예제 #1
def test_storage_service_keyspace_scrub(cql, this_dc, rest_api):
    with new_test_keyspace(
            f"WITH REPLICATION = {{ 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', '{this_dc}' : 1 }}"
    ) as keyspace:
        with new_test_table(cql, keyspace, "a int, PRIMARY KEY (a)") as t0:
            with new_test_table(cql, keyspace, "a int, PRIMARY KEY (a)") as t1:
                test_tables = [t0.split('.')[1], t1.split('.')[1]]

                resp = rest_api.send(
                    "GET", f"storage_service/keyspace_scrub/{keyspace}")

                resp = rest_api.send(
                    "GET", f"storage_service/keyspace_scrub/{keyspace}",
                    {"cf": f"{test_tables[1]}"})

                resp = rest_api.send(
                    "GET", f"storage_service/keyspace_scrub/{keyspace}",
                    {"cf": f"{test_tables[0]},{test_tables[1]}"})

                # non-existing table
                resp = rest_api.send(
                    "POST", f"storage_service/keyspace_scrub/{keyspace}",
                    {"cf": f"{test_tables[0]},XXX"})
                assert resp.status_code == requests.codes.not_found
예제 #2
def test_compaction_manager_stop_keyspace_compaction_tables(cql, this_dc, rest_api):
    keyspace = new_keyspace(cql, this_dc)
    with new_test_table(cql, keyspace, "a int, PRIMARY KEY (a)") as t0:
        test_tables = [t0 if not '.' in t0 else t0.split('.')[1]]
        resp = rest_api.send("POST", f"compaction_manager/stop_keyspace_compaction/{keyspace}", { "tables": f"{test_tables[0]}", "type": "COMPACTION" })

        # non-existing table
        resp = rest_api.send("POST", f"compaction_manager/stop_keyspace_compaction/{keyspace}", { "tables": "XXX", "type": "COMPACTION" })
            pytest.fail("Failed to raise exception")
        except requests.HTTPError as e:
            expected_status_code = requests.codes.bad_request
            assert resp.status_code == expected_status_code, e

        # multiple tables
        with new_test_table(cql, keyspace, "b int, PRIMARY KEY (b)") as t1:
            test_tables += [t1 if not '.' in t1 else t1.split('.')[1]]
            resp = rest_api.send("POST", f"compaction_manager/stop_keyspace_compaction/{keyspace}", { "tables": f"{test_tables[0]},{test_tables[1]}", "type": "COMPACTION" })

            # mixed existing and non-existing tables
            resp = rest_api.send("POST", f"compaction_manager/stop_keyspace_compaction/{keyspace}", { "tables": f"{test_tables[1]},XXX", "type": "COMPACTION" })
                pytest.fail("Failed to raise exception")
            except requests.HTTPError as e:
                expected_status_code = requests.codes.bad_request
                assert resp.status_code == expected_status_code, e

    cql.execute(f"DROP KEYSPACE {keyspace}")
예제 #3
def test_limit_attribute_length_key_bad(dynamodb):
    too_long_name = random_string(256)
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException.*length'):
        with new_test_table(dynamodb,
                                'AttributeName': too_long_name,
                                'KeyType': 'HASH'
                                'AttributeName': too_long_name,
                                'AttributeType': 'S'
                            }]) as table:
    with pytest.raises(ClientError, match='ValidationException.*length'):
        with new_test_table(dynamodb,
                                    'AttributeName': 'x',
                                    'KeyType': 'HASH',
                                    'AttributeName': too_long_name,
                                    'KeyType': 'RANGE'
                                'AttributeName': too_long_name,
                                'AttributeType': 'S'
                            }, {
                                'AttributeName': 'x',
                                'AttributeType': 'S'
                            }]) as table:
예제 #4
def do_test_filter_UDT_restriction(cql, test_keyspace, frozen):
    # Single-integer UDT, should be comparable like a normal integer:
    with new_type(cql, test_keyspace, "(a int)") as typ:
        ftyp = f"frozen<{typ}>" if frozen else typ
        schema = f"pk int, ck int, x {ftyp}, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck)"
        with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, schema) as table:
            stmt = cql.prepare(f"INSERT INTO {table} (pk, ck, x) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
            for i in range(5):
                cql.execute(stmt, [1, i, user_type("a", i*2)])
            stmt = cql.prepare(f"SELECT ck FROM {table} WHERE x = ? ALLOW FILTERING")
            assert [(2,)] == list(cql.execute(stmt, [user_type("a", 4)]))
            assert [] == list(cql.execute(stmt, [user_type("a", 3)]))
            stmt = cql.prepare(f"SELECT ck FROM {table} WHERE x < ? ALLOW FILTERING")
            assert [(0,), (1,)] == list(cql.execute(stmt, [user_type("a", 4)]))
            assert [] == list(cql.execute(stmt, [user_type("a", -1)]))
    # UDT with two integers. EQ operator is obvious, LT is lexicographical
    with new_type(cql, test_keyspace, "(a int, b int)") as typ:
        ftyp = f"frozen<{typ}>" if frozen else typ
        schema = f"pk int, ck int, x {ftyp}, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck)"
        with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, schema) as table:
            stmt = cql.prepare(f"INSERT INTO {table} (pk, ck, x) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
            for i in range(5):
                cql.execute(stmt, [1, i, user_type("a", i*2, "b", i*3)])
            stmt = cql.prepare(f"SELECT ck FROM {table} WHERE x = ? ALLOW FILTERING")
            assert [(2,)] == list(cql.execute(stmt, [user_type("a", 4, "b", 6)]))
            assert [] == list(cql.execute(stmt, [user_type("a", 4, "b", 5)]))
            stmt = cql.prepare(f"SELECT ck FROM {table} WHERE x < ? ALLOW FILTERING")
            assert [(0,), (1,)] == list(cql.execute(stmt, [user_type("a", 4, "b", 6)]))
            assert [(0,), (1,), (2,)] == list(cql.execute(stmt, [user_type("a", 4, "b", 7)]))
            assert [] == list(cql.execute(stmt, [user_type("a", -1, "b", 7)]))
예제 #5
파일: test_cdc.py 프로젝트: psarna/scylla
def test_cdc_log_entries_use_cdc_streams(scylla_only, cql, test_keyspace):
    '''Test that the stream IDs chosen for CDC log entries come from the CDC generation
    whose streams are listed in the streams description table. Since this test is executed
    on a single-node cluster, there is only one generation.'''

    schema = "pk int primary key"
    extra = " with cdc = {'enabled': true}"
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, schema, extra) as table:
        stmt = cql.prepare(
            f"insert into {table} (pk) values (?) using timeout 5m")
        for i in range(100):
            cql.execute(stmt, [i])

        log_stream_ids = set(r[0] for r in cql.execute(
            f'select "cdc$stream_id" from {table}_scylla_cdc_log'))

    # There should be exactly one generation, so we just select the streams
    streams_desc = cql.execute(
            'select streams from system_distributed.cdc_streams_descriptions_v2',
    stream_ids = set()
    for entry in streams_desc:

    assert (log_stream_ids.issubset(stream_ids))
예제 #6
def test_storage_service_auto_compaction_keyspace(cql, this_dc, rest_api):
    keyspace = new_keyspace(cql, this_dc)
    # test empty keyspace
    resp = rest_api.send("DELETE",

    resp = rest_api.send("POST", f"storage_service/auto_compaction/{keyspace}")

    # test non-empty keyspace
    with new_test_table(cql, keyspace, "a int, PRIMARY KEY (a)") as t:
        resp = rest_api.send("DELETE",

        resp = rest_api.send("POST",

        # non-existing keyspace
        resp = rest_api.send("POST", f"storage_service/auto_compaction/XXX")
        assert resp.status_code == requests.codes.bad_request

    cql.execute(f"DROP KEYSPACE {keyspace}")
예제 #7
def test_limit_attribute_length_key_good(dynamodb):
    long_name1 = random_string(255)
    long_name2 = random_string(255)
    with new_test_table(dynamodb,
                            'AttributeName': long_name1,
                            'KeyType': 'HASH'
                        }, {
                            'AttributeName': long_name2,
                            'KeyType': 'RANGE'
                            'AttributeName': long_name1,
                            'AttributeType': 'S'
                        }, {
                            'AttributeName': long_name2,
                            'AttributeType': 'S'
                        }]) as table:
        table.put_item(Item={long_name1: 'hi', long_name2: 'ho', 'another': 2})
        assert table.get_item(Key={
            long_name1: 'hi',
            long_name2: 'ho'
                              ConsistentRead=True)['Item'] == {
                                  long_name1: 'hi',
                                  long_name2: 'ho',
                                  'another': 2
예제 #8
def test_storage_service_snapshot_mv_si(cql, this_dc, rest_api):
    resp = rest_api.send("GET", "storage_service/snapshots")

    with new_test_keyspace(
            f"WITH REPLICATION = {{ 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', '{this_dc}' : 1 }}"
    ) as keyspace:
        schema = 'p int, v text, primary key (p)'
        with new_test_table(cql, keyspace, schema) as table:
            with new_materialized_view(
                    cql, table, '*', 'v, p',
                    'v is not null and p is not null') as mv:
                    with new_test_snapshot(rest_api, keyspace,
                                           mv.split('.')[1]) as snap:
                            f"Snapshot of materialized view {mv} should have failed"
                except requests.HTTPError:

            with new_secondary_index(cql, table, 'v') as si:
                    with new_test_snapshot(rest_api, keyspace,
                                           si.split('.')[1]) as snap:
                            f"Snapshot of secondary index {si} should have failed"
                except requests.HTTPError:
예제 #9
def test_index_weird_chars_in_col_name(cql, test_keyspace):
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        # When issue #3403 exists, column name ../../...../tmpdir/x_yz will
        # cause Scylla to create the new index in tmpdir!
        # Of course a more sinister attacker can cause Scylla to create
        # directories anywhere in the file system - or to crash if the
        # directory creation fails - e.g., if magic_path ends in
        # /dev/null/hello, and /dev/null is not a directory
        magic_path = '/..' * 20 + tmpdir + '/x_yz'
        schema = f'pk int PRIMARY KEY, "{magic_path}" int'
        with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, schema) as table:
            cql.execute(f'CREATE INDEX ON {table}("{magic_path}")')
            # Creating the index should not have miraculously created
            # something in tmpdir! If it has, we have issue #3403.
            assert os.listdir(tmpdir) == []
            # Check that the expected index name was chosen - based on
            # only the alphanumeric/underscore characters of the column name.
            ks, cf = table.split('.')
            index_name = list(
                    f"SELECT index_name FROM system_schema.indexes WHERE keyspace_name = '{ks}' AND table_name = '{cf}'"
            iswordchar = lambda x: str.isalnum(x) or x == '_'
            cleaned_up_column_name = ''.join(filter(iswordchar, magic_path))
            assert index_name == cf + '_' + cleaned_up_column_name + '_idx'
예제 #10
def test_filtering_null_map_with_subscript(cql, test_keyspace):
    schema = 'p text primary key, m map<int, int>'
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, schema) as table:
        cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (p) VALUES ('dog')")
        assert list(
            cql.execute(f"SELECT p FROM {table} WHERE m[2] = 3 ALLOW FILTERING"
                        )) == []
예제 #11
def test_filtering_contiguous_nonmatching_partition_range(cql, test_keyspace):
    # The bug depends on the amount of data being scanned passing some
    # page size limit, so it doesn't matter if the reproducer has a lot of
    # small rows or fewer long rows - and inserting fewer long rows is
    # significantly faster.
    count = 100
    long = 'x' * 60000
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace,
                        "p int, c text, v int, PRIMARY KEY (p, c)") as table:
        stmt = cql.prepare(
            f"INSERT INTO {table} (p, c, v) VALUES (?, '{long}', ?)")
        for i in range(count):
            cql.execute(stmt, [i, i])
        # We want the filter to match only at the end the scan - but we don't
        # know the partition order (we don't want the test to depend on the
        # partitioner). So we first figure out a partition near the end (at
        # some high token), and use that in the filter.
        p, v = list(
                f"SELECT p, v FROM {table} WHERE TOKEN(p) > 8000000000000000000 LIMIT 1"
        assert list(
                f"SELECT p FROM {table} WHERE v={v} ALLOW FILTERING")) == [
                    (p, )
예제 #12
def test_validation_blob_as_int_len(cql, test_keyspace):
    types = [
        ('i', 'int', 4),
        ('b', 'bigint', 8),
        ('s', 'smallint', 2),
        ('t', 'tinyint', 1),
    types_def = ','.join([f'{x[0]} {x[1]}' for x in types])
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace,
                        f'k int primary key, {types_def}') as table:
        k = unique_key_int()
        for var, typ, length in types:
            # Check that a blob with exactly length bytes is fine, one with one
            # less or one more is rejected as an invalid request:
                f"INSERT INTO {table} (k, {var}) VALUES ({k}, blobAs{typ}(0x{'00'*length}))"
            assert 0 == getattr(
                cql.execute(f"SELECT {var} FROM {table} WHERE k = {k}").one(),
            with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, match='is not a valid binary'):
                    f"INSERT INTO {table} (k, {var}) VALUES ({k}, blobAs{typ}(0x{'00'*(length+1)}))"
            if length - 1 != 0:
                with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest,
                                   match='is not a valid binary'):
                        f"INSERT INTO {table} (k, {var}) VALUES ({k}, blobAs{typ}(0x{'00'*(length-1)}))"
예제 #13
파일: test_empty.py 프로젝트: tzach/scylla
def test_empty_string_for_nonstring_partition_key2(cql, test_keyspace):
    schema = 'p inet primary key, v int'
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, schema) as table:
        # Cassandra returns a "Key may not be empty" but even better would
        # be to report earlier that an empty string cannot be converted to
        # a number.
        with pytest.raises(InvalidRequest):
            cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (p,v) VALUES ('', 3)")
예제 #14
def test_lsi_query_select(dynamodb):
    with new_test_table(dynamodb,
        KeySchema=[ { 'AttributeName': 'p', 'KeyType': 'HASH' }, { 'AttributeName': 'c', 'KeyType': 'RANGE' } ],
                    { 'AttributeName': 'p', 'AttributeType': 'S' },
                    { 'AttributeName': 'c', 'AttributeType': 'S' },
                    { 'AttributeName': 'b', 'AttributeType': 'S' },
            {   'IndexName': 'hello',
                'KeySchema': [
                    { 'AttributeName': 'p', 'KeyType': 'HASH' },
                    { 'AttributeName': 'b', 'KeyType': 'RANGE' }
                'Projection': { 'ProjectionType': 'INCLUDE',
                                'NonKeyAttributes': ['a'] }
        ]) as table:
        items = [{'p': random_string(), 'c': random_string(), 'b': random_string(), 'a': random_string(), 'x': random_string()} for i in range(10)]
        with table.batch_writer() as batch:
            for item in items:
        p = items[0]['p']
        b = items[0]['b']
        # Although in LSI all attributes are available (as we'll check
        # below) the default Select is ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES, and
        # returns just the projected attributes (in this case all key
        # attributes in either base or LSI, and 'a' - but not 'x'):
        expected_items = [{'p': z['p'], 'c': z['c'], 'b': z['b'], 'a': z['a']} for z in items if z['b'] == b]
        assert_index_query(table, 'hello', expected_items,
            KeyConditions={'p': {'AttributeValueList': [p], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ'},
                           'b': {'AttributeValueList': [b], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ'}})
        assert_index_query(table, 'hello', expected_items,
            KeyConditions={'p': {'AttributeValueList': [p], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ'},
                           'b': {'AttributeValueList': [b], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ'}})
        # Unlike in GSI, in LSI Select=ALL_ATTRIBUTES *is* allowed even
        # when only a subset of the attributes being projected:
        expected_items = [z for z in items if z['b'] == b]
        assert_index_query(table, 'hello', expected_items,
            KeyConditions={'p': {'AttributeValueList': [p], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ'},
                           'b': {'AttributeValueList': [b], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ'}})
        # Also in LSI, SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES (with AttributesToGet /
        # ProjectionExpression) is allowed for any attribute, projected
        # or not projected. Let's try 'a' (projected) and 'x' (not projected):
        expected_items = [{'a': z['a'], 'x': z['x']} for z in items if z['b'] == b]
        assert_index_query(table, 'hello', expected_items,
            AttributesToGet=['a', 'x'],
            KeyConditions={'p': {'AttributeValueList': [p], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ'},
                           'b': {'AttributeValueList': [b], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ'}})
        # Select=COUNT is also allowed, and as expected returns no content.
        assert not 'Items' in table.query(ConsistentRead=False,
            KeyConditions={'p': {'AttributeValueList': [p], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ'},
                           'b': {'AttributeValueList': [b], 'ComparisonOperator': 'EQ'}})
예제 #15
def test_multi_column_with_regular_index(cql, test_keyspace):
    """Reproduces #9085."""
    with new_test_table(cql, test_keyspace, 'p int, c1 int, c2 int, r int, primary key(p,c1,c2)') as tbl:
        cql.execute(f'CREATE INDEX ON {tbl}(r)')
        cql.execute(f'INSERT INTO {tbl}(p, c1, c2, r) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 0)')
        cql.execute(f'INSERT INTO {tbl}(p, c1, c2, r) VALUES (1, 1, 2, 1)')
        cql.execute(f'INSERT INTO {tbl}(p, c1, c2, r) VALUES (1, 2, 1, 0)')
        assert_rows(cql.execute(f'SELECT c1 FROM {tbl} WHERE (c1,c2)<(2,0) AND r=0 ALLOW FILTERING'), [1])
        assert_rows(cql.execute(f'SELECT c1 FROM {tbl} WHERE p=1 AND (c1,c2)<(2,0) AND r=0 ALLOW FILTERING'), [1])
예제 #16
def test_filter_like_on_desc_column(cql, test_keyspace, cassandra_bug):
    with new_test_table(cql,
                        "a int, b text, primary key(a, b)",
                        extra="with clustering order by (b desc)") as table:
        cql.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} (a, b) VALUES (1, 'one')")
        res = cql.execute(
            f"SELECT b FROM {table} WHERE b LIKE '%%%' ALLOW FILTERING")
        assert res.one().b == "one"