예제 #1
def regDebug(word1, word2, word3, word4):
    regs = np.zeros(REG_PACKET_LEN, dtype='<u1')
    regs[0] = 2
    regs[1] = 1
    regs[13:17] = littleEndian(word1)
    regs[17:21] = littleEndian(word2)
    regs[21:25] = littleEndian(word3)
    regs[25:29] = littleEndian(word4)
    return regs
예제 #2
def regRunSram(dev, startAddr, endAddr, loop=True, blockDelay=0, sync=249):
    regs = np.zeros(REG_PACKET_LEN, dtype='<u1')
    regs[0] = (3 if loop else 4) #3: continuous, 4: single run
    regs[1] = 0 #No register readback
    regs[13:16] = littleEndian(startAddr, 3) #SRAM start address
    regs[16:19] = littleEndian(endAddr-1 + dev.buildParams['SRAM_DELAY_LEN'] * blockDelay, 3) #SRAM end
    regs[19] = blockDelay
    regs[45] = sync
    return regs
예제 #3
def regDebug(word1, word2, word3, word4):
    regs = np.zeros(REG_PACKET_LEN, dtype='<u1')
    regs[0] = 2
    regs[1] = 1
    regs[13:17] = littleEndian(word1)
    regs[17:21] = littleEndian(word2)
    regs[21:25] = littleEndian(word3)
    regs[25:29] = littleEndian(word4)
    return regs
예제 #4
def regRunSram(dev, startAddr, endAddr, loop=True, blockDelay=0, sync=249):
    regs = np.zeros(REG_PACKET_LEN, dtype='<u1')
    regs[0] = (3 if loop else 4) #3: continuous, 4: single run
    regs[1] = 0 #No register readback
    regs[13:16] = littleEndian(startAddr, 3) #SRAM start address
    regs[16:19] = littleEndian(endAddr-1 + dev.buildParams['SRAM_DELAY_LEN'] * blockDelay, 3) #SRAM end
    regs[19] = blockDelay
    regs[45] = sync
    return regs
예제 #5
    def as_bytes(self):
        """Get a byte array representing this entry.

        :return: ndarray(dtype='u1') of bytes for this entry.
        :rtype: np.ndarray
        data = np.zeros(8, dtype='u1')
        data[0:3] = littleEndian(self.from_addr, 3)
        data[3:6] = littleEndian(self.to_addr, 3)
        data[6:8] = self.operation.as_bytes()
        return data
예제 #6
def regRun(reps, page, slave, delay, blockDelay=None, sync=249):
    regs = np.zeros(REG_PACKET_LEN, dtype='<u1')
    regs[0] = 1 + (page << 7) # run memory in specified page
    regs[1] = 3 # stream timing data
    regs[13:15] = littleEndian(reps, 2)
    if blockDelay is not None:
        regs[19] = blockDelay # for boards running multi-block sequences
    regs[43] = int(slave)
    regs[44],regs[51] = littleEndian(int(delay),2) #this is weird because we added the high byte for start delay after the rest of the registers had been defined.
    regs[45] = sync
    return regs
예제 #7
def regRun(reps, page, slave, delay, blockDelay=None, sync=249):
    regs = np.zeros(REG_PACKET_LEN, dtype='<u1')
    regs[0] = 1 + (page << 7) # run memory in specified page
    regs[1] = 3 # stream timing data
    regs[13:15] = littleEndian(reps, 2)
    if blockDelay is not None:
        regs[19] = blockDelay # for boards running multi-block sequences
    regs[43] = int(slave)
    regs[44],regs[51] = littleEndian(int(delay),2) #this is weird because we added the high byte for start delay after the rest of the registers had been defined.
    regs[45] = sync
    return regs
예제 #8
 def toString(self):
     """Serialize jump table to a byte string for the FPGA"""
     data = np.zeros(self.PACKET_LEN, dtype='<u1')
     # Set counter values. Each one is 4 bytes
     for i, c in enumerate(self.counters):
         data[i * 4:(i + 1) * 4] = littleEndian(c, 4)
     # Set start address
     data[16:19] = littleEndian(self.start_addr, 3)
     data[19:22] = littleEndian(self.start_addr, 3)
     # Start op code
     data[22] = 5
     data[23] = 0
     for i, jump in enumerate(self.jumps):
         ofs = 24 + i * 8
         data[ofs:ofs+8] = jump.as_bytes()
     return data.tostring()
예제 #9
    def as_bytes(self):
        """Get bytes for an END.

        The op code is
            xxxxxxxx xxxxx111
        return littleEndian(7, 2)
예제 #10
def regSerial(op, data):
    regs = np.zeros(REG_PACKET_LEN, dtype='<u1')
    regs[0] = 0 #Start mode = no start
    regs[1] = 1 #Readback = readback after 2us to allow for serial
    regs[47] = op #Set serial operation mode to op
    regs[48:51] = littleEndian(data, 3) #Serial data
    return regs
예제 #11
def regSerial(op, data):
    regs = np.zeros(REG_PACKET_LEN, dtype='<u1')
    regs[0] = 0 #Start mode = no start
    regs[1] = 1 #Readback = readback after 2us to allow for serial
    regs[47] = op #Set serial operation mode to op
    regs[48:51] = littleEndian(data, 3) #Serial data
    return regs
예제 #12
def pktWriteSram(device, derp, data):
    assert 0 <= derp < device.buildParams['SRAM_WRITE_DERPS'], 'SRAM derp out of range: %d' % derp 
    data = np.asarray(data)
    pkt = np.zeros(1026, dtype='<u1')
    pkt[0:2] = littleEndian(derp, 2)
    pkt[2:2+len(data)] = data
    return pkt
예제 #13
    def as_bytes(self):
        """Get bytes for a JUMP

        The op code is
            xxjjjjjj xxxx1101
            jjjjjj is the jump index to set after the jump.
        # binary 1101 = decimal 13
        val = (self.jump_index << 8) + 13
        return littleEndian(val, 2)
예제 #14
    def as_bytes(self):
        """Get bytes for a CYCLE.

        The op code is
            xxjjjjjj xxccx011
            jjjjjj is the jump index to set if the cycle is not done.
            cc is which counter to increment.
        jump_index = self.jump_index << 8
        counter = self.counter << 4
        op = 3
        return littleEndian(jump_index + counter + op, 2)
예제 #15
    def as_bytes(self):
        """Get bytes for an IDLE.

        The op code is
            dddddddd ddddddd0
        where d[14..0] is the number of FPGA cycles to idle.
        if not (IDLE_MIN_CYCLES <= self.cycles <= IDLE_MAX_CYCLES):
            raise ValueError(
                "IDLE num cycles must fit in {} bits".format(
        return littleEndian(self.cycles << 1, 2)
예제 #16
    def as_bytes(self):
        """Get bytes for a CHECK

        The op code is
            xxjjjjjj iiiin001
            jjjjjj jump index to set when check is True
            iiii specifies which daisychain bit to check
            n selects whether we check for bit ON or OFF
        jump_idx = self.jump_index << 8
        which_daisy_bit = self.which_daisy_bit << 4
        bit_state = int(self.bit_state) << 3
        op = 1
        val = jump_idx + which_daisy_bit + bit_state + op
        return littleEndian(val, 2)
예제 #17
def regAdcRun(device, mode, reps, filterFunc, filterStretchAt, filterStretchLen, demods, startDelay=0):
    regs = np.zeros(REG_PACKET_LEN, dtype='<u1')
    regs[0] = mode
    regs[1:3] = littleEndian(startDelay, 2) #Daisychain delay
    regs[7:9] = littleEndian(reps, 2)       #Number of repetitions
    if len(filterFunc)<=1:
        raise Exception('Filter function must be at least 2')
    regs[9:11] = littleEndian(len(filterFunc)-1, 2)   #Filter function end address. -1 because of zero indexing!
    regs[11:13] = littleEndian(filterStretchAt, 2)  #Stretch address for filter
    regs[13:15] = littleEndian(filterStretchLen, 2) #Filter function stretch length
    for i in range(device.buildParams['DEMOD_CHANNELS']):
        if i not in demods:
        addr = 15 + 4*i
        regs[addr:addr+2] = littleEndian(demods[i]['dPhi'], 2)      #Lookup table step per sample
        regs[addr+2:addr+4] = littleEndian(demods[i]['phi0'], 2)    #Lookup table start address
    return regs
예제 #18
    def as_bytes(self):
        """Get bytes for a NOP.

        The op code is xxxxxxxx xxxx0101
        return littleEndian(5, 2)
예제 #19
def regAdcSerial(bits):
    regs = np.zeros(REG_PACKET_LEN, dtype='<u1')
    regs[0] = 6
    regs[3:6] = littleEndian(bits, 3)
    return regs