + "C"
                resStr = resStr + "-"
            if status.PrettyPrinted:
                resStr = resStr + "P"
                resStr = resStr + "-"
            return resStr + "\n"

        # VDMModuleRepos.SuperClasses = superclasses (classname)
        m = re.compile('^superclasses\((?P<classname>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
             clist) = self.vdmModuleRepos.SuperClasses(m.group('classname'))
            return util.join(clist, "\n") + "\n"

        # VDMModuleRepos.SubClasses = subclasses (classname)
        m = re.compile('^subclasses\((?P<classname>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            (res, clist) = self.vdmModuleRepos.SubClasses(m.group('classname'))
            return util.join(clist, "\n") + "\n"

        # VDMModuleRepos.UsesOf = usesof (classname)
        m = re.compile('^usesof\((?P<classname>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            (res, clist) = self.vdmModuleRepos.UsesOf(m.group('classname'))
            return util.join(clist, "\n") + "\n"

        # VDMModuleRepos.UsedBy = usedby (classname)
        m = re.compile('^usedby\((?P<classname>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            (res, clist) = self.vdmModuleRepos.UsedBy(m.group('classname'))
            return util.join(clist, "\n") + "\n"

        ########### VDMInterpreter
        # VDMInterpreter.DynTypeCheck = set dtc [on|off]
        m = re.compile('^set dtc ((on)|(off))$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            if m.group(1) == 'on':
            return ""

        # VDMInterpreter.DynInvCheck = set inv [on|off]
        m = re.compile('^set inv ((on)|(off))$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            if m.group(1) == 'on':
            return ""

        # VDMInterpreter.DynPreCheck = set pre [on|off]
        m = re.compile('^set pre ((on)|(off))$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            if m.group(1) == 'on':
            return ""

        # VDMInterpreter.DynPostCheck = set post [on|off]
        m = re.compile('^set post ((on)|(off))$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            if m.group(1) == 'on':
            return ""

        # VDMInterpreter.PPOfValues = set ppr [on|off]
        m = re.compile('^set ppr ((on)|(off))$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            if m.group(1) == 'on':
            return ""

        # VDMInterpreter.Verbose = set verb [on|off]
        m = re.compile('^set verb ((on)|(off))$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            if m.group(1) == 'on':
            return ""

        # VDMInterpreter.Debug = set dbg [on|off]
        m = re.compile('^set ppr ((on)|(off))$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            if m.group(1) == 'on':
            return ""

        # VDMInterpreter.Initialize = init
        if re.compile('^init$').match(cmd) != None:
            return ""

        # VDMInterpreter.EvalExpression = eval (expression)
        m = re.compile('^eval\((?P<expression>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            res = self.vdmInterpreter.EvalExpression(self.clientID,
            return res.ToAscii() + "\n"

        # VDMInterpreter.EvalExpression = apply (expression) to [args]
        m = re.compile('^apply\((?P<expression>.*)\)to\[(?P<arg>.*)\]$').match(
        if m != None:
            arg_str = "[" + m.group('arg') + "]"
            arg_eval = self.vdmInterpreter.EvalExpression(
                self.clientID, arg_str)
            expr_str = m.group('expression')
            res = self.vdmInterpreter.Apply(self.clientID, expr_str, arg_eval)
            return res.ToAscii() + "\n"

        # VDMInterpreter.EvalCmd = evalcmd (command)
        m = re.compile('^evalcmd\((?P<command>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            return ""

        # VDMInterpreter.SetBreakPointByPos = break (filename, line, col)
        m = re.compile(
        if m != None:
            num = self.vdmInterpreter.SetBreakPointByPos (m.group ('filename'), \
                                                          locale.atoi (m.group ('line')), \
                                                          locale.atoi (m.group ('col')))
            return str(num) + "\n"

        # VDMInterpreter.SetBreakPointByName = break (modulename, func)
        m = re.compile(
        if m != None:
            num = self.vdmInterpreter.SetBreakPointByName (m.group ('modulename'), \
                                                           m.group ('func'))
            return str(num) + "\n"

        # VDMInterpreter.DeleteBreakPoint = delete (number)
        m = re.compile('^delete\((?P<number>\d+)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            return ""

        # VDMInterpreter.StartDebugging = debug (expression)
        m = re.compile('^debug\((?P<expression>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            res = self.vdmInterpreter.StartDebugging(self.clientID,
            return res.ToAscii() + "\n"

        # VDMInterpreter.DebugStep = step
        m = re.compile('^step$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            res = self.vdmInterpreter.DebugStep(self.clientID)
            return res.ToAscii() + "\n"

        # VDMInterpreter.DebugStepIn = stepin
        m = re.compile('^stepin$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            res = self.vdmInterpreter.DebugStepIn(self.clientID)
            return res.ToAscii() + "\n"

        # VDMInterpreter.DebugSingleStep = singlestep
        m = re.compile('^singlestep$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            res = self.vdmInterpreter.DebugSingleStep(self.clientID)
            return res.ToAscii() + "\n"

        # VDMInterpreter.DebugContinue = cont
        m = re.compile('^cont$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            res = self.vdmInterpreter.DebugStep(self.clientID)
            return res.ToAscii() + "\n"

        ########## VDMCodeGenerator

        # VDMCodeGenerator.GeneratePosInfo = set genposinfo [on|off]
        m = re.compile('^set genposinfo ((on)|(off))$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            if m.group(1) == 'on':
            return ""

        # VDMCodeGenerator.CodeGenerateList = codegen [java|cpp] ([filename, filename, ...])
        m = re.compile(
            '^codegen (?P<lang>(java)|(cpp))\(\[(?P<modulenames>.*)\]\)$'
        if m != None:
            mlist = m.group('modulenames').split(",")
            if m.group('lang') == "java":
                res = self.vdmCodeGenerator.GenerateCodeList(
                    mlist, ToolboxAPI.VDMCodeGenerator.JAVA)
                res = self.vdmCodeGenerator.GenerateCodeList(
                    mlist, ToolboxAPI.VDMCodeGenerator.CPP)
            if res:
                return "true\n"
            return "false\n"

        # VDMCodeGenerator.CodeGenerate = codegen [java|cpp] (filename)
        m = re.compile('^codegen (?P<lang>(java)|(cpp))\((?P<modulename>.*)\)$'
        if m != None:
            if m.group('lang') == "java":
                res = self.vdmCodeGenerator.GenerateCode(
                    m.group('modulename'), ToolboxAPI.VDMCodeGenerator.JAVA)
                res = self.vdmCodeGenerator.GenerateCode(
                    m.group('modulename'), ToolboxAPI.VDMCodeGenerator.CPP)
            if res:
                return "true\n"
            return "false\n"

        ########## VDMParser

        # VDMParser.ParseList = parse ([filename, filename, ...])
        m = re.compile('^parse\(\[(?P<filenames>.*)\]\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            flist = m.group('filenames').split(",")
            res = self.vdmParser.ParseList(flist)
            if res:
                return "true\n"
            return "false\n"

        # VDMParser.Parse = parse (filename)
        m = re.compile('^parse\((?P<filename>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            parse_arg = m.group('filename')
            res = self.vdmParser.Parse(parse_arg)
            if res:
                return "true\n"
                return "false\n"

        # VDMTypeChecker

        # VDMTypeChecker.TypeCheckList = typecheck [pos|def] ([modulename, modulename, ...])
        m = re.compile(
            '^typecheck (?P<posdef>(pos)|(def))\(\[(?P<modulenames>.*)\]\)$'
        if m != None:
            mlist = m.group('modulenames').split(",")
            if m.group('posdef') == "pos":

            res = self.vdmTypeChecker.TypeCheckList(mlist)
            if res:
                return "true\n"
            return "false\n"

        # VDMTypeChecker.TypeCheck = typecheck [pos|def] (filename)
        m = re.compile(
            '^typecheck (?P<posdef>(pos)|(def))\((?P<modulename>.*)\)$').match(
        if m != None:
            if m.group('posdef') == "pos":

            res = self.vdmTypeChecker.TypeCheck(m.group('modulename'))
            if res:
                return "true\n"
            return "false\n"

        # VDMTypeChecker.ExtendedTypeCheck = set full [on|off]
        m = re.compile('^set full ((on)|(off))$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            if m.group(1) == 'on':
            return ""

        ############# VDMPrettyPrinter

        # VDMPrettyPrinter.PrettyPrintList = prettyprint ([filename, filename, ...])
        m = re.compile('^prettyprint\(\[(?P<filenames>.*)\]\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            flist = m.group('filenames').split(",")
            res = self.vdmPrettyPrinter.PrettyPrintList(flist)
            if res:
                return "true\n"
            return "false\n"

        # VDMPrettyPrinter.PrettyPrint = prettyprint (filename)
        m = re.compile('^prettyprint\((?P<filename>.*)\)$').match(cmd)
        if m != None:
            res = self.vdmPrettyPrinter.PrettyPrint(m.group('filename'))
            if res:
                return "true\n"
                return "false\n"

        ############ VDMError

        # VDMErrors.GetErrors = get errors
        if re.compile('^get errors$').match(cmd) != None:
            (n, errList) = self.vdmErrors.GetErrors()
            res = ""
            for err in errList:
                res = res + err.fname + " [" + str(err.line) + "," + str(
                    err.col) + "] " + err.msg + "\n"
            return res + "Errors: " + str(n) + "\n"

        # VDMErrors.GetWarnings = get warnings
        if re.compile('^get warnings$').match(cmd) != None:
            (n, errList) = self.vdmErrors.GetWarnings()
            res = ""
            for err in errList:
                res = res + err.fname + " [" + str(err.line) + "," + str(
                    err.col) + "] " + err.msg + "\n"
            return res + "Warnings: " + str(n) + "\n"

        raise Syntax("Unknown command")
예제 #37
    def write_score(self):
        self.score["treble"] = []
        self.score["bass"] = []
        sections = {}

        def triplet_bar(note_pair, bars=1):
            return triplets(rep(notes(note_pair, 8), int(6 * bars)))

        def doublet_bar(note_pair, bars=1):
            return rep(notes(note_pair, 8), int(4 * bars))

        def A_motif(chord, bars, *tweaks):
            motif = {}

            if 'no treble' in tweaks:
                motif['treble'] = rep(rest(1), bars)
            elif chord == self.aI:
                motif['treble'] = triplet_bar(pattern(chord, [6, 5]),
            elif chord == self.aii and 'low triplets' in tweaks:
                motif['treble'] = triplet_bar(pattern(chord, [5, 4]),
                motif['treble'] = triplet_bar(pattern(chord, [6, 4]),

            motif['bass1'] = doublet_bar(pattern(chord, 2, 3), bars=bars)

            if 'crotchet bass' in tweaks:
                motif['bass2'] = rep(note(select(chord, 1), 4), int(bars * 4))
                motif['bass2'] = rep(note(select(chord, 1), 1, phrasing="~"),
                if 'extend tie' not in tweaks:
                    motif['bass2'][-1].phrasing = ""

            if 'low first' in tweaks:
                motif['bass1'][0] = chord[0]
                motif['bass2'] = self.transpose(motif['bass2'], -9, "scale")

            return motif

        sections['A0'] = join(A_motif(self.aI, 2, 'no treble'),
                              A_motif(self.aiii, 2, 'no treble', 'low first'))
        sections['A0']['treble'] = time_signature('4/4',
        sections['A1'] = join(A_motif(self.aI, 2), A_motif(self.aiii, 2))
        sections['A2'] = join(A_motif(self.aI, 1),
                              A_motif(self.aiii7, 0.5, 'crotchet bass'),
                              A_motif(self.aI, 0.5, 'crotchet bass'),
                              A_motif(self.aiii, 2))
        sections['A3'] = join(
            A_motif(self.aii, 1, 'low triplets', 'extend tie'),
            A_motif(self.aii, 1), A_motif(self.aI, 2))
        sections['A4'] = join(A_motif(self.aii, 1, 'low triplets'),
                              A_motif(self.aii7, 0.5, 'crotchet bass'),
                              A_motif(self.aii, 0.5, 'crotchet bass'),
                              A_motif(self.aI, 2))

        A = ['A1', 'A1', 'A2', 'A2', 'A2', 'A3', 'A3', 'A4']

        def arpeggio_bar(arp, bars):
            return rep(notes(pattern(arp, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2), 16),
                       int(4 * bars))

        def altpeggio_bar(arp, bars):
            return time_signature(
                        pattern(arp, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2),
                        16), 2))

        def B_motif(chord, bars, *tweaks):
            motif = {}

            if 'alt' not in tweaks:
                motif['treble'] = arpeggio_bar(subset(chord, 5, 8), bars=bars)
                motif['bass'] = arpeggio_bar(subset(chord, 4, 1), bars=bars)
                motif['treble'] = altpeggio_bar(subset(chord, 5, 8), bars=bars)
                motif['bass'] = altpeggio_bar(subset(chord, 4, 1), bars=bars)

            return motif

        sections['B1'] = join(B_motif(self.bI7, 2), B_motif(self.biii, 1),
                              B_motif(self.biii, 1, 'alt'))
        sections['B2'] = join(B_motif(self.bI7, 1), B_motif(self.biii7, 0.5),
                              B_motif(self.bI7, 0.5), B_motif(self.biii, 1),
                              B_motif(self.biii, 1, 'alt'))
        sections['B3'] = join(B_motif(self.bii7, 2), B_motif(self.bI7, 1),
                              B_motif(self.bI7, 1, 'alt'))
        sections['B4'] = join(B_motif(self.bii7, 1), B_motif(self.bii7d5, 1),
                              B_motif(self.bI7, 1),
                              B_motif(self.bI7, 1, 'alt'))

        sections['B1']['treble'][0] = time_signature(
            '12/8', sections['B1']['treble'][0])[0]
        sections['B2']['treble'][0] = time_signature(
            '12/8', sections['B2']['treble'][0])[0]
        sections['B3']['treble'][0] = time_signature(
            '12/8', sections['B3']['treble'][0])[0]
        sections['B4']['treble'][0] = time_signature(
            '12/8', sections['B4']['treble'][0])[0]

        B = ['B1', 'B1', 'B2', 'B2', 'B2', 'B3', 'B3', 'B4']

        def combine(lh, rh):
            return {
                rep(triplets(subset(sections[rh]['treble'], 7, 12)), 8) +
                rep(triplets(subset(sections[rh]['treble'], 55, 60)), 8),

        sections['C1'] = combine('A1', 'B1')
            0].prefix = '\\time 4/4 ' + sections['C1']['treble'][0].prefix
        sections['C2'] = combine('A2', 'B2')
        sections['C3'] = combine('A3', 'B3')
        sections['C4'] = combine('A4', 'B4')

        C = ['C1', 'C1', 'C2', 'C2', 'C2', 'C3', 'C3', 'C4']

        def D_motif(chord, section):
            motif = {}
            motif['bass1'] = sections[section]['bass1']
            motif['bass2'] = sections[section]['bass2']
            if len(chord) == 3:
                motif['treble'] = self.harmonize(
                    tied_note(chord[0], [1, 2]) + note(chord[1], 2) +
                    tied_note(chord[2], [1, 1]), 1, 'octave')
                motif['treble'] = self.harmonize(
                    tied_note(chord[0], [1, 1]) + tied_note(chord[1], [1, 1]),
                    1, 'octave')
            return motif

        sections['D1'] = D_motif(self.diii, 'A1')
        sections['D2'] = D_motif(self.diii, 'A2')
        sections['D3'] = D_motif(self.dI * 2, 'A3')
        sections['D4'] = D_motif(self.dii, 'A4')

        D = ['D1', 'D1', 'D2', 'D2', 'D2', 'D3', 'D3', 'D4']

        for section in sections:
            sections[section]['treble'][0].markup = section

        order = [A, A, B, C, C, B, A, A, B, D, D]
        structure = ['A0']
        for item in order:
            structure += [item, 'A0']

        if self.summary:
            sections_to_print = sections
            sections_to_print = flatten(structure)

        for section in sections_to_print:
            self.score["treble"] += sections[section]['treble'] + ["\\break\n"]
            if 'B' not in section:
                self.score['bass'] += voices(sections[section]['bass1'],
                self.score['bass'] += sections[section]['bass']
예제 #38
def run(archivo_entrada,
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    print("The process has started: {}".format(getTime(start_time)))
    for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1):
        print("------------------------------------------------------Epoch {}".

        # Numero de pasos en el tiempo a ejecutar
        nt = tiempo
        ct = (np.arange(1, nt))

        C = _read_config_file(archivo_entrada)

        # Discretizacion en el espacio
        dx = C['wd'][1, 0] - C['wd'][0, 0]

        # velocidad del agua en cada punto de monitoreo
        va = C['wv'][:, 1]
        # coeficiente de difusión en cada punto de monitoreo
        cd = np.zeros(len(va)) + variables['Diff']
        v = np.zeros(len(va)) + np.mean(C['wv'])
        D = np.mean(C['wd'])

        # Condiciones de Frontera
        bc = dict()

        for k, col in config.BC_COLUMNS.items():
            bc[k] = C['bc'][:, col]

        kcondt = 1.92
        bc['T'] = bc['T'] + 273.15
        bc['pH'] = 10**(-1 * bc['pH'])

        # Condiciones Iniciales
        Ci = dict()
        for k, col in config.BC_COLUMNS.items():
            Ci['ci_{}'.format(k)] = C['ic'][:, col]

        Ci['ci_T'] = Ci['ci_T'] + 273.15
        Ci['ci_pH'] = 10**(-1 * Ci['ci_pH'])

        mcon = dict()
        for var in config.VARIABLES:
            mcon[var] = np.empty((nt, np.size(Ci['ci_{}'.format(var)],
            mcon[var][0, :] = Ci['ci_{}'.format(var)]

        for var in config.VARIABLES:
            C['S{}'.format(var)] = C['S{}'.format(var)][:, 1:]

        Cout = dict()
        #print("Total Iterations = {}".format(nt))
        for i in range(1, nt):
                "\r\tDoing iteration {}, {:.2f}% Completed ".format(
                    i, i / nt * 100))

            muestra = int(i / 3600)
            for k in config.BC_COLUMNS.keys():
                Ci['ci_{}'.format(k)][0] = bc[k][muestra]

            S = dict()
            for var in config.VARIABLES:
                S['S_{}'.format(var)] = C['S{}'.format(var)][:, muestra]

            #  Evolución de la concentración para t + dt
            Cout, paso_t = calidad_explicito(D, dx, Ci, S, v, cd,
                                             C['Caudales'], variables)

            # Se guardan las concentraciones del momento t+dt
            for var in config.VARIABLES:
                mcon[var][i, :] = Cout['c_{}'.format(var)]

            # Actualizar condición inicial
            for var in config.VARIABLES:
                Ci['ci_{}'.format(var)] = Cout['c_{}'.format(var)]

        mconConduct = kcondt * mcon['TDS']
        mcon['T'] = mcon['T'] - 273.15
        mcon['pH'] = (np.log10(mcon['pH'])) * (-1)
        Cout['c_pH'] = (np.log10(Cout['c_pH'])) * (-1)

        #print("Guardando datos de salida...")
        #print( "Shape OD array = {}".format( str(mcon['pH'].shape) ))
        #print( "Shape OD array = {}".format( str(mcon['pH'][0::3600, :].shape) ))
        book = xlwt.Workbook()
        for var in config.VARIABLES:
                take data each 3600 samples mcon[0::3600, :]
            data = mcon[var][0::3600, :]
            data = np.vstack([data, data.mean(axis=0)])
            save_sheet(book, var, data)

        save_sheet(book, 'Conduct', mconConduct[0::3600, :])

        used_vars(book, variables)
        name = join(directorio_salida, "Resultados.xlsx")
            Compute error
        errores, types, sign_dependency, to_optimize = computeError(name)
            Here update the values according the error, {gradiente descendente}

        learning_rate = 1
        for var in to_optimize:
            variables[var] += types[var] * errores[var] * variables[
                var] * learning_rate * sign_dependency[var] * -1

        print_state_variables(variables, to_optimize)

    end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    print("\nThe process has finished at: {}".format(getTime(end_time)))
    elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
    elapsed_time = str(
    print("Total Time: {}".format(elapsed_time))
    if (estabaEntrenando):
        print("Final Run: ")
        book = xlwt.Workbook()
        used_vars(book, variables)
        name = "FOptimize/Variables.xlsx"
        print("El proceso ha finalizado.")
예제 #39
def tag_error(tagList):
    return """
Iiih, kakak!
Ga boleh ngepost gambar """ + util.join(tagList, ", ", " sama ") + """ di sini, tau!