예제 #1
def port():
    admiral = g.admiral
    response = {}
    # TODO: Log entry
    response['api_log'] = [{
        "api_state": "0", "api_no": 0, "api_type": "1", "api_message": "ayy lmao"
    # Background music?
    response["api_p_bgm_id"] = 100
    # This sets the parallel quest count. Don't know what higher values do, default is 5.
    # I set it to ten because f**k the police
    response["api_parallel_quest_count"] = 10
    # Combined flag? Event data probably.
    response["api_combined_flag"] = 0
    # API basic - a replica of api_get_member/basic
    response['api_basic'] = util.merge_two_dicts(MemberHelper.basic(), {
        'api_medals': 0, 'api_large_dock': 0
    # Fleets.
    response['api_deck_port'] = [MemberHelper.fleet(fleet) for fleet in admiral.fleets]
    # Materials.
    response['api_material'] = MemberHelper.material()

    response['api_ship'] = [MemberHelper.kanmusu(kanmusu) for kanmusu in admiral.kanmusu if kanmusu.active]

    # Generate ndock.
    response['api_ndock'] = MemberHelper.rdock()
    return response
예제 #2
def enrich_card(card_data):
    """Enrich a card with the color cost data"""
    enriched_card = deepcopy(card_data)
    enriched_card['_index'] = INDEX_NAME

    mana_costs = get_color_mana_costs(card_data['_source']['manaCost'])
    mana_costs.update(get_generic_cost(card_data, mana_costs))


    return merge_two_dicts(enriched_card, mana_costs)
def calc_api(local_geojson, valid_adm2_tuples):

    resp_list = []

    with open(local_geojson) as thefile:
        data = json.load(thefile)

    url = 'https://0yvx7602sb.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/umd-loss-gain'

    for feat in data['features']:
        props = feat['properties']

        if (props['iso'], int(props['id_1']),
                int(props['id_2'])) in valid_adm2_tuples:
            print feat['properties']

            payload = {'geojson': {'features': [feat]}}
            params = {'aggregate_values': False}

            r = requests.post(url, json=payload, params=params)

            valid_zstats = False

                resp = r.json()
                data = resp['data']['attributes']
                valid_zstats = True

            # catch JSON server error response, also non-JSON response
            except (simplejson.JSONDecodeError, KeyError):
                logging.error('invalid JSON response from Lambda API:')

            if valid_zstats:
                print data

                for loss_year, loss_val in data['loss'].iteritems():
                    resp_dict = {
                        'year': loss_year,
                        'area_loss': loss_val,
                        'area_gain': data['gain'],
                        'area_extent_2000': data['treeExtent'],
                        'area_poly_aoi': data['areaHa']

                    row = util.merge_two_dicts(feat['properties'], resp_dict)

    return pd.DataFrame(resp_list)
예제 #4
def run(args):
    es = es_client()

    # don't hate me because I'm mutable

    if es.indices.exists(INDEX_NAME):
        idx = merge_two_dicts(INDEX_MAPPINGS, INDEX_SETTINGS)
        es.indices.create(index=INDEX_NAME, body=idx)

    card_iter = helpers.scan(es, index='mtg')

    helpers.bulk(es, enriched_card_iter(card_iter))
예제 #5
def assignment2_part3c(deleted_commits, added_commits):
    Assignment part 3c: frequently identified commit as the VCC
    :param deleted_commits: a dictionary of the frequently identified commits for the deleted rows.
                            Keys: git hashes, value: number of occurrences
    :param added_commits: a dictionary of the frequently identified commits for the added rows.
                            Keys: git hashes, value: number of occurrences
    :return: string of the hash of the vcc
    print("\nPart 3.c -- frequently identified commit as the VCC ---------------------")
    frequently_identified_commits = util.merge_two_dicts(deleted_commits, added_commits)

    vcc = max(frequently_identified_commits, key=frequently_identified_commits.get)
    print(vcc + ' (identified in ' + str(frequently_identified_commits[vcc]) + ' rows)')
    return vcc
예제 #6
def port():
    admiral = g.admiral
    response = {"api_data": {}}
    # TODO: Log entry
    response["api_data"]['api_log'] = [{
        "api_state": "0", "api_no": 0, "api_type": "1", "api_message": "ayy lmao"
    # Background music?
    response["api_data"]["api_p_bgm_id"] = 100
    # This sets the parallel quest count. Don't know what higher values do, default is 5.
    # I set it to ten because f**k the police
    response["api_data"]["api_parallel_quest_count"] = 10
    # Combined flag? Event data probably.
    response["api_data"]["api_combined_flag"] = 0
    # API basic - a replica of api_get_member/basic
    response['api_data']['api_basic'] = util.merge_two_dicts(basic(), {
        'api_medals': 0, 'api_large_dock': 0
    response['api_data']['api_deck_port'] = []
    # Fleets.
    for fleet in admiral.fleets:
        fleet_members = [kanmusu.number + 1 for kanmusu in fleet.kanmusu if kanmusu is not None]
        temp_dict = {
            # Unknown value, always zero for some reason.
            'api_flagship': 0, # The Admiral ID, presumably.
            'api_member_id': admiral.id, # The name of the fleet.
            'api_name': fleet.name, # Unknown value, always empty.
            'api_name_id': "", # The local fleet ID.
            'api_id': fleet.number, # List of ships.
            "api_ship": fleet_members + [-1] * (6 - len(fleet_members)), # Mission data?
            "api_mission": [0, 0, 0, 0]

    # Materials.
    materials = admiral.resources.to_list()
    response['api_data']['api_material'] = materials

    response['api_data']['api_ship'] = [ShipHelper.kanmusu_data(kanmusu) for kanmusu in admiral.kanmusu if

    # Generate ndock.
    response['api_data']['api_ndock'] = _DockHelper.rdock()
    return response
예제 #7
 def merge(self, reference_per_document):
     self.references = util.merge_two_dicts(self.references, reference_per_document.references)
예제 #8
def generate_port(api_token):
    # First, get the admiral.
    admiral = util.get_token_admiral_or_error(api_token)
    assert isinstance(admiral, Admiral)
    # Initial KanColle reply.
    port2 = {"api_data": {}}
    # TODO: Log entry
    port2["api_data"]['api_log'] = [{
        "api_state": "0",
        "api_no": 0,
        "api_type": "1",
        "api_message": "ayy lmao"
    # Background music?
    port2["api_data"]["api_p_bgm_id"] = 100
    # This sets the parallel quest count. Don't know what higher values do, default is 5.
    # I set it to ten because f**k the police
    port2["api_data"]["api_parallel_quest_count"] = 10
    # Combined flag? Event data probably.
    port2["api_data"]["api_combined_flag"] = 0
    # API basic - a replica of api_get_member/basic
    basic = AdmiralHelper.get_admiral_basic_info()
    port2['api_data']['api_basic'] = util.merge_two_dicts(
        basic, {
            'api_medals': 0,
            'api_large_dock': 0
    port2['api_data']['api_deck_port'] = [
    ]  #AdmiralHelper.get_admiral_deck_api_data(admiral)

    count = 0
    # Sort the admiral ships list. Not even sure if this is needed...

    # Fleets.
    for fleet in admiral.fleets.all():
        count += 1
        ships = [
            ship.local_ship_num + 1 for ship in fleet.ships.all()
            if ship is not None
        temp_dict = {
            # Unknown value, always zero for some reason.
            'api_flagship': 0,
            # The Admiral ID, presumably.
            'api_member_id': admiral.id,
            # The name of the fleet.
            'api_name': fleet.name,
            # Unknown value, always empty.
            'api_name_id': "",
            # The local fleet ID.
            'api_id': count,
            # List of ships.
            "api_ship": ships + [-1] * (6 - len(ships)),
            # Mission data?
            "api_mission": [0, 0, 0, 0]


    # Materials.
        'api_material'] = AdmiralHelper.get_admiral_resources_api_data(admiral)
    port2['api_data']['api_ship'] = []
    # Ship data, Luckily this is generated for us by a helper class.
    admiral_ships = sorted(admiral.admiral_ships.all(),
                           key=lambda x: x.local_ship_num)
    for num, ship in enumerate(admiral_ships):
        if not ship.active:
        assert isinstance(ship, AdmiralShip)
    # Generate ndock.
    port2['api_data']['api_ndock'] = DockHelper.generate_dock_data(
    return port2
def join_to_api_df(df):

    # replace common polyname suffix
    df.polyname = df['polyname'].apply(
        lambda x: x.replace('_int_diss_gadm28_large.tsv', ''))

    # clean up other formatting irregularities
           ['bound1', 'bound2']] = '-9999'
    df[['bound3', 'bound4']] = '-9999'

    tsv_polyname = df.polyname.unique()[0]
    valid_polynames = get_api_polynames()

    # reverse any ifl or plantations intersections
    # so that ifl/plantation polyname is in front
    if '__' in tsv_polyname and tsv_polyname[0:4] not in ('ifl_', 'plan'):
        split_poly = tsv_polyname.split('__')
        tsv_polyname = '__'.join([split_poly[1], split_poly[0]])

    # use fuzzy matching to guess proper match
    matched_polyname, score = process.extractOne(tsv_polyname, valid_polynames)
    logging.info('{} corrected to {}'.format(tsv_polyname, matched_polyname))

    # update polyname field for joining, save original polyname
    df.polyname = matched_polyname
    df['tsv_polyname'] = tsv_polyname

    iso_str = "', '".join(df.iso.unique())
    id_1_str = ', '.join(df.id_1.unique().astype(str))
    id_2_str = ', '.join(df.id_2.unique().astype(str))

    # need to do some kind of lookup here to go from
    # input polyname to polynames used here:
    # https://production-api.globalforestwatch.org/v1/query/499682b1-3174-493f-ba1a-368b4636708e?sql=SELECT%20polyname,%20count(*)%20FROM%20data%20GROUP%20BY%20polyname

    sql = ("SELECT * FROM data WHERE "
           "polyname = '{}' AND "
           "thresh = 30 AND "
           "iso in ('{}') AND adm1 in ({}) "
           "AND adm2 in ({}) ").format(matched_polyname, iso_str, id_1_str,


    dataset_url = 'https://production-api.globalforestwatch.org/v1/query/499682b1-3174-493f-ba1a-368b4636708e'
    r = requests.get(dataset_url, params={'sql': sql})
    resp = r.json()['data']

    row_list = []

    for grouped_row in resp:

        base_data = grouped_row.copy()
        del base_data['year_data']

        for year_dict in grouped_row['year_data']:
            row = util.merge_two_dicts(base_data, year_dict)

    api_df = pd.DataFrame(row_list)

    # bound3 and bound4 not used currently
    api_df[['bound3', 'bound4']] = '-9999'

    # match API column names, add thresh
    df = df.rename(columns={'id_1': 'adm1', 'id_2': 'adm2'})
    df['thresh'] = 30

    for field_name in ['year', 'adm1', 'adm2']:
        df[field_name] = df[field_name].replace('', -9999)
        df[field_name] = df[field_name].astype(int)

    for field_name in ['bound1', 'bound2']:
        df[field_name] = df[field_name].replace('', '-9999')
        df[field_name] = df[field_name].astype(unicode)
        api_df[field_name] = api_df[field_name].astype(unicode)

    field_list = [
        'polyname', 'bound1', 'bound2', 'bound3', 'bound4', 'iso', 'adm1',
        'adm2', 'thresh', 'year'
    merged = pd.merge(df,
                      suffixes=['_zstats', '_hadoop'])

    return merged
예제 #10
def generate_port(api_token):
    # First, get the admiral.
    admiral = util.get_token_admiral_or_error(api_token)   
    assert isinstance(admiral, Admiral)
    # Initial KanColle reply.
    port2 = {
        "api_data": {}
    # TODO: Log entry
    port2["api_data"]['api_log'] = [
            "api_state": "0",
            "api_no": 0,
            "api_type": "1",
            "api_message": "ayy lmao"
    # Background music?
    port2["api_data"]["api_p_bgm_id"] = 100
    # This sets the parallel quest count. Don't know what higher values do, default is 5.
    # I set it to ten because f**k the police
    port2["api_data"]["api_parallel_quest_count"] = 10
    # Combined flag? Event data probably.
    port2["api_data"]["api_combined_flag"] = 0
    # API basic - a replica of api_get_member/basic
    basic = AdmiralHelper.get_admiral_basic_info()
    port2['api_data']['api_basic'] = util.merge_two_dicts(basic,
            'api_medals': 0,
            'api_large_dock': 0
    port2['api_data']['api_deck_port'] = [] #AdmiralHelper.get_admiral_deck_api_data(admiral)    
    count = 0
    # Sort the admiral ships list. Not even sure if this is needed...    

    # Fleets.
    for fleet in admiral.fleets.all():
        count += 1
        ships = [ship.local_ship_num+1 for ship in fleet.ships.all() if ship is not None]
        temp_dict = {
            # Unknown value, always zero for some reason.
            'api_flagship': 0,
            # The Admiral ID, presumably.
            'api_member_id': admiral.id,
            # The name of the fleet.
            'api_name': fleet.name,
            # Unknown value, always empty.
            'api_name_id': "",
            # The local fleet ID.
            'api_id': count,
            # List of ships.
            "api_ship": ships + [-1] * (6 - len(ships)),
            # Mission data?
            "api_mission": [0, 0, 0, 0]

    # Materials.        
    port2['api_data']['api_material'] = AdmiralHelper.get_admiral_resources_api_data(admiral)
    port2['api_data']['api_ship'] = []
    # Ship data, Luckily this is generated for us by a helper class.
    admiral_ships = sorted(admiral.admiral_ships.all(), key=lambda x: x.local_ship_num)
    for num, ship in enumerate(admiral_ships):
        if not ship.active:
        assert isinstance(ship, AdmiralShip)
    # Generate ndock.
    port2['api_data']['api_ndock'] = DockHelper.generate_dock_data(admiral)['rdock']
    return port2
예제 #11
def generate_distributed_synchronized_controllers():
    policy = {}
    policy["S1"] = "pt = 2 . pt <- 4"
    policy["S2"] = "pt = 12 . pt <- 14"
    policy["S3"] = "zero"
    policy["S4"] = "zero"
    policy["S5"] = "pt = 6 . pt <- 7"
    policy["S6"] = "pt = 8 . pt <- 10"

    flow_tables = {}
    flow_tables["S1"] = []
    flow_tables["S2"] = []
    flow_tables["S3"] = ["pt = 1 . pt <- 3"]
    flow_tables["S4"] = ["pt = 11 . pt <- 13"]
    flow_tables["S5"] = ["pt = 5 . pt <- 7"]
    flow_tables["S6"] = ["pt = 8 . pt <- 9"]

    topology = "((pt = 3 . pt <- 5) + (pt = 4 . pt <- 6) + (pt = 7 . pt <- 8) + (pt = 9 . pt <- 11) + (pt = 10 . pt <- 12) + (pt = 13 . pt <- 15) + (pt = 14 . pt <- 16))"

    channels = ["upS1", "upS2", "upS3", "upS4", "upS5", "upS6", "syn"]

    switch_rec_vars = calculate_recursive_variables(policy, topology,

    controllers = {}
        "C1"] = '((upS1 ! "zero") ; ((syn ! "one") ; ((upS3 ! "{}") ; ((upS5 ! "{}") ; bot))))'.format(
            flow_tables["S3"][0], flow_tables["S5"][0])
        "C2"] = '((upS2 ! "zero") ; ((syn ? "one") ; ((upS4 ! "{}") ; ((upS6 ! "{}") ; bot))))'.format(
            flow_tables["S4"][0], flow_tables["S6"][0])

    recursive_variables = merge_two_dicts(controllers, switch_rec_vars)

    in_packets = {"H1_to_H4": "(pt = 2)", "H3_to_H2": "(pt = 1)"}
    out_packets = {"H1_to_H4": "(pt = 15)", "H3_to_H2": "(pt = 16)"}

    all_rcfgs = []
    all_rcfgs.append('rcfg(upS1, "zero")')
    all_rcfgs.append('rcfg(upS2, "zero")')
    all_rcfgs.append('rcfg(upS3, "{}")'.format(flow_tables["S3"][0]))
    all_rcfgs.append('rcfg(upS4, "{}")'.format(flow_tables["S4"][0]))
    all_rcfgs.append('rcfg(upS5, "{}")'.format(flow_tables["S5"][0]))
    all_rcfgs.append('rcfg(upS6, "{}")'.format(flow_tables["S6"][0]))
    all_rcfgs.append('rcfg(syn, "one")')

    properties = {
        "H1_to_H4": [("r", "(head(@Program))", "=0", 2),
                     ("r", '(head(tail(@Program, {{ {} }})))'.format(
                         ' , '.join(all_rcfgs)), "=0", 3)],
        "H3_to_H2": [("r", "(head(@Program))", "=0", 2),
                     ("r", '(head(tail(@Program, {{ {} }})))'.format(
                         ' , '.join(all_rcfgs)), "=0", 3)]

    data = OrderedDict()
    data['recursive_variables'] = recursive_variables
    data['program'] = "SDN-1 || C1 || C2"
    data['channels'] = channels
    data['in_packets'] = in_packets
    data['out_packets'] = out_packets
    data['properties'] = properties

    return data
예제 #12
def generate_port(api_token):
    # First, get the admiral.
    admiral = util.get_token_admiral_or_error(api_token)
    assert isinstance(admiral, db.Admiral)
    # Initial KanColle reply.
    port2 = {
        "api_result_msg": "成功",
        "api_result": 1,
        "api_data": {}

    # TODO: Log entry
    port2["api_data"]['api_log'] = [
            "api_state": "0",
            "api_no": 0,
            "api_type": "1",
            "api_message": "ayy lmao"
    # Background music?
    port2["api_data"]["api_p_bgm_id"] = 100
    # This sets the parallel quest count. Don't know what higher values do, default is 5.
    # port2["api_data"]["api_parallel_quest_count"] = 5
    # Combined flag? Event data probably.
    port2["api_data"]["api_combined_flag"] = 0
    # API basic - a replica of api_get_member/basic
    basic = AdmiralHelper.get_admiral_basic_info()
    port2['api_data']['api_basic'] = util.merge_two_dicts(basic,
            'api_medals': 0,
            'api_large_dock': 0
    port2['api_data']['api_deck_port'] = []
    count = 0

    admiral_ships = sorted(admiral.admiral_ships.all(), key=lambda x: x.local_ship_num)

    # Fleets.
    for fleet in admiral.fleets.all():
        count += 1
        ships = [ship.local_ship_num+1 for ship in fleet.ships.all() if ship is not None]
        temp_dict = {
            # Unknown value, always zero for some reason.
            'api_flagship': 0,
            # The Admiral ID, presumably.
            'api_member_id': admiral.id,
            # The name of the fleet.
            'api_name': fleet.name,
            # Unknown value, always empty.
            'api_name_id': "",
            # The local fleet ID.
            'api_id': count,
            # List of ships.
            "api_ship": ships + [-1] * (6 - len(ships)),
            # Mission data?
            "api_mission": [0, 0, 0, 0]

    # Materials.
    port2['api_data']['api_material'] = [
        {"api_id": n + 1,
         "api_member_id": admiral.id,
         "api_value": int(val)} for n, val in enumerate(admiral.resources.split(','))
    # Ships! Yay! (said nobody)
    port2['api_data']['api_ship'] = []
    # Generate the absolute clusterfuck.
    # count = 0
    for num, ship in enumerate(admiral_ships):
        # count += 1
        if not ship.active: continue
        assert isinstance(ship, db.AdmiralShip)
        port2['api_data']['api_ship'].append(ShipHelper.generate_api_data(admiral.id, ship.local_ship_num))
    # Generate ndock.
    port2['api_data']['api_ndock'] = DockHelper.generate_dock_data(admiral)['rdock']
    return port2
예제 #13
파일: mtg.py 프로젝트: mattir/es4mc
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, helpers

from index_settings import INDEX_MAPPINGS, INDEX_SETTINGS
from util import merge_two_dicts

FILE = "AllCards.json"

ES_HOST = ['']

CLIENT = Elasticsearch(hosts=ES_HOST, timeout=120)

INDEX_NAME = 'mtg'
TYPE_NAME = "cards"
REPLACE_KEYS = ["power", "toughness"]

idx = merge_two_dicts(INDEX_SETTINGS, INDEX_MAPPINGS)

with open(FILE) as motg_data:
    data = json.load(motg_data)

bulk_data = []
for k, v in data.items():
    v["@timestamp"] = datetime.now()
    for m in REPLACE_KEYS:
        if v.get(m) and (isinstance(v.get(m), str) or "*" in v.get(m)):
            v[m] = re.sub('[^0-9]', '', v[m])
    op_dict = {
        "_op_type": "index",
        "_index": INDEX_NAME,
        "_type": TYPE_NAME,