def run(dest, results_path, version, block, query): fits = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(results_path, "num_samples.csv"))\ .groupby(['version', 'query', 'block'])\ .get_group((version, query, block))\ .set_index('k') best_k = fits['mse'].argmin() omega = np.sqrt(fits['intercept'][best_k]) fh = open(dest, "w") fh.write(util.newcommand("BestFitK", r"$n={:d}$".format(int(best_k)))) fh.write(util.newcommand("BestFitOmega", r"$\omega={:.2f}$".format(omega))) fh.close()
def run(dest, results_path): results = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(results_path, "human_mass_accuracy_by_participant.csv")) results = results.set_index(['version', 'num_mass_trials', 'kappa0', 'pid']) replace = { 'G': 'Two', 'H': 'One', 'I': 'Three', 8: '', 20: '', 1: 'OneTrial', 2: 'TwoTrials', 3: 'ThreeTrials', 4: 'FourTrials', 5: 'FiveTrials' } fh = open(dest, "w") for (version, num_mass_trials), stats in results.groupby(level=['version', 'num_mass_trials']): cmdname = "SubjAccExp{}{}Min".format(replace[version], replace[num_mass_trials]) acc_min = np.round(100 * float(stats.min()), 1) if int(acc_min) == acc_min: cmd = r"{}\%".format(int(acc_min)) else: cmd = r"{:.1f}\%".format(acc_min) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, cmd)) cmdname = "SubjAccExp{}{}Max".format(replace[version], replace[num_mass_trials]) acc_max = np.round(100 * float(stats.max()), 1) if int(acc_max) == acc_max: cmd = r"{}\%".format(int(acc_max)) else: cmd = r"{:.1f}\%".format(acc_max) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, cmd)) cmdname = "SubjAccExp{}{}Most".format(replace[version], replace[num_mass_trials]) pct, = np.percentile(stats, [5]) pct = np.round(100 * float(pct), 1) if int(pct) == pct: cmd = r"{}\%".format(int(pct)) else: cmd = r"{:.1f}\%".format(pct) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, cmd)) fh.close()
def run(dest, results_path, query): results = pd\ .read_csv(os.path.join(results_path, 'fit_sigmoids.csv'))\ .query('(likelihood == "empirical") | (likelihood == "ipe_{}")'.format(query))\ .set_index(['likelihood', 'counterfactual', 'random']) latex_beta = util.load_config()["latex"]["beta"] fh = open(dest, "w") for (lh, cf, random), row in results.iterrows(): if lh == "ipe_" + query: lh = 'Ipe' else: lh = lh.capitalize() if cf: cf = "CF" else: cf = "" if random: random = "Random" else: random = "" cmdname = "SigmoidCoef{}{}{}".format(lh, cf, random) value = latex_beta.format(**row) cmd = util.newcommand(cmdname, value) fh.write(cmd) fh.close()
def run(data, results_path, seed): np.random.seed(seed) results = {} exclude = ['expA', 'expB', 'gs'] for key, df in data.iteritems(): if key in exclude: continue y = df.groupby(['stimulus', 'theta', 'flipped'])['correct'] alpha = 0.05 / len(y.groups) chance = y.apply(util.beta, [alpha]).unstack(-1)[alpha] <= 0.5 results[key] = chance results = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(results).stack().reset_index() results.columns = ['stimulus', 'theta', 'flipped', 'model', 'chance'] pth = results_path.joinpath(filename) results.set_index("stimulus").to_csv(pth) with open(results_path.joinpath(texname), "w") as fh: fh.write("%% AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED -- DO NOT EDIT!\n") for model, chance in results.groupby('model')['chance']: num = chance.sum() if num < len(words): num = words[num] cmd = util.newcommand( "%sNumChance" % model.capitalize(), num) fh.write(cmd) return pth
def run(data, results_path, seed): np.random.seed(seed) keys = ['exp', 'expA', 'expB'] means = pd.read_csv(results_path.joinpath("trial_accuracy_means.csv")) results = {} for key in keys: df = means.groupby('model').get_group(key) trials = df['trial'] accuracy = df['median'] corr = util.bootcorr(trials, accuracy, method='spearman') results[key] = corr results = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(results, orient='index') = 'model' pth = results_path.joinpath(filename) results.to_csv(pth) with open(results_path.joinpath(texname), "w") as fh: fh.write("%% AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED -- DO NOT EDIT!\n") for model, stats in results.iterrows(): cmd = util.newcommand( "%sTrialAccuracyCorr" % model.capitalize(), util.latex_spearman.format(**dict(stats))) fh.write(cmd) return pth
def run(dest, results_path): results = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(results_path, "mass_accuracy_by_trial_corrs.csv")) results = results\ .set_index(['version', 'num_mass_trials'])\ .ix[[('G', 8), ('H', 20), ('I', -1), ('I', 5)]] replace = { 'H': 'One', 'G': 'Two', 'I': 'Three' } latex_pearson = util.load_config()["latex"]["spearman"] fh = open(dest, "w") for (version, num), corrs in results.iterrows(): if version == 'I' and num == 5: cmdname = "Exp{}MassTrialCorrWithinSubjs".format( replace[version]) else: cmdname = "Exp{}MassTrialCorr".format( replace[version]) cmd = latex_pearson.format(**corrs) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, cmd)) fh.close() return dest
def run(data, results_path, seed): np.random.seed(seed) results = {} for name in sorted(data.keys()): correct = data[name][data[name]['correct']] results[name] = 1. / util.bootstrap_mean(1. / correct['time']) results = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(results, orient='index') = 'model' # these are out of order, so fix them results = results.rename(columns={ 'lower': 'upper', 'upper': 'lower'}) pth = results_path.joinpath(filename) results.to_csv(pth) with open(results_path.joinpath(texname), "w") as fh: fh.write("%% AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED -- DO NOT EDIT!\n") for model, stats in results.iterrows(): cmd = util.newcommand( "%sTime" % model.capitalize(), util.latex_msec.format(**dict(stats))) fh.write(cmd) return pth
def run(data, results_path, seed): np.random.seed(seed) means = pd.read_csv(results_path.joinpath("accuracy_means.csv")) results = {} exclude = ['expA', 'expB', 'gs'] for (model, flipped), df in means.groupby(['model', 'flipped']): if model in exclude: continue results[(model, flipped)] = util.bootcorr( df['modtheta'], df['median'], method='spearman') results = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(results, orient='index') results.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( results.index, names=['model', 'flipped']) pth = results_path.joinpath(filename) results.to_csv(pth) with open(results_path.joinpath(texname), "w") as fh: fh.write("%% AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED -- DO NOT EDIT!\n") for (model, flipped), stats in results.iterrows(): cmd = util.newcommand( "%sThetaAccuracyCorr%s" % ( model.capitalize(), flipped.capitalize()), util.latex_spearman.format(**dict(stats))) fh.write(cmd) return pth
def run(dest, results_path): results = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(results_path, ("num_chance.csv"))) alpha = results.columns[-1] results = results\ .groupby('version')\ .sum()[alpha] replace = {'H': 'One', 'G': 'Two', 'I': 'Three'} fh = open(dest, "w") for version, num in results.iteritems(): name = "MassAccNumChanceExp{}".format(replace[version]) fh.write(util.newcommand(name, int(num))) fh.write(util.newcommand("{}Correction".format(name), alpha)) fh.close()
def run(dest, results_path): results = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(results_path, "precision_recall.csv")) results = results\ .groupby(['version', 'model', 'fitted'])\ .get_group(('H', 'static', False))\ .set_index(['likelihood', 'counterfactual']) query = util.load_query() fh = open(dest, "w") for (lh, cf), res in results.iterrows(): if lh == 'ipe_' + query: lh = 'Ipe' else: lh = "".join([x.capitalize() for x in lh.split('_')]) if cf: suffix = "{}CF".format(lh) else: suffix = "{}NoCF".format(lh) cmdname = "ExpOneFScore{}".format(suffix) cmd = "F_1={F1:.2f}".format(**res) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, cmd)) cmdname = "ExpOnePrecision{}".format(suffix) cmd = "{precision:.2f}".format(**res) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, cmd)) cmdname = "ExpOneRecall{}".format(suffix) cmd = "{recall:.2f}".format(**res) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, cmd)) cmdname = "ExpOneAccuracy{}".format(suffix) cmd = r"{:.1f}\%".format(res['accuracy'] * 100) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, cmd)) fh.close()
def run(dest, results_path): results = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(results_path, "payrate.csv")).set_index('version').T replace = {'H': 'One', 'G': 'Two', 'I': 'Three'} fh = open(dest, "w") for version, data in results.iteritems(): cmdname = "Exp{}MedianTime".format(replace[version]) time = "{:.1f}".format( pd.to_timedelta(data['median_time']).total_seconds() / 60.0) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, time)) fh.close()
def run(dest, results_path): main_query = util.load_query() results = pd\ .read_csv(os.path.join(results_path, "fall_response_corrs.csv"))\ .set_index(['block', 'X', 'Y']) format_pearson = util.load_config()["latex"]["pearson"] fh = open(dest, "w") for (block, x, y), corrs in results.iterrows(): x = "".join([i.capitalize() for i in x.split("_")]) cmdname = "FallCorr{}v{}{}".format(x, y, block) cmd = format_pearson.format(**corrs) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, cmd)) fh.close()
def run(dest, results_path): results = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(results_path, "num_participants.csv")) results = results\ .set_index('version')\ .stack() replace = {'H': 'One', 'G': 'Two', 'I': 'Three'} fh = open(dest, "w") for (version, note), num in results.iteritems(): note = ''.join([x.capitalize() for x in note.split('_')]) cmdname = "Exp{}{}".format(replace[version], note) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, int(num))) fh.close()
def run(data, results_path, seed): np.random.seed(seed) means = pd.read_csv(results_path.joinpath("response_time_means.csv")) means = means\ .set_index(['stimulus', 'theta', 'flipped', 'model'])['median']\ .unstack('model') results = {} exclude = ['exp', 'expA', 'expB', 'gs'] for key in means: if key in exclude: continue for flipped in ['same', 'flipped']: corr = util.bootcorr( means['exp'].unstack('flipped')[flipped], means[key].unstack('flipped')[flipped], method='pearson') results[(key, flipped)] = corr corr = util.bootcorr( means['exp'], means[key], method='pearson') results[(key, 'all')] = corr results = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(results, orient='index') results.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( results.index, names=['model', 'flipped']) pth = results_path.joinpath(filename) results.to_csv(pth) with open(results_path.joinpath(texname), "w") as fh: fh.write("%% AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED -- DO NOT EDIT!\n") for (model, flipped), stats in results.iterrows(): if flipped != 'all': continue cmd = util.newcommand( "%sTimeCorr" % model.capitalize(), util.latex_pearson.format(**dict(stats))) fh.write(cmd) return pth
def run(data, results_path, seed): np.random.seed(seed) results = {} for name in sorted(data.keys()): df = data[name] a = util.beta(df['correct']) * 100 results[name] = a results = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(results, orient='index') = 'model' pth = results_path.joinpath(filename) results.to_csv(pth) with open(results_path.joinpath(texname), "w") as fh: fh.write("%% AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED -- DO NOT EDIT!\n") for model, stats in results.iterrows(): cmd = util.newcommand( "%sAccuracy" % model.capitalize(), util.latex_percent.format(**dict(stats))) fh.write(cmd) return pth
def run(dest, results_path, counterfactual): results = pd\ .read_csv(os.path.join(results_path, 'bayes_factors.csv'))\ .groupby('counterfactual')\ .get_group(counterfactual)\ .set_index(['likelihood', 'version', 'num_mass_trials']) replace = { 'G': 'ExpTwo', 'H': 'ExpOne', 'I': 'ExpThree', 1: 'OneTrial', 2: 'TwoTrials', 3: 'ThreeTrials', 4: 'FourTrials', 5: 'FiveTrials', -1: 'AcrossSubjs', 8: '', 20: '' } query = util.load_query() fh = open(dest, "w") for (lh, version, num_trials), logk in results.iterrows(): if lh == "ipe_" + query: lh = 'Ipe' else: lh = "".join([x.capitalize() for x in lh.split("_")]) cmdname = "BayesFactor{}{}{}".format(lh, replace[version], replace[num_trials]) cmd = r"{logK:.2f}".format(**logk) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, cmd)) fh.close()
def run(dest, results_path): results = pd\ .read_csv(os.path.join(results_path, "human_mass_accuracy.csv"))\ .set_index(['version', 'kappa0']) * 100 latex_percent = util.load_config()["latex"]["percent"] replace = { 'H': 'One', 'G': 'Two', 'I': 'Three', '-1.0': 'KappaLow', '1.0': 'KappaHigh', 'all': '' } fh = open(dest, "w") for (version, kappa0), accuracy in results.iterrows(): cmdname = "MassAccExp{}{}".format(replace[version], replace[kappa0]) cmd = latex_percent.format(**accuracy) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, cmd)) fh.close()
def run(dest, results_path): accuracy = pd\ .read_csv(os.path.join(results_path, "mass_accuracy_by_stimulus_corrs.csv"))\ .groupby('version')\ .get_group('H')\ .set_index(['likelihood', 'counterfactual']) responses = pd\ .read_csv(os.path.join(results_path, "mass_responses_by_stimulus_corrs.csv"))\ .groupby('version')\ .get_group('H')\ .set_index(['likelihood', 'counterfactual']) human = pd\ .read_csv(os.path.join(results_path, "mass_by_stimulus_human_corrs.csv"))\ .set_index('judgment')\ .T latex_pearson = util.load_config()["latex"]["pearson"] query = util.load_query() fh = open(dest, "w") for (lh, cf), corrs in accuracy.iterrows(): if lh == 'ipe_' + query: lh = 'Ipe' else: lh = "".join([x.capitalize() for x in lh.split('_')]) if cf: suffix = "{}CF".format(lh) else: suffix = "{}NoCF".format(lh) cmdname = "ExpOneMassAccStimCorr{}".format(suffix) cmd = latex_pearson.format(**corrs) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, cmd)) for (lh, cf), corrs in responses.iterrows(): if lh == 'ipe_' + query: lh = 'Ipe' else: lh = "".join([x.capitalize() for x in lh.split('_')]) if cf: suffix = "{}CF".format(lh) else: suffix = "{}NoCF".format(lh) cmdname = "ExpOneMassRespStimCorr{}".format(suffix) cmd = latex_pearson.format(**corrs) fh.write(util.newcommand(cmdname, cmd)) fh.write( util.newcommand("MassRespHumanCorr", latex_pearson.format(**human['mass? response']))) fh.write( util.newcommand("MassAccHumanCorr", latex_pearson.format(**human['mass? correct']))) fh.close()
def run(data, results_path, seed): np.random.seed(seed) exp = data['exp'].set_index(['pid', 'trial']) pids = pd.Series(exp.index.get_level_values('pid')).drop_duplicates() pids.sort_values(inplace=True) pids = pids.reset_index(drop=True) n = len(pids) m = 100 time_corrs = np.empty(m) acc_corrs = np.empty(m) for i in xrange(m): idx = np.arange(n) np.random.shuffle(idx) p0 = pids[idx[:int(n / 2)]] p1 = pids[idx[int(n / 2):]] df0 = exp.drop(p0, axis=0, level='pid').reset_index() df1 = exp.drop(p1, axis=0, level='pid').reset_index() tm0 = df0[df0['correct']]\ .groupby(['stimulus', 'theta', 'flipped'])['time']\ .apply(util.logmean) tm1 = df1[df1['correct']]\ .groupby(['stimulus', 'theta', 'flipped'])['time']\ .apply(util.logmean) am0 = df0\ .groupby(['stimulus', 'theta', 'flipped'])['correct']\ .apply(util.beta).unstack(-1)['median'] am1 = df1\ .groupby(['stimulus', 'theta', 'flipped'])['correct']\ .apply(util.beta).unstack(-1)['median'] means = pd.DataFrame({'tm0': tm0, 'tm1': tm1, 'am0': am0, 'am1': am1}) time_corrs[i] = scipy.stats.pearsonr(means['tm0'], means['tm1'])[0] acc_corrs[i] = scipy.stats.pearsonr(means['am0'], means['am1'])[0] time_stats = np.percentile(time_corrs, [2.5, 50, 97.5]) acc_stats = np.percentile(acc_corrs, [2.5, 50, 97.5]) results = pd.DataFrame({ 'time': time_stats, 'accuracy': acc_stats }, index=['lower', 'median', 'upper']).T.reset_index() results['model'] = 'exp' results = results\ .rename(columns={'index': 'measure'})\ .set_index(['model', 'measure']) pth = results_path.joinpath(filename) results.to_csv(pth) with open(results_path.joinpath(texname), "w") as fh: fh.write("%% AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED -- DO NOT EDIT!\n") for (model, measure), stats in results.iterrows(): cmd = util.newcommand( "Exp%sCorr" % measure.capitalize(), util.latex_pearson.format(**dict(stats))) fh.write(cmd) return pth